Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 69: 69th

Although the work of education was difficult, Mu Xiaoxiao was in a good mood when she saw the children’s smiles. She was always thinking about Missy. Taking advantage of the lunch break, she hurriedly hurried to Wang’s house and finally arrived at the door. He saw the little flower standing in the doorway with his head down and a heavy bundle of firewood on his back. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:

Xiao Hua was sweaty, and she didn't know how long she had been here. Standing there, biting her lip and wanting to knock on the door but didn't dare to knock, her little hand lifted and put it down, put it down and lifted it up.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked funny in her heart, standing behind the wall secretly guarding.

She was looking forward to seeing how the eldest lady gets along with the children.

A few more minutes passed.

Only then did Xiao Hua pluck up the courage, she took a deep breath, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

The door was opened almost the moment she knocked.

The speed of opening the door made Xiaohua a little bit stunned and her heart rate quickened. The eldest lady was also a little stunned when she looked at her. She sat down for the whole morning today, thinking about waiting for Xiaoxiao to come back and talk about the waist incident, and waited. She didn't expect Xiaohua to be waiting.

Xiao Hua is very sensitive. She saw the disappointment flashing in her eyes, pursed her lips, and whispered, "Waiting for... girlfriend?"

Mu Xiaoxiao squatting in the corner:...

Damn it.

Is this kid so talented? ? ? Ruzi can be taught!

He will become a talent in the future.

The eldest lady looked at Xiao Hua and nodded: "Yes."

Little Flower:...

The fathers and elders in the village take good care of her. Everyone knows that this child has a low face and strong self-esteem. They all take care of her, speak carefully and never irritate the child.

It was the first time Xiaohua met someone like Missy.

Her **** grape-like eyes were full of embarrassment, but the eldest lady turned a blind eye. She let the door open: "Come in."

After speaking, she went in with her wheelchair herself.

Xiao Hua dragged the heavy firewood in. She put the firewood in the corner properly and wiped the sweat from her forehead, "The firewood you want."

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid that he would not be able to see it. At this moment, he had already stepped on the bricks and started to dig the roots of the wall.

"Can you put it here?"

Xiaohua asked carefully. When she went to chop wood today, she chose the best ones, one by one cut into the same length, neatly bundled. She saw that the yard was clean and tidy, for fear that it would make her sister unhappy if it was not put in place.

The eldest nodded, she glanced at Xiaohua's Chai: "Untie it."

Xiao Hua thought that Missy would use it, so she immediately untied the firewood.

The eldest lady watched her untie the firewood. She grumbled over in the wheelchair, bent down, grabbed a few of them with her hand, and threw them into the yard. She picked up a few more and threw them again.

Xiao Hua was dumbfounded.

Soon, the clean little yard was thrown into chaos by firewood.

The eldest lady felt better, she looked at Xiao Hua who was already dumbfounded: "Go wash your hands with me."

Mu Xiaoxiao in the corner looked at the mess in front of him:...

Damn it.

Where did she upset the eldest lady?

No, I still wear a tie for her affectionately in the morning.

Xiao Hua washed her hands clean, and she followed the eldest lady to the yard. Qin Yi did not speak, sitting in a wheelchair, looking into the distance.

Should have left.

Xiao Hua is a little bit reluctant. She likes her beautiful sister very much and feels that she is different from ordinary people.

Not much, looking coldly, but in fact very kind in heart.

She squatted there and looked at Qin Yi secretly without saying a word. After a long time, the eldest lady looked at her: "There is food in the kitchen."

Xiaohua shook her head. She was not hungry. After eating so much meat yesterday, she had diarrhea when she went home. Grandma also ate instant noodles. Today, she made a basket at home to prepare for these kind people. Yesterday Xiaoxiao had not finished eating what Xiaoxiao gave her, so she just went back to eat.

With the breeze blowing, the eldest lady's long eyelashes seemed to be stained with dew.

Xiao Hua hasn't read the book for a few days, and she doesn't know how to describe it, but she's mentally floating "so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful".

The eldest turned her head suddenly and looked at her: "Have you read a book?"

Xiao Hua shook her head, feeling stabbed in her heart, "I've only read it for a few days."

Food and clothing are all problems.

Although elementary school is compulsory education, the village head also said that her expenses can be reduced, but she is not at ease.

She went to school, what about grandma?

She can eat full at school, so what does grandma eat?


This topic made Xiaohua a little uncomfortable and embarrassed. The lady was silent for a while and said: "I can teach you."

Mu Xiaoxiao on the wall:! ! !

Do you still have this treatment? ? ?

She has never been taught by Miss!

The surprise hit her head like this, Xiao Hua didn't believe it, and looked at Qin Yi in a daze.

The eldest lady picked up materials on the spot, "Do you know how to write?"

Xiao Hua thought for a while: "It will be simple..."

The sister next door would often show her books. She knows some pinyin and some characters, but they are the simplest, especially sensitive to numbers.

The main reason for her reading is to understand the instructions of the grandmother's medicine. In the past, her grandmother had missed the medicine and had been uncomfortable for a long time.

She counts how many pills to take and when to take them, especially fast.

Now this pretty sister says to teach her.

On the one hand, Xiaohua is happy and excited, on the other hand, she is a little bit inferior.

She was afraid that she could not learn it, and she was afraid of embarrassment.

The eldest lady bent down and picked up a firewood thrown by herself: "Just four words a day."

She didn't say anything, but she seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

When Xiao Hua heard that there were only four words, she secretly sighed with relief, and watched her pretty sister writing with eager eyes.

The eldest lady bends down, her long hair like a waterfall fell down her snow-white neck, and her arms waved, and the four sonorous and powerful characters fell on the ground.

Teacher Mu's curiosity was aroused, and he clicked his toes and desperately went to see what the eldest lady wrote.

After seeing it clearly, those four words immediately caused an earthquake in her pupils.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

-Not observing women's morals.

Xiao Hua looked at it seriously. Among the four words, she knew "no" and "wo", and she said intermittently: "No...women..."

The eldest lady is very straight, she is very arrogant as a teacher, "Not observing women's way, that is, after a woman has a lover, she still hooks up outside."

Xiaohua listened and said, "It's too much."

The eldest lady couldn't help but glanced at the child a few more times, thinking that the child was teachable, and nodded: "Well, in ancient times, I was going to be immersed in a pig cage."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Xiaohua didn't understand what is called a pig cage, but she studied it earnestly. She felt that the handwriting of the eldest lady was particularly beautiful, even better than the handwriting of the school teacher she secretly read.

She was learning to draw with firewood on the ground. At first, she was crooked. After more than ten minutes of practice, the entire courtyard was covered with "unobservant women's virtues" on the floor of the small courtyard.

Teacher Mu, who is smashing the corner:...

The eldest found out that this child is very smart. In fact, a child who hasn't learned any characters, such four characters should be very difficult.

But she didn't say a word, she just followed the practice, taking pictures of cats and tigers. She was crooked at first, and now she has the style of her font.

The eldest lady has been professionally trained, and the writing in her hand pen can be directly framed as a facade. It is not easy to learn how she looks, let alone a child, or an adult.

These four characters are almost practiced, Xiao Hua's head is covered with sweat, she wiped it with the back of her hand, and smiled at the eldest lady in favor, "I learned."

Missy nodded, "So so."

Little Flower:...

She still wants to learn, but she is afraid that her sister will not teach it.

The eldest lady saw the child's thoughts, she went to the room and took a Mu Xiaoxiao notebook, unscrewed the pen, and wrote four more words on it, "Go back and practice this."

Smart children can learn in advance.

When it was written in the notebook, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't see it now, she pulled her neck and squinted into it.

Fortunately, Xiao Hua looked at the words seriously and read: "Little...Little..."

She only knew one of these four words.

Missy: "Little thief on the wall."

Mu Xiaoxiao:………………

One dare to teach, the other dare to learn.

The eldest lady handed both the notebook and pen to Xiaohua, "Bring it to me tomorrow."

Xiao Hua was a little afraid to pick it up. She had never used a pen. The pen was shining when she saw it just now. The nib seemed to be gold, so she didn't dare to accept it.

Qin Yi frowned and looked at her: "Don't want to learn?"

Xiaohua shook her head quickly, took the pen and notebook, and the eldest lady went to the house and bought Mu Xiaoxiao yesterday, her favorite French fries, and a lot of snacks, all of which were not bad, were given to Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua's moved tears were about to stay, she backed a few steps, bowed deeply to the lady, and ran away.

She has nothing to do with it.

She will remember this sister who was kind to her forever.

Teacher Mu, who watched his snacks be taken away:...

A full minute passed.

The thief knocked on the door pretendingly, "Miss? Miss, I'm back."

She is not embarrassed.

Only others are embarrassed.

Teacher Mu is naturally thick-skinned, which is a big advantage, otherwise she would not be able to survive in front of the sharp young lady.

The eldest lady was sitting in the courtyard filled with "Unguarded Women's Virtue" and throwing firewood to welcome Teacher Mu's return.

The door opened.

The sitting lady looked at her coldly, and put the knife when she raised her eyes.

Teacher Mu's neck was cold, she didn't dare to look at Missy's eyes: "Oh, why is this ground so messy, what have you done? Missy."

She bent down and started gathering firewood.

The eldest lady did not speak, but watched her acting quietly.

Teacher Mu's embarrassed head was about to fall to the ground. She didn't dare to look at the eldest lady, but look at the ground. They were all dazzling words, "What's inside, have you eaten? I'll make it for you."

The eldest lady said coldly: "Will you starve me to death?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

It came up with a choke, and Mu Xiaoxiao smiled nonchalantly: "Did Sister Fangfang make it for you?"

The eldest turned around, hard: "I haven't eaten yet."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The ancestors have not eaten yet.

She hurried to cook. The eggs in the village were very fresh. Mu Xiaoxiao spread an egg for the young lady, fried potato shreds, and made a lump soup.

Yesterday, she seemed to be a little angry with the eldest lady, her eyes were a little red, and she made a special list today.

She smiled and brought the dishes out and put them in front of the eldest lady.

The eldest lady sat in a wheelchair condescendingly and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with her eyes.

-Fool me?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

"I think you are upset, eat something light today." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, the eldest lady looked at her: "What did you eat at school?"

Mu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, knowing that she cares about her, she smiled and said, "I eat potatoes and beef."

The eldest lady looked at her, "Just give me this if you eat meat?"

With a "pop", he put down the chopsticks.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The eldest held her arms back and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao coldly.

At this moment, I didn't even say anything, and they just used sign language.

——I think Teacher Mu likes it very much. Are you planning to stay in three months?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

——I am so anxious every day, is there anyone in the school that makes you look forward to it?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Damn it.

What did Miss see or hear?

She has only been here for two days.

After being silent for a while, Qin Yi waved her hand, "Forget it."

She felt that such a gaffe was not her character.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded quickly and changed the subject: "You can eat some, and I will take you to exercise your leg strength."

The eldest lady looked at her with a pair of eyes, "Dancing?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Did the eldest take gunpowder?

What is going on?

In any case, coax people to stand up first, and then ask slowly.

Mu Xiaoxiao's attention was on the eldest lady. This was the first time that the eldest did not resist to practice and got up. She couldn't take care of the others. Holding her hands with two hands, she looked at her legs intently: "Yes, yes, that's it, be steady, go ahead and try."

The eldest lady's legs can't use strength, now she will sweat after standing up for a long time.

She lacks strength training.

Before coming over, Mu Xiaoxiao also went to the checkup with Missy specially. On the one hand, Dr. Xu said that Missy’s condition was much better, and on the other hand, he told Xiaoxiao privately that she would strengthen her daily training. Now Missy has her own stand. The ability to get up, but the lack of guidance, and the lack of a spirit of "she thinks", made Mu Xiaoxiao pay attention to mobilization.

How to mobilize Xiaoxiao?

The eldest lady is now thief in a wheelchair, hitting her, and crushing her. She is unhappy. Maybe she has to be chased like a motorcycle. She doesn't dare to say too deeply.

Mu Xiaoxiao did try to lead her to practice with her, but the eldest did not agree.

Xiaoxiao knew that in her heart, the eldest lady's idol was more burdensome, and she was afraid of losing face in front of her.


It's rare that the eldest lady stood up obediently today. Teacher Mu is very serious, "Come on, yes, that's it, slowly raise your foot, don't be afraid, I can't fall with your hand."

Her gaze was on the eldest's lap, she didn't know that the eldest's gaze was staring straight at her.

Biting her lip, the eldest lady took a step outside. Her legs were a little soft and she staggered. Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, and quickly hugged her waist, "It's okay, it's okay."

The eldest lady didn't panic when she was held in her arms, instead she got her waist with her hands.

Mu Xiaoxiao:? ? ?

The eldest lady's body was completely supported by Mu Xiaoxiao, and her body was leaning forward. In order to support the eldest lady, Xiaoxiao did not dare to move and let her lie on her body.

The eldest lady stared at her with dark eyes and moved forward. Xiaoxiao was taken aback, and her upper body stepped back.

With a sneer at the corner of her mouth, the eldest lady continued to post Mu Xiaoxiao regardless of whether she fell or not. Xiaoxiao was made to fall back to her waist. Her long hair slipped down her neck, and her waist curled up like a rainbow. The young lady's hand pinched her waist tightly, and one hand hooked the tie that Xiaoxiao had tied with her own hand. With a light effort, she hooked her back.

Xiaoxiao was forced to get close to the eldest lady, her face was red. Now, her eyes met and her nose smelled. Missy looked at her with a pair of dark eyes, holding her cheeks in both hands, not letting her move, and her nose was light. Rubbed the tip of her nose lightly.

The ears and temples are all the breath of temptation.

Who can bear such a trick?

Mu Xiaoxiao's legs were soft, and she bit her lip and trembled, "Miss, Miss..."

No more.

If this continued, she was afraid that she could not bear it and fell her.

Qin Yi didn’t care what she said, holding Xiaoxiao’s slender waist with her hands around her, looking at her with her eyes and lips against her ears, sighing like a blue, "Mr. Mu’s lower waist technique is good. Huh?"

Mu Xiaoxiao's voice seemed to be stuck in cotton, and she was speechless. She wanted to hide, but Qin Yi pinched her chin: "Don't move."

Mu Xiaoxiao's face was as red as a flower next to her, and her breathing was messed up, while the eldest lady did not rush and printed her cool lips on her forehead.

Although the lips were cold, but hot, Mu Xiaoxiao shuddered, her hand was a little bit, and the young lady frowned and warned again: "Don't move."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

She never knew that the most intolerable punishment in this world would come from the closest person.

The eldest lady is strong and unstoppable.

She didn't dare to move at all, and was slaughtered like fish on a chopping board.

And what about the eldest lady?

On one side, she threatened Xiaoxiao with herself, and on the other side, starting from her forehead all the way down, she kissed her little by little.

She felt the person in her arms go from stiff to limp, and her body temperature gradually heated to boiling, listening to Xiaoxiao crying: "Miss..."

Qin Yi grabbed her struggling right hand with her fingers interlocking, staring at her with misty eyes, her voice was different from usual, "Xiaoxiao."

Xiaoxiao looked up at her, her eyes full of drunkenness. She really has no strength anymore and can't go on like this anymore. Isn't this bullying?

If she were herself, she would have stood up and called the shots.

But the eldest had a black belly, she seemed to know she didn't dare to move, and actually used her to threaten her.

Qin Yi stared at her eyes and touched Xiaoxiao's hot cheeks with her hand. She didn't mean to let go of her. His lips were still pursing in her ears: "I'm not happy."

Mu Xiaoxiao's legs were trembling, she bit her lip and looked at Qin Yi, almost crying.

Do you want to bully her if you are not happy?

The author has something to say:    The second watch is so early, don’t let it down, cover your face

This is the first time that Miss Mu took the initiative to tell Teacher Mu her feelings.

——She is not happy.

So it won't make Xiaoxiao happy either.

Xiaoxiao could stay for a few days before the eldest lady stood up.

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