Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 97: 97th

Public opinion on the Internet is still fermenting, and more and more "truths" are being revealed. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:

Among them, the most famous one is that netizens are the most powerful in eradicating all worms. He not only picked out Mu Xiaoxiao’s ID number, phone number, and WeChat ID, but the most important thing is that he still doesn’t know how to get it. I took many daily photos of Mu Xiaoxiao and threw them on the Internet.

The most famous one is Xiaoxiao carrying a **** in her hand and following a few farmers to work in the countryside. Her forehead is sweaty, and her white shirt is dancing in the wind, smiling happily.

That was a photo of Xiaoxiao returning to her hometown in the countryside with a certain sponsored child. It was the autumn harvest season. The boy was short of labor at home. Xiaoxiao left without a word. She just got off the train and came in a hurry. She brought a set of her clothes, and she changed into a pair of loose trousers. The white shirt on it didn't have time to change. At that time, she wanted to work without delay, so she didn't pay attention to so much.

Xiaode's words are short but very direct.

——On the extent to which a person can fight for hype.

The netizens below followed a vote, leaving a variety of vulgar messages.

Netizen 1: Oh my goodness, this is also a lot of hard work for a few farmers, and I have to pose with her.

Netizen 2: You see how happy she is smiling, as soon as the photo was taken today, the smashed banknotes were credited.

Netizen 3: This is not professional at all, what does the posing team do? Where is someone who wears a white shirt when they go down to cultivate the land. They laugh to death. They don't have any common sense. How about returning college students cultivated by the country? Don't shame the country.

Netizen 4: Her shoes... Fuck, I just went to Taobao to check it and only 45. Who said they are unprofessional? We Mu Dashan earn so much money and only wear a pair of 45 yuan shoes, how dedicated, I must cry.


Outside is the carnival of netizens. Everyone has set off a wave of climaxes. Mu Xiaoxiao is an amateur. With his own strength, the popularity of Weibo continues.

The sun outside was as big as the autumn tiger's tail, and it was as hot as it was trying to force all the poison out.

Zhang Qiao sat weakly at the door of the police station. She looked at the phone and kept crying.

These few hours of waiting was like a catastrophe for her, and her three views were all shattered.

In the past, she only heard that, now, she really saw it, it turned from white to black, it turned out to eat human blood buns, it turned out to obliterate all of a person, and it turned out that it was so simple to pull a person down the abyss.

Xiao Hua has been squatting on the ground, her face has no smile that often bloomed during this time, as when Xiao Xiaogang found out, her eyes flashed with alertness and fear, and she was there alone.

In the afternoon, Su Qiuyun hurried over. There was Qiu Qiu with red and swollen eyes beside her. Qiu Qiu did not know how many tears she shed along the way.

When they came, Zhang Qiao stood up immediately after seeing them, and she stopped the tears that didn't take long before she fell again, "Auntie... Qiuqiu..." Qiuqiu rushed up and hugged Zhang Qiao. She shed tears, "Woo, sister Qiao, where is my sister?"

Su Qiuyun pursed her lips, her face was pale, and the white hair on her forehead was messy. She was getting older. After learning the news, she went to Xiaoxiao's house. After taking some things, she was about to come over without a word.

Song Ke originally wanted to follow, but there was no Xiaoxiao in the orphanage, and grandma was getting old again. As soon as Su Qiuyun left, the house would be messed up. She asked Song Ke to stay and watch the house. The ticket is coming.

Qiuqiu wanted to come over while crying. Su Qiuyun knew that her heart couldn't stand the stimulation, so she said not to take her with her.

But without saying anything, Qiuqiu knelt down to his mother at once. This kneeling shocked everyone in the orphanage.

Everyone is also anxious, especially the younger siblings crying when they know that something has happened to the elder sister.

But who is Qiuqiu? She has always been the little sun in the orphanage. She is not optimistic. To tease this younger brother today, and to tease that younger sister tomorrow, in her words: "We can't see any sickness at all, it is the most beautiful cub in this hospital."

Qiuqiu knelt on the ground, holding Su Qiuyun’s leg in her hand, looking up at her, tears gurgling down from the corner of her eyes: "Mom, my sister saved my life. She is out of this situation now. It’s something, if you don’t let me go, it’s better to die if I stay here and wait, please, mother, please..."

With the tears and the begging, Su Qiuyun, who was as strong as iron, couldn't help but burst into tears.

When they arrived, Su Qiuyun reported her identity as soon as possible. She wiped away the tears on her face and calmly calmed the children: "You all wait for it, don't make trouble."

She will actively cooperate with the police.

She believes that no matter when, the law will definitely return her innocence.

Because Xiaoxiao's mood is a bit unstable right now, when Su Qiuyun went in, the police deliberately asked her and Xiaoxiao separately for fear of irritation, and there was no face.

Not only did she come, she also brought a large suitcase with everything she brought from Xiaoxiao.

She didn't bring a change of clothes this time, or even toiletries.

All suitcases are used to hold these things.


In the afternoon, the policeman from the police station opened the door and took out a few steamed buns.

As soon as Xiaohua saw the door opened, she immediately looked up, her eyes full of anger at the woman in uniform.

Qiuqiu's face was pale yellow, and she leaned on Zhang Qiao's silent tears.

She was sitting here, her sister's smile filled her mind, the way she was when she touched her hair.

She swears that as long as the sister comes out, as long as the sister is well, she will study hard in the future, and she will do whatever the sister says.

They are not related by blood, but Xiaoxiao has always treated her better than her sister.

If possible, Qiuqiu looked up at the sky, she was willing to use her life for her sister's peace and joy.

What is going on in this world?

Why is it so?

Xiaohua was young, but with a ferocious look like a wolf, the shocked policewoman took a step back. She pursed her lips and said softly, "Your sister begged us to bring it to you."

Xiaoxiao heard what the police inside said about Xiaohua, she silently did not respond, and dropped her head, but when she raised her head again, her eyes were rubbing red.

When she heard the word "sister", Xiao Hua pursed her lips. She still shrank her body, just as if she was correcting, she said softly: "Teacher, Teacher Mu."

It is the teacher, her teacher, and her benefactor.

The policewoman was stunned. She handed the steamed bun. Xiao Hua looked at the steamed bun. She shook her head and raised her tanned little hand. She calmed her tone: "Sister, when can the teacher come out?"

The policewoman was a little embarrassed when she was asked. She checked the time: "The time for citizens to cooperate with the summons is generally no more than twelve hours. Your sister's case has a relatively large social impact and is somewhat complicated. The continuous summons will not exceed 24 hours. Yes, did you see those brothers who went out just now? They are all busy for this."

She looked up, looked at the camera next to her, and lowered her voice, "I believe her too."

This was something a policewoman in uniform shouldn't have said, but as time went by, Xiaoxiao said little by little the past.

There are many things that Mu Xiaoxiao thought would be rotten in his heart for the rest of his life and would not tell anyone.

She always believes that in today's society, everyone is living in the spotlight, is very good at packaging themselves, and the world knows that they can't wait to do anything, and there are too few unknown heroes like their fathers.

What she does is what she wants to do, without any hype, and without being praised by anyone.

Even Miss Xiaoxiao rarely mentioned those things.

The sun was shining brightly, and the sun outside was so warm, but Xiaoxiao in the police station was all numb, her blood seemed to be frozen, and her always optimistic heart fell.

She numbly answered the police's question.

Watch them punch out all the bank records, and watch them ask about the source of income one by one.

To be honest, the police have been dealing with cases for a long time, and many people have been in contact with them, and there are also a lot of people who print bank records to cooperate with the case, but it is the first time they see people like Xiaoxiao.

Every money she received was transferred out almost immediately. After half a year of running water, she printed a thick copy, and it was densely packed in and out of accounts almost every day.

In her shopping software such as Taobao and Jingdong, most of the things she buys are firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and they are bought in boxes and boxes. Most of the delivery addresses are orphanages, and some are in remote mountainous areas, and some have high shipping costs. Sorrowful.

There were scattered clothes she bought for herself. The male policeman didn’t know the brand, but he saw the price of the clothes above, what free shipping is 38, what is a set of Korean style 66, and there are only 88 special jeans. He repeatedly looked at it. Several times, looking up at Mu Xiaoxiao, she was wearing the worn-out suit.

They were right. In just one month, the price of the basic items she distributed to orphanages and other places was more than 15 thousand.

She is just a student, where did she get so much money?

Xiaoxiao is a very ethical psychologist. She guarantees the safety of her clients. At this time, she refused to provide the police with specific information about her clients.

Many of her clients have suffered thousands of stabs and wounds. The scars are finally healed. It is impossible for them to expose their wounds to the sun again in order to let them testify for themselves.

It’s just that the last message sent to her by each of her clients has not been deleted. Sometimes, when Xiaoxiao is very tired, she will take a look at the message. Those messages are like sunshine, falling in her heart and giving her strength. She has kept it for many years.

——Ms. Xu Xiaoxiao on March 1, 2018, although you are a freshman, you have a high level of beauty and ability. Thank you for everything you have done for my daughter. She is much better now. With a smile on her face, my family is grateful. you.

Xiao Wang April 15, 2018 Teacher Mu, I don't know how to express my gratitude. There are thousands of mountains and rivers, and I will remember you wherever I go in the future.

Little Rabbit June 5, 2018 Sister Xiaoxiao, thank you very much. After you came, my parents can understand me, and I won't screw them so much anymore. I have time to come to my house for dinner.

Bald Child January 1, 2019 Sister, thank you for staying with me to chat with me at the end of my chemotherapy, thank you for accompany me through the last journey of life day by day without any fees, let me know this world There is still temperature. In this life, I have nothing to thank you for. In the next life, I will repay you by being a cow or a horse.

Brother Yu, on February 18, 2019, my wife’s condition is much better, you are terrible, young and promising, brother, thank you!


Sister Xiaohuya September 1, 2021, I'm going to school, thank you, I don't want to pay for it, I will study hard and I will also be a person like you.

The irony is that the above information is all thanks to this, but today, Xiaoxiao's mobile phone is about to explode, and all the slanderous messages are displayed as unread.

——Why don’t you die?

If you are so scumbag, you will embarrass the world's college students! Shameless ***!

Seeing you look like a fox, is it comfortable when you are in the boss’s bed? Is it cool to collect donations from the society like blood sucking? Can your conscience get by? Are you not afraid of receiving retribution and lower eighteen levels of hell? !

Have fun with brother all night? I can give you a few hundred dollars.

You are so disappointing! Smear the face of Chinese college students!


On the one hand, it was grateful, and on the other hand, it was slanderous. The policewoman looked at Xiaoxiao and felt uncomfortable. She felt that the child was like a flower that was about to wither, low and depressed.

In addition to this information, in front of the police, there is also a bookkeeping book that Xiaoxiao carried with her. This is not for her to show off, but because she supports too many people and is trivial to avoid making mistakes. She is always anxious. of.

The densely packed writing is very full. The police read one by one. This portable notepad was only opened this month, and it is almost full.

——Grandma Xiaohua’s house is laying foundations. The initial budget is 50,000 yuan, and 10,000 yuan will be left at the end of the month.

The iron gate of Grandpa Lin's house must be repaired. He is a widow and lonely old man who is not safe at home and has a budget of 200.

Uncle Liu’s house in Linxi Village suffered a flood, and his wife and children were washed away. At the end of the month, he remitted 500 yuan to brother Yu Yue.


One by one, the last one, wet with sweat, was silently written down on the way back from her visit with Zhang Qiao's home.

——There are too many lonely old people in the village. If you can, come here at the end of the year to see if you can do something for them. Budget:?

She doesn't know how much she can give, but if so, give it as much as possible.

When the last page was turned, the male policeman could still bear it, but when the female policeman raised her head, her eyes turned red.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat there with her head down, her whole spirit was going to collapse, and the various departments kept asking questions. She felt that her head was stupid, and she seemed to be unable to hear anything.

The questioning lasted for another hour, the door was knocked, and a policeman said something to the other party, and then pulled a suitcase in.

At the moment when Mu Xiaoxiao, who had been hanging her head down, saw the box, her eyes suddenly turned red and she stood up from the chair.

The two policemen who inquired about her one day's transcripts were startled by her at such a stand, and they all looked at her. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the box, and after holding back tears for a long time, she slid down her cheeks: "This box, this box... mother……"

How could they let Su Qiuyun come? !

Xiaoxiao pulled her neck and yelled: "How old is she, she is in such a bad health!!! Why are you letting her come?!"

She told her everything!

Why should I call my mother! why? !

Could it be that she really did something heinous, she should have been slashed a thousand times? !

Seeing that Mu Xiaoxiao's excitement tended to collapse, the female police couldn't stop her. There was no way, the leader coordinated and asked Su Qiuyun to come over to her.

When Su Qiuyun hurried in with a tired face, when she saw Xiaoxiao shouting hysterically, she trembled: "Xiaoxiao!"

The mother's "Xiaoxiao" made Mu Xiaoxiao pressed there as if she had been punctuated by someone.

She stared at Su Qiuyun blankly. The eyes that used to be full of happiness and smiles are now full of sorrow and pain. She stared at her mother blankly, her eyes covered with tears.

Su Qiuyun couldn't help it anymore, she stepped forward and hugged Xiaoxiao.

Su Qiuyun patted her back, tears falling drop by drop: "It's okay, it's okay, mom is here, mom is here."

Sniffing the familiar taste, Xiaoxiao's body gradually loosened in this embrace that contained everything from her childhood. She leaned against Su Qiuyun, tears streaming incessantly. I don't know how long it took, she wiped it with the back of her hand. She shed tears on her face and looked up at Su Qiuyun, "Mom, I didn't do those things...I didn't..."

Coming to the police station for so long and being questioned for so long, this is the first time she has defended herself.

In her mother's arms, she finally no longer couldn't bear the depression anymore, and she collapsed completely.

She is not filial.

She is not filial, so she is so old, and let her mother work so hard for her, and let her suffer such a crime.

On that rainy night a few years ago, Xiaoxiao discounted the leg of the **** for Lan'er, and entered the police station in such a desperate manner.

At that time, she was accused by her biological parents and faced legal sanctions. She had never been so desperate.

At least, that time, she really did it.

But now, what exactly did she do to make everyone such a verbal criticism, and she would not give up until she died.

She didn't, she really didn't...

Su Qiuyun nodded, choked up: "Mom knows, mom knows..."

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