Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 940: the depths of the sea

"Thank you for your grace."

Duan De's face twitched, he didn't know why, he felt as if he had been penetrated by Gu Shaoshang's eyes, and his heart was slightly cold.

However, immediately, Duan De felt a little relieved.

Reincarnation is not an easy task. From the time of chaos, to the post-desolate era, it took hundreds of millions of years to live only nine generations, so it can be seen that it is normal.

For most of the years, he was struggling between life and death!

But now Gu Shaoshang is standing in the cycle of reincarnation. The reincarnation opened up by his supreme will will not collapse for hundreds of millions of years, which can make his cultivation faster.

With this reincarnation, not to mention the quasi-immortal emperor, it is the immortal emperor, he dares to think about it!

This is also the reason why he is willing to do his best to help Gu Shaoshang open up reincarnation.

You must know that the imprint of the ninth reincarnation is the place where his cultivation is the Dao Fruit.

Gu Shaoshang nodded and said no more.

There is a layer of secrets on Duan De's body, he knows it, but there are so many secret people in this world, how could he ever tell anyone about his own secrets.

Therefore, he didn't mean to peep into Duan De's secret.

As long as you know that Duan De was Shi Hao's brother in his previous life, and now he is Ye Fan's brother, that's enough.

As for the rest, Gu Shaoshang wouldn't care about his chance.


In the underworld, strands of aura are rolling, and there are all the great roads, but the dominant one is naturally the great road of reincarnation.

When the Great Way of Reincarnation is generated, it must be connected with the ten thousand Taos, covering the four poles of the heavens and the earth, and immeasurable sentient beings. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the complexity of it.

Now that the Yin Division is in the ascendant, it still needs the three people without beginning to sit down.

At this point, Gu Shaoshang did not intervene, just looked at it casually, and then walked into the starry sky.

This universe, named by Gu Shaoshang as the underworld, is not much different from the universe that covers the sky. It is more similar in that there is no such thing as nine heavens and ten earths, but stars one by one, revolving around the underworld. .

The essence of these stars is scattered, and I am afraid that countless creatures will be born, and I am afraid that it will be different from the creatures in the one hundred and eighty domains of the earth.

However, with the way of reincarnation, the two worlds can be mobilized, people in the underworld can reincarnate in the underworld, and people in the yang world can reincarnate in the yang world, and it will not have any effect.

If you want, it is possible for the underworld to come to the yang world, and the yang world to go to the underworld.

Of course, at this time, in the underworld, there are naturally no living beings.


At this time, the void cracked, and Ye Fan paced into the starry sky and came behind Gu Shaoshang.

Before, he sat in Heavenly Court and never made a move, guarding against Heavenly Dao's backhand and those giants in the world that might make a move.

At this time, the reincarnation has already been opened, and he will naturally not be trapped in the heaven and come to this great world.

"This universe is quite similar to the past..."

Looking at the universe starry sky, Ye Fan also misses it a little.

The world that used to cover the sky was a big universe, where countless ancient stars of life shone together, and countless living beings could not go to another star when they died of old age.

It is conceivable that the creation of this universe, Beginningless also made reference to the former universe that covered the sky.

"The battle of the Heavenly Dao cannot be over in a short period of time. There is nothing to do in the world for the time being. It is convenient for you to test your Dao in this world."

Gu Shaoshang stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly.

Ye Fan opened up his own cultivation avenue, and never gave up. In countless years, I don't know how many times I have tried it.

Although there have been successes and failures, until now, it has fallen into a bottleneck and cannot be deduced again.

"The way of evolution, in the end, still needs to be perfected by the collision of one universe and endless creatures."

Ye Fan nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

This side of the universe is only a subsidiary of the reincarnation. Although the essence of all paths is abundant, there are no living beings. It is possible to use a great world to evolve its own cultivation system.

After all, in the world of the sun, many large domains practice the ancient method of immortals, and the Heaven-shading Great 6 and the Divine Tomb Great 6 practice the Heaven-shading Technique and the Divine Tomb Technique.

Even if Ye Fan teaches the Dao, there may not be many people who practice it.

After all, although there are no flaws in his path, he has never opened it up himself, and at most he can cultivate to the realm equivalent to that of a great emperor.

Because his bottleneck is stuck here.

Once you break through this bottleneck, you may be a true immortal, and the road to the immortal king can be completed in one go, but it is obviously not possible at present.

No one will abandon the complete system and not practice, to be his test object.

And Ye Fan, naturally, did not have the idea of ​​forcing others, so this newly opened universe was quite useful to him.

"The Immortal Emperor opened his own way, how difficult it is, the Huangtian Emperor is really amazing."

Thinking about it, Ye Fan sighed slightly.

Even if he practiced the method of covering the sky, he might not be able to become an Immortal Emperor, but how could Ye Fan be willing?

Along the way, he pushed all the enemies in the world horizontally, and many great emperors and ancient emperors were suppressed by him. He was the Emperor of Huangtian. He admired him in his heart, and would not think that he would not belong to him!

As early as countless years ago, he already had the idea of ​​opening up his own avenue, especially after Gu Shaoshang taught many classics!

Taking the Myriad Realms and Myriad Daos as the foundation, and using himself as the template, to open up one, he will definitely be able to do it!

In the near future, when his system is completed, it may not be able to overwhelm the ancient method of immortality, keep pace with the method of covering the sky, or even......!

This is Ye Fan's ambition!

"The origin of one way, the ancestor of one world, how can it be simple."

Gu Shaoshang also sighed slightly.

The endless infinite multiverse is so huge, and in the endless years, so many amazing people have been born.

But even when looking at the entire endless infinite multiverse, Shi Hao's courage and mind are the top!

This point, Gu Shaoshang is very clear.

"How do you want to do it?"

After sighing, Gu Shaoshang said, "Can I help you?"

"No need, I am enough."

Ye Fan shook his head slightly, overlooking the vastness of the galaxy, and said lightly: "After the reincarnation is completely established, I will promote the evolution of this world, so that life can be born on these stars, pass down the foundation of cultivation, and let the stars above A hundred flowers bloom!"

Saying that, Ye Fan smiled slightly: "Perhaps, it's okay to let Duan De try it first."

"You can do whatever you want."

Gu Shaoshang was waved his hand and walked away.

Ye Fan bowed slightly, and after Gu Shaoshang disappeared, he slowly got up and looked down at the galaxy, his eyes brightened:

"The Road to the Immortal Emperor..."


Opening up the cycle of reincarnation, dividing the real and the illusory, in the entire perfect world, only Jihai is not under the jurisdiction of Gu Shaoshang.

In the highest place of the world, you can clearly see that on one side is the endless dark sea, in which the darkness is rolling, and the waves are rippling, and there is a world that is shattered.


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