Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1026: 8 emperors of the human race

On the platform of worshiping the ancestors and conferring the king, many holy people of the Shenhuang human race hand in hand to congratulate each other.

Gu Shaoshang returned the courtesy and stepped forward.

"King Shengpan, come forward and worship your ancestors."

The whiskers were all white, and the high priest with a slender figure walked up to Gu Shaoshang with a thick incense stick.

This old man looks ordinary, without any power, just like the most ordinary old man.

He knew at a glance that the high priest was seriously injured.

The injury of the Dao is that his way of standing has been impacted, and his foundation has been shaken by the enemy's Dao.

This kind of injury is difficult to heal.


Gu Shaoshang nodded, and under the guidance of the high priest, lit the column of spiritual incense and inserted it into the copper tripod above the altar.


In the curling smoke, a ray of golden light manifested, and a huge sacred world could be seen looming in it.

One of the rounds of golden sun flickered.

Faintly, Gu Shaoshang seemed to feel a strange light.

It was as if someone looked at him from a distance.

However, this feeling was only fleeting, and he couldn't capture it with his current sense.

This is not the time to explore, Gu Shaoshang just moved in his heart and kept this matter in his heart.

The ceremony of conferring the king was unexpectedly simple, but it was completed after a stick of incense was put on it and three prostrations were made.

After that, the emperor stepped forward, came before the crowd, and took off a bead from the crown.

That pearl is no more than the size of an ordinary person's finger belly, but there are mountains and rivers rolling on it, the sun and the moon rising and falling, the sea of ​​stars rising and falling, the profound meaning of the flow of time and space, it is like a sacred world!

When the emperor pinched the bead, the bead moved slightly and turned into a new flat crown with ten pillars.

After Gu Shaoshang took off the Pingtian crown on top of his head, he took a step forward with a solemn expression, put the Pingtian crown on Gu Shaoshang's head, and said:

"From now on, Gu Shaoshang, the people of Shenhuang, will be the fourteenth king of Shenhuang, title, and plate!"

The emperor's voice was like a cloud hanging from the sky, covering the four poles and shaking the world.

The brilliance of that humanity was mighty and mighty, and under the tyrannical will of the Emperor, it instantly swept the entire territory of the human race and countless cities.

It seems that hundreds of millions of divine dragons criss-cross the territory of the human race, tweeting wantonly, and not dispersing for a long time.

"Pan Wang, Gu Shaoshang! Holy Pan King, Gu Shaoshang!"

As the voice of the emperor fell, many laws within the emperor's sky shook, and the ubiquitous and unpredictable will flickered slightly.

An invisible and intangible, but true and true fruit status, was blessed on Gu Shaoshang!

Strips and strands of divine light like waterfalls hang down from the crown worn by Gu Shaoshang, flowing down like divine waterfalls, covering the entire ancestral hall.

Incomparably holy, incomparably bright!

Gu Shaoshang, who was bathed in divine light and shrouded in the aura of humanity, only felt that he was no longer separated from Cangmang Continent.

Whether it is many avenues or endless laws, they are all manifested under the light of his eyes.

It's as if it's destiny!

"All the time, heaven and earth are together..."

Under the mian, Gu Shaoshang's eyes were dark and uncertain, and his expression was neither happy nor sad.

The status of the holy king is comparable to that of a prince.

Any creature under the protection of the fruit status will be favored by heaven and earth, whether it is cultivation or enlightenment, there is divine help!

Of course, every prince knows it.

This is not the favor of Cang Mang, but the time when the ancestor "Xi" was in the Destiny Clan at that time, and the Cang clan sacrificed their blood to Cang Mang to divide the world.

Taken by life!

It is not the favor of heaven and earth, but the shadow of the ancestors!

Therefore, the vast human race does not worship gods and demons, does not worship heaven and earth, but only worships ancestors.


In less than half a day, the ceremony of conferring the king came to an end.

The entire Shenhuang and even the human race knew about the existence of Gu Shaoshang, and even among the ten thousand races, there were some holy people who had insight into the information of the King's Hall through the avenue.

Some people are happy, some people are afraid, and some people have murderous intentions in their hearts.

Among the ten thousand races, there is a faint undercurrent.

In the past, even if the human race had one more innate divine, people of other races would not care much.

But before Cangzhi 6 was about to come, the human race had to add two innate sacred statues, so they had to make people with a heart to be afraid, disrupting some people's plans.

After the ceremony of conferring the king, the entire Human Emperor Heaven, and even the Divine Desolate Capital, all reveled for three days, and the trillions of warriors listened to Gu Shaoshang's martial arts under the conferring platform.

For seven days in a row, Gu Shaoshang only got off the Conferring King Stage and returned to the mansion that had been upgraded to the Panwang Mansion.

"Three days later, the princely meeting will be held in the treasure left by the ancestors."

In the hall of King Pan's Mansion, a majestic voice sounded.

Glancing at the glamorous King Shenghui, Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

Naturally, it is impossible for a princely meeting to be held in a large audience like a ceremony of conferring a king.

Although the Heavenly Secrets cannot be deduced because of the mutual influence of many great powers, but if you want to obtain some information, deduction is not necessarily required.

"King Pan has become holy, and he is naturally qualified to know some secrets."

King Shenghui's sleeve robe swayed slightly, and his domineering will enveloped the entire mansion before he spoke slowly.

"Appreciate further details."

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Most of his promotions are in the Myriad Realms, and he knows very little about the many secrets in the vastness.

Naturally, he knew less about the secrets of the human race.

"In the endless years, there have been many battles on the vast Continent. Before the ancient times, the battle between the human race and the blue race was only the last recorded one. Before that, no one knew about it."

King Shenghui recalled for a moment, and opened his mouth to tell:

"The origin of the vast Continent has long been unknown, and the records of the human race have only begun since ancient times."

"Before the ancient times, the human race defeated the Cangzu, or in other words, it was the ancestors who surpassed the ancestors... After the disappearance of the human race, the Emperor Tai opened the ancient era, and the coercion was vast, and the next few saint emperors It also dominates the world and sweeps the invincible......"

"Until later, in a war that no one can remember, the eight holy emperors disappeared..."

"After several wars, the countless large and small worlds attached to the vast Continent have almost all collapsed. So far, there are only one billion left, far less than one billionth of the one in the heyday."


King Shenghui succinctly told several major events of the human race, some of which Gu Shaoshang knew long ago, and naturally, there are more that he did not know.

"The eight holy emperors have really fallen?"

Gu Shaoshang opened his mouth and interrupted King Shenghui.

What he cared about the most was, of course, Ren Zuxi and the eight holy emperors of ancient times.

After all, those eight are very likely to be the existence of Hunyuan series.

Such an existence, whose name can be spread among the human race, cannot truly fall.

King Shenghui hesitated slightly.

"As you and I are in a realm, there will be a day to return after the fall, and it is even more impossible for several holy emperors to really fall."

Gu Shaoshang glanced at King Shenghui lightly, and said, "Could it be that the prince thinks that I don't understand?"

"Don't blame Pan Wang."

King Shenghui touched his chin lightly, his beautiful eyes flowed, and he said with a smile: "As you said, it is almost difficult for me to fall for such an existence. But once it falls, it is not so easy to return."

"Several Sacred Emperors disappear for only tens of millions of years, which is not a long time for me. Wouldn't it be easy to come back?"

Gu Shaoshang nodded.

Tens of millions of years are too short for the innate sacredness, and it is naturally almost impossible to recover so quickly.

"However, if the world changes greatly, the Holy Emperor can return early."

King Shenghui smiled slightly, pointed to the sky, and said, "The High Priest once said that if Cangzhi Da6 comes, all the Holy Emperors should have a chance to return early."

"So, what about the old antiques that once fell?"

Gu Shaoshang rolled his eyes and remembered something.


King Shenghui nodded and said, "There is a natural reason why the vast tens of thousands of clans went to Chaos Heaven. All the great powers who once fell have returned, and this movement is too big."

"It's not that simple."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head.

Whether it's Daluo or Hunyuan, once he falls in the same rank battle, or is killed by a stronger power.

Its essence will dissipate, and if you want to return, I don't know how long it will take.

In just tens of millions of years, how could it be possible for so many great powers to return.

"The high priest can't be wrong, and the one from the demon race can't be wrong either."

King Shenghui didn't argue, just said a random sentence and got up to leave.

What's more, at the meeting of princes, the emperor will naturally talk about her coming here, just to show her kindness.

Gu Shaoshang sent King Shenghui out of the mansion.

"Return to all..."

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly.

Although he didn't think that what King Shenghui said would actually come true, he couldn't help but be a little cautious.

In the endless years, there are probably not many strong people who have fallen from the vast Continent.

How did the eight ancient emperors fall?

While his thoughts were turning, Gu Shaoshang returned to the hall and waited for the convening of the princely meeting.


In a flash, three days have passed, and the day of the princely meeting has finally arrived.

On this day, the emperor's soldiers came to invite the princes to leave and go to the imperial palace.


Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes and told the **** dog lying in front of him.

Under the leadership of the soldier, he went to the palace of the people.

Above the vast pastoral fields, a door that is the same color as the sky is opened, and the slightest traces of desolate atmosphere hang down.

When Gu Shaoshang came here, most of the princes had already entered it.

"The treasure of human ancestors..."

Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes and felt it, only to feel that the portal was visible to the naked eye, but his will could not be felt.

With his current cultivation base, he couldn't see through the scene behind the gate.

With a slight movement in his mind, Gu Shaoshang stepped into it.

Between the flow of light and shadow, the desolate breath enveloped Gu Shaoshang's body and mind, and in a trance, it seemed that pieces of ancient history flowed by his side, shocking people's hearts.

In an instant, Gu Shaoshang came to a strange place.

The airflow of chaos transformed into a hall connecting the sky and the earth.


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