Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1042: Can Tun can testify?

The sea of ​​blood rolled, and the palace came erratically.

Many armored demons stood stunned, and there was not a trace of brilliance in their eyes, only the ultimate killing demon intent.

The smell here is too strong, even though he covered his sense of smell, he still found it unbearable.

"These demons have all been controlled and turned into puppets! I'm afraid this is a big demon!"

The **** dog murmured, but there was no fear.

Not to mention that Gu Shaoshang is here, he is the only one who can kill him with a sneeze against these little guys who are no more than Sendai!

Gu Shaoshang felt something slightly, and ignored the **** dog's self-talk.

If you want to see, what the **** has been done to attract a Tathagata to take action.


Unexpectedly, while talking, the **** dog really sneezed.


I saw that there was a huge roar like the explosion of ten thousand thunders.

The mighty blood slammed into the entire sea of ​​blood, and the huge blood wave wrapped around countless Asuras, swaying thousands of feet high.

Like a blood-colored curtain, it pressed towards the huge palace slowly coming from the sea of ​​blood thousands of miles away.


Many demons in front of the hall roared in unison, bursting with boundless demonic energy, and bombarded the huge waves.

"Not a little timid..."

Suddenly, a light reprimand resounded above the sea of ​​blood.

The void suddenly stagnates slightly, the sea of ​​blood freezes, and the huge waves that shoot down are still.

"Huh? Where is a little doll from?"

The **** dog was naturally not stagnant, with a hint of surprise.

But I saw a small child paced out of the **** palace and came out lazily.

"Do you want to die?"

The child was white and clean, wearing a big red bellyband, with a bun up to the sky, carrying a small and delicate slingshot and swinging: "How dare you provoke a big devil?"


As the child stepped out, the flow of blood resumed on the sea again, and the vast blood waves rolled down and slapped on the sea of ​​blood.

I don't know how many Asuras were killed for a while.

He didn't seem to be here for those Asuras. On the contrary, those Asuras were in a mess, and he showed a smile.

"Hey, little brat! Where's your grown-up?"

The **** dog was a little surprised. Although he just sneezed at random, it was enough to shatter a small world and shatter the galaxy.

This kid is a little strong.

The little boy in the apron picked his nostrils and slapped lazily: "It's none of your business!"


With a flick of his flick, a group of blood-colored divine light slammed across tens of millions of miles and slammed towards the **** dog.

The blood-colored divine light enveloped the sea of ​​blood, creating endless ripples, rushing towards the place where Gu Shaoshang was.

"Hey, you little boy!"

The **** dog bared his teeth, opened his mouth and spit, and then a hanging galaxy fell down, smashing the divine light, and tearing the void thousands of miles apart.

Press on that little child!


The Milky Way has not yet fallen, and the palace, which is already shaking with its mighty power, is roaring more and more.

"Hard stubble..."

The little guy in the bellyband was slightly startled, stepped back, retracted the slingshot, and shouted, "Big Devil, someone is here to kick the game!"

"Okay, don't make trouble."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly, the falling Milky Way disappeared without a trace, and the boiling sea of ​​blood slowly returned to calm.

"Great Emperor, this little brat."

The **** dog grinned and said, "This little brat is quite interesting."

Bear kids or something, he likes it the most.

His gaze seemed to fall on the child, causing the child to tremble a little unconsciously, and his body felt a little cold.


When Gu Shaoshang opened his mouth, the vast sea of ​​blood shook slightly, and the extremely viscous blood rolled toward both sides.

A huge blood-colored palace that was more than a thousand times far away from the palace where the little boy was located slowly rose up, and millions of ferocious Asura kings crowded the hall with a cold expression.

The monstrous demonic energy obscured the sky and the sun, and the starry sky under the endless sea of ​​blood was so dark that it almost went out.

step, step, step~~~

The crisp footsteps sounded like drums.

Under the shadow of the main hall, a blood-robed robe with white hair like snow and a cinnabar-like wound between his brows came out with black and white swords in his arms.

"What are you here for?"

Mingshang looked at Gu Shaoshang standing with his hands behind his back and frowned slightly.

"If you don't come, you will die."

Gu Shaoshang shook his sleeves and stepped up to the main hall.

"Be good..."

The **** dog was startled. The two looked so similar that they were carved out of the same mold.

"The emperor still left an illegitimate child here?"

The **** dog unconsciously flashed such a thought.


The child who had been looking lazy since the main hall appeared, sneered and didn't seem surprised.

"How can I die?"

Mingshang sneered and said, "Who can hurt me in a small world?"

After Gu Shaoshang ascended to the Daluo realm, he took advantage of the situation to also ascend to the Daluo realm. Although he was not as good as the deity, in a small realm under the jurisdiction of the Westward Journey, who could help him?

"One Tathagata......"

Gu Shaoshang paced towards the **** palace and said, "You are not an opponent."

"so what?"

Mingshang raised his eyebrows slightly, and the cinnabar between his eyebrows became more and more bewitching: "He wants to kill me, and I want to kill him too!"

He followed behind Gu Shaoshang and walked towards the main hall, with no concern on his face.

The whole body is blood-colored and crystal clear, and the light is dim in the hall completely cast by the law of blood.

The hall was extremely spacious, and at this time there was no one there. Only under the ferocious throne, a calf-sized, white-haired tiger with dragon horns on its forehead, a beak like an eagle's beak, and wings on its back was crawling on the ground.

Hearing footsteps, he couldn't help shaking.

"These bald donkeys are hypocrisy..."

Mingshang hugged his double swords, sneered, and said, "I came to this world, and I haven't violated Qiuhao, but I have swallowed the Asura Dao, the Hungry Ghost Dao, and the Demon Realm, so I want to come to the Demon Guard Dao?"

A gloomy light flashed in Mingshang's eyes.

What he gathered was nothing but all the demons in the three realms and six realms, and devoured them all, so that they could not do evil. According to the theory of Buddhism, it can be said to be a great achievement!

No Buddha in this world can compare to him!

Any reason to shoot at him?

How ridiculous!

"The way is different, but what about you?"

Gu Shaoshang shook his sleeves, glanced at him lightly, and said, "If you were not my incarnation, I would have killed you with one punch!"

Mingshang's actions are too flamboyant and domineering, too evil.

Hell, hungry ghosts are still living in the shadows of this world. If they are like him, they will move their base camp directly to the sky, which is higher than the heaven and the world of bliss.

All the demon cultivators of the Three Realms who came to seek refuge were swallowed up by the sea of ​​blood. He killed nine of the top ten demon gods, and he tore apart the six reincarnations.

If I don't come to kill you, who will I kill?

Although he slaughtered most of the demons in this world, eliminating demons was never the goal of practitioners, but defending the Way.

Extremely solitary, and will inevitably be targeted by everyone.

That is, no one in this world can kill him, but this great world is a corner of the great universe of Journey to the West.

If you want to run rampant here, Gu Shaoshang at this time can't do it.

Mingshang's breath was slightly stagnant, and he said in his heart: "The ancestors can't afford to offend people who even want to kill themselves."

As soon as his thoughts changed, he was a little excited again and said, "Anyway, you are here, let's do it first, I will kick over the Lingshan Mountain, swallow the Paradise of Bliss, and sit on the Thunder Sound Treasure Temple by myself! Be the ancestor of all Buddhas!"

"By the way, taste the blood of those fat heads and big ears. What's it like."

Kick over Lingshan, swallow the world of bliss, become the ancestor of all Buddhas...

Such terrifying words were spoken in Ming's wound, but it was as casual as eating and drinking.

Let the alien beast under the throne tremble slightly.

Although it is called a demon, it has never thought of such a big thing.

This devil is simply the first in the world!

"What's the point? Can it be beneficial to your practice?"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes turned and landed on Mingshang.

This incarnation of him, and the incarnation of the inner demon are the two most maddened and only me among his countless avatars.

Except for me, everything is just a cloud.

Gu Shaoshang still has a heart, but they are downright ruthless.

With the cultivation base of Mingshang at this time, it is to swallow the world of bliss, and the growth is only a little, and it is unnecessary.

"Prince, you are still too hypocritical! If you abandon people's hearts and are completely me, you will not know what realm you have reached at this moment!"

Mingshang's silver-white long hair swayed, and there was a hint of madness in the scarlet cold eyes:

"What Chen What Taiqing, what Hongjun, what source! What is prehistoric, what is boundless continent, what is endless chaotic sea, swallowed, swallowed, swallowed all! It is bound to be promoted to supreme in one fell swoop Avenue!"

"It's stupid like you, you have a treasure in the air, but you don't know how to use it!"

He, even the devil born in the most yin and evil, has the most indifferent nature, and nothing has any meaning to him.

He obviously does not agree with Gu Shaoshang's deity's way.

"I am this deity, how can your demonic way deceive me? ......"

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly and said:

"If I do that, my ashes will be gone."

He was born as a human being, not as a devil. He walked on that path, and he did not dare to say his achievements, but the possibility of death was extremely high.

Possessing the mirrors of the heavens is not invincible, and being unscrupulous is bound to bring about self-destruction.

What Mingshang said was mostly to vent his dissatisfaction with himself.

It is himself, if this world is replaced by the original universe of Journey to the West, he will definitely not be so publicized.

While speaking, he raised his hand and patted Mingshang's shoulder.


As the palm fell, Mingshang's body shook, the frantic expression disappeared instantly, and he shook his head regretfully.

Gu Shaoshang's heart is pure and pure, and it is too difficult to confuse him.

Just like what Gu Shaoshang thought, he just took advantage of the topic to vent.


He stepped forward, reclined on the throne, and rubbed his forehead with his long fingers: "I don't like you more than Tathagata!"

"I like it enough."

Gu Shaoshang didn't care, just smiled, then turned and walked outside the hall:

"During this period of time, don't disturb the wind and rain. When I send the Tathagata away, leave this world with me."


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