Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: On the Tao of Buddha

Glancing at the Buddha lightly, Gu Shaoshang shook his hand lightly and released the one person and one monkey in his palm.

"Gu, Brother Gu......"

Li Qingshan was both surprised and delighted. He did not expect that at the last moment, Gu Shaoshang would appear and rescue them from the hands of the Buddha.

The monkey standing opposite Li Qingshan had a solemn expression on his face.

He himself has survived eight thunder tribulations. Among the demons, he is called the Great Sage. There are only a few people in the world, and no one is his opponent.

The Buddha is an invincible creature who has survived nine thunder tribulations. With a single thought, he can open up a great world, stand above the ground, and can suppress the supreme giants in the world with his backhand.

This mysterious man who suddenly attacked could silently rescue them from the Buddha's kingdom in the palm of the Buddha's hands. Not only did he not realize it, but even the Buddha realized it later.

Such strength....

"Qingshan, long time no see."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and got off the scalper.

With a peaceful expression, his eyes were blurry, he calmly and calmly stepped on the ground like immortal gold cast in the Bodhi Garden.

I don't care about the Buddha sitting cross-legged under the Bodhi tree.

It seems that this place is not the most mysterious Buddha preaching place in this world, but just an ordinary farmhouse.

"Yeah, long time no see."

Li Qingshan also sighed a little.

The cow herding baby who used to be in Wo Niu Village is now able to be hostile to the legendary gods, and was targeted by such a supreme figure as the Buddha.

There is nothing more wonderful in the world than this.

"Where do fellow Daoists come from?"

The Buddha put his hands together and bowed slightly, with a hint of caution in his compassionate and deep eyes.

With his strength, the fate of all things in the world is as straight as a palm pattern, even a great sage like Sun Wukong, it is difficult to hide in front of him.

When the catastrophe came, he could recognize Li Qingshan as the person who should be robbed.

But in front of this mysterious man riding a scalper, in his eyes, it is an endless splendor, the inner edge, and the vastness of the sea of ​​​​stars are not enough to describe it.

It is no longer bound by the realm of this world!

"From the sky."

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Sun Wukong and Buddha lightly, and said casually.

His origin, this Buddha is naturally guessing, and naturally there is no need to hide it.

Looking at the two of them, he sighed in his heart.

Monkey King Sun Wukong, the great sage of the sky, the Tathagata Buddha above Lingshan.

There are too many Taoist bodies of these two existences, and I don't know how many I have seen along the way.

As long as there is Sun Wukong in the world, there must be the existence of the Tathagata Buddha, and vice versa.

Fighting each other in countless great worlds, the relationship between the two is not enough to explain the relationship between them.

Once the innate, the Tao is connected to chaos, its concept will be captured by countless worlds, and countless Taoist bodies will naturally be derived.

Just as Gu Shaoshang achieved innate at this moment, his Tao transcends the great world and touches the sea of ​​​​chaos. In the great world opened up after his proving the Tao, anyone who has martial arts will inevitably give birth to his Taoist body.

These Taoist bodies are not the same as the clones, and even have little to do with the deity, but they really exist and are very miraculous.

Just like the Buddha in front of him, the Great Sage Equalling Heaven.

They are real existences, but they may not know the existence of the deity, and the deity may not care about their existence.

However, there are always exceptions.

Otherwise, in the future that Gu Shaoshang perceives, he will not see the Buddha's shadow coming from the west, blocking Mingshang in the endless sea of ​​chaos.

If what he expected was not bad, the Buddha figure must be the change of the Buddha in front of him when he was about to fall.

Obviously, if he doesn't come, Mingshang will definitely occupy Lingshan and kill the Buddha.

Then came the Tathagata.

Or perhaps, the Buddha's deity, illuminating the three thousand worlds with candles, thought that the injury was a threat, and took the initiative to take action.

Gu Shaoshang felt that it should be the second.

The practice of Buddhism is different from martial arts and Dao. It is rooted in the Dao of human beings. It is the Tathagata, and it does not abandon sentient beings.

It is very possible that the universes affiliated with the boundless journey to the west are all under the gaze of the Buddha, and it is unknown.

This is not difficult, old enough is enough.

Standing before the opening of many worlds, its concept must be taken over by all the great worlds opened up after its enlightenment.

This is the root cause of the so-called, the older the stronger.

Gu Shaoshang wanted to incarnate into the world. If he did not use his source power, he would have to wait for a long time before his Taoist incarnation could manifest in the newly opened universe.

An old antique who has become a Taoist for a very long time only needs to sit in the middle of the sky, and its concept will naturally cover the endless infinite multiverse.

This is the advantage of living longer.

If the latecomers want to live on it, naturally, they have to find another way.

Of course, this is only limited to Daluo, and those above it must have transcended this category.

As time and space are omnipresent, as time eternity lasts forever.

"Out of the sky......"

The Buddha raised his head slightly, his eyes pierced through the void, and he looked at the unknown place.

At his level, all the past and future time and space have almost no secrets, and naturally, the existence of other great worlds can be faintly detected.

However, although he can detect it, he is still a little short of trying to escape.

Since Gu Shaoshang came from outside the world, his realm cultivation base was not intended to be beyond the scope of this realm.

"Out of the sky..."

Sun Wukong was also slightly touched in his heart.

But in the end, his cultivation was a big difference compared to the Buddha, and his feelings were not so profound.

Although it was touched in the dark, it was not as profound as that of the Buddha.

As for Li Qingshan, he was at a loss.

The sky is chaotic, could there be other worlds?

"Fellow Daoist, why are you here?"

The Buddha narrowed his eyes, and the slight waves in his mood seemed to have calmed down.

The mental state of Buddhist practitioners is far beyond the same level. As a Buddha of a world, he will naturally not be as horrified as ordinary people.

Even in the face of Gu Shaoshang, he quickly regained his composure.

"See you."

Gu Shaoshang paced forward, his sleeve robe shook slightly, and he also sat under the Bodhi tree, opposite the Buddha.

Anger stood on his shoulders, and he glanced curiously at the big monk in front of him, then felt bored, and combed his feathers again.

The **** dog and the ox stopped outside the Bodhi Garden, waiting for something with Li Qingshan.

"Those who have a clear mind and see their nature can see the Tathagata."

The Buddha sighed slightly and said, "But if you want to come, the Daoist friend came here not for cultivation."

"The great monk can see clearly, but not all."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and said, "The way is endless, mysterious and subtle, everything, and every move is a practice. I am here, although there are other things, but it is also for practice."

The Tao is omnipresent and the Tao is all-encompassing.

There is mystery in chaos, but also in subtlety.

Although this world is only a corner of the Westward Journey universe, it is not as vast as the perfect world, but it also has merit.

Although he came here for the sake of grief, the essence is still for cultivation.

Daluojinshu is far from the end of cultivation, and neither is Hunyuan. He came here naturally to seek the Tao.

"Of course!"

The Buddha nodded and said: "The appearance is born from the heart, and the state is created by the heart! Among the ordinary living beings, tolerance is the way. Every time the old monk wants to come, his heart is moved. Seeing that all living beings are suffering, he can't help weeping."

The Buddha lowered his eyes, and his compassion was even more abundant, as if there were tears.

One of his hands stood in front of his chest, and the other slowly spread out.

In the land of bliss, billions of Buddha fields, countless living beings, and vast galaxies are all within three inches of the palm of his hand.

With Gu Shaoshang's eyes, you can see that there are countless monks and arhats who open the altar to teach the Dharma, and countless believers worship devoutly and are extremely happy.

Among them, there are four seasons of inexhaustible flowers, and the eight festivals of Changchun. People drop the seeds at will, and they can harvest them in one day.

Countless gods and beings are in it, without the hard work and without any extortionate taxes.

All you need to do is recite the Dharma every day and worship the Buddha devoutly. If there is a fly in the ointment, nothing more than a lot of distracting thoughts, and naturally there is no harmony between yin and yang.

No need to support the elderly, no need to marry, no need to raise children...  

"The great monk is truly compassionate!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, not in sarcasm, but in genuine admiration.

Buddhist practice is rooted in the way of humanity, while Daoist practice is rooted in the way of heaven. The two are different. One talks about entering the world and the other talking about being born. Although Gu Shaoshang is close to the Tao, he will not look down on the Buddha.

However, the Dharma is infallible, and practitioners who practice Dharma are not necessarily infallible.

Just like the Buddha, sitting on the Lingshan Mountain, overlooking the world, there is a world of bliss in the palm of your hand, which is extremely beautiful, wolves do not eat sheep, people do not eat meat, fathers are kind and filial, and respect each other like guests.

This original intention can not be said to be bad.

"However, I don't like it."

As soon as the voice changed, Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly.

Once one enters bliss, man is no longer a human being, but a celestial being.

Heaven and man, without the slightest evil thoughts, everyone is gentle, courteous and humble, much kinder than worldly monks.

If you are bullied, you will not think of revenge, but you will do it yourself, be bullied, and be content with it. This has already deviated from human nature.

People with profound "magic nature" like Li Qingshan have almost transformed their obsessions and become true followers of Buddha.

It is conceivable that if mortals enter, how their nature will be subverted.

Bliss is good, but it is not suitable for human habitation.

"Heaven and earth are in great harmony, sharing bliss, no killing, no passion, greed, hatred, hatred, love, and evil, all seven emotions are eliminated, and it is a joy to worship Buddha every day."

The Buddha asked, "Why are fellow Daoists not happy?"

"The world slanders me, deceives me, insults me, laughs at me, despise me, hates me, hates me, deceives me, how to deal with it?"

Gu Shaoshang also asked.

The Buddha smiled and said, "Just bear with him, let him, let him, avoid him, be patient with him, respect him, ignore him, wait a few more years and look at him."

"Then why did the great monk suppress the Great Sage Monkey King?"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes moved slightly and asked again.

If there is no selfishness, if there is no anger, if there is no love for evil, how can you suppress the Great Sage Equaling Heaven?

The Buddha's expression remained unchanged, and he sighed with a smile:

"Everyone in the world is suffering, and the obsession is unbearable. Seeing the great sage sinking into the sea of ​​misery, the old monk can't bear it."


When Sun Wukong heard the nameless fire, he jumped like thunder with rage, and his cloak trembled like a fire behind him: "I am paranoid and only me, why do you need to cross?"

"It really is a fart..."

Gu Shaoshang nodded in agreement.


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