Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1059: pig mane

A long sigh, three can't let go.

In front of Chen Xuanzang, the handsome young man turned into a hideous-looking pig Gang Mane with everted fangs.

Huge pig head, bloated body, and nine-toothed rake stained with human blood.


A smile appeared on the hideous pig's head.

"You don't need to care if your skin is ugly or not. A beautiful heart is really beautiful."

Chen Xuanzang clasped his hands together, looking solemn.

"I ask you, is it ugly or not!"

Pig Ganghene suddenly shouted, the mighty sound waves exploded like thunder, and the tinnitus rumbled.

The entire mountain where Gaojiazhuang was located jumped suddenly and almost collapsed.

Chen Xuanzang's ears were buzzing, blood was flowing from his seven orifices, and he was almost killed by a roar. ·

"Not ugly..."

Chen Xuanzang coughed up blood and replied.


The pig stuck out his tongue in his mouth and licked Chen Xuanzang thoroughly: "You are lying to me!"


Chen Xuanzang swallowed a mouthful of blood, but he didn't spit out another mouthful of blood.

"I'm sorry, master, but I still don't understand... no one has no self, no living beings, no life..."

He seemed to be crying and laughing on his face, endured and endured, and smiled bitterly in his heart.


Pig Ganghya stuck out his tongue again.


Chen Xuanzang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and even vomited out blood, saying:

"Sorry, it's so ugly!"


Hearing this, Zhu Ganghya was not angry, and there was a sigh on his hideous face, and said: "Every face of beauty, treat it as a white bone view... You are still a little bit worse, and I am a little bit worse... ..."

As he said that, he slowly protruded the thick pig's trotter and grabbed it towards Chen Xuanzang:

"Without the monkey, you are really a waste!"

Dang bang~

At this moment, the sound of the symphony of gold and iron resounded, and the overwhelming golden light roared:

"You ugly pig head, there are so many things!"

The sound of rebuke came along with the innumerable golden rings, smashing all the furnishings in Gao Lao Zhuang, and shrouding the pig's mane.

Boom! !

The golden ring exploded, causing the entire mountain to collapse and shatter, and pieces of huge falling rocks smashed down, burying the pig in it.


A figure came whistling, mentioned Chen Xuanzang, and ran away.

"Oh, it's you!"

The wind whistled and the scenery flashed quickly. Chen Xuanzang came back to his senses and saw that the female exorcist was carrying him, who seemed to be called Miss Duan or something.

"Take a nursery rhyme and come to subdue the pig demon! Don't you want to live!"

Miss Duan cursed and fled wildly.

She didn't know what went wrong, but the boundless demonic energy on Zhu Ganghye's body made her tremble.

Boom! !

The vast demonic energy rose into the sky, and the continuous mountains collapsed and shattered, and the billowing earth was surging like a giant dragon.

A behemoth suddenly stood up.

"Don't run, are you tired!"

Pig Ganghya's calm voice echoed in the void.

Time and space seem to have reversed, and all the air currents flow back in a flash.

"not good!"

That young lady's expression changed slightly, only to feel that a tyrannical and unimaginable demonic aura sealed the world.

The next moment, the demonic energy swayed, and five huge fingers that stood like mountains were raised, lying in front of the two of them.


Zhu Gangye slowly retracted his palm, among them, Miss Duan was holding an indeterminate gold ring in front of Chen Xuanzang, with a solemn expression.

How could this pig demon be so powerful.

"This feeling is really good."

Zhu Gangye looked at the palm of his hand and nodded thoughtfully: "No wonder..."

"There are still a few fish that slip through the net..."

Zhu Gangxian seemed to feel it, and his eyes glanced at Duanlang and others who were fleeing tens of thousands of miles away, but he didn't care.

It's nothing more than a few little mice, it doesn't matter.

"Pig donor, it has nothing to do with this young lady at this time. If you want to kill, kill me."

Chen Xuanzang coughed twice and took the initiative to speak.

The difference in strength is too great. The pig demon and the fish demon are simply not of the same level. The fish demon can still parry one or two times. This pig demon is no longer something that ordinary people can handle.

"Shut up! Do you think this pig demon will let me go?"

Miss Duan turned her head and scolded, holding the gold ring without a deposit, she scolded loudly, "You fat pig, you can do it if you have a seed! Auntie frowned, she was afraid of you!"

"Don't rob, don't rob, those who want to die line up and come one by one."

Zhu Gangxiao shook his hands and threw the two of them on the ground. With a flick of his body, he once again turned into that handsome young man.

"A good skin really decides everything..."

Zhu Gangheng sighed and said, "I'm still me, and with my current appearance, I can attract many mortal women to fall, even if I'm still Zhu Ganghene......"

"Pig donor, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xuanzang spoke helplessly.

You can't beat it, you can't run away, you can't kill it, but you don't kill it, what do you want to do?

"Originally, I should drive you away, let you slip away, find a way to deal with me, and finally be suppressed by you..."

Zhu Gangye looked calm and said, "But, I suddenly don't want to do that."

Chen Xuanzang and Miss Duan looked at each other, not knowing what Zhu Gangjiao was talking about.

"I can do it in a different way, in a different ending."

Pig Ganghene said with an expressionless face.

"I don't know, what does the pig donor want to do?"

Chen Xuanzang pondered for a moment, but decided to follow Zhu Gangxian's thoughts and see what he wanted to do.

To understand this pig demon is not an easy thing to do.

"Have you heard of the king of demons, Sun Wukong, who was suppressed by the Buddha?"

Zhu Gangjiao found a place at random and sat down, looked at Chen Xuanzang calmly, and asked.

Chen Xuanzang and Miss Duan looked at each other, both looking at Zhu Ganghene with inexplicable eyes.

"Pig donor......"

It was Chen Xuanzang, who shook his head slightly, and said, "Pig donor, you must have misremembered! The king of all demons is Sakyamuni, and the one who suppressed him was the one who defeated the Buddha and Sun Wukong, not the Buddha..."


The pig's face trembled slightly, and the earth was trampled into a huge abyss.

The calm look on his face disappeared instantly, as if he had seen a ghost, and he hurriedly pinched his fingers.


The pig just shook his hand and almost dropped the nine-toothed nail rake to the ground.

"What the hell? Monkeys are so powerful?"

Pig Ganghya was slightly stunned, not knowing what happened.

Once again, it's still a little unbelievable.

"King of all demons, Sakyamuni? Fighting against the Buddha and suppressing him at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain?"

Zhu Gangye looked at Chen Xuanzang in disbelief and asked.

Chen Xuanzang and the two were slightly surprised and nodded at the same time.

I don't know why Zhu Gangjiao has such a big mood swing.

"That's impossible! Could it be that the monkey's obsession is also in this world?"

Pig Ganghya stood up, looking slightly dazed.

He is not a pig in this world, but the incarnation of a ray of obsession. He revived in this world by chance, and he knows everything about this world.

Whether it is the fate of Chen Xuanzang, or the fate of Sun Wukong, or even the fate of this Taoist incarnation in this world.

But just because he believed it, he couldn't understand why such a big change happened in this world.


While he was slightly in a trance, Miss Duan bit her silver teeth, and the indeterminate flying ring in her hand shook gently, transforming into countless golden rings, like a goddess scattered flowers, hitting the pig Ganghene.

At the same time, when Chen Xuanzang was mentioned, he squeezed his own mana, jumped a hundred meters away, and disappeared into a ruined mountain forest after a few ups and downs.

ding ding dong~

Countless golden rings hit Zhu Ganghya's body, making a sound of hitting gold and iron, and they shattered and dissipated.

"what is going on?"

Zhu Gangjiao ignored Chen Xuanzang's escape, just frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, the pig just came back to his senses, let out a breath of turbid air, and stopped thinking about it.

"As soon as I asked the monkey, I knew the reason..."

He shook his head slightly, soared into the sky, and suddenly, Tengyun went straight nine days away.

He went to Huaguo Mountain first.

But Huaguo Mountain is still in ruins, and countless monkeys and monkeys have died five hundred years ago, and they were all burned to death by the fire of Erlang God Yang Jian.

"This monkey..."

The pig just stepped on the top of Huaguo Mountain, feeling that everything he knew was specious.

He even doubted whether this world was the world he thought it was.


He retracted his gaze, flicked his sleeve robe, disappeared into the sky, and went to the land of bliss in the western sky.

Before long, he crossed Nanzhanbu Continent, landed on Xiniuhe Continent, and came to the infinitely majestic Mount Daleiyin Temple.

"Where did the pig demon come from, dare to come to the Holy Land of Lingshan!"

All the Jalan King Kong were taken aback, and it was the first time they saw a monster who dared to come to Lingshan to die.


The pig just slammed the nine-foot nail and rake, knocking many Jialan Vajras to the ground.

His obsession is far from being blocked by the Taoist bodies of these gods and Buddhas in this world. After a while, the Eighteen Arhats and many Vajra Caramel were knocked to the ground by him.


The Buddha bell chimed softly, echoing in the land of Lingshan.

Zhu Gangye held a nine-foot rake into the Bodhi Garden outside the Daleiyin Temple.

"Monkey! Sure enough, it's you!"

Pig Gangye raised his head slightly, and saw that in the Bodhi Garden, the treasured image was solemnly defeating the Buddha.

The Bodhi tree moves with the wind, and beneath it, the seven-foot-tall hozen is wearing a cassock with dark gold patterns and sitting on the golden lotus.

"You came......."

Fighting Victory Buddha folded his hands together and said.

"How is this going?"

Pig Ganghya asked directly.

"As you see, as you think."

Fighting Victory Buddha put his hands together and said lightly.

"What do I do with the old pig!"

Zhu Gangye waved his hand impatiently and said, "If there is something to say, there is a fart!"

"It turns out that he dragged you in..."

Dou Victory Buddha slowly shook his head, slowly closed his eyes, and said lightly: "Go, go!"


Pig Gangyue's expression changed, and before he could say anything, he only felt a wind blowing past.

The next moment, he had already returned to Gao Lao Zhuang again.

"Damn monkey!"

The pig just stomped its feet, and the nine-toothed rake buzzed and vibrated.


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