Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1070: The gate of eternal life

"This great formation..."

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly.

This large formation is layered on top of each other, almost endless, the void is intricate, and every step has trillions of worlds circulating.

The endless world of Buddhaland stretches across this place, and the time and space are chaotic and reversed, and many avenues are isolated from the outside world.

It seems that there is really no other way except to break through the formation with force!


Gu Shaoshang tentatively waved his fist lightly, and layers of voids were pierced by him, but thousands of times more voids rolled in and enveloped him.

Then, Gu Shaoshang threw his fist again, shattering many great realms of Buddhist kingdoms again, but then, the great realms that evolved again swarmed again......

It goes on and on, as if it never ends.

"It's futile."

Duobao Tathagata shook his head slightly, stepped away from the dragon head, and under his sleeve robes, six golden Buddha dragons were entangled vertically and horizontally, turning into a huge golden egg.


With the gentle wave of the Duobao Tathagata, the golden giant egg moved with the wind, turned into the size of a pill, and slowly fell into the palm of his hand.


He squeezed lightly, slightly relieved.

Gu Shaoshang's fist is too domineering, even if he is equal to him, there is some pressure.

If it weren't for the arrival of the Five Great Kings, it would not be easy to suppress him.


The five great kings recited the Buddha's name at the same time and came to the front of the Tathagata of the Many Treasures.

The expressions were different, but they all had a dignified look.

The five great kings of the Ming Dynasty suppressed the demons, the demons of the earth, the demons of humans, the demons of the yin, and the demons of great freedom, and they were the first existences in Buddhism.

If the five of them can make a shot together, there are not many in the heavens.

"I still need to recite the mantra together, otherwise, it won't take long for him to get out of trouble."

Chuo Fudo Mingwang said.

Although the Tathagata Formation is one of the strongest suppression formations in Mahayana Buddhism, it is naturally not that easy to suppress a great Luojinshu of the martial arts who has demonstrated the Dao with strength.

"That's right, we need to **** us and others together to get to the origin of the universe, and leave it in the hands of the World Honored One, so that we can have no worries," said King Ming of the Great Wealth of the West.

"With the strength of my six people, Fang will suppress him here, which is enough to be proud of."

A smile appeared on the face of King Dali Ming of the southern army.

"Three thousand years of the original universe is the one million years of the subsidiary universe! It only needs to be sent to the original universe to suppress it for three thousand years. With the power of many Buddhas in Leiyin Temple, it may be completely transformed. It is unknown."

The King Ming of Dongfang Jiang III also smiled and said: "Three thousand years later, the World Honored will achieve Hunyuan, even if he does not surrender, it does not matter."


Everyone nodded and said yes.

Three thousand years later, the World-Honored One became enlightened, and in the immeasurable universe, only the Heavenly Emperor can match.

Mahayana Buddhism will also become more prosperous, catching up with Theravada Buddhism.

Duobao Tathagata was a little worried, but he didn't say much, just nodded, and returned to the land of bliss in Lingshan with the Five Great Kings.

Gu Shaoshang's heart is tenacious and his will is indelible.

With only the power of six people, it is difficult to truly save him, and even if the World Honored One cannot achieve Hunyuan, even if many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Lingshan take action together, they may not be able to save him.

For those who count the great Luojin, the Tao is higher than the sky, and the heart is higher than the Tao.

It is not easy to surrender his heart.


The six people left this world together, not caring at all about the nearly collapsed universe and the many powerhouses who were struggling.

In the endless chaotic sea, how many universes are born and die every moment, they have lived for too long, and they have seen too much.

The demise and birth of a small universe, they don't care at all.


In the Tusita Palace in the Heavenly Court of this world, the ruddy-faced old Taoist shook his sleeve slightly, and a wisp of purple air wafted out.

In an instant, the purple energy stretched for hundreds of millions of miles, with the sound of thunder and wind in the sky, like a big hand hanging down from the sky, slowly stroking down from the sky.

Wherever he passed, the void was shattered, the chaotic earth, fire and feng shui evolved into the world, the dead were resurrected, and the boiling ten thousand Taos slowly calmed down under the purple air, each returning to its place.

The rumbling Buddha's sound was swept away by the purple air, and then all disappeared, and all the creatures who were unconsciously transformed by the Buddha's light and Buddha's sound were awakened.

But they haven't had time to think about what happened. Under the slight reverse flow of time, everything that happened before was forgotten by them, the world.

After finishing all this, the old Taoist shook his head slightly, took out the banana fan again, and gently blew the divine fire in the gossip furnace.

Other than that, he didn't do anything else.

He didn't care about the war that took place in the outside world.

"Why stop me from taking action?"

A cold voice, like moonlight flowing past, rang out in the Tusita Palace.

In the slight fluctuation of the void, a ray of moonlight crossed the endless time and space and shone into the Tusita Palace.

The moonlight came from across the void, and one could vaguely see beyond the endless time and space behind the moonlight, in the magnificent palace, a flawless female fairy sitting high on the throne, with a majestic dress, and her eyes shining like the moon, illuminating the time and space.

Holy and majestic, cold and indifferent.

"Get out, so what?"

The old Taoist's expression did not change, his back turned to the moonlight, and he shook the banana fan slowly.

"The old gentleman knows what to ask?"

In the heavy palace towers, the fairy raised her chin slightly, looking slightly annoyed.

"The past is over, what if you pursue it again?"

The old Taoist shook the banana fan and said.

"I want to pursue it. Gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, and Daoists block and destroy Dao!"

The female fairy's eyes were cold and her words were full of domineering. Facing the old gentleman, her tone was still cold and hard.

"How can you see the Tao without going through thousands of kalpas?"

The old Taoist smiled dumbly and said, "Don't make trouble!"


The fairy snorted lightly, her silver teeth moved, her eyes narrowed, and she said no more.

This old Taoist is an insurmountable mountain among the countless heavens, among the innate gods and demons as many as the sand of the Ganges.

Although the female fairy has a special status and has some cause and effect with the old man, she does not dare to be too weak.

After the fairy withdrew, the old Taoist priest's eyes dimmed slightly for a moment.

After a moment of dimming, it shone slightly again.

Although it is still unfathomable, Dao Yun is deep, but it seems that something is missing.


In the great formation of the Tathagata, after Gu Shaoshang threw a punch again, he stopped doing it, and let the immeasurable Buddhist space surround him and ignored it.

Just fell down and sat down, caught in the dark.

chi chi chi~~~

Void cracks shattered like knives, and the fragments of the world shattered by them were even sharper than ordinary divine weapons.

However, Gu Shaoshang's physical body is so tyrannical, it is almost immortal.

The cracks in the void, the fragments of the world flew like rain, but they couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

"The Great Array of Tathagata......"

Gu Shao was calm in his sadness, and had no intention of panic.

These six old monks are naturally tyrannical, but they are still too much for their lives. If they swarm up at this time, at most half of them will die, it will be enough to completely suppress him.

But obviously, they have lived for too long, and they have not been desperate for a long time.

Of course, it may also be that they have the chance to win, and they are unwilling to fight against a new big Luo Jinshu like Gu Shaoshang.

However, no matter what the reason was, they didn't go in and fight in person. Just relying on the Buddha's sound, they might not be able to do anything to Gu Shaoshang for thousands of years.

However, this formation was too troublesome, and Gu Shao was injured for a while, but he couldn't break free.

His thoughts were slightly touched, and the throne of the holy plate in the sea of ​​his heart trembled slightly.

As long as he wanted to, he could attract the princes of the human race on the vast continent at any time.

He is the next high priest of the human race. As long as he calls, the high priest and others will surely swarm.

With the power of the vast human race, it is naturally more than enough to defeat this great formation.

But Gu Shaoshang was naturally unwilling.

He has traveled across many great realms and fought fiercely against many enemies. He never thought of relying on other forces, even the vast human race.

Although this great formation of Tathagata is incomparably vast, the world is born and the world is destroyed, and it is almost infinite.

But Gu Shaoshang didn't think that this great formation could suppress him. After all, traveling through the heavens was his forte.


Above the sea of ​​his heart, a stream of purple light slowly flowed past.

In the purple meaning, the mirrors of the heavens swim in it, rising and falling in it.

He is a master of traveling through the world. Even if the Buddhist country here is counted in hundreds of millions, jumping out is not as difficult as those monks thought.

If they are willing to suppress it, they will suppress it, and if they are willing to forgive it, they will forgive it. After three thousand years, what awaits them may be a surprise they can't imagine.

Gu Shao's heart swayed slightly, and a hint of coldness appeared.


Gu Shaoshang's divine will lightly touched the mirror of the and transformed into the world in the mirror.

The mirrors of the heavens are between nothingness and reality, between existence and non-existence. Gu Shaoshang's divine intention entered it, and he has been guarding the great formation of the Tathagata, and the Treasure Tathagata who has been closely watching Gu Shaoshang has not found it.


Entering the world in the mirror, the mirror spirit of the mirrors drives the mirrors to float.

Gu Shaoshang took the All-Heaven Mirror with his hands, brushed his palm slightly over the mirror surface, swept it slightly, and shook his head.

"Original force......"

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly.

Since many incarnations have been pointed down by "Yuan", his source power has never been sufficient.

After he came to this world, the source of energy he harvested was only a little.

After all, the level of this world is not as good as the perfect world.

"Search for a few places, a big world above the seven-star level that suits my current state..."

Gu Shaoshang couldn't bear to look for it himself, and directly ordered Jingling.


The mirrors of the heavens trembled slightly, jumped up, and trembled slightly with the purple energy.

Immediately, after a slight shake, the purple light curtain fell, and many words evolved:

[Consumption of 130,000 points of source power, searched for the big universes above the seven stars suitable for the owner at this time, the seven-star half-world, the origin continent (or the existence of eight-star power), the seven-star emperor world, the seven-star and half emperor Respect the world (or there is an eight-star level of power), the seven-star humane supreme world, the seven-star faun world ........ eight-star, the gate of eternal life world (not recommended to go) eight-star semi-confessed **** universe (Not recommended to go)]

"The Great World of the Gate of Eternal Life..."

Gu Shaoshang gently touched his chin and looked at the big world called the Gate of Eternal Life.


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