Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1078: Luo Feng and the Genius Training Camp

? "Okay, don't make fun of me! Your brother isn't that vulnerable."

The brothers joked for a while, Luo Feng shook his head and skipped the topic.

It is impossible not to be lost, but it is not as serious as Luo Hua imagined. After all, he is now a spiritual teacher.

The dark golden light ball in his mind was his deepest trump card.

"I knew that my brother wouldn't care about this setback."

Luo Hua also smiled, knowing that Luo Feng was not greatly affected.

"Okay, you can rest. I'll go to the martial arts hall. The merger of the two martial arts halls seems to have changed a lot. I wonder if there will be any changes in the actual combat assessment scheduled for tomorrow..."

Luo Feng waved his hand to bid farewell to Luo Hua, walked out the door, and went straight to the extreme martial arts hall.

Both the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall are transcendent forces comparable to a large country, and the merger is naturally not something that can be solved overnight.

At least, the martial arts hall in Yicheng District was still busy at this time.

Although Luo Feng thinks that he already has the strength of a martial artist, but he has not passed the assessment in the end.

Fortunately, when the two martial arts halls merged, he didn't need to consider whether to join the extreme martial arts hall or the Thunder and Lightning Military Hall.


Luo Feng's strength still reached the category of a martial artist, and his speed was naturally extremely fast, but within a short time, he came to the extreme martial arts hall.

The extreme martial arts hall occupies a very large area, including dozens of high-rise buildings, lawns, training grounds, etc., which are even more huge.

It is extremely rare in a base city where large tracts of wilderness have been occupied by beasts, and it can be called an inch of land.


The sound of muffled air waves came, and the silver-white streamlined sports cars roared past Luo Feng and drove directly into the extreme martial arts hall.


One of the silver-white cars slowly stopped beside Luo Feng.

Luo Feng recognized that this was Aston Martin's latest and most expensive thr-191 sports car with a flight function.

Luo Feng's younger brother, Luo Hua, likes this sports car the most.

The window fell, and a handsome face appeared, but it was Zhang Haobai.

"Zhang Haobai......"

Luo Feng stopped and said hello lightly.

Although the relationship between the two was not good, they were classmates in the end, and Luo Feng naturally had the courtesy.

"It turned out to be classmate Luo Feng."

Zhang Haobai showed a smile and said, "I'm really glad to hear that you have also passed the quasi-warrior exam."


Luo Feng nodded slightly.

He knew that Zhang Haobai must have obtained the martial arts system, otherwise it would be impossible to pass the martial artist assessment so quickly.

"If it's not bad, we should participate in this actual combat assessment together! After all, the Thunder and Lightning Military Academy has been merged with the Extreme Military Academy."

Zhang Haobai smiled and said tentatively, "I heard that only real combat is the correct way to use the martial arts system."

Since the news that the Martial Dao system was almost handed out, Zhang Haobai has collapsed.

I thought I was the favored son of heaven, and there was an adventure from heaven, how can I know that three million adventures came from heaven...  

However, after being enlightened by his uncle who had been promoted to the warrior level, he gradually relaxed.

"Really? I don't know that."

Luo Feng's heart tightened slightly, but he didn't show any strangeness.

Although he didn't care too much that he didn't have a martial arts system, he didn't want to publicize it, especially Zhang Haobai.

After all, everyone has it all, but I don't have it, which is too different.

"Hao Bai, it's time to go."

At this time, the cold and hard middle-aged man sitting beside Zhang Haobai spoke in a low voice.

"Yes, uncle."

Zhang Haobai immediately restrained his expression, waved his hand towards Luo Feng, and the car window rose.

With the roar, the sports car disappeared from Luo Feng's sight.

"Martial Dao System..."

Luo Feng's hand tightened slightly, becoming more and more urgent.

Because of the martial arts system, Zhang Haobai, who had been behind him all the time, caught up in his footsteps, and other would-be martial artists would not make little progress.

And above the quasi-martial artist, there is the warrior level... the warrior level... the **** of war level!

A group of powerful people who have received the help of the system, their progress must be far faster than Zhang Haobai!

He was a person without a system, and he was a little nervous when he mixed into a group of people with a system.

"Fortunately, I still have it..."

Luo Feng kneaded his temples and slowly exhaled.

In the back of his mind, there is a dark golden ball, which is his trump card and the key to his physical fitness.

That's why he became a spiritual teacher.

"I'm afraid, this actual combat assessment will be much more difficult..."

Luo Feng pondered in his heart and walked towards the building of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall.




boom! !

The violent collision sound continued.

Luo Feng walked into the hall and saw Zhang Haobai, who was wearing a white martial arts robe, constantly punching and hitting the dynamometer.

All around, hundreds of people were watching.

Most of them are quasi warriors, but there are also warriors. The most powerful of them should be Zhang Haobai's uncle and a few others.




Zhang Haobai waved his fists one after another, and three numbers appeared one after another on the dynamometer.

"His progress is terrifying!"

Luo Feng couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Before Yue Yu, Zhang Haobai was not his opponent, and he was beaten to the ground by him. At that time, his punching power was only 700kg at most, but after Yue Yu, it increased by half!

He has awakened himself, and now it is estimated that he is not much taller than him.

"Unfortunately, it still can't reach the power of 5 people."

Zhang Haobai sighed slightly and said, "On the Martial Dao system, it is said that the strength of ten people, that is, 3600kg is equivalent to a warrior-level martial artist. I am still far behind."

However, even though he was sighing, Luo Feng could see the joy from the corners of his beating eyes.

In the more than a month, it has more than doubled, and I am still not satisfied, but I am too greedy.

However, in his words, Luo Feng also captured some information.

For example, the power of five people, the power of ten people, etc.

"The strength of ten people above the martial arts system is already much higher than the martial artist positioned in the martial arts hall, and it is uncountable."

On the side, a tall middle-aged man said with a smile: "You haven't entered the wasteland after all, the martial arts system has not been developed, and the speed is slower, which is normal."

"This speed is still slow?"

The corners of Luo Feng's eyes twitched slightly, and the words of the warrior made him a little stimulated.

It is slow to double in January, what is fast?

"I heard that He An, the God of War from the independent portal, has more than tenfolded his strength in just seven days. With the power of ten thousand people, the God of War is no longer weak! That speed is really fast. ."

Zhang Haobai's uncle nodded and said, "Unfortunately, my strength has only increased five times in a month, and I barely have the strength of a thousand people, which is too far behind."

"With the system in place, it can be expected that the God of War is no longer our goal. The God of War like the museum owner is our goal."

The tall middle-aged man glanced at Zhang Haobai's uncle and said.

"Above the God of War!"

Zhang Haobai was leisurely and fascinated, not knowing what a tyrannical realm it was.

"Okay, don't be delusional! You have the Martial Dao System, you are only five people at this time, and you are still far from the power of 100,000 people above the God of War! The adults from the headquarters, in a while. I will come out to lecture, but don't talk nonsense."

The middle-aged man with a cold expression glanced at Zhang Haobai and said.

He didn't want to, his nephew rammed into the adults from the headquarters of the extreme martial arts hall.

"Uncle, don't worry."

Zhang Haobai looked solemn and agreed.

Before, he thought that he was blessed by nature and acted a little erratically, but now that he knew the truth, how could he dare to collide with a big man.

After all, with the same system, the power of those big men is not something he can imagine.

"The power of ten people....the power of a thousand people....the power of ten thousand people....the power of one hundred thousand people..."

Luo Feng stood in the corner, thinking incessantly.

In the conversation of several people, he already had a clear understanding of the real warrior, war general, war god, and even the existence like Hong.

However, the disparity in power cannot be explained by numbers.

A ten-fold difference in strength, a difference in combat power, I am afraid that the difference is more than a hundred times!

The real powerhouse made Luo Feng's heart rush with enthusiasm.

step, step, step~~~

About an hour later, on the second floor, footsteps sounded, and a young man in a silver-white battle suit paced down.

Beside him is the upper level of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall in Yicheng District.

"My name is Wang Chuan, and I come from the headquarters of the Extreme Martial Arts Center. I am here to integrate the two martial arts centers in Yicheng District under the orders of the two museum owners."

The voice of the young man in the silver-white battle suit was like a stone, overpowering the noise of the hundreds of people in the hall.

"Under the teachings of the ancestors, the two museum owners decided to merge the martial arts halls. This move is to integrate the martial artists from all over the world and expel and kill the mutant beasts and vicious beasts for our human race. It has already been approved by the major powers and organizations. , no one can violate it!"

The young man named Wang Chuan paced into the hall and said lightly.

"Sir, I don't know, if the two martial arts halls are combined, what will the many martial artists do? Where will they go?"

The person in charge of the Lightning Martial Arts Academy asked.

"That's your business!"

Wang Chuan glanced at him and said lightly: "The two martial arts halls are merged, many instructors, the strong stay, the weak get out! The position of the branch The strong go up, the weak go down!"

"I'm here to supervise, and other small matters, you solve it yourself!"


The principal of the Raiden Martial Arts Academy nodded in response.

Among warriors, the strong go up and the weak go down, and they are not as strong as others, and there is no way to end the game.

At least, it is much stronger than that assigned by the headquarters.

"I'm here, in addition to urging the merger of the martial arts halls, there is one more thing."

Wang Chuan's eyes that were as cold as lightning swept across the crowd, and said:

"The new extreme martial arts hall stands on the original Siberian glacier. The two hall owners have opened a training camp for newcomers and a training camp for geniuses! Any new martial artist who is promoted after the merger of the two martial arts halls must go to the training camp for a period of time. One to three years of training!"

"Genius training camp?!"

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