Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: Heartache of Chapterata, stupid earthlings

"Dongbo Xueying......"

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly as he looked at the Lord of Time and Space who came and went in a hurry.

Hunyuan Wuji is ubiquitous, ubiquitous, unthinkable, unthinkable, Gu Shaoshang is in this fashion and cannot grasp the traces of these existences standing at the peak of the heavens.

However, the incarnation of the master of time and space is endless, and he actually found him by passing by, which made him a little speechless.

However, Gu Shaoshang understood that this was normal.

It is impossible for these giants to stay in the same place like mud puppets.

The footprints of these great powers standing at the peak must be spread all over the heavens and the world. It is not easy for the latecomers to surpass them.

None of the existences that can reach the top are simple things.

Just like the World Honored Spirit Mountain, whose heart is very big, his ambition is monstrous, and ordinary Primordial Yuan cannot satisfy him.

It can be seen from the fact that he abandoned the Tao to become a Buddha, and is a fellow practitioner of Buddhism and Taoism.

He is like this, the master of time and space, the master of the system, the main temple is like this, Chen Ang is like this, Taiqing is like this, so is Hongjun.

The way of practice, if you don't advance, you will retreat. No one of the great masters will be willing to be shot to death on the beach by the latecomers.

"Instead, this time and space island......"

Gu Shaoshang played with the small island in his palm thoughtfully.

This small pocket island is part of the center of this world's time and space. It can run through multiple universes and travel freely. It is also a treasure.

Thinking about it, it is the legacy of the incarnation of the Lord of Time and Space in the universe of Tianyu.

With it, it is equivalent to having the key to open the portals of many time and space. Even if Gu Shaoshang has not yet re-entered Daluo, he can freely walk in the universe and space and time.

It's a nice little gift.

"When the warriors on Earth grow up, there will be no shortage of places for trials."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, and his eyes moved to the southwest, in the endless distant sea, in the endless ocean of America.

There, the last battle on Earth is about to begin.

In the original trajectory, the golden-horned giant beast event, which can be called the doomsday, is about to happen.



The tide ebbs and flows, the waves slap the sky, the sound of the waves falling on the sea surface is heard from time to time, and the rumbling sound is endless.

Planetary-level warriors from extreme martial arts halls from all over the world have tightly blocked the sea area for tens of thousands of miles. Thousands of aircraft are hidden in the clouds above the seven kilometers long sky.

On the high towers along the coast of the American continent, the interstellar railguns excavated from the ruins have also been aimed at the sea area.

As for the hydrogen bombs and atomic bombs before the Great Nirvana, Luo Feng and others didn't care at all, and they were not qualified to participate in this battle at all.

Of course, on the bright side, there is nothing on the sea, only the coastal port is full of gold and iron containers and the dense metal products.

And close to the sea, there is a huge fortress standing above the sea.

This is the bait.

At this time, the sky has gradually lighted up, and the last darkness before dawn slowly faded away,

Above the huge military fortress, Teng Qingshan, Thor, and Luo Feng stood side by side, all with solemn expressions.


The slightly salty and wet sea breeze blew in, and tugged the sleeves of Luo Feng and the three of them.

"Brother, is this the last counterattack of the mutant beasts?"

Such a solemn battle made Luo Feng's heart a little dignified.

Hundreds of planetary-level warriors, ten interstellar orbital laser cannons, and thousands of combat aircraft, this is almost the strongest force on earth.

Even if there are more than a dozen beast emperors, it can be easily solved.

"That's it."

Teng Qingshan nodded slightly and said leisurely: "After this battle, the earth will once again become the world of my human beings, and the mutant beasts will no longer be able to turn the tide."

Thinking of the death of billions of people around the world at the time of the Great Nirvana, Teng Qingshan's heart was filled with a heavy color.

In the battle for survival, what kind of means can be used.

To bully the less with more, does not exist.

He didn't have a trace of guilt. He just waited for the golden-horned giant beast to show up, and then beat it to death first. Even if he accidentally killed it, he would not regret it at all.

A beast without threat is the best beast.

Compared to the safety of the entire human race, no matter how precious the starry sky beast is, it is nothing.

Even in the eyes of outsiders, the golden-horned giant beast is more precious than the entire earth and the entire galaxy, but in his view, the life of a compatriot is far less important.

"Yeah, we're going to win."

Rough as Thor, he was also a little excited at this time.

He was born before the Great Nirvana, and watched billions of human beings die, the prosperous human civilization was destroyed, and human beings were about to rise to the top again.

The excitement in his heart is indescribable.

Although Luo Feng couldn't understand Thor's mood, he also knew that this would be a battle for mankind to reach the top of the earth again.

"Shut up, it's coming..."

Teng Qingshan's heart suddenly moved, the black robe trembled slightly, and a long spear like a work of art appeared in his palm.

It hangs slightly on the body, trembles slightly, and emits bloodthirsty fluctuations.

Although in theory, the rail gun is enough to kill the golden horned behemoth, but also just in case.

Luo Feng and Lei Shen shared their hearts and told all the warriors to be on guard, and also took out the Thunder Sabre and the Escape Sky Shuttle.


In just a moment, the sea suddenly sank, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of more than a thousand miles, and the next moment, the vortex exploded, raising huge waves, and hundreds of millions of tons of sea water rose like a curtain to a height of one kilometer. Like a tsunami, it sends out the sound of extinction!

The thousand-meter-high giant waves engulfed the endless sea water and burst out with terrifying sound waves.

Rumbling and slamming down towards the military fortress standing at the forefront!

And after the endless waves, a black scale covering the size of a house, like a huge lion-like beast emerged from the endless sea.

The giant beast leaked the icy color of gold and iron, and the broken golden eyes were full of greed and cold, as well as endless tyranny!

With a slight movement, the pair of wings that were two hundred meters wide and covered with black scales, as if cast from steel, suddenly raised millions of tons of seawater!

And the most eye-catching thing is naturally the dark golden giant horn on its forehead that is about to pierce the sky!

As for the ferocious beasts behind it, they can be ignored.

Even though their number is extremely terrifying, densely packed like a sea of ​​beasts, the combined power is not as good as one-tenth of this giant beast.


The giant beast roared in the sky.

The terrifying roar formed a shock wave and spread out in all directions, like the most terrifying sonic weapon. After the huge wave, it came towards the steel fortress.

I want to destroy all living beings in it!

"Oh my god! It's a starry sky beast, a starry sky beast! It's also one of the most tyrannical races among the starry sky beasts, the golden-horned beast!!"

At the same time as the lion-like unicorn appeared, Luo Feng's mind suddenly sounded the roar of Babata's broken voice.

"Golden Horned Beast!!" (broken voice)

"Starry beast!"

Luo Feng's heart was also suddenly startled.

Never imagined that on the earth, there is a star behemoth!

You must know that the starry sky behemoth is the rarest race in the universe, and often there is not one among the billions of planets. There is actually one on the earth!

This is incredible too!

However, Luo Feng and Babata's shock did not affect Teng Qingshan at all.

At the moment when the golden-horned beast appeared, he said coldly and firmly:

"Everyone pay attention to avoidance, the maximum power of the rail gun, fire!"

Although this golden-horned behemoth is only a planetary level, its power is far from comparable to that of human warriors of the same level. Naturally, it is still necessary to rely on these relics to be excavated, repaired with source power, and barely usable war. weapon.




Teng Qingshan's indifferent voice overwhelmed the thunder-like roar of the waves, pierced through the sound waves of the golden-horned giant beast, and was caught by everyone.

The next moment, the sky and the earth suddenly brightened, and above the American continent, it was like ten days in the sky!

Ten huge **** of light illuminate everything!

The most powerful railgun requires enough energy for billions of people on the earth for a hundred years!

The power of one blow can cross the starry sky and directly pierce the moon!

Not to mention the planetary level, even the star level martial artist, absolutely dare not resist!

Of course, the railguns in the ruins of the earth have already been damaged, and their power is not enough at the time of their heyday.

In an instant, the sky was bright, and the mountains of the Americas were hot, even on the sea surface thousands of miles away, it was hot, as if it was in magma.

The alloy buildings near the interstellar orbital laser cannon melted instantly and then vaporized!


In Luo Feng's mind, Babata screamed and beat the ground with his hands: "This is a starry beast, a starry beast! Stupid, stupid earthling!"

In the Yunmoxing spaceship, Babata almost grabbed the ground with his head.

The preciousness of the starry sky behemoth is that the immortal powerhouse must be jealous.

Not to mention the earth, the value of the entire galaxy is not as good as it!

But at this time, he could only watch it suffer a terrifying crisis!


The moment the interstellar railgun lights up, UU reading www.uukanshu. A flash of fear suddenly flashed in the golden eyes of the golden-horned giant beast, and with a roar in the sky, he was about to escape into the ocean!

However, the speed of the interstellar orbital laser cannon, which is infinitely close to the speed of light, is far from something a cub with golden horns can avoid.

The next moment, under everyone's attention, the rays of light that illuminated the world instantly condensed into ten beams, came vertically and horizontally, crossed the entire Pacific Ocean in an instant, pierced through the golden-horned giant beast, and even more unabated, rowed. After an infinite distance, he shot straight into space.

Like ten lightsabers, piercing into space!

What monstrous waves, what metal fortresses, what dock containers, all vaporized and disappeared in an instant!

And in Gu Shaoshang's eyes, you can clearly see that the golden-horned giant beast is in panic and despair, and its limbs, unicorn, wings, and even its head have all been penetrated by the beam!

The huge body has shrunk by 90% in an instant!

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