Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1091: First time experience

? There are ten tasks without life, and naturally there are tasks with ten lives without death.

The quest level on the Gate of Time and Space was surprisingly easy to understand. It seemed like Teng Qingshan said that the master of the Temple of Time and Space did not want to kill them.

Many warriors were touched in their hearts, and their minds changed.

However, they are still not sure whether the above tasks are as suggested.

If you take a task of ten lives and no deaths, but the difficulty is ten dead and no lives, then you want to cry without tears.

For a time, needles fell on the huge square, and it seemed that even the sound of breathing could not be seen.

"The mission comes from many time and space and many worlds. It is the living thought captured by the time and space temple, not issued by the master of the time and space temple. Therefore, the specific task must be carefully considered."

At this time, Teng Qingshan opened his mouth and gave a light warning.

The gate of time and space connects many worlds, many time and space, and the danger level of the task, just for the task itself.

But in the end, it will be the unfamiliar world and time and space who will go to perform the task.

Really superstitious about the quest level on the gate of time and space, and ignoring the dangers of the world itself, is the way to die.

The people present were the ones he had instructed, and Teng Qingshan didn't want them to die in the mission world because of their carelessness.

Come to think of it, Gu Shaoshang is also unwilling.

"What the museum owner said, I'll wait to understand."

When many warriors heard the words, they all nodded, indicating that they knew.

After all, they are the top group of warriors on the earth, and naturally they are not helpless reckless men. They can naturally feel the kindness of Teng Qingshan.

I was even more careful in my heart.

In the following time, many warriors talked a lot, and acquaintances gathered to discuss the quest level of the gate of time and space, as well as the temple of time and space itself.

No one rushes to take on the task.

Teng Qingshan and Thor are not surprised. After all, they are traveling through time and space, so it is not too much to be careful.

If the mission came out, many warriors swarmed in, that would be abnormal.

"Brother, it seems that I still want you and me to go first."

Thor looked at the increasing tasks on the Gate of Time and Space, and said lightly.

His talent is not bad, but compared to Teng Qingshan, it is still a lot worse.

The reason why he can keep up with Teng Qingshan's footsteps is not only because of Teng Qingshan's instructions, but also because he dares to be the first!

During the Great Nirvana period, as an ordinary person, he went shopping for mutant beasts. When his cultivation was insufficient, he dared to challenge the beast emperor together with Teng Qingshan.

He can become the second strongest person on earth, and the existence that many warriors are afraid of is naturally not a fluke.


Teng Qingshan nodded, his eyes never leaving the gate of time and space.

On the gate of time and space, many tasks are constantly beating, from the past, from the future, and even from other universes.

And, more and more.

While many warriors were discussing, Teng Qingshan kept his eyes on the task.

In a short period of time, the number of tasks with ten dead and no life has increased from ten to hundreds, and the tasks under it are even more numerous.

And it seems to be increasing endlessly.

Obviously, so many tasks are not prepared for one person.

It was prepared for the thousands of warriors on the earth.

After a while, Teng Qingshan withdrew his gaze, looked at one of the tasks, and said, "This is the first time, you can't expect high-level tasks, choose the lowest-level tasks first, familiarize yourself with one or two, and talk about it later."

"It's a little too low."

Thor looked at the task Teng Qingshan had chosen, and couldn't help shaking his head: "The task of ten life and no death is not suitable. I will choose a more difficult one."

"It's up to you, I don't care."

Teng Qingshan smiled slightly, his eyes locked on a certain task on the Gate of Time and Space.


Thor also picked his own mission at about the same time.

Most of the low-level tasks on the Gate of Time and Space are single-player tasks, and only high-level tasks can be completed by multiple people.

The two people chose were obviously not those high-level tasks with scarlet fonts, which made people palpitate at first glance.


A ripple lit up above the gate of time and space, and a mighty electronic synthesis sound resounded in the minds of him and Thor:

【Accepting quest......Accepting quest completed】

[The task comes from the universe of Tianyu, one of the countless mortal worlds...... Task level, ten lives without death]


Before the voice fell, Teng Qingshan and Thor took a step together.

Under the gaze of many warriors, he entered the huge space-time portal.

"The two pavilion owners have already selected tasks?"

Many warriors were slightly startled, stopped the discussion, and came to the portal of time and space.

"The two pavilion owners must know the information about the temple of time and space, and they enter, they cannot explain the danger of the gate of time and space..."

A martial artist turned his mind and said eagerly:

"Forget it, let me in and explore the way for you!"

With that said, his eyes fell on the tasks at the bottom of the portal, and he chose a task.

He also stepped into the gate of time and space.


Among the many warriors were slightly shocked, a voice that seemed to suddenly realize came. : "On the gate of time and space, the least task is not the task of ten life and no life, but the task of ten life and no death!"

"That little task, where is enough for us!"

"No, it's true!"

Another martial artist suddenly realized and exclaimed: "If the lowest quest is gone, don't we have to choose a dangerous quest? If the difficulty of the first quest is too high, there may be unpredictable dangers!"

While he couldn't help but blurt out, he also screamed badly in his heart.

Sure enough, rays of light lit up under his gaze, and other warriors chose tasks one after another and stepped into the gate of time and space.

This time, it is the martial artist who has doubts in his heart, and at this time there is a slight sense of urgency.

It has to be said that the essence of human beings is blind obedience and obedience to the public, even these warriors are no exception.

Seeing his opponent, his friend stepped into it, and stepped into it almost without thinking.

In a blink of an eye, on the huge square, people went to the empty building!

Coincidentally, on the Gate of Time and Space, the lowest-level tasks were exactly equal to the number of these star-level warriors above the square.

One is not much, and one is not much.

It was the last warrior who chose the mission, and his heart was slightly stunned.

The moment he stepped into the gate of time and space, he looked back.

I saw that in the hazy Dao Yun, above the space-time square, there was a man in a black robe who could not see his face standing with his hands behind his back.


The warrior seemed to remember something, opened his mouth, and had no time to say anything in the future, then disappeared into the gate of time and space.

"Too cautious is not a good thing."

On the space-time square, in front of the space-time gate, Gu Shaoshang stood with his hands behind his back and sighed slightly.

Before, he was the first to inspire everyone.

The one who followed Teng Qingshan and Lei Shen to choose a mission was also an illusion created by him.

No, these people don't know how long they will be dawdling.

"Fortunately, after tasting the sweetness, there is no need for this."

Gu Shaoshang let out a sigh and said, "It's so sweet to be deceived by others, man, it's really interesting..."

These warriors always thought that he had a conspiracy, which would be detrimental to them.

But don't think about it, if he wants to be unfavorable to them, where will they have the opportunity to think?

Don't forget that one of his avatars, his favorite, is the way of cause and effect commonly known as the attack of wisdom.

"There are thousands of warriors, maybe you can give me some surprises..."

Gu Shaoshang took a last look at the gate of time and space, then turned and walked towards the temple of time and space:

"After all, I only need 2 trillion source power..."

He was not worried about the safety of Teng Qingshan and these warriors.

The lowest task of ten lives without death shows that as long as it is not stupid to die, there is almost no danger of death.

Such low-level tasks can cost lives.

Well, if you die, you will die.


In a Tianyu universe that is infinitely far away from the Devouring Universe and even the Origin Continent.

The universe of Tianyu is incomparably vast, and it is divided into the boundless **** world, the bottomless abyss, and the almost endless world of mortals.

Somewhere in the mortal world, a brilliance slowly descended.

Teng Qingshan's figure appeared.


Teng Qingshan's face was slightly pale, and the process of traveling through time and space was not very beautiful.

"It's really a completely different world..."

Teng Qingshan sensed for a moment, only to feel that this world was very different from the world he was in.

At this time, he was in a mountain forest, and not far away was a wheat field with a size of several hundred acres.

Before the wheat field, it was a building similar to a castle in the Middle Ages in Europe.

The people who come and go, either blond and blue-eyed, or red-haired and brown-eyed, seem to have no yellow people.

"The character this time is to guard the safety of this ancient castle... It seems that there is no danger."

Teng Qingshan thought about some tasks and walked slowly.

As he walked, the black clothes on his body turned into a cloak, the bridge of his nose became taller, and the color of his hair and even his pupils also changed.

To do as the locals do and to dress up in disguise is too normal for him.

After all, it is a new world, an unknown time and space.

If it is careless, it is very likely that it will be planted.



As the air swelled slightly, Teng Qingshan stepped out of the gate of time and space.

"But three days?"

Feeling slightly, Teng Qingshan was slightly surprised.

He stayed in the mortal for three full months, but on the earth, it seemed that only three days had passed.

Obviously, the flow rates of the two worlds are also different.

At this time, neither Thor nor other warriors have returned.

It seems that different worlds, different time and space, and the time flow of the earth are not the same.

"Unfortunately, low-level tasks are low-level tasks, and the source power is poor, but only more than a thousand points."

Teng Qingshan looked at the harvest and shook his head slightly.

The task level is too low, and his harvest is extremely limited. More than a thousand points of source power are still on top of the basic task and extended again.

"However, things from that side of the world can actually be brought out?"

He raised his hand slightly and looked at a knight's sword in his hand, thoughtfully.

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