Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1097: surprise

Ye Fan and Wu Shi were in the midst of breaking through Daluo, that is, the last time line that was closed, and Gu Shaoshang intentionally ignored the time line in the past.

After that timeline is over, the two can take the final step.

If the **** dog is willing to go back, Gu Shaoshang doesn't care.

"My lord, how about you?"

The **** dog had some heart palpitations. The sound of these old monks chanting sutras was too terrifying.

With his cultivation, he was almost lost, and he almost forgot who he was in the previous moment.

"Don't mind me."

The waves in the sea of ​​​​heart rippled slightly, and Gu Shaoshang's voice echoed in the ears of the **** dog.

He wanted to leave, but Duobao Tathagata couldn't stop him, but how could he run away in despair?

Even if you go out, fight it out!

The **** dog glanced at the "Monkey King of Heaven and Earth Conquest" book that was turning over in his heart, and hesitantly asked: "What about scalpers and anger?"

These days, his relationship with the scalpers has been quite good.

"You don't have to worry about it."

Gu Shao's sad thoughts moved slightly, and a purple ripple appeared on the sea of ​​​​heart, covering the **** dog.

In the next instant, the figure of the **** dog disappeared above the sea of ​​​​heart, and in the dark, escaped into an unpredictable place.

to the perfect world.

"Hundreds of billions of source power... The origin continent is really extraordinary. Perhaps, the surprise will come earlier."

Gu Shao's sad thoughts moved slightly, and then scattered in the darkness again.

Duobao Tathagata and the Five Great Kings of Ming Dynasty are both Buddhist giants who have become famous for endless years. Even he must deal with it with all his strength in order to resist the invasion of Buddha's voice.

A little careless, being attacked by Buddha's voice will be a great disaster.

However, Gu Shaoshang was not in a hurry.

Danger is often also an opportunity.

There are six giants of the peak of Daluo forming a large formation to train their hearts. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a big opportunity.

What's more, Gu Shaoshang's prehistoric world is at the critical moment of pushing back the Westward Journey.

His deity had no intention of leaving the Journey to the West universe.


On the earth, the peak genius of the universe really caused great waves, and many martial artists above the star level were a little boiling.

"The top 1,000 in the cosmos total list have three major rewards. One, according to the ranking, they will receive bonuses ranging from 10 units to 10,000 units. Second, they will get a place to enter the initial universe enlightenment. Three, Can become a core member of the virtual universe company."

Somewhere in the virtual universe, Zhang Haobai swept over the rewards of the peak genius battle, and was very excited.

The Hunyuan unit is the highest currency in the universe, and its purchasing power is astonishing.

1 Hunyuan is equal to 1 trillion Cosmic Coins, 1 Cosmic Coin is about 3300 Dry Witch Coins, and 1 Dry Witch Coin is equivalent to 1000 Black Dragon Mountain Coins!

An ordinary life planet only needs 100 billion Black Dragon Mountain Coins. Even if it is like the earth, the highest specification life star with the remains of immortal powerhouses needs only three trillion Black Dragon Coins!

As long as you enter the top 1,000, the lowest reward of 10 units is enough to buy thousands of life planets like the earth!

If you replace it with an ordinary life planet, you can buy tens of thousands!

What an amazing wealth this is!

Not to mention a star-level martial artist like Zhang Haobai, a cosmos-level martial artist, a master of the world master level, you should also be jealous and heartbeat!

And this is just a reward for stellar battles, and the rewards for genius battles at cosmic levels are many times higher!

"Hao Bai! We must participate in this peak genius battle!"

Behind Zhang Haobai, the cold-faced middle-aged warrior was also very excited, and said, "As long as you enter the top 1000, you and I will be enough to get rid of the restraint of the earth and truly stand in the universe!"

"Not bad! Must participate."

The other star-level warriors who were friends with Zhang Haobai were also very alarmed.

Wealth is moving!

Even if it is backed by the gate of time and space, it is limited to the level of the earth warrior, and the mission of the high-level world cannot really step into it.

This wealth made them very excited.

"Good! Sign up!"

Zhang Haobai took a deep breath and started registration.

His heart was ups and downs, and with his current cultivation base, he thought that among the stars, he was not a weak person.

I don't dare to think about winning the championship, but the top 1,000 may not be impossible to fight for!

Teng Qingshan, Luo Feng, Thor, Zhang Haobai... The vast majority of warriors above the star level above the earth have signed up.

A month has passed in a flash, and under the attention of countless galaxies in many cosmos countries, the registration for the peak genius battle has finally ended.

Teng Qingshan and Luo Feng finally got an email from the virtual universe.


The streamer transformed by the email jumped above the sky, and a deep and grand voice echoed in the ears of Luo Feng and the others:

"Welcome to participate, the pinnacle of human genius in the universe, the selection battle.

"In this selection battle, there are more than 822.5 billion stellar masters and 310 billion cosmos-level warriors within the scope of the Ganwu cosmos country to sign up to participate... More than 822.5 billion participants will be eliminated. There are 100,000 people left, and after that, the top 1,000 of the Qianwu Universe Nation will be selected.

Then, compete with the geniuses selected by many cosmos countries to compete for the top 1,000 in the entire cosmos......"

"There are trillions of people participating in the war in the cosmos country alone! How many people will there be in the entire universe?"

Thor was shocked.

A powerhouse with a trillion counts, this is an unimaginably huge number, even Thor can't imagine what a huge number this is.

"Countless universes, trillions of powerful people, only one thousand people..."

Teng Qingshan took a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling the pressure.

A first on earth, almost negligible when looking at the universe.

There are trillions of contestants, and no one dares to claim that they can come out on top.

"Only in this competition covering the universe, can the strongest talent be selected!"

Luo Feng smiled, there was a trace of bloodthirsty desire in his eyes.

This feeling of competing with the geniuses of the entire universe made him tremble and excited, and every drop of blood was roaring and boiling!


The Nuolan Mountain Family, the Caro Empire, and the Heilongshan Empire...the big forces have all begun to mobilize, and countless big figures have stepped out of the background and stood in front of the stage, encouraging the younger generations.

The peak genius battle of the universe is not only a competition, but also an occasion to show the background for many major forces.

The cosmic battle is bloody, and if you fall behind, you will die. Every occasion where you can show your muscles, these big forces will not let go!

"I! The Lord of the Universe Kingdom!"

In a mysterious space, a majestic and tyrannical existence stood above the sky and made a grand and low voice:

"You must occupy at least half of the top 1,000 places in Qianwu Cosmos Country!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Countless creatures knelt on the ground, trembling with excitement, looking up at the tyrannical existence in the sky full of admiration.

He is the Lord of the Universe Kingdom of Ganwu, the immortal overlord who rules over hundreds of millions of galaxies and countless creatures.


The lord of the cosmos country of Qianwu waved his hand and let hundreds of millions of talented warriors retire.

The universe is surging, not only the cosmos country, but many major forces have begun to mobilize before the war.

The disciples of these great forces have talents, opportunities, resources, and teachers.

Any one is an absolute elite!

This is a feast of predators. Many predators occupying the peak of the cosmic food chain are staring at all their companions. As long as anyone is a little weak, what awaits them is naked aggression!

No one can make exceptions.


"In the universe, it is rare to be so lively."

In the Temple of Time and Space, Zhan Shanke had a smile on his face and said, "I want to come, it will be even more lively when the selection battle is over."

Although he is only a ray of incarnation, but why his cultivation is so deep, just a ray of thought reincarnation, is also a well-deserved supreme power in this universe.

With his eyes, it is natural to see the extraordinaryness of Earth warriors.

The martial arts system is close to the body, under the tempering of many tasks, under the collision of many cosmic civilizations, and the cultivation system, the warriors on the earth are all abnormal.

In the same rank, there are few rivals.

After all, the martial arts insights they exchanged all came from Gu Shaoshang.

Genius, they may not be considered, but powerful, there is no doubt.

Unfortunately, the so-called cosmic genius battle is about who is stronger, not anything else.

Therefore, Sitting Mountains can almost predict the outcome of this battle.

"When they step into the universe, they will know what real darkness is."

Gu Shaoshang smiled lightly.

Only by truly stepping into the universe can Earth warriors grow.

The universe is dark and bloody, and the battle will not be like Gu Shaoshang, which clearly indicates the level of danger for them.

Only when they truly taste and truly grow can they stand at the pinnacle of the universe, compete with all races, and even set foot on the origin to dominate the possibilities of many Ahis.

Otherwise, even with the Martial Dao system, they will not be able to become real powerhouses.

"I'm afraid, the first person to be called to the door is a fellow Daoist."

The mountain guest looked at Gu Shaoshang and smiled slightly: "I'm afraid this little guy in the universe will be surprised."

"Not likely to?"

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand lightly, looked at the mountain guest with a half-smile, and said, "When I came to the door, I could only see you, how could it be me?"

"I really don't want to deal with these little guys."

The mountain passer shook his head with a wry smile.

He was a **** king in his previous life, and he is also a superpower in this body. He doesn't care about some big forces in the universe at all.

I don't even want to deal with them.

Otherwise he would not be a loner.

"Able people should do more work."

Gu Shaoshang said without refusing to refuse, his eyes fell, and he looked at the virtual universe, where the peak genius battle was held:

"That's it! Now, let's see how these little guys perform."

The corner of Zhanshanke's mouth twitched slightly, and he could only take over this errand.


The virtual universe covers almost the entire universe, and it is naturally the most suitable place to gather many warriors in the universe.

"This preselection will be divided into 100 worlds... and mass teleportation will be carried out soon..."

In the virtual universe, Ganwu cosmos country, on a land, with the sound of a voice.

The peak genius battle that gathered the eyes of the entire universe has finally begun.

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