Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: Exclusive 90% 9

? Luo Feng couldn't help but tumble.

He inherited the Meteorite Ink Star, seized the golden-horned giant beast, spent an unknown amount of resources to buy various kinds of strange gold, and Teng Qingshan and Lei Shen searched for the strange metal in the mission world, and the golden-horned giant beast became cosmic. .

But Rao is so, his Earthman clone is only a star-level peak.

The group of warriors on the earth, with their backs on the gate of time and space, simply became the pinnacle of the star level.

Thinking of the bitterness of practicing in the gravity room almost day and night, and entering the virtual universe to fight against the masters of all races in the universe, Luo Feng couldn't help but weep bitterly.

It's so unfair!

I'm still the titular Earth Lord!

"Luo Feng, Lord Luo!"

At this time, the turbulent flow of people suddenly dispersed, and in the two rows of tyrannical armored soldiers clearing the way, an old man dressed in a black dragon robe with an ancient face walked over with a smile.

But it is the Holy Master of Black Dragon Mountain.

"This is the Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, the Holy Master of the Holy Land Heilong Mountain! I have seen him with the master!"

In the smart space, Babata reminded.

"The Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire!"

Luo Feng sighed in his heart, stepped forward and bowed in a salute: "Luo Feng has seen the king!"

At this time, he was only at the peak of the stellar level, and the golden-horned giant beast itself was only a cosmic level combat power. In the face of such a giant, he naturally had to bow his head.

"Lord Luo is very polite, this emperor took the liberty to come here, I want to meet, I am the elite of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire."

Contrary to Luo Feng's expectations, the Holy Master of Black Dragon Mountain had a very good attitude. Before he could bow down, he reached out and helped him up.

He held Luo Feng's hand very cordially and said with a smile.


Looking at the old face of the Holy Master of Heilongshan, who wanted to laugh like a flower, Luo Feng's heart skipped a beat.

A somewhat flattered feeling.

"Ha ha!"

The Holy Master of Heilongshan laughed, pulled Luo Feng, and walked towards the battleship not far away from the two rows of soldiers.

"At this moment, the many world lords and domain lords of my Black Dragon Mountain Empire have been waiting for a long time, waiting to see you, the earth lord."

The intelligence of these big forces in the universe is naturally top-notch. In a short period of time, the origins of those warriors on the list have already been placed on the desks of many big people.

All the big men were shocked to find that nearly 99% of the talented warriors who occupied this place for the selection battle actually came from the same place.

That is, the earth!

Naturally, after being extremely shocked, in the eyes of many great people, Luo Feng's status as a lord was infinitely elevated, to a terrifying height.

The high-level officials of all major forces have speculated that on the earth, there may be traces of a supreme existence.

Otherwise, even if it is a big opportunity, it is impossible to be so exaggerated.

Therefore, not to mention the Holy Master of Black Dragon Mountain, it is the other big figures in the universe of Ganwu, and even the lord of the universe of Ganwu, the overlord of the immortal, is rushing here at this moment.

If the Holy Master of Black Dragon Mountain had not been waiting outside, he might not have been the first to meet Luo Feng.

"Ah....oh, oh..."

Luo Feng nodded dumbly, and was pulled by the Holy Master of Black Dragon Mountain, surrounded by many guards above the peak of the universe level, and boarded the battleship.

In the intelligent space, Babata beat the ground with excitement.

This kind of treatment was only experienced before his master Huyanbo died.

"Wait, he keeps mentioning the Lord of the Earth... sorry, although I am the Lord of the Earth, but..."

As soon as he stepped into the battleship, Luo Feng's heart suddenly jumped, and he remembered something bad.

Although he is the lord of the earth, it is not him who has the final say on the earth...

But at this time, he had already entered the battleship, and it was too late to retreat.

Under Luo Feng's scalp tingling, he could only bite the bullet and enter through gritted teeth.


There are only 1,000 places in Qianwu Cosmos Country, and there are 100,000 star-level warriors on the earth that have been initially eliminated.

In addition to the first place in each theater can directly advance, the remaining 100,000 people must compete with each other for the remaining 900 rankings.

In the end, there is no suspense.

Of the 1,000 places in the Universe of Witchcraft, Earth warriors have occupied 998!

This result has caused a sensation in the entire Universe of Witchcraft, and countless major forces have flocked here, wanting to see what changes have taken place in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

In the next period of time, the Holy Master of Black Dragon Mountain has almost no time to spare, with calls from giants and visits from major forces.

Let him be in a hurry, and at the same time, his heart is also extremely excited.

As long as there is a genius who passes the primary election in the universe country to which he belongs, he will receive a huge reward from the virtual universe company.

That reward is even higher than that of the participating geniuses!

It is conceivable that 990 places will bring him a huge harvest!

The entire Heilongshan Empire, the many galaxies under its jurisdiction, may not be able to match one-tenth of the reward!

Therefore, during this time, the Holy Master of Heilongshan was in pain and joy.

Even, in order to please Luo Feng, the earth lord, he personally took action, killed more than 100,000 direct descendants of the Nuolan Mountain family, and packed their heads together with the more than 80 life planets under his control and gave them to Luo Feng. ......

Immediately, the momentum was so great that it affected the entire universe, and the selection competition for the peak genius battle of the universe, which was almost in the eyes of all major forces, ended.

There are up-and-coming geniuses in many big cosmic countries, but the waves in any cosmic country add up to nothing compared to the great wave that has been set off in the cosmic country of Qianwu!

Since then, the earth warriors have spread throughout the virtual universe, shaking other universe countries, even the virtual universe companies, giant axe fighting fields and other giant forces.

The Ganwu Universe Country governs hundreds of millions of galaxies, and there are so many living planets.

Nearly a trillion star-level warriors participated in the trials, and the warriors on a small remote planet took up 99% of the places!

Just thinking about it, you know what a great news!

Even the special envoy of the virtual universe, the giant axe fighting field, dared to come to the universe of the witch to investigate the truth of the matter.



In the small courtyard behind the Temple of Time and Space, Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged and swallowed slowly.

In his body, countless light spots rippling, like hundreds of millions of portals that pass through each other, flashing with glory.

"All kinds of divine treasures can be divided into nine major divine treasures, and in addition to the Daluo divine treasure, the other eight divine treasures can be divided into four categories: mind, spirit, mind, and body. Daluo is all-encompassing. This step is the One step ahead."

"To achieve Daluo is to achieve innate."

"When the divine treasures are fully opened, human beings are the same as the universe, the essence is extraordinary, and Daluo can prove it."

Gu Shaoshang's thoughts flowed slowly, slowly pushing the Divine Treasures in his body to rotate.

The Great Dao creates chaos, chaos turns into nothingness, heaven and earth are born in nothingness, and innate gods and demons are also born. Innate gods and demons are not different from the universe...

Many gods are hidden in the dark, not in the flesh, not in the soul, and the gods cannot be touched and the heart cannot reach.

However, it is reflected in the body, mind, soul, and will.

This is the principle that the acquired spirit goes against the innate, and the Dao evolves all living beings.

For ordinary people, reason is useless. Knowing the operation of thunder does not mean that you can use thunder and know the mysteries of the universe, and it does not mean that you can control the universe.

What is lacking is the power to transform truth.

Of course, Gu Shaoshang lacked the most, and the most important thing he lacked was strength.

Gu Shaoshang's practice naturally does not need to be like the warriors on the earth, breathing out the spiritual energy, smashing the body, and searching for the treasures of heaven and earth.

His essence is lofty, and a ray of divine will is almost omnipotent, and it can reach the realm of achieving what you want.

What kind of heaven and earth treasures, what kind of resource aura, if he thinks about it, it can be self-generated, except for the materials above innate.

Therefore, as soon as his mind moved, the doors in his body trembled slightly.

Ordinary earth warriors open up a treasure, just like opening a door.

As soon as Gu Shaoshang's mind moved, the doors of the fan disappeared, melting the only one, as if illusory and real.

Gradually, the immeasurable portal was lit up by Gu Shaoshang, and then dissolved into nothingness.

Silently, the immeasurable divine treasure in his body opened, merged, and gradually, it could be seen that in the endless nothingness, a little bit of light lit up.

A holy fetus rose up in Gu Shaoshang's body like absolute nothingness, shining brightly.

Gu Shaoshang's figure moved slightly, and many visions disappeared.

There is no portal, and there is no holy embryo.


Gu Shaoshang slowly let out a long breath.

The pores on his fleshly body stretched out at the same time, and the delicate fragrance diffused, filling the entire space-time temple, and even the entire space-time square.

But everyone who smells this fragrance will be shocked, no matter what they are doing, they can't help but sit down and fall into deep meditation.

Enlightenment begins!

This is the exhaust gas produced by Gu Shaoshang's flesh body after the sharp rise.

Of course, for Gu Shaoshang, it is waste gas, and for the warriors on the earth, it is a very precious opportunity.

Gu Shaoshang once obtained the ginseng fruit in the world of the white snake. It is said that if he smelled it, he could live to be three hundred and sixty years old.

"The way of Daoist is really mysterious and unpredictable! One layer of gods hides another layer of heaven, and billions of gods hide chaos.... There is a heaven and earth in the human body, and it is unnecessary to open it up again. ........"

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang had finished his work, the mountain-passenger gave a slight admiration, feeling like he was standing upright on a high mountain:

"Hundreds of millions of divine treasures, billions of heavens, the nine great divine treasures are the way to reach the sky..."

"There is no way to reach the sky in the world..."

Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, the light in his eyes was deep and clear, and the endless divine treasures circulated, like a chaotic sea.

These years, he is naturally not in vain.

Many Divine Treasures have already been completely brought together, and only after the final opening, they will be able to climb Daluo again.

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