Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: Domination of the world and the Taoist of cause and effect

?The five fingers of that giant hand are slender, exuding a round golden light like ivory, which contains the tyrannical power of turning samsara and sinking in ten thousand ways.

Before the words fell, he suddenly pressed down on the **** dog!

The rumbling sound is like a substantial shock wave, spreading in all directions, driving the might of the monstrous emperor, and the trillions of miles of void are stagnant!

"An emperor?!"

The **** dog had black hair standing upright all over his body, and grinned: "Great Emperor, Xiao Hei is going to be killed by you!"

At the same time as the screaming, the **** dog swept across millions of miles, and one square array was thrown out like a deadly, turning into a square immortal king big array, entangled vertically and horizontally, escaping the aura of the emperor.

Boom! !

Fang Fang's Immortal King's Great Array suddenly exploded, just like Fang Fang's great world exploded, instantly shattering the trillions of miles of void, constantly impacting the Emperor Qi that blocked the void.

He himself squatted on the platform and activated the formation.

But not recklessly, but to escape!

Although the **** dog has become an immortal king, how can he be hostile to an emperor.

Anyway, he has written down this breath, and then called Xiao Ye, Xiao Shi, and beating is the king!


The sound of the previous chuckle sounded again, and the smile slowly subsided, becoming indifferent and cold:

"Unfortunately, it's just a beast!"


The giant hand of Qiongtian dropped slightly, and the slender five fingers trembled slightly, and the boiling and shattering void of trillions of miles suddenly stagnates.

Still at a seemingly slow, in fact, boundless speed, ignoring the obstacles of time and space, he continued to press down.

"I'm wrong!"

The **** dog was startled, and a mouthful of black dog blood spurted out, hitting the stage below him like a waterfall:

"Hurry up and start!"


The formation stage shook suddenly, and hundreds of millions of infinite formation runes bloomed, instantly shrouding the **** dog.

In the tremor, it is necessary to escape into the void!

But the next moment, the face of the **** dog suddenly froze, in his horrified eyes.

As far as the eye can see, the immeasurable void shrinks instantly under the suppression of the incomparably tyrannical Emperor Qi.


In the slight sway of the air flow, the void of hundreds of millions of miles was instantly compressed into a small jet black ball.

Slowly, it fell from mid-air and landed in the palm of a slender man in Tsing Yi.

The man was dressed in a blue shirt, with an ordinary face, standing in the void, with a rounded breath, returning to the basics, his expression calm and calm, not like a great supernatural power, but more like a scholar who has read poetry and books.

"Where did this dog come from, it suddenly appeared, and I didn't even notice it."

The man lightly weighed the bead in the palm of his hand that sealed the void of hundreds of millions of miles, and looked thoughtfully not far away:

"Master Xiong, have you seen it?"

His appearance is ordinary, but his every move is very charming, and his voice is gentle and calm.

"Mr. Hua didn't see it, and Xiong-Xi naturally couldn't see it."

The heroic and majestic voice sounded like thunder blasting in the void. To the southwest of the man in the blue shirt, a tall man with a domineering aura stepped out.

The man was nine feet tall, dressed in a golden robe, and his eyebrows flew slantingly.

This person is impressively a tyrant from the wind and cloud world.

After joining the main temple, he practiced endless years, surmounted his own destiny, took charge of the world society, and dominated the Chaos Sea.

However, he spoke with a hint of caution, and he was quite apprehensive about this Mr. Hua.

"Hehe, here, it's really interesting."

Mr. Hua, who was wearing a blue shirt, smiled slightly and flicked his slender five fingers lightly, smoothing out the constantly stirring time and space after being intercepted by him.

"The Lord God sent out ten primordial purple qi and asked me to wait. It is naturally difficult, but it is not only because those waste groups are destroyed here."

Xiongba glanced at the dead void here, and said indifferently:

"This side of the world, time and space are very tough, at least three big Luos are blood-stained, and they have all collapsed into this billions of miles of heaven and earth. It's interesting and interesting."

"More than three great Luos."

Mr. Hua, who was wearing a blue shirt, shook his head slightly and said, "In this space and time, there are at least ten traces of Daluo, three of which have fallen, and one has been wiped out of all traces. Daluo."

In his eyes, the edge flashed slightly, with a trace of solemnity, and said:

"Perhaps, it is the Ancestral Dragon."

"That ancestral dragon..."

Xiongba was slightly apprehensive, and said, "Mr. Hua, do you know Zulong's heels?"

To be able to completely obliterate a Daluo here, I am afraid, it is no longer a Daluo series.

"This point, I know a little bit below."

Mr. Na Hua smiled slightly and said, "I heard that the helm of the World Association, the chief priest of the Xiong Gang, is about to be promoted to the Innate Spirit Treasure. Why don't you and I go in and talk about it in detail, plant this fat dog, and talk slowly."

He casually weighed the beads in his palm, and said slowly:

"If you don't get all the people together, it's better to keep your troops in motion! Just like the daoist friend Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor, you have suffered two losses one after another, and you owe the main temple a great cause and effect. It's better not to happen."

"Exactly that."

Xiongba nodded slightly, and his heart was filled with emotion.

From an ordinary martial arts person, he has climbed to the current position after tens of thousands of missions. Naturally, he has to be more cautious.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor was first shattered by Ji Huanyu's dao body. After endless years passed, he only recovered half of it, and was almost shattered by the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife on the spot.

Even if he was rescued by the main temple, the end was enough to be remembered by the many heavenly shuttlers who belonged to the main temple.

Daluo series shuttlers enjoy privileges in the main temple, and their status is different from the reincarnation team.

More like a partnership.

But two heavy losses, the first time he fell to the rank, the second time he almost fell to Daluo's Abandoned Heaven Emperor, and he was rescued by the main temple again. It is conceivable that his fate.


Xiongba's palm flipped slightly, and a fairy mountain swayed slightly in his palm, flew erratically, turned into a height of ten thousand feet, fell down, and crashed on the sea of ​​blood.

This mountain is shrouded in Dao Yun, even if the meaning of killing and annihilation on the battlefield here, cannot pass through the shroud of Dao Yun.

It seems to be high and low, but it contains the universe, and you can faintly see the flow of layers of world barriers. Obviously, many big universes are also used as mountain protection formations.

"What a fairy mountain!"

Mr. Hua patted his palm and praised: "There are hundreds of directions in the universe, the small world is almost infinite, and its essence is no less than the innate spiritual treasure. The spiritual charm inside it is supposed to be suppressed by the heroic gang leader?"

"90,000 years ago, this mountain gave birth to an inextinguishable spiritual charm, which can be a congenital spiritual treasure, but the tool spirit is too unique, and it disobeys the old man.

Xiongba stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly:

"The disobedient Lingbao is innate, and the old man is not at all pity."


Mr. Hua nodded and expressed his approval: "My Tiandu Mountain is the same."

"Let's talk inside."

Xiongba restrained his expression and invited.


Mr. Hua shook his sleeve robe lightly and paced with Xiongba on this immortal mountain.

"Wait two adults!"

Amidst the rippling white light, a black-robed figure suddenly appeared, waved his hands again and again, and called out the two men.

He was dressed in a black robe, handsome and handsome, with a smile on his face.


Mr. Hua raised his brows slightly and looked back at the figure in black: "You are not dead?"

A terrifying light flashed in his eyes, and he recognized the person.

This person is not a shuttler of the heavens. He was born in the reincarnation team, but he is famous for the main temple with one-handed cause and effect.

Even many shuttlers in the heavens also know his existence.

It is an outlier in the main temple, not Daluo, but his status is not inferior to Daluo.

Xiongba also turned around and his eyelids jumped: "Daoist Karma, didn't you die in this Primordial Primordial Realm?"

Xiongba's expression was a little unhappy, and he didn't want to see anyone coming.

"Happy luck, luck by chance!"

The man in black robe shook his head again and again and smiled bitterly: "Two adults, it's really miserable! More than 3,000 reincarnation squads, almost all of them were wiped out, only Xiaodao and Xiaodao's dogs are left..."


Having said this, the man in black robe suddenly looked around:

"Two adults, can you see Xiaodao's dog?"

"Your dog?"

Mr. Hua frowned slightly: "When did you get a dog?"

"Not long ago."

The man in black robe slightly cupped his hands, looked at Mr. Hua calmly, and said, "Can you see it?"

"I should have picked it up, I'll give it back to you."

Mr. Hua moved his fingers and shot the beads out of his palm.

The black-robed young man named "The Daoist of Karma" made a move, caught the bead, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hua, for keeping your hand, Xiaodao is very grateful."

"Watch your dog."

Mr. Hua lightly glanced at Daoist Karma and said indifferently:

"Come in together. When Daoist Yujing and Daoist Feng are here, we still need your news."


Daoist Karma smiled slightly and weighed the small beads in his palm.

As the two walked into the fairy mountain.

The immortal mountain is misty, and the three people walked into it one after another, and it seemed that they had entered another world. Spiritual springs flowed, immortal grasses and spirits were planted everywhere, sometimes immortal beasts chased, immortal cranes emptied past, and dragon turtles lay beside the spring water.

"It's a good place."

Daoist Karma gave a slight compliment, and said, "Master, you will enjoy it."

"My fellow Daoist laughed."

Xiongba waved his sleeves, and there were several more tables and chairs by the spring.

After the three of them were seated, greeted each other a few times.

Xiongba sighed: "The task of the main temple is getting more and more difficult to do, not only the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor Daoist friend, but also a team of good players led by my general manager."

"But Director Wen?"

Daoist Karma pretended to sigh and said, "That's really jealous of Yingcai."

The two of them looked at each other with a look of embarrassment.

"In the endless and infinitely diverse chaotic sea, the strong are like the sand of the Ganges, and it is not surprising that anyone planted it."

Mr. Hua interrupted the sighs of the two and said lightly:

"It's better to care about the present, for example, that Ancestral Dragon."

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