Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: Counting 0 years in a hurry, the Galaxy Universe Kingdom!

Any true **** has its own unique little universe. Even if it is a projection incarnation, it is extremely conspicuous in the eyes of a true **** of the same rank and even those of a higher realm.

The founder of the giant axe, of course, can't hide from the eyes of the mountaineer.

In the same way, the founder of the giant axe, who was far away in the sea of ​​​​stars, also found the undisguised traces of sitting on the mountain.

"It turned out to be him!"

The spaceship passed quietly, approaching the Milky Way, and the tall figure of the founder of the giant axe moved slightly and spoke in a low voice.

"who is it?"

The City Lord of Chaos sensed slightly, and could faintly perceive a tyrannical aura in the Milky Way, but he could not clearly recognize it.

"The most mysterious loner, the most powerful person, is a mountain traveler."

The founder of the giant axe narrowed his eyes, and his voice was strong: "In this way, there is no problem with the earth."

"It turned out to be him."

The Chaos City Lord and others all nodded, understanding.

With the intelligence system of the human race, it is natural that even the strongest cannot recognize it, although they don't know much about the Sitting Mountain Guest.

But as long as you know, he is a neutral loner.

is enough.

As long as it's not a hostile faction, everything is easy to say.

Otherwise, they can't really step into the galaxy.

This is also the reason why the founder of the giant axe cannot come in person, but must follow.

"Giant Axe, are you here to see me?"

At this time, in the small courtyard behind the Temple of Time and Space, a mountain guest sat cross-legged, kneading a whitish divine stone in his palm, and said lightly.

Its voice, using the law as the medium, instantly penetrated the galaxy and rang out in the spaceship.

"Yes, Earth warriors swept the genius battle, such a big movement, I naturally want to come and see."

The creator of the giant axe nodded slightly.

The movement of the earth warriors is too great. The winner of the genius battle can not only obtain incomparably huge resources, but also join the virtual universe company.

As for the authenticity of its bloodline, it is natural to be exquisite.

Under normal circumstances, the founder of the giant axe will naturally not come, but the earth is too special.

It occupied most of the places, hundreds of thousands of people!

Naturally, he had to come and see in person, otherwise, if it was invaded by a hostile race, it would be a big trouble.

In the sea of ​​​​cosmos, human beings are not considered powerful, and naturally they should be more cautious.

"Then come in."

Sitting on the mountain nodded slightly and didn't say much.

"Let's go."

The founder of the giant axe nodded to the mountain guest, and then said lightly.


The spaceship vibrated slightly before it really stepped into the Milky Way.

No other unfamiliar supreme powers will easily step into any galaxy in which a supreme power is inhabited, even if it is a neutral camp.

With a slight tremor, the spaceship crossed the long galaxy, and in the next instant, came between the sun and the earth.

From the beginning to the end, several people, including the founder of the giant axe, did not find it, and they were sitting opposite Gu Shaoshang, who was sitting opposite the mountain guest.


The airflow vibrated slightly.

The founder of the giant axe, the city master of chaos, the master of virtual gold, the master of Peng Gong, and others passed through the atmosphere of the earth.

For the existence of immortal series, the earth is not much bigger than marbles, let alone the founder of the giant axe.

With a slight movement in their minds, several people moved from the sky, across the continent of America and Africa, to the continent of Asia and Europe, before the station of the extreme martial arts hall, under the space-time island.

"I feel a lot of fluctuations in time and space..."

The founder of the giant axe trembled slightly in his heart, just like the previous mountaineers, he also felt the unusualness of the space-time island.

Even, you can feel the breath and traces of other universes that run through the space-time island.

"The laws of time and space are materialized, this island is the manifestation of time and space!"

The Lord of Void Gold sucked in a breath of cold air and said in shock, "What kind of existence can evolve into such an island?"

"This island is probably the most powerful treasure!"

Master Peng Gong felt a little, and his soul felt a tingling pain, as if it was about to be divided, and he was horrified.

"Not only."

The founder of the giant axe shook his head slightly and spit out two words.


He took a deep breath and said, "Let's go and see the people sitting on the mountain."

He is a superpower. Although sadly he does not have a superpower, he is no stranger to Zhiqiang superpower.

Any Xeon treasure he has seen is far from being comparable to the breath of this island.

This is far beyond the existence of Xeon.


After the founder of the giant axe and the city master of Chaos set foot on the earth, and returned from the meeting with the mountain guest, the mighty peak genius battle of the universe finally came to an end.

A lot of rankings were really fixed.

In the virtual universe, on the square where the genius battle was held, the Nine Swords Venerable, who was dressed in a green shirt and had scales on his head, stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the next thousand young people, and said with a smile:

"You guys are the most powerful of all genius battles in the history of the virtual universe!"

He looked at a group of earth warriors and sighed in his heart.

In the entire universe, in the battle of trillions of star-level talents, almost all the places were finally won by a small planet. This is something that no one could have imagined.

Then, there was a slight silence.

Venerable Nine Swords seemed to be waiting for something. After a long time, he seemed to hear something before he spoke again, announcing the ranking and the places to join the various secret realms of the Virtual Universe Company.

Originally, this should have been announced before.

But this genius battle is too special, and it is naturally impossible to announce it until it is determined whether the group of earth warriors in front of them are related to the hostile faction.

You must know that there are nearly a thousand people in the group of warriors from the same planet. If you only find out that they are related to the enemy camp after joining the virtual company, it will be scary.

After all, human resources are limited, and the number of virtual universe companies is extremely precious.

"The most pure yang energy, the **** emperor's sword, the magic prison's mysterious fetal scripture, the Buddhist six-character soul-shaping method, and the words are secret..."

Luo Feng, who was standing in front of the crowd, listened to the announcement of Venerable Nine Swords, his face was still, but he was thinking about the experience of martial arts that Teng Qingshan and Lei Shen exchanged for him.

The shock in his heart had not completely disappeared until now.

The advantages of the martial arts system are too great. The cultivation experience of an unimaginable giant is too precious and too powerful.

He just experienced it for a while, and then he knew how great the opportunities contained in it.

Unfortunately, he does not have a martial arts system.

Luo Feng sighed in his heart, feeling a little disappointed, even though it was only fleeting.

"I don't know what a huge price the eldest brother and second brother paid..."

Luo Feng was a little moved, but also a little guilty.

The value of these books is simply inestimable. If Teng Qingshan and Thor want to exchange it, the price is probably not small.

"It can only be repaid slowly in the future..."

He thought to himself, but he knew that it would be difficult for him to repay.

At least, for a long time, it was difficult for him to catch up with his two brothers.

What's more, the martial arts secret techniques he possessed at this time were only the initial chapters. If he wanted to get the follow-up, he still had to accept the help of Teng Qingshan and the two of them.

Unless he doesn't want the follow-up practice secret method.

If it was before, he might refuse.

But after cultivating in person and possessing the power to sweep across the same level, he hesitated.

"The secret realm in the beginning... Luo Feng, Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, Jian Xian..."

And while Luo Feng was thinking about it, the announcement of Venerable Nine Swords also came to an end.

"At this point, this genius battle has come to an end! I hope that after many epochs, you will become immortal, venerable, and even the master of the universe!"

Venerable Nine Swords smiled slightly and announced the end of the genius battle.

And the ranking of this peak genius battle was also announced in the virtual universe, and further spread among more than a thousand top universe countries.

First, Luo Feng (from Heilongshan Empire, the Milky Way)

Second, Xiao Yan (from Heilongshan Empire, the Milky Way)

Third, Lin Dong (from the Heilongshan Empire, the Milky Way)


Earth warriors have completely swept the top ten of this genius battle!

Even though he was as tyrannical as Berlan, the **** of death, he could only sadly fall into the top ten.

And the entire universe, among the top 1000 in the overall ranking, are mostly swept up by Earth warriors!

"Luo Feng! Black Dragon Mountain! Milky Way, Earth!"

"Black Dragon Mountain! Black Dragon Mountain!"

"Earth! Earth!!"

The universe shakes!

Countless living beings shook!

This list has completely pushed the earth's fame to an unimaginable height.

The fame of the earth has surpassed that of any planet in the universe!

In the past, the video images of many earth warriors fighting for the top ten were instantly spread into the virtual universe, making a windfall for the resellers of the video.

No matter which cosmic country it is, they are all discussing the earth and earth warriors.

Especially Luo Feng, who was in the limelight for a while!

It is the hostile camp of mankind, and it has also set its sights on Luo Feng and the others and even on the earth.

All those who have emerged in the genius battle are the targets of assassination by the hostile faction!

The first is even more so!


In the blink of an eye, a few years later, the cosmos-level genius battle has also begun.

Many cosmos-level earth warriors led by Teng Qingshan and Thor also swept all the opponents and took the top ten.

After that, many earth warriors, under the call of Teng Qingshan, practiced the secret avatar technique one after another, and went to the virtual universe company to practice.

The deity, on the other hand, stayed on Earth and performed the mission of the gate of time and space.

The earth has embarked on the road of explosive development!

Time flies by, and in a flash, hundreds of years have passed.

In the past few hundred years, the earth has developed rapidly. After several bloodline transitions, all the people on earth can reach the star level when they are adults, and the level of the entire civilization has improved by more than one step!

In these short hundreds of years, the entire universe has been surging, and many earth warriors have finally begun to stir the universe.

After Teng Qingshan, Luo Feng, Lei Shen and others stepped into immortality one by one, they became famous all over the world.

The entire Heilongshan Empire has also been completely renamed, corrected to, Galactic Empire, the capital of the Earth, with Teng Qingshan as the first lord.

Luo Feng, Lei Shen and others served as the assistants of the deputy lord.


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