Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1114: I, Xiao Yan, the Lord of the Universe! (4000 words…

The innate gods and demons, the acquired spirits, and the universe of the heaven and earth are all bred from the endless and infinite chaotic universe sea. Therefore, the endless chaotic sea is also called the mother river.

But why, there is a distinction between innate and acquired.

It is because all acquired beings are born in the universe of heaven, earth, and there is an additional barrier compared to the innate gods and demons born directly in the sea of ​​chaos.

This barrier restricts the acquired soul from directly contacting the Chaos Sea.

Breaking the Gate of Divine Treasure is equivalent to a process in which the acquired spirit breaks this barrier, gets rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, directly touches the Chaos Sea, and sublimates in the Chaos Sea.

Therefore, after every divine treasure is opened up, it will give birth to all kinds of incredible magical powers.

Clairvoyance, Shunfeng Er, magic, heaven and earth, flying in the sky, immortality, earth-shattering, star-shifting... All supernatural powers, all inconceivables, are nothing but Daluo's instincts.

Opening up the Divine Treasure is the process of recovering one's instincts and re-entering Daluo.

Essence, blood, and ultimate power belong to the body, vitality and longevity belong to Qi, the secrets of heaven and the Tao are integrated into the soul, and the mind of Tao and wisdom belong to the heart.

The Eight Great Treasures of God include the almost infinite treasures in the human body.

And the Daluo Divine Treasure is the essence, the "I". If I am open to the heaven and earth and accommodate the endless Divine Treasure, then the Daluo Divine Treasure will be opened, and I am Daluo.

"There are thousands of ways of Daluo, and even I can't know all of them."

In the dark, Gu Shao sighed slightly in sadness.

In the beginning, the golden seal was not all-encompassing. It only represented the path of his deity, and it might be made by accommodating ten thousand paths, but it did not mean that there were ten thousand paths leading to Daluo.

These nine methods of divine possession were summed up by Gu Shaoshang after re-organizing the way of cultivation in the day after tomorrow.

Of course, as he came out, he naturally merged into the Golden Seal of Absolute Beginning, becoming his heritage and his experience.

"Daluo, Daluo."

After thinking about it, his heart trembled slightly, and it seemed that endless gods and demons sounded at the same time. Above the sea of ​​​​heart, he broke a barrier in the dark and touched the sea of ​​chaos!


In the sea of ​​​​heart, there seems to be the sound of dripping water. In a flash, the sound of dripping water becomes denser, like a small stream flowing, and as time goes by, it turns into the roaring sound of the galloping Yangtze River.

It is as if the endless sea of ​​chaos flows into the sea of ​​heart!


Above the sea of ​​​​heart, the light is shining, and Gu Shaoshang's mind began to change when it penetrated the sea of ​​chaos.

The essence of his divine will gradually began to grow under the blessing of many divine treasures and the nurturing of the Chaos Sea.

Daluo, the power is endless, and there is almost no consumption.

The avatar is the differentiation of the essence of Daluo. The more the essence of differentiation, the more tyrannical the avatar is. With the essence of Gu Shaoshang, it is possible to differentiate into a avatar of the great Luo Jinshu.

But that will inevitably make his deity fall into weakness, and the recovery of his essence is not so simple.

This can be seen from the Abandoned Heaven Emperor who has been sinking for countless years after the essence is shattered.

Therefore, any Daluo who wants to evolve his avatar can only differentiate a ray of divine will, cultivate with divine will, and re-enter Daluo.

However, if the incarnation of differentiation, if you practice the path of the deity, when you achieve Dara, you will be assimilated by the deity, which is meaningless.

Therefore, any avatar that is divided into Daluo must rediscover its own way of Daluo.

At this step, it is inevitable for any Daluo who wants to split into a clone.

This step limits the possibility that a single Daluo can evolve into hundreds of millions of Daluo series clones to fight the enemy together.

Of course, the endless infinite sea of ​​chaos is too big, and it is not that no one can do this.

Like the World Honored Spirit Mountain, the Dala who was transformed by him is called an Arhat, or transformed into a Bodhisattva. The strongest person can also be used as his own incarnation.

For example, the Five Great Kings of Ming Dynasty who had conquered the five demons were the ones who came from Purdue.

This is naturally a million times simpler than dividing the will of the gods and re-entering Daluo.

The reason why the World Honored Spirit Mountain is called the endless chaotic sea, the first person under the Primordial Primordial, is not only because of the tyranny of the deity, but also because of the tyranny of his incarnation.

These avatars, who are also Da Luojinshu, have established him as the strongest under the Primordial Yuan.

You must know that the World Honored Spirit Mountain is most famous for only seven incarnations, but that doesn't mean he only has seven incarnations!

Even if he is as arrogant as the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, he is also the Great Luo Jinshu, with unparalleled combat power, and he can't hold back a lot of people.

Daoist Wukong must kneel!

Gradually, Gu Shaoshang's divine will began to grow, and began to evolve into the Great Luo Daoguo.

Gu Shaoshang could accomplish this process overnight, but he didn't.

The process of the acquired spirit reversing the innate is also a great opportunity in itself. Taste and experience are also a kind of cultivation.

So, not only did he not speed up this speed, but he deliberately slowed it down, and he felt it carefully.

It was precisely because he was fully immersed in comprehension and experience that he did not realize that a huge storm was brewing in the outside world.


Time flies, and it doesn't stop for anyone. Gu Shaoshang's retreat has no effect.

With the passage of time, the newly-born Galactic Empire gradually grew. This process was not very fast. The eight galaxies, including the Milky Way, were already enough for the newly-born Galactic Empire to digest.

But with the birth of one after another, the Galactic Empire grew rapidly.

The Earth warriors headed by Xiao Yan, after negotiating with the Virtual Universe Company and the Giant Axe Fighting Arena, started the road of expansion!

Of course, it is not for the cosmic kingdom of witchcraft, which is also an alliance of human beings, but other races!

For example, the machine race, the Zerg race, the big forces that were originally hostile!

Outside the Milky Way, hundreds of thousands of light-years away, a battle broke out!

"Fleet No. 1 to 1005 d, maximum power, burst!"

"E-fleet numbered 1006 to 100000, maximum power, burst!"

"Fleet No. 100000 to 5000000, maximum power, burst!"

"Target! Earth warrior, Yan Emperor, Xiao Yan!"

An invisible electronic sound resounded simultaneously among millions of warships.

Boom! !

The next moment, the huge shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the dim starry sky, and millions of battleships jointly launched an attack with maximum power!

The galaxy cracked, the meteorites collapsed, and the stars fell one by one!

The terrorist attack launched by millions of warships instantly set off a huge shock wave, like a starry sky storm, sweeping across hundreds of millions of miles of starry sky.

Even a formed black hole shattered under the bombardment of extremely terrifying energy!


Because, this is the top battleship of a cosmic country, and there is no lack of immortal-class mechanical life that drives these battleships!

Although it was just an attack, such a force was enough to sever the Milky Way in an instant and shatter thousands of solar systems!

The terrifying storm formed by the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the sea of ​​​​stars, bursting out a tyrannical aurora that was thousands of times more terrifying than a supernova explosion, shocking all immortals who saw this scene.

"It's ok."

In the distant starry sky, the cosmic storm must pass, or in other words, a young man under the attack of the mechanical clan saw this, his eyelids slightly lifted, and he chuckled: "Beautiful fireworks, unfortunately, all the scattered forces are not suitable for I also......."

"It's useless!"

The young man's expression was indifferent, his hands behind his back slowly stretched out, and his slender and white fingers stretched out.


As he opened his hands, the fire law of the entire Xinghai boiled up, and an incomparably bright red light enveloped everything!

Xiao Yan, who was wearing a black robe, walked among the sea of ​​stars, and the stream of flames like the Milky Way swayed behind him, like a red cloak thousands of light years old.

Under the law of endless flames, the void is boiling and the vacuum is burning.

Xiao Yan strolled through it, like a flame king!

chi chi chi~~~

At the same time, strands of hot light beat in his palm, and gradually, like a flame, it bloomed.

A world-shattering light erupted towards the millions of mechanical battleships:

"Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus!!!"

In an instant, there was a scarlet in the vacuum, endless red light illuminated everything, and the earth-shattering red light tore apart all tangible and intangible matter.

The mighty shock wave continued to spread in all directions!

Meteorites are gasified, and stars are also gasified after they are broken. Stars and celestial bodies are all bursting apart!

No matter how bright the star is, it can't compare to the scorching heat of this red light!

"Alert! Alert! The battleship shield is broken!

"Alert! Alert! Left-shifting battleship lost 136,484!"

"Alert, alert! The right-wing battleship lost 230,000!"


Among the mechanical battleships in the middle of the millions of battleships, several immortals of the mechanical race with silver-white bodies listened to the bad news one after another, and it was difficult for them to accept each other.

"According to the information, Xiao Yan has only broken through Venerable for two hundred years, how can he be so powerful! The Lord of the Universe is nothing more than that!"

A tall mechanical being roared and issued an order:

"All immortal warships, retreat quickly, retreat quickly! Can't be matched, can't be matched!"


The cosmic storm that swept through everything whizzed past, blowing Xiao Yan's red hair.

Beside him, the wreckage of battleships floated in the universe, and further away, the mechanic races who survived by chance were immortal, vaporizing and disappearing in the incomparably hot flame.

Up to now, in this universe, there are very few who can surpass him above the law of flames.

"More than two hundred years ago, I was promoted to the Venerable. After two hundred years, how can I still be the Venerable? Metal, is it metal..."

He sighed slightly, raised his chin, and in his eyes, there seemed to be two big suns rising:

"Mechanics, but that's it."

Two hundred years, for the earth warriors who are backed by the gate of time and space, it can be 20,000 years, or even longer!


The next moment, his body moved again and crossed the endless star sea. Wherever he passed, he didn't need to do anything. The battleships were damaged and even vaporized under the endless high temperature!

The immortal beings of the mechanic race rushed up in mourning and were burned to death by the endless flame law, or fled in embarrassment and were killed one by one by Xiao Yan!

Millions of warships were destroyed!

"I am the first promoted universe lord on Earth..."

In the raging flames, Xiao Yan said.

He got a great opportunity and inherited the inheritance of an almighty. Not only did he get a Flame Supreme Treasure, but he also had a deep understanding of the Law of Flame. Lord of the universe!

This speed even surpassed Teng Qingshan, Thor and Luo Feng at one point!

Although Teng Qingshan, Luo Feng and others quickly became the master of the universe, he was the first master of the universe on earth!


Suddenly, the boiling void trembled slightly.

A pitch-black spaceship slowly appeared in the rippling void, the hatch opened, and the Sword Immortal dressed in white glanced at Xiao Yan lightly, and said with a sneer:

"It seems that you are still not as fast as me."

"Haha! In terms of durability, you are indeed not as good as me. It is rare for you to admit it."

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth rose, and he smiled evilly, and said, "Do you want my brother to teach you two tricks?"


Jian Xian's eyes flashed, and he snorted coldly, "I heard that you married the sixth and ninth concubine, don't die on your belly!"

"Beauty is like a flower, how can you sit and watch it wither? The ancients said, peony flowers die under the..."

Xiao Yan chuckled lightly and paced into the battleship.

"Is it romantic to be a ghost?"

In the battleship, a young man with an indifferent aura and a flawless appearance snorted softly, as if he couldn't stand Xiao Yan's behavior.

This person's name is Lin Dong, and he is Xiao Yan's enemy for the rest of his life.

"What? Are you Lin's harem less than mine?"

Xiao Yan's red hair was flying, and he said in a flamboyant manner.

The deeper the flame law, the more arrogant his arrogance will be. This is nature and Taoism.

"Okay, let's stop arguing, lords."

At this time, in the corner, a young man with a gloomy face spoke up and persuaded him.

"Chu Renfeng, you asked us to come, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yan glanced at the young man and said bluntly.

This person is the one who opened the gate of time and space for the first time, because he questioned Teng Qingshan and was kicked off the space-time island by Thor.

It is also here, the person with the lowest cultivation base.

Chu Renfeng's eyes fluctuated slightly, a trace of anger flashed, and he forced himself to hold back.

With his cultivation, he did not dare to refute Xiao Yan.

He glanced at the crowd and said calmly:

"The restraint of the martial arts system, my lords, are you really willing?"

As soon as the voice fell, the control room of the spacecraft suddenly became silent. Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, Jianshen and others all raised their brows and looked at Feng Linwan.

There was a hint of surprise on the look.

No one thought that Chu Renfeng invited everyone to come to discuss this taboo topic.

"I can't cultivate, but I'm not too brave!"

Lin Dong glanced at Chu Renfeng lightly, and said, "No wonder you didn't invite the three kings, so you had this in mind."

"How powerful and powerful is that existence, you are courting death yourself, and I will not accompany you!"

The Sword Immortal dressed in white looked at Chu Renfeng like an idiot and said.


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