Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1119: Luxurious Earthlings


Lei Shen took a deep breath, made a thunderous roar, and charged up together with Luo Feng's golden-horned giant beast.

At the same time, a black streamer roamed in the dim starry sky, and the pitch-black sword light flashed, and it also slashed out the God-Emperor's unique sword.

It was Luo Feng's Demon Killer clone!


In a quiet starry sky, Teng Qingshan paced and looked calm.

"Mechanical clan, monster clan, crystal clan, Zerg clan... The power of the Purple Moon Holy Land is indeed terrifying."

Thoughts flashed in his mind.

If it weren't for these years, the human race had also penetrated into many other races, and this battle would have been caught by surprise.

But Rao is so, with the power of the human race, against many big clans, the chances of winning are very small.

"Fortunately, the master has given a lot of Xeon treasures, otherwise, it would have been a big loss at this time."

Beside Teng Qingshan, the red-hot Luo Feng clone sighed.

With the secret avatar of the golden-horned giant beast, he is the person with the strongest comprehensive combat power in the world today, except for the mountain guest.

"Even so, it is not optimistic, especially the Zerg, whether it is a group battle or one-on-one, it is difficult for us to gain the upper hand."

Teng Qingshan's expression was calm with a hint of solemnity.

Even if there are Xeons and treasures provided by Zanshan Ke, human beings are still at an absolute disadvantage.

After all, the number of cosmos masters of the human race is far less than that of the other major races combined.

This gap will become even bigger as other big clans really take action.

This is also the reason why the three of them came to block the door.

They can't really confluence, otherwise, there will be no suspense in the battle.

"The Lord of Chaos City, Lord of Void Gold, Lord of Peng Gong, and many other Lords of the Universe, holding the supreme treasure to intercept the army sent by the Crystal Clan and several other major groups, we only need to block the Zerg, and we can barely form a stalemate. ."

Luo Feng shook his head slightly and said, "As long as the stalemate persists, it will be our victory."

The earth is backed by the gate of time and space, and the growth of strength far exceeds that of any ethnic group. As long as a deadlock is formed, the victory of the battle will be tilted towards them.

"I hope so."

Teng Qingshan nodded slightly, temporarily letting go of his worries.

If this battle is really behind the Purple Moon Holy Land, the oppression of several major races is probably just the beginning.

The strength of the Purple Moon Holy Land far exceeds that of several major races.

If they fully participated in the war, it would be too difficult to win this battle.

After all, the original universe is suppressed by the law of the strongest, and it is difficult for the strongest to exert power beyond the category of the strongest.

Under this restriction, the true **** of this world is the strongest.


While the two were talking, they had already arrived in an endlessly dim starry sky.

This starry sky is too dim, you can't even see the brilliance of a star, it is empty and nothing, and there is no celestial body.

There is only one incomparably huge group of small universes that exists in the interlayer of the original universe.

That side of the universe is very strange, it is like an incomparably huge sphere, and there are huge star-like bulges on it, flowing with venom that is enough to melt the stars.

In the universe, you can faintly see the dense, almost infinite, honeycomb-like spheres, as well as the infinite number of insect people!

This is the Zerg universe.

Zerg is a strange race.

Its number, the absolute crown of the universe!

A Zerg brood is a battle base where one party can reproduce indefinitely, which can breed countless terrifying fighters with low intelligence but excellent fighting memory.

Insect sea tactics make all races in the universe tremble.

And the stars and celestial bodies are their food!

"The Zerg Queen, come out and see you!"

Teng Qingshan stood with his hands behind his back, and the power of his mind spread out, spanning a distance of dozens of light-years in an instant, resounding in the Zerg territory.

Zerg Queen!

Zerg Queen!

Zerg Queen!

The mighty voice echoed in the Zerg universe, and even in the mother nest everywhere. Some weak insect soldiers were instantly wiped out of their spiritual power and fell like rain. Soldiers devoured them one by one.

In a beautiful purple hall, six Zerg queens were bowing to the only supreme queen of the Zerg when they suddenly heard the voice of Teng Qingshan.

"Such a powerful spiritual power? It is Teng Qingshan, who has the most powerful spiritual treasure!"

In the center of the hall, the supreme queen who accepted the kowtows of the six Zerg queens suddenly raised her brows:

"A mere lord of the universe, who thought that he would dare to provoke the majesty of my Zerg with the help of the Xeon treasure!"

"I don't believe it, with your heart, you can motivate the Xeon and the Supreme Treasure many times!"

"Queen, let me kill him!"

"The six of me join forces, and the power can reach the limit of the original universe. No matter how powerful the superpower is, it will be killed and suppressed!"

"Those who provoked my Zerg must die!"

The six Zerg queens who were dressed in gauze and looked like human beauties suddenly showed their hideous mouthparts and shouted.

"He knew about the Zerg before he made a move? It seems that among other races, there are spies of the human race!"

The Supreme Empress sneered and stood up: "Go, take his head back to me!"

"The treasure of the soul, I can't restrain my Zerg!"

"Yes! Queen!"

The six queens gave an extremely hideous smile, and instantly turned into a streamer and rushed out of the hall.


In the distant starry sky, Teng Qingshan and Luo Feng's flame clones stood side by side, looking at the dense sea of ​​insects that seemed to cover the sky and the sun, with a calm expression.

Luo Feng's flame avatar holds a fire-type supreme treasure.

Teng Qingshan even has the spiritual treasure that the mountaineers personally refined, which are all means of restraining the Zerg.

Naturally, they will not be afraid of the Zerg sea of ​​insects.


Without much communication, Teng Qingshan and Luo Feng stepped out at the same time, divided into two sides, turned into a streamer, and went straight to the Zerg universe.


The extremely ferocious Zerg came overwhelmingly, and they did not have much intelligence and would not be afraid at all.


Luo Feng's flame avatar directly drew his sword, and endless red light flickered, and a rolling torrent shrouded the long sword.

With just one slash, Luo Feng slashed out hundreds of millions of kilometers of sword energy, killing a large sea of ​​insects!

However, the sea of ​​worms was endless, and the loss was immediately made up, and they still went back to Luo Feng.

"Unlimited heart, all inclusive..."

At the edge of the sea of ​​worms, Teng Qingshan opened his arms, his eyes were incomparably deep, and the tyrannical spiritual power dissipated from his body, and through the diffusion of the supreme treasure, it covered a large area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​worms.

He cultivated his mind all his life, and his state of mind was the highest of the earth, which was far from the eternal peace of mind that Gu Shaoshang said.

The power is approaching the peak of the original universe!

I saw that invisible power of mind set off a huge wave in the sea of ​​​​worms, and countless Zerg warriors were immediately affected by Luo Feng's power of mind, and they began to fight each other and began to devour the queen of the Zerg!

The power of his mind is incomparably tyrannical, one spread is hundreds of millions of miles, and in a few moments, it actually stirred a huge sea of ​​​​worms!

Countless Zerg with little intelligence, under the killing of each other, even forgot their enemies and began to devour evolution!

"The power of the mind?"

The six Zerg queens scolded lightly, and their hearts were connected with each other, and they made a sound of heart shock:


The Zerg comes from the same source, and the power of the mind is connected. The cooperation of these six Zerg queens is even comparable to the cooperation of dozens of universe masters from other races!

when! !

The invisible ripples of the mind rippled, and a substantive sound of concussion sounded, which echoed in the hearts of Teng Qingshan and several Zerg queens at the same time.



"how come!"

The six Zerg queens wailed suddenly, buzzing in their minds.

In the sea of ​​insects, countless Zerg warriors were instantly killed on the spot.

The **** green blood flows down like a waterfall, which looks very spectacular.

"What a weird mind fluctuation."

Teng Qingshan's body was also shaken, and his mind was also shaken.

But there is a spiritual treasure sitting in the heart of the sea, which is naturally much better than several Zerg queens.



In the distance, Luo Feng's flame incarnation turned into a red streamer, wielding a sword that is hundreds of millions of miles long in the sea of ​​​​worms, constantly slashing and killing the zerg warriors.

Wearing a Xeon armor, he didn't care about the attacks of these ordinary Zerg, and he didn't do any defense at all.



He waved his long sword incomparably carefree, and the sword energy swayed for hundreds of millions of miles. In the seemingly endless sea of ​​worms, a sword energy storm was set off!

Boom! !

The Zerg Sea exploded, and the Zerg warriors were torn apart by the blade gas.

Luo Feng's God Sovereign Sword has already reached a very high level, and the sword in his palm is not ordinary, so these Zerg warriors are naturally unstoppable.

Coupled with his Xeon Battle Armor and Insect Sea tactics, it naturally doesn't work for him.

"So many Xeons and treasures!"

Inside the worm's nest, the Xeon Queen gritted her teeth and hated, and was shocked in her heart.

Teng Qingshan owns the Xeon Supreme Treasure, and she can understand that the clone of the Galaxy Lord is sitting on an extremely precious Xeon armor, and she is a little shocked.

You must know that in the entire Zerg, she is the only one who owns a Xeon Humans, so luxurious to this extent?

She gritted her teeth and didn't make a move. Instead, she reprimanded her whole life and sent more insect seas to besiege the two of them.

The activation of the Xeon Supreme Treasure consumes a great deal of divine power or spiritual power. She does not believe that these two cosmos masters can urge the Xeon Supreme Treasure many times!


Teng Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little certain in his heart.

The Zerg Queen really didn't make a move.

They are accustomed to the insect sea tactics, and generally do not take action easily.

This is their chance.

Of course, divine power and spiritual power are not endless, but treasures such as restoring divine power and spiritual power, they abound.

Consume, but also consume you!

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