Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1122: devour follow-up

"This is the last thing for the teacher to teach you."

The people have gone, the sound is still in my ears, Teng Qingshan is slightly startled, looking up at the sky, but there is no more shadow of Gu Shaoshang.

[The authority of the martial arts system is upgraded to, supreme! 】

[The source power is open, the source power is open, and the martial arts cheats are all open... ]

[The control transfer of the Temple of Time and Space, the new master, Teng Qingshan]

At the same time, the sounds of electronic synthesis sounded in his mind, and the brand-new martial arts system was completely displayed in front of Teng Qingshan.

"Golden Chapter of the Beginning", "Shen Quan Dao", "Nine Turns Mysterious Art", "Devil's Mysterious Fetal Sutra", "God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength", "Dao Song of Dragon Snake", "Fu Hao Dao Canon"...... .

Countless secrets emerge on the Martial Dao system.

All the restrictions that once existed are gone!


Teng Qingshan was shocked.

"Great Axe, Chaos!"

"Resurrection from the dead, resurrection from the dead!"

"Is this the power of that existence!"

At this moment, the noise on the space-time square almost broke through the sky, and all the dead powerhouses were resurrected, shocking everyone.

The reversal of life and death at the click of a finger, such a mighty force, anyone who sees it will tremble in their hearts.

"Such power!"

Luo Feng was shocked.

His will is the strongest in the field, and he is the one who feels the most clearly. He can clearly feel that Gu Shaoshang's finger flicked the river of time and space, breaking through the limitations of the original universe.

It can almost be said that it is the law of self-improvement, in the hands of the original will, to resurrect all those who died in battle against the sky!

Such power is beyond his imagination!

"The strong..."

After a long time, Teng Qingshan came back to his senses. Looking at the extremely noisy Time and Space Plaza, his heart suddenly became extremely calm.

The power of Xeon can turn everything around and change everything.

The strong can really do anything.

If not, it can only be said that you are not strong enough!

In Teng Qingshan's heart, enlightenment rose.

After a long time, the boiling space-time square calmed down. Teng Qingshan, Luo Feng, Thor, the founder of the giant axe, the Chaos City Lord and other high-level human beings held a meeting in the space-time temple.

At this point, human beings are about to rise completely!

Whether it is the Ziyue Universe or other big clans, no one can stop the pace of human hegemony.

Destined, mankind will reach the real peak!

Dominate the original universe!



In the sea of ​​stars, a blue-black meteorite drifted in the void.

On the meteorite, Gu Shaoshang stood with his hands on his back, and Feng Linwan stood behind him with his hands down, his heart also shaking.

He can also reverse the time and space of a world, but in the primordial universe suppressed by the supreme law, he can't do it at all.

Innate divine power, even if he is only one step away, there is absolutely no way to do it.

"My lord, then I'll go here."

After a long time, Feng Lin finally returned to his senses, many complicated thoughts gathered, and bowed slightly to Gu Shaoshang.

Although he didn't think he was wrong, Gu Shaoshang asked him to die, and he didn't dare not die.

"Your path is over, death is not an opportunity."

Gu Shaoshang didn't look back, just nodded slightly.

Feng Linwan's path went the wrong way, forcibly changing the basic universe, and the transformation could not be completed. Even if he accommodated this universe in his own universe, the possibility of breakthrough was almost gone.

After all, the world within the body is too important to the vast warrior.

Forcibly converted, Feng Linwan's ability is not yet at home.

Even Gu Shaoshang, before the gods and demons, embarked on his own path. If he set foot on the gods and demons, and then changed the flag, he would feel in trouble.

"I only hope that it will be indefinite in the future..."

Feng Linwan looked melancholy, bowed slightly, and said goodbye to Gu Shaoshang.

If there is an afterlife, he really doesn't want to see Gu Shaoshang anymore.

This is his sincerity at this time.


A gust of wind blew slowly, and Feng Linwan, who bowed slightly, slowly dissipated into the sea of ​​​​stars, automatically dissipating his primordial spirit.

Only a trace of the essence of the primordial spirit, wrapped in the fruit of the Hou Ye, escaped into the dark.

"Maybe, see you again."

Gu Shaoshang suddenly smiled.

The moment Feng Linwan's primordial spirit dissipated, he seemed to feel something.

This time, Feng Linwan may have the opportunity to live in death and go to the other side of the universe. Depending on the essence of his soul, perhaps, his achievements may surpass this world.

"Human lord, we meet again!"

At this time, Void moved slightly, dressed in colorful Yuan, came to this meteorite, and looked at Gu Shaoshang with a smile.

"Friend Yuan Daoist."

Gu Shaoshang was not surprised by Yuan's arrival, he just nodded slightly.

In these hundreds of thousands of years, Yuan has been wandering in the gate of time and space, and has not paid attention to anyone except for some opportunities.

Like Gu Shaoshang, he is even more lazy to pay attention to these wars in the universe.

He has lived for too long, and he has seen the demise of the universe. Naturally, he will not care much about the short war in a universe in the universe sea.

"This world is over, follow me to Chaotic Origin Space to see?"

Yuan said with a smile: "The appearance of a new lord is to redefine the territory."

"This world is a matter, but there is no need to divide the territory."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and did not answer.

With the rise of mankind, there is almost no suspense about the source power of the entire cosmos sea, such as the origin continent and the chaotic void, there is no suspense.

The existence of Luo Feng and Teng Qingshan can support the rise of the Galaxy Empire.

Of course he didn't need to intervene.

Now, it is natural to find a place to retreat and practice.

His avatar re-entered Daluo, but he was still far away from Daluo Jinshu, and this step was difficult to accomplish overnight.

Besides, he doesn't even care about the Temple of Time and Space, so naturally he doesn't care about the so-called territory.

No matter how big the territory is, what good is it for him?

Cultivating one by one Chaotic Source beings?

Gu Shaoshang felt that he had no such interest.

"A long time ago, I was opening up a continent. Until now, this continent is about to be perfected. Are you interested in taking a look?"

Yuan's expression did not change, but he was still smiling.

"World Heart Continent?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows slightly.

He remembered that the Jiexin Continent was an almost endless continent opened up by Yuan in order to cultivate the Chaotic Source Lord.

It is a pity that no one can jump out of it during the extremely long period of time.

It wasn't until a long time later that Dongbo Xueying achieved success from the Realm Heart Continent.

"Yes, opening up the World Heart Continent, but it cost me a lot of hands and feet."

Yuan nodded slightly and said, "However, if you want to improve it, it will take some time. If you are interested, why not take a look?"

He spent countless hands and feet on the development of the World Heart Continent.

But this door had never been born with a Chaotic Origin Lord for a long time, and he couldn't help but worry about whether he had made a mistake.

Naturally, I want to see the existence of the same level.


Gu Shaoshang thought for a while and agreed.

To the left and right is to find a place to practice, no matter where it is, it doesn't matter, the world heart continent, naturally.

Immediately, the two stepped out in one step and disappeared into the original universe, and even the universe sea.

Beyond the sea of ​​​​cosmos, there is an incomparably huge continent.

Gu Shaoshang glanced slightly, but didn't look much.

With Yuan, he went to the World Heart Continent.

The distance between the universe sea and the world heart continent is very far, but for Gu Shaoshang and Yuan, it is naturally nothing.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the edge of the World Heart Continent.

In front of the two of them is the gigantic World Heart Continent, which seems to be boundless and continues to expand.

When he saw the Jiexin Continent, even Gu Shaoshang felt that the origin continent of Jingya was not small, but the Jiexin Continent was obviously larger, and the cosmos sea where the original universe was located was not comparable to this continent.

The only thing that can be compared with it is the Chaos Void, which is in charge of Yuan.

"Can you still see it?"

Yuan was surprised by Gu Shaoshang and was very happy.

You know, except for Gu Shaoshang, the other Chaotic Source lords didn't bother to take a look, saying that the World Heart Continent he had worked so hard to build was not very useful.

In his heart, he kept holding his breath.


Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and praised: "However, the blockade of the Jiexin Continent is too strict, and ordinary people can't come at all. This is not as good as the Origin Continent."

"It's not much more expensive than the essence. Those who get my World Heart Order must be top geniuses. Only they have the opportunity to break through the realm of Chaotic Source and even Chaotic Source Lord."

Yuan shook his head, disapproving.

In his opinion, trillions of ordinary people can't compare to a genius. Only those who can obtain the order of his world's heart are necessary to cultivate.

Cultivating one by one is too tiring, and he cannot afford the resources he needs.

"Perhaps, the first Chaotic Source will be born in the Origin Continent, and it is unknown."

Gu Shaoshang didn't argue, and glanced at the origin continent far away, making a joke.

"Then let's wait and see."

Yuan hummed.

Who can become a Chaotic Source Lord, even the oldest Chaotic Source Lord can't see through him, he doesn't think Gu Shaoshang can see through it.

Just thought he was making fun of himself.

Without words for a while, the two entered the World Heart Continent.


In the thirteenth hundred years of the Martial Arts Era, Teng Qingshan, Luo Feng, Thor, the founder of the giant axe, and the city lord of Chaos led the resurrected human powerhouses.

Counterattack begins!

There is no suspense in this battle!

The ancestors of the Purple Moon escaped from the Chaos Sea, the Holy Land of the Purple Moon collapsed, the Monster Race, the Crystal Race, the Machine Race, and the Zerg were defeated and lost. Frontiers of the universe.

Humanity not only recovered the lost territory in one fell swoop, but also expanded the territory dozens of times in one fell swoop!

The Galactic Empire has finally become the largest force in mankind!

Governing the virtual universe company, the five major forces including the giant axe arena, as well as thousands of peak universe countries, as many as trillions of galaxies!

Infinite life planet!

Under the supply of massive life planets and the resources of the entire universe, the complete rise of the human race.

In the 1700th year of the Martial Arts Era, Teng Qingshan had a clear understanding of his mind, and he entered the ranks of the most powerful person in the known as the most powerful person in the mind.

At this point, the Galactic Empire has started the hegemony of hanging all races and unifying the universe!

One epoch, ten epochs, one hundred epochs... Hundreds of millions of epochs have passed, the strong men among the human race have emerged in large numbers, and the masters of the universe have broken through to the strong.

Finally, Teng Qingshan made a decision that many superpowers, from the gate of time and space, completely stepped into the origin continent.

Build a galactic empire on the origin continent and start radiating the origin continent!

It wasn't until a long time later that Luo Feng, who had entered the realm of the king of gods, shot together with the sitting mountain guest and killed three great enemies.

Galactic Empire, began to dominate the origin.

And from the universe of Tianyu as the foundation, it radiates the chaotic void.

The legend of mankind is about to be staged, but Gu Shaoshang is nowhere to be seen.

As said, practice low-key.

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