Hengyang City is located near the Hengshan Sword Sect. Liu Zhengfeng is a first-class master. He has been rooted in Hengyang for decades, and the accumulated family business is huge.

On the street, there are still groups of people watching the fun talking about pheno.

"Liu Sanye has a really wide network of contacts. I am afraid that all the masters and famous people in the rivers and lakes will come, but unfortunately I don't have enough identity to get in!"

"Hey! I don't mind if I don't see it, lest I suffer the calamity of the pond fish, I'm afraid it won't be so peaceful today!"

"Today there are many masters in Hengyang City, be careful with your tongue! Tian Boguang has been planted! The heads of the great ones have been chopped off with one knife!"

Gu Shaoshang gave a dumb smile. He didn't expect that Tian Boguang's death was already known to everyone in just one day.

But at the same time, there is surprise in my heart. Actually, there are many people who are not optimistic about Liu Zhengfeng's Golden Basin Handwashing Conference?

Thinking of Qu Yang's letter, he shouldn't have his wife and children killed by the Songshan faction.

"It's interesting, you can watch a good show!"

Gu Shaoshang's mind suddenly flashed the figure of Gui Hai Yi Dao, smiled, and walked into the villa.

As for the invitation, of course Gu Shaoshang doesn't need this kind of thing, he has already entered the door with a movement.

Dozens of banquets were lined up in the wide yard, and people from all corners of the world were greeted by a dozen Hengshan disciples wearing moon-white gowns. the way it came.

At this time, a disciple hurried in with a letter of worship, and after a while, Liu Zhengfeng, who looked like a fat member, hurried out to greet him.

Liu Zhengfeng, dressed in a brocade robe, cupped his hands with joy on his face and said, "Liu's district washes his hands in a golden basin, and his wife and sister Ning, the head of Yue, came to the door in person. I'm really grateful!"

Liu Zhengfeng's heart was relieved. Yesterday, Qu Yang received a secret letter asking him to be careful. He was in a panic. When he saw Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze at this time, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. There will be no big trouble.

Take two quick steps and step out the door.

After a while, a group of people came in from the gate, it was the Huashan faction.

"I would also like to congratulate Brother Liu Xian, who was able to quit the arena and live happily ever after."

Yue Buqun, wearing a single coat and a Confucian crown, with a very modest smile, walked into the door hand in hand with Liu Zhengfeng.

Behind him, Ning Zhong, who was holding a long sword, led a group of disciples to follow with a smile.

Gu Shaoshang sat in the corner and looked carefully. Yue Buqun was slender, with a face like a crown jade and three inches of long beard under his jaw. , Even if the internal strength is high, the wrinkles on the faces of the two cannot be erased. Compared with Liu Zhengfeng of the same generation, he looks much older.

At first glance, the disciples behind the two were also mediocre people. Thinking about it, Linghu Chong's injuries were not healed, and there was not a single disciple who could do it. The desolation of the Huashan Sect was evident.

The Huashan faction has been weak for a long time. In order to revitalize the Huashan family, Yue Buqun has often walked on the rivers and lakes for many years, and the end is exquisite.

Among the guests, there were many unnamed people or those with not very good reputations. As long as they talked to him, Yue Buqun would talk and laugh like them.

"It's the head of Yue of the Huashan faction, he's really a gentleman!"

"Unfortunately, today's Huashan faction is not as good as it used to be!"

"If it weren't for the couple from the head of Yue, the Huashan faction would have long since ceased to exist! It's a pity that the disciples are not up to their expectations, and there is no one who can do it."

Huashan sent a group of people into the hall, and many people sighed slightly.

"Yue Buqun is not simple!"

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but look sideways, no matter what happened to Yue Buqun in the later stage, at least at this time, he still has a very high reputation and status among the people in the arena.

No matter what a person's heart is, if he can be a gentleman for a lifetime on the surface, then he is no different from a real gentleman. At least Gu Shaoshang was very sympathetic to him, pretending to be a gentleman all his life, and seeing that he was going to revitalize Huashan in the end, he was desperately held back by his apprentice, who he regarded as his own son.

This may be the reason why Gu Shaoshang sat and watched Linghu Chong being slashed with so many knives when he was returning to Yanlou.

Since Yue Buqun and his wife, a large number of so-called masters have come, each with a very loud title, such as "Fist Shake the Southwest", "Sacred Sword", "Golden Sword King", "Shadowless Sword", etc., but each one is sparse Usually, in Gu Shaoshang's view, even facing Tian Boguang is far from an opponent, he can only bully ordinary people.

Except for a few of them, there are no masters.

You must know that Daming Jianghu is a one-and-a-half star world, and the masters in it can even reach a combat power close to two stars! As a result, there are very few people with more than one star present. Except for the members of the Five Mountains Sword Sect and a few others, there are no good players.

"Liu Zhengfeng really has a lot of friends."

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help shaking his head and smiled mockingly.

If Liu Zhengfeng can really make friends with some experts, that's fine, these so-called experts who are confused, what's the use of them other than filling the scene!

No wonder Xiaoaozhong, the whole family was killed and no one came out to say a word, it was just a bunch of trash! How dare you fight against the Songshan faction.


From noon to noon, the crowd ate and drank, and withdrew from the banquet.

A group of people filed out in the hall, Liu Zhengfeng and Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze and a middle-aged nun with a hostile face walked out side by side.

Behind him are a group of masters of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, as well as some famous masters in the rivers and lakes. Among them, the most striking one is a short Taoist man in a green robe. His body is like a ten-year-old child, and his face is ugly. The breath circulated between steps, and he had an air of his own, which was disrespectful.

"Today is my Liu Zhengfeng's hand-washing ceremony in the golden basin, but I didn't expect that someone would come uninvited, tie up my wife, children, children, and coerce Liu!"

Liu Zhengfeng stopped, his face full of anger.

"What! Who is so bold!"

"How could there be such a despicable villain!"

"Brother Liu..."

Everyone present was frowning and shouting loudly. I don’t know who is so daring to think that more than a thousand heroes here are nothing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must know that the person who came to participate in the golden basin to wash hands in the field is also to help Boxing, such a despicable act of kidnapping his wife, children, and children naturally aroused public excitement.

"Junior Brother Liu, I don't know what happened?"

Yue Buqun frowned, vaguely expecting something in his heart.

"Senior Brother Yue, the old thief Zuo is really deceiving people too much. He even sent someone to kidnap Liu's family!" Liu Zhengfeng snorted coldly and gritted his teeth.

"Come on, bring the group of Xiao Xiaos up!"

Just listening to his order, the surrounding Hengshan disciples poured out from the inner hall, all carrying knives and swords, and their faces were grim. More than a dozen Songshan disciples in yellow shirts were tied with beef tendon ropes, with their shoulders on their shoulders. Riding swords, kneeling in a row.

"That's Lin Shengda from the Songshan faction!"

"All of them are Songshan disciples!"

"How courageous! Senior Brother Zuo sent you here!"

Amid the commotion, the middle-aged nun behind Liu Zhengfeng frowned, stepped forward, walked to the front of the Songshan disciples, and asked sharply!


A group of Songshan disciples sneered, gritted their teeth and remained silent.

"Senior Brother Fei! Haven't you come out yet! Don't you think you can hide from me when you arrive in Hengyang!"

Liu Zhengfeng snorted coldly and suddenly spoke loudly, his heart was full of anger, if Qu Yang hadn't sent the letter in advance, he would have been in a dilemma now!

After all, Liu Zhengfeng is a first-class expert, and this time he opened his mouth, and all the noise was covered by the rolling noise.

"Okay! Liu Zhengfeng, you are really brave! How dare you tie my Songshan disciple!"

A loud shout came from outside the door!

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