Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1300: 1 word




As the sound waves spread, in the depths of the earth's crust, among the hundreds of thousands of miles of fire, hidden turbulent voids were torn apart at once.

Countless white lights soared into the sky, swaying vertically and horizontally like countless long dragons, directly tearing apart hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains.

Both Fang Han and the old man Xinmo were shocked in their hearts.

Just saw that under the endless flaming magma, a strange being was tearing the seal.

The white real dragon that soared into the sky was full of white hair!

The white hair is like a Tianhe, rushing three thousand feet into the sky!

"Ah! Let me go! This is the head of the seven **** emperors of the gods, the wife of the **** emperor Shitian, the concubine Wumo! Once she escapes, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The Human Emperor Pen vibrated endlessly between Gu Shaoshang's palms and roared:

"Tianfei Wumo has a total of nine avatars. This one is her most important incarnation. If she escapes, the catastrophe of the Xuanhuang Great World will come immediately!"

Ren Huangbi was very anxious about the identity of this mysterious person who was shocked and suppressed him.

In ancient times, the Daoists of Hongmeng did not completely kill the concubine Umo, and the emperor went through untold hardships to suppress her and could not kill him.

If she escaped, the emperor thought to himself that he would never be able to catch her.

"Tianfei Umo..."

Gu Shaoshang gently turned the human emperor's pen, his eyes were calm, and he looked at the concubine Wumo lightly.

The Protoss of this immortal world is very strange, with three heads, three legs, and three hands, implying three life and all things, and can be called the most perfect creation.

Only the legendary world tree that was cut off by the ancestor holy king can restrain these gods.

And this concubine Umo's reputation among the gods is even higher than that of the head of the **** emperor, Shitian, very tyrannical.

Legend has it that this concubine Umo is the only expert among the Protoss who has understood the mysteries of the World Tree. Not only is she not restrained by the World Tree, but she can practice with the help of the World Tree!

"Human Sovereign Pen, I will slowly settle this account with you!"

Tian Fei Wumo's icy voice was tearing apart the crust, echoing in the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the magma in the sea of ​​fire, and the layers of turbulent voids are all corroded by an invisible force!

It was torn apart by the white hair that intertwined vertically and horizontally like an upstream Tianhe.

"Great Poison Technique!"

The old man of Heart Demon covered Fang Han behind him, his face slightly solemn.

The ranking of the Great Poison Technique is not high among the Three Thousand Avenues, but its lethality is very amazing.

Dacheng's Great Poison Technique can instantly poison a world of trillions of beings, infinite avenues, infinite laws, and the world will be poisoned to death!

Fang Han's cultivation base is too low, and he is likely to be poisoned to death in the face of this great poison technique.

"This great poison technique..."

Fang Han did not panic.

He is carrying the seedlings of the World Tree, and any poisonous gas that is inhaled into his body will be diluted and absorbed.

Unless Tian Fei Wumo's Great Poison Technique hit him directly, it would be impossible to hurt him based on the aftermath alone.

"I heard that the first ancestor of the Protoss, the Holy King, realized a great supernatural power that can rival the Great Destiny. He wants to compete with the Great Destiny Technique..."

Gu Shaoshang played with the human emperor's pen and spoke softly.


The sound wave shook the void, and the ripples that appeared were like ripples, and the layers of void were all stagnant.

The Void that was corroded by the Great Poison Art was stagnant and stopped flowing.

The countless white hairs all stopped in the sound waves.

"Who are you? You actually know the Genesis of the Gods created by the first ancestor of my God Race, the Holy King?"

A trace of suspicion flashed in Tian Fei Wumo's long and narrow eyes, and through the layers of void, he saw that the Human Emperor Pen was being played by this mysterious being in the palm of his hand.

At that moment, she was taken aback.

Although Renhuangbi has suffered a lot of damage, it still has its roots in it, and its edge is unparalleled in the world.

But at this moment, being turned at will by this mysterious man, he couldn't resist.

This is definitely not someone from the Xuanhuang Great World!


Gu Shaoshang turned the human emperor's pen, suddenly raised the edge of the pen, shook it in the void, and wrote a big word "demolition".

To suppress Wumo, the concubine in the earth's crust!


The void trembled in an instant, and one after another ferocious cracks spread out around the big character in an instant.

Fang Han was shocked.

At the moment when the big word "demolition" fell, the void, the mountains, the lava in the sea of ​​fire, and even the white hair of the concubine Wumo, which was like an upstream Tianhe, all collapsed!

"Is this the Great Rip? The Great Destruction? Or the Great Destruction? It doesn't seem to be..."

The old man of Heart Demon looked at the crack in the void that was spreading like a spider web in the sky, and he was in shock.

I don't know what magical power this is.

Or, was it just a single word?

"What kind of magical power is this?"

Tian Fei Wumo was also taken aback, only to feel that her entire head of white hair was rustling and almost all fell out!

Moreover, in those big characters, he also felt a tyrannical and domineering force pressing down, as if to tear her apart!


Seeing that her white hair was almost falling out, Tian Fei Umo couldn't hold it any longer.

In an instant, the void lit up, and mandala flowers seemed to grow out of the depths of the void. Between the petals turning, a god-man with three heads, three legs and three hands appeared on the flowers and recited in unison:

"Anugalo's Heaven Shaking God Charm!"

Countless seals turned, and countless mandala flowers bloomed and withered, and greeted the huge word "demolition" that was suppressed.

At the same time, Tian Fei Wumo's expression became solemn, and she screamed in the sky under the floating petals and white hair:

"The gods control the world, the gods rule everything..."

"What the gods say is the truth..."

"What the gods allow to exist will be immortal..."

"Those who disobey the gods will surely perish, and they will never be reborn!"

The rumbling voice pierced through gold and cracked stones, resounding throughout the world.

One after another, clouds and air flowed together to form a catalogue, and there were many lights and shadows on it, as if the gods were opening up the world, the avenues were all agreeing, and the laws were praising them.

In the blink of an eye, dazzling divine power erupted.

wow wow wow~~~

Countless portals were opened in the void by the voices of the gods singing, and almost endless ferocious demons poured out!

He rushed towards Gu Shaoshang, wanting to tear him apart!

The next moment, the words will fall!


The void trembled, as if the heaven and the earth were about to be torn apart, and countless demons let out earth-shattering screams.

Under the repression of the big characters, they all fell apart!

The stump of the broken arm flew horizontally, and the blood and brain plasma poured down like a torrent.


The endless magma fire, under the impact of the torrent of blood, the sea burst and swelled.

"What kind of magic is this!"

The concubine Umo staggered and fell into the sea of ​​​​fire.

I just felt an indescribable terrifying force filling my body.

I want to tear her flesh apart, Primordial Spirit, Dao!

This big character, even the Genesis of the Gods can't completely resist it!

She used all her strength to resist, so she could protect herself from being torn apart by this domineering force.

No more, no less, just right!

She didn't even dare to run away.

Because, as long as she relaxes a little, her body will be torn apart, Primordial Spirit.

She raised her hand tremblingly and touched her head.

However, she found that she had not a single white hair left, and there was a big "demolition" on her bald forehead.

"Hair, my hair! My hair!!! Shame! It's a shame! I remember you, I remember you!!!"

The concubine Wumo Yangtian vomited out a mouthful of blood, dying of shame and anger.

To have no white hair left, this is worse than death!

At this moment, she almost wanted to dig her head into the crack of the ground.

However, she didn't even have the strength to move.

"Supernatural powers are good, but unfortunately...I can't learn at home!"

Gu Shaoshang naturally ignored the clamor of Tianfei Wumo, glanced at Fang Han, and said:

"Capture her."

This Genesis of the Gods is indeed a supreme magical power.

But the concubine Umo is not the first ancestor and holy king, so she can't deduce the true power of the Genesis of the Gods.


Fang Han nodded and stepped down.

Looking at the big word "demolition" on the forehead of Tian Fei Wumo with a strange expression, he couldn't help crying and laughing in his heart.

What a domineering concubine Umo appeared on the stage this day, with white hair three thousand feet tall, she wanted to tear the sky apart.

At this time, his head was shaved directly.

More than a miserable word.

In the boiling magma sea, Tian Fei Wumo looked terrified, still unable to believe that she was suppressed so easily.

Although she has not recovered to her prime, this avatar is still very, but the power used by that mysterious existence is not even as good as her avatar!

"He, who is he?"

It wasn't until Fang Han picked up a chick in his hand that Tian Fei Wumo came back to his senses and asked with gritted teeth.

Who is he?

With a single stroke, he broke his own creation of the gods.

This is by no means what the unknown can do.

"The Great Yi Dynasty, Grand Master Hong."

Fang Han looked at Tian Fei Wumo's bald forehead and the big word "demolition", and replied with a sympathetic face.

"Master Hong..."

Tianfei Wumo was slightly taken aback.

The name was so unfamiliar that she had never heard it before.

Besides, what kind of power is the Dayi Dynasty?


Gu Shaoshang stood on the top of the mountain, looking at Fang Han's disappearing back, his eyes moved slightly.

After realizing the realm of the integration of heaven and earth, Fang Han completely embarked on the road of swallowing the sky and devouring the earth. At this point, he doesn't need anyone's help.

He only needs to devour the world, and he can be promoted at a speed beyond anyone's imagination.

"Fang Hanguo is really the reincarnation of the Spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life?"

The Human Sovereign Pen that was rotated between Gu Shaoshang's five fingers was still a little unbelievable.

What is the gate of eternal life?

All immortal artifacts, divine artifacts, are not worth mentioning compared to the gate of immortality.

The gate of eternal life is the ultimate pursuit of all magic weapons!

"Nature is not false."

Gu Shaoshang suddenly smiled, his eyes drooping down, looking into the depths of the void:

"Is not it?"



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