Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: Ultimate, God

The palm of his hand was attached to the cold mirror, and Gu Shaoshang Zhigang's will slowly covered it.

A small mirror seems to contain immeasurable big worlds, overlapping and overlapping, as if there is no end.

These worlds seem illusory, but they are real.

If the heavenly mirrors collapse, the countless great worlds within them will inevitably form the prototype of an infinite multiverse on the boundless Chaos Sea.


Gu Shaoshang's thoughts turned, and his will instantly shuttled through the heavy worlds within it, tracing the source of the mirrors of the heavens.

Although Gu Shaoshang is still far from the Primordial Promise Realm of Taoism, he is still stronger than before the proving of the Tao.


The mirrors of the heavens hummed and vibrated, and endless pictures flickered on the surface of the vicissitudes of life.

Everything is backtracking.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes flowed, and from this moment on, all the changes in the mirrors of the heavens were going against the flow.

Restoring the time of seven stars in the vast continent outside the gate of eternal life The time of six stars and the time of three stars

Until, the picture paused, and the last picture that appeared was a pale boy lying on the bed.

"When the Mirrors of the Heavens Open"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes narrowed slightly.

The pale-faced boy lying on the bed was the one who was almost beaten to death by Gu Wei in order to open the Mirror of the Heavens.

After a slight pause, the screen began to flicker again.

Everything went on calmly, and everything about the mirrors of the heavens would not be concealed from him, but it would not take the initiative to tell him.

Everything is there, and as long as you can see it, you can see everything.

The picture completely swept across Gu Shaoshang, and what was transformed was an old man who looked unwilling to despair, but was helpless.

"I would rather seek the way"

Gu Shaoshang looked calm.

This old Taoist priest, who was the previous mirror master of the All-Heaven Mirror, stole the nine-turn elixir and was directly killed by the fire in the gossip furnace.

Next, the screen flashed again, all of which were some scenes that Ning Qiudao had experienced.

There is a mountain of flowers and fruits swallowing immortal fruits, a unicorn full of fire swallows Lingyun Cave, a pair of purple and green swords cut through the void, and the twinkling of light shines together, a Leifeng Pagoda falls, and the water fills the Jinshan Temple.

However, compared to Gu Shaoshang's experience, Ning Qiudao's experience was a little too flimsy, and it had already passed by in a flash.

What reappears is a dead and dark cosmic starry sky, eternal chaos

The retrospective process is unbelievably long, the boundless silence accompanied by a mirror wandering in the endless infinite sea of ​​chaos.

Occasionally, there is a little broken experience of a mirror master who is either ordinary or amazing.

"so long"

Finally, Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly.

The days of the mirrors of the heavens are too long, and it seems that because the mirrors of the heavens have not been completely repaired, there are many missing.

What was missing was what he wanted to know the most.

The experience of many mirror masters is of no use to him. To the point where he is, the Tao of a giant in the boundless realm is of no use to him.

Not to mention all the mirror masters before that, he could kill him with a single finger.


After a long, long time, in the dark and dead chaotic sea, Hong Yi stepped forward, and the boundless chaotic air flow whistled.

Gu Shaoshang put one hand on the mirrors of the heavens, and continued to trace the things that might have been missed, while raising his eyes:

"Go to see your mother?"

"Just came out of Kunlun Realm."

Hong Yi nodded.

This is not the first time he has gone to Kunlun Realm. Before, when he was looking for the true meaning of Yi Dao, he had gone to see the Queen Mother of the West.

The reason why he went to the Great World of Conferred Gods was actually under the guidance of the Queen Mother of the West.

"What are you going to do next?"

Gu Shaoshang rubbed the cold mirror surface of the All-Heaven Mirror with his palm, and did not shy away from Hong Yi at all.

To this day, he doesn't care that anyone knows about the existence of the mirrors, let alone his own son.

"Accumulate the foundation and transcend Hunyuan into the Dao Tribulation."

Hong Yi looked calm, neither sad nor happy.

His body background has also reached the peak under the Primordial Primordial, perhaps not as good as the previous Gu Shaoshang, but it is also the peak without a doubt.

In the next step, it is natural to consider Hunyuan becoming Dao robbery.

"be careful."

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyes and glanced at Hong Yi, who looked quite similar to himself, and said lightly.

Hunyuan is not easy to achieve.

Even Fang Han only stepped into this realm at the end of the three thousand epochs after having accumulated the previous 2,999 epochs.

Although Hong Yi is a great success in the luck of the world, compared to Fang Han, who is the spirit of the gate of immortality, his savings are naturally a bit insufficient.

"do not worry."

Hong Yi nodded and didn't say much.

The Primordial Realm is not easy. Although he has absolute confidence in himself, he is not careless.


Gu Shaoshang didn't say anything more. He talked with Hong Yi, and he was always concise.

After all, today's Hong Yi's determination is unshakable and indelible, and his path does not require anyone to intervene.

Even him.

"What are you going to do next?"

Hong Yi asked Gu Shaoshang.

From Hunyuan to Hunyuan Wuji, it is destined not to be an overnight process.

To transform a world with the number of sands in the heavens and ten thousand realms requires more than just time.

At his level, it is naturally too difficult and too difficult to be brave and diligent. The candle illuminates the world and transforming the heavens is an incomparably long process.

However, having penetrated all the secrets of Gu Shaoshang in the mirrors of the heavens, he has already grasped a path that leads directly to Hunyuan Wuji.

Perhaps, it will be a step faster than any Hunyuan.

Of course, it's only possible.

"Perhaps, go to the Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm first."

Gu Shaoshang answered casually.

Before, his original plan was to achieve Hunyuan in the Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm, and by chance, he was promoted in the gate of eternal life.

The purpose is different.

He still went to the Primordial Primordial Realm, but he wanted to pacify the chaos in one fell swoop and find Shi Hao's future.

The Primordial Realm of Primordial Yuan is the other half of the vast continent torn apart. Because of the incompleteness of heaven, it spontaneously devours all the time and space close to itself to supplement itself.

However, its Heavenly Dao is incomplete, swallowing disorder, and in the time and space it swallows, there are many mysterious realms that are dangerous in chaos.

Such as "Above God" near the perfect world.


The Qi of Chaos keeps flowing, and sometimes you can see strange things that have been transformed into chaos floating up and down.

The two stopped for a long time, and Gu Shaoshang traced the source of the All-Heaven Mirror and pointed out some preparations for Hong Yi to become a Dao calamity.

"Okay, let's go."

After a long time, Gu Shaoshang waved his hand so that Hong Yi didn't have to accompany him.

Hong Yi bowed and walked away without any hesitation.

Seeing Hong Yi disappear into the boundless chaotic sea, Gu Shaoshang slowly retracted his gaze and said to himself:

"But it still needs a chaotic innate Hongmeng immortal spirit, there may be more than one"

The most terrifying thing about Hunyuan Chengdao Tribulation is that Daluo who falls into it often loses himself, or in other words, reshapes himself.

In the process, it is very likely that many jaw-dropping things will happen.

Just like in the great world of immortality before, if he had not transformed into an incarnation on Fang Han, he temporarily blinded his perception of Fang Han before the catastrophe.

It is very likely that he will put Hua Tian aside and go after Fang Han first.

Chaos Innate Hongmeng Indestructible Spirit Accumulation is in this process to speed up the process of perfecting and reshaping.

Its value is naturally immeasurable.

"The source power gap is a bit big."

Gu Shao changed his mind in sadness.

After achieving Hunyuan, the great world where his countless incarnations are located has his martial arts running through it, but it is not suitable for obtaining source power.

After all, he himself has become the foundational way to frame those worlds.

If you collect the source power yourself, it will be a bit ugly to eat.

As for opening up the universe to collect Hongmeng Purple Qi, it was unnecessary.

A multiverse, apart from the forty-nine primordial purple qi that composes the world and carries ten thousand paths, can actually obtain very little.

Unless it is like the Queen Mother of the West, there are countless overlords of Daluo under her command, and other Hunyuan will definitely not do these things.

After all, for the existence above Hunyuan, Hongmeng Purple Qi is useless at all.

If it weren't for the fact that Indestructible Lingyun had a big effect on Hunyuan, no Hunyuan would do such a thing.

"Perhaps, in the future, I can open a dojo in the boundless chaotic sea to synthesize the immortal spirit, and synthesize the immortal spirit for many giants."

Gu Shaoshang flipped his hand, put away the mirrors of heaven, and his eyes moved slightly:

"It is said that the main temple synthesizes the inextinguishable spiritual energy, and it needs to collect 8,000 Dao of Hongmeng purple energy, which is inextinguishable aura"

Between the thoughts turning, Gu Shaoshang has disappeared into the endless sea of ​​chaos

Sunrise East.

The sun is shining!

The golden light burst out from below the horizon, rendering the boundless sky a piece of red gold.

In the boundless desert, there is gradually a wind blowing up, stirring up dust and sand.


A slender young man was lying on the yellow sand, his chest heaving and breathing rhythmically.

His name is Chu Feng, and this is his graduation trip.

Graduation is the same as breaking up.

So, this is his solo trip.

"That dream is too real"

Chu Feng was lying on the yellow sand, looking directly at the golden morning sun, but he was thinking about a dream he had before.

In the dream, the spiritual energy on the earth revived, and the myth returned. He took the three seeds obtained from the Kunlun Mountains as a to embark on the road of cultivation.

Sweeping the invincible all the way, some people call him Chu Bad Shui, some call him Chu scourge.

Of course, some people call him Chu Tiandi, Chu Ultimate.

"Awakening Realm, Shackle Realm, Free and Easy Realm, Visualization Realm, Dining Realm"

Chu Feng's mind swayed.

This dream was too real, he seemed to have passed countless years in an instant, and he remembered all the many things in it.

He even remembered the cultivation realm in it.

However, he did not remember the specific practice method, which is why he thought it was a dream.

"Is Huang Liang a dream?"

After a long time, Chu Feng sat up, drank some water, and set off again.

The storm is about to rise, he is not the ultimate Chu in the dream, he can't resist.

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