Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1333: 0 Emperor treads all worlds!


Everywhere the sky is cracked, the law is entangled and turned into a gate, and the boundless divine light shines on the ten directions of the universe!

One after another terrifying aura clearly descended from the one after another portal, like a sea of ​​​​stars made of billions of vitality. Fiction.

"this breath"

Ye Fan raised his palm and squeezed a wisp of breath, feeling the breath that was different from this world.

That breath of vitality is active, strong and aggressive, peaceful and gentle, and it is extremely restrained. Even if the vitality is down, it is out of tune with the world.

After the portals, the unfamiliar worlds are connected.

One word, open the door of all worlds!

Rao has long known that Gu Shaoshang after the breakthrough has become more and more unfathomable, but it is too terrifying to have such a mighty force at the click of a finger.

You must know that among the heavens and the world, the basic avenues that constitute the universe itself may not be much different, but the law of one response, the cultivation system, and the speed of time and space are all completely different.

After he became a Daluo, although he was able to peep into different universes, he had no problem going there. He wanted to open the door, but he still couldn't communicate between the two worlds.

This requires more than just power.


The boundless divine light fills all time and space, one epoch, and one sky.

The high-hanging portals are shrouded in divine light, exuding the meaning of indelible and indestructible perfection.

"The Gate of Ten Thousand Realms? Is it the gateway to other great realms? Just like the world where Brother Baitian was in the past?"

A ray of blue light broke through time and space, and the Qing Emperor stepped forward.

"There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky! The world is so vast!"

The rough and unrestrained air was rolling, and the tall and tall Jiuli Emperor also appeared.

"I haven't been able to step into the gate of eternal life before. If the emperor needs it this time, Jiuli would like to be the first to go!"

Emperor Jiuli's voice was loud and thunderous, resounding through the sky, sweeping away the clouds.

"Juli, your iron-eating beast stole my Heavenly Thunder Bamboo again!"

The gentle and peaceful voice with endless edge slowly dissipated, and a young man in white also came into the clouds.

"Ninth brother! A little Tianleizhu, is it worth paying attention to? How many heavenly materials and earthly treasures are there in your Nine-leaf Tianzhou?"

Jiuli smiled:

"Otherwise, in my Jiuli Tianzhou, apart from my iron-eating beast and my Jiuli map, whatever you fancy, just go and get it!"

This white-clothed boy is Gu Shaoshang, one of the fallen immortal kings of each era, and one of the ten murderers, the nine-leaf sword grass.


In the shocked eyes of countless creatures, a stalwart figure stepped out of their respective time and space, and they dared to come to this time and space.

After Gu Shaoshang closed the time and space, although the danger of traveling through time and space in this world was greatly reduced, there were only many quasi-immortal emperors who were qualified to come to meet Gu Shaoshang.

And a lot of people who are still in the realm of fairy kings, former deceased people.

Such as the Golden Crow Emperor, a group of juniors who once fought against Shi Hao, Ban Xian, Yuechan and others.

In fact, there were quite a few people who were promoted to Immortal Emperor after the Era of Heaven, but many of them were fallen Immortal Kings pulled out by Gu Shaoshang when he converged on the long river of time and space.

In the true sense, the only person of the same generation as Shi Hao is Shi Yi, the little Tianjiao ant, the ten-crown king who has become a quasi-immortal emperor.

Others such as Exiled Immortal, Long Gongyan, Taiyin Moon Rabbit, Dugu Yun, and others, even if they are amazing and brilliant, they still cannot break through the threshold of the quasi-immortal emperor.


Thousands of powerhouses appeared together, and even if they never showed up, the boundless and domineering aura almost crushed this space and time, shaking one epoch after another.

Countless creatures, even true immortals and rising stars of the quasi-immortal king series, couldn't help trembling in their hearts.

The younger generation is more excited and wants to meet those legendary characters.

It is a pity that even the daring Xiaoliu Er and others, the descendants of the Fighting Saint Emperor, did not dare to go.

"I've been waiting to see Immortal Emperor Wushang!"

After a while, a group of people gathered above the sea of ​​​​sky and bowed their hands together.

Gu Shaoshang's stay in this realm may be short-lived, but he built it to the high heaven, turned the realm sea into a heavenly state of Wandao, and fixed the cycle of reincarnation, which is kind to them all.

Not to mention, the cultivation base of Immortal Emperor Wushuang is unfathomable, and they also have respect in their hearts for the seekers who are walking in front.

"Don't be too polite, fellow Daoists!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, so that everyone did not need to be polite.

"Uncle Gu!"

In front of everyone, the void cracked open, just like Shi Hao back then stepped out.

"sit down."

As soon as Gu Shaoshang raised his hand, a boundless divine light condensed into a square Taoist platform in the void, carrying the crowd.

Everyone did not refuse, and sat down on the Taoist platform.

"He is stronger again"

Lao Jinwu found a Taoist platform on the edge and sat down, his heart trembled.

Although this Immortal Emperor Wushang had a peaceful expression, his body contained unparalleled terrifying power.

Under the direct face, let him have a feeling of looking up at the world when he was just born.

The foiled self is getting smaller and smaller.

The old Jinwu sighed in his heart.

I thought that being the Great Emperor would be able to suppress the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and be honored for the first time. How could I imagine that even at this time, I became a giant of the Immortal King.

Or just sit in the corner.

When he became an emperor, the world became popular, many emperors returned, and Ye Fan pushed everything to become the emperor of heaven.

Not only is he not the protagonist, he is not even a supporting role.

Emperor Qing, Jiuli, Daoyan, Saint Emperor Douzhan and others once overwhelmed a generation and were honored for thousands of years, but he

Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on the Taoist platform, and his eyes swept over many great emperors and immortal kings one by one.

He achieved Hunyuan, fully understood the profound meaning of the mirrors of the heavens, and traveling through all worlds was no longer difficult for him.

Of course, the Myriad Realms he can connect to can only be in the realms covered by his Martial Dao.

Compared with the main temple, it is still much worse.

But compared to other Hunyuan, it is already stronger.

The Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds communicates with all worlds, forcing the time flow of many great worlds to be unified, the gap between Dao is smoothed out, and the luck of all Dao is balanced, which requires too many things.

It's not what they see, it's just a click away.

"Uncle Gu, what do you want?"

Shi Hao sat cross-legged on the Taoist platform, his breath condensed.

Although he is only in the past, he is still the leader among the immortal kings.

"I divided the many great worlds in the endless infinite multiverse sea into three layers. The lowest level is a separate universe, the great world, whose inner Dao is missing, and the time and space are incomplete. Every time the time and space are reset spontaneously, maintain its own existence."

Gu Shaoshang did not answer Shi Hao directly, but spoke slowly:

"A higher level is the multiverse, which contains the parallel universe of the number of Hengsha, many epochs, and countless dimension voids. This world is the top level in the multiverse."

"Above it, there is the infinite multiverse, which contains countless multiverses. The area is so large that it is far more than a trillion times the highest in this world. It is the infinite infinite multiverse itself."

Gu Shaoshang was not in a hurry, and told everyone about the composition of the endless infinite multiverse, as well as the composition of other great universes, and even the composition of the Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm.

The endless multiverse sea is naturally not a "sea" in the general sense.

It covers the upper and lower ten directions, accommodating the past and the future, all the worlds and spirits.

Its composition is far more complex than anyone imagined.

If we compare it to a single universe, the ordinary universe is composed of particles that are even smaller than atoms.

Only a world like the perfect world can be regarded as a celestial body.

However, the gap between the celestial bodies is also unimaginably large.

It melted away the sea of ​​​​boundary, and formed the Myriad Dao Tianzhou, which is more than ten thousand times larger than before, but it is not beyond the scope of the multiverse.

Compared with the great universes of Journey to the West and the Great World of Conferred Gods, which existed a long time ago, they are still far worse.

The growth of the universe is not easy, coupled with the threat above the sky, all the attention of Shi Hao, who can be regarded as the ancestor of Dao in the perfect world, is placed on calming the chaos.

The promotion of the world will naturally be slower.

"The easiest and most effective way to cut off God's devour is to make this great world truly advance!"

Finally, Gu Shaoshang stated his purpose.

Connecting with all worlds, absorbing the sustenance of all worlds makes the world advance!

Once the perfect world is promoted to the infinite multiverse, everything will be solved.

And when the great emperors and immortal kings set foot in the time and space of Myriad Realms, it is also an extension of his way, and it is also a way for him to think about the promotion of Hunyuan Wuji.

Many great emperors and immortal kings have the possibility to go further, and he can also obtain a huge amount of source power in their actions.

It can be said to accomplish many things with one fell swoop.

"Promotion to the world?!"

Many Immortal Kings were shocked.

From beginning to end, they only thought about killing and fighting the gods, but they never thought about promoting the world itself to resist the attraction of the gods.

"What the Immortal said"

Qingdi's eyes moved, he deduced all the possibilities, nodded and said: "It is indeed a path. If the world can be promoted, it will be really worry-free."

"Yes, that's exactly what it is!"

Jiuli nodded in agreement: "The victory or defeat of the war depends on where the battlefield is. If the place where we live can't resist the gods, we will win the battle, and we will lose!"

"On the contrary, even if I can't wait to fight against the gods and the world is not invaded, I will still win!"

Dao Yan shook his head slightly.

This matter, from the moment the Great Emperor Wushang said it, there is no need to discuss whether it is feasible or not.

Who says it can't be done?

Daoyan glanced at the silent Ye Fan on the platform behind Gu Shi Hao, Wu Beginning, the White Empress, Liu Shen and others.

"How the World Advances"

Gu Shaoshang's expression was calm, and his words calmly said:

"Leave it to me!"

"Then how do we do it?"

A yellow-haired horned ant looked at his father and brother and said.

His father and brother were able to come back, all relying on Gu Shaoshang, he had no hesitation about Gu Shaoshang's words.

"Step into the gate of all worlds and do what you have done once again!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled, and a light of martial arts suddenly enveloped everyone present:

"That is, again,

Prove the Tao and become an emperor! "

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