Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1338: green bull with upside-down hair

"Kunlun Mountains"

Li Qingshan built a pergola and leaned forward: "The legendary ancestral court of Wanshan, where the Queen Mother of the West, who is in charge of immortality and punishment, lives."

Kunlun Mountains.

The ancestral vein of Wanshan, the legendary fairy mountain after the Tianzhu rupture.

Li Qingshan had already heard about it.

"Of course not the real Kunlun Mountains."

Qingniu shook his head and said: "The real Kunlun Mountain, let alone you, I am not qualified to go up, this is naturally generated after the master opened up the world."

"Of course, the one living above is indeed the Queen Mother of the West!"

"Shouldn't the Queen Mother of the West live in Heaven?"

Li Qingshan was a little curious.


Qingniu boss's bull face suddenly turned blue, and he grabbed Li Qingshan: "Don't talk nonsense! Heaven is the Queen Mother, this is the Queen Mother of the West, and the two cannot be confused!"

Qing Niu explained nervously:

"The Queen Mother of the West is the head of the fairy goddess, and the Queen Mother is the head of the goddess, but they can't be confused! If you say something wrong on the Kunlun Mountains, I can't save you!"

"Goddess, fairy?"

Li Qingshan was slightly taken aback.

"The Queen Mother of the West became enlightened even longer than the Great Immortal Venerable, and the Queen Mother was just the wife of the Great Heavenly Venerate when she turned calamity. This gap is huge."

The eldest Qingniu lowered his body and lowered his voice even lower:

"The Queen Mother relied on the Great Heavenly Venerate to be the head of the goddess, but it is only limited to the heavenly court. The Queen Mother of the West is an ancient giant who can call each other Taoist friends when she sees the master!"

"I see."

Li Qingshan suddenly realized, but was secretly surprised in his heart.

As a Qingniu, you can almost say that you are walking sideways in this Westward Journey, and you are still afraid of the Queen Mother of the West.

It can be seen that the power of the Queen Mother of the West is quite high.

Although Qingniu has a rough surface, he has lived for an unknown number of years, so he naturally knows what Li Qingshan is thinking.

"Brother, you are quite a man of my appetite, so I will say it directly."

Qing Niu sighed and said:

"I can walk sideways with your brother in this immortal world, but there are people who I can't afford to offend! After you walk, my brother can take care of you in general matters, but you can remember that there are a few forces that you must not. offend."

"Brother Niu, say it!"

Li Qingshan nodded.

He cultivated nine transformations of gods and demons, and in a sense, he was considered a demon, and the one with the deepest cultivation was the bull demon.

Not only is this old cow kind to him, he also has a good impression of this old cow.

"The first one, of course, is where the three masters are, Qingweitian, Yuyutian, and Dachitian. The second one is Heavenly Court"

Qingniu looked at Li Qingshan quite pleasing to the eye, and patiently introduced him to the many great forces in the Immortal Realm.

"The Great Celestial Venerable of Heavenly Court was born with the Dao, and his fruit position is the highest in all realms. He holds the authority of the Dao and hangs the Lingxiao Hall on the top of the list. No matter what kind of cultivation level the person on the list has before, he can become the leader of Da Luo. number!"

Qingniu pointed to the sky above the nine heavens, and said:

"Although the real Heaven is not in the Earth Immortal Realm, most of the gods in the Heavenly Court are in the Heavenly Court in the Earth Immortal Realm. Even the Great Heavenly Venerate, the real body stays in the Heavenly Court for a little and a half!"

"What, Fengshen Bang actually has such an effect?"

Li Qingshan was shocked.

He has practiced for millions of years and has not been able to advance to Daluo, where does he not know what kind of realm Daluo is.

That kind of powerhouse can actually be mass-produced?


Qingniu patted Li Qingshan on the shoulder and said, "That Great Heavenly Venerate is the son of the Great Dao, what can't he do? Otherwise, why do you think those gods will have a small court on five days and a large court on the tenth?

Involuntarily! "

"I can't help myself? If you lose your freedom, you will become a big Luo, and it will be meaningless."

Li Qingshan is somewhat clear.

On this list of gods, there are bound to be restrictions.

Otherwise, wouldn't everyone want to be on this list of gods?

"Yes, if you lose your freedom, you are a bird!"

Qingniu applauded, saying:

"There are thousands of big Luos on the list, but there are very few that you can look up to! But, having said that, don't provoke you, even though this big Luoxian has flaws, you are no match for any of them! "

"What's more, that Great Heavenly Venerate is not easy to mess with"

"Little brother understands!"

Li Qingshan nodded.

He naturally knows the huge gap between innate and acquired.

Once you step into that realm, you are flawed, and it surpasses all beings who cannot step into that realm.

Although he is a master of the nine transformations of gods and demons, and the tenth transformation integrates the strengths of all gods and demons, he does not dare to say that he can compare with Daluo.

Although the Daluo of the Heavenly Court is incomplete in the eyes of Qingniu, he will not underestimate him in the slightest.

The impression that Big Brother Gu left on him back then could not be erased until now.

"The Great Heavenly Venerate"

Qing Niu seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a while, he turned his head: "Except for the three masters and the Great Heavenly Venerate, after that, this is Kunlun Mountain!"

"The Queen Mother of the West, although her real body is not here, but even her incarnation can kill thousands of your brothers with one finger."

Li Qingshan smacked his tongue slightly, there are so many strong people in the world.

However, he has always been bold, but he has no fear in his heart.

Although he wouldn't take the initiative to provoke him, if he did, he wouldn't be silent.

"After that, it's Zhou Qing Da Zun, Brother Zhen Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Guan, and"

Qingniu continued talking about the next few people.

Li Qingshan observed closely and keenly discovered that when he talked about the next few people, his face was still solemn, but he did not mention the faint fear of the previous ones.

Faintly, he had an understanding of the giants of this fairyland.

"These more than ten people are not to be provoked. You can write them down. If you want to come, you will not see them."

Qingniu mentioned more than ten forces in a row, and then stopped in a hurry.

"Thank you Brother Niu for the point!"

Li Qingshan thanked him.

The water in the Earth Immortal World is quite deep, if there is no introduction from Qingniu, how can he not understand so thoroughly.

In particular, the more than ten people in the back are not as famous as the previous ones.

"By the way, a few years ago, it seems that the old monster Kunpeng has also returned from calamity. In the sea of ​​​​blood of Asura, there is an old demon who became the leader of the Nether, but I haven't been in the lower realm for years, and I don't know much about it."

Finally, Qingniu said another sentence.

"Kunpeng Old Demon Nether Leader"

Li Qingshan nodded slightly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart for some reason.

The two walked away and said that they could see countless Shenguang Waterfalls on Kunlun Mountain.


Qing Niu stomped his feet and spewed two white breaths from his nostrils:

"Hey! Old cow, I'm done talking, why aren't those two **** coming?"

The reason why he said so in detail is that half of Li Qingshan's appetite for him, and the other half is to wait for the golden horn and the silver horn.

He was too lazy to go to the heavenly court because the Great Heavenly Venerate was not there, but there was a great **** on Kunlun Mountain. He went alone, fearing that he would be scolded for his poor etiquette.

After all, the golden horn is the one who receives the decree.

"You cow, you are scolding us again!"

At this moment, a childish voice sounded.

Li Qingshan looked up and saw that above the incomparably high nine heavens, two immortal rays of light were falling down, and suddenly it was a trillion miles, which was unbelievably fast.

The moment he raised his eyes, he was in front of the two of them.

"Can you see the Great Heavenly Venerate?"

Qingniu consciously made a loss and took the initiative to change the subject.


Jin Jiao nodded and said, "In the Lingxiao Palace, the gods are watching how you arrange them."


Qing Niu jumped in horror and almost jumped up: "Is the Great Heavenly Venerate really there? Didn't he come for two or three eons?"

Li Qingshan was also taken aback.

Qingniu was arrogant and arrogant before, and the Queen Mother said it all again. If she was heard, she would really offend the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

The ox's face turned green.

Although he was bold, he was not so big.

"How do we know?"

The golden horns and the silver horns looked at each other, both of them probing hands, with a hint of schadenfreude in their helplessness.

Qingniu has a special status, and the Great Heavenly Venerate will not kill him.

But in the future, it will inevitably suffer some hardships. After all, at the end of the calamity, but to repeat the great calamity of Journey to the West, this fool not only has to go down to the realm.

I have to meet the gods in the sky

Thinking about it, the eyes of the two boys in Jinjiao and Yinjiao narrowed with smiles.

Qing Niu also thought of this, and his face became more and more green.

On the journey to the west, he is afraid that he will inevitably suffer some hardships, and the gods and Buddhas in the sky are not vegetarians.

"Good cow, you're right, I love to hear it!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice with a proud and detached voice fell from the towering Kunlun Mountains.


A few people's hearts were shocked, and they saw the sound wave falling down, the boundless vision was almost, the phoenix, Qingluan danced and screamed.

It turned into a thousand-mile-long Shenguang Avenue, which has been hanging down from the Kunlun Mountains and extending to the feet of everyone.

"Is this the Queen Mother of the West?"

Li Qingshan's heart was shocked, and he looked up, only to feel that on the top of the endlessly high Kunlun Mountains, there seemed to be an unparalleled female emperor overlooking the universe.

The domineering arrogance is rolling and stirring, and it is boundless.

"My mother!"

Qing Niu shouted, his face turned blue and white, not only was he not happy, but his heart was even more heavy.

What he said before was at best a joke, that is, the Great Heavenly Venerate and the Queen Mother knew about it, but because of his identity, he just laughed it off.

At most eat a little bitterness.

But as soon as the Queen Mother of the West spoke, the nature was different.

It has been a long time since this one did not deal with that Great Heavenly Venerate.

Sure enough hangs down with the avenue of light.

Qingniu felt it, and above the endless sky, two indifferent eyes fell and glanced at him.

With this sweep, the fine hair of the green ox immediately exploded, and a head of blue hair almost covered the horns of the bull.

"Brother Niu!"

Li Qingshan opened his mouth when he looked at the green cow whose hair was blowing up, and really got a sense of the deterrence of these giants.

With Qingniu's special status, no one would kill him if he offended anyone.

But knowing this, Qingniu was still scared like this.

One can imagine how arrogant these guys are.


A cold snort came from the top of Kunlun Mountain, and Qingniu was relieved:

"Come up!"

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