Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1351: Peacock Daming King

"You are all dead!"

The voice of the Demon King of Chaos was mixed with a thin blood mist, which looked eerie and terrifying.

Li Qingshan's brows twisted into Sichuan characters.

Where did this devil king of chaos come from, and he even knew his existence!

Could it be that there is such a heavenly book?

I will die here? What about Brother Gu?

A dangerous light flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes.

"The Bull Demon King, the Peng Demon King, and the Jiao Demon King, all of you are dead!"

Seeing Li Qingshan's increasingly dangerous Yin God, the Demon King of Chaos opened his mouth again, his mind tightened tightly.

He came from more than 80,000 years later, and naturally knew about ancient myths.

In his memory, there were countless dead gods and demons in this battle, and its tragic events were often mentioned even after 80,000 years.

Although some of them were unknown to him, most of them were.

Sun Wukong looked at Li Qingshan, who had lost his temper, and his heart moved slightly.

Thinking that he actually knew Fangcunshan of Lingtai and the magical powers he had learned.

Could it be that what this demon said is true?

However, who are the Bull Demon King, Peng Demon King, and Jiao Demon King?

"He said it well"

At this moment, a thick and long sigh echoed above the ruins of Shuizhao Mountain:

"Old cow, I will indeed die!"

As the voice fell, one person stepped out.

I saw that his body was tall and majestic, and his body was more like the condensation of hundreds of millions of mountains, which contained eternal power.

Sun Wukong jumped up like an electric shock, and he was a little shocked by the power contained in this man.

"Brother Bull"

Li Qingshan was also startled at first, then his eyes widened, and he couldn't help crying out.

The person here is too similar, too similar to his brother Niu!


The Demon King of Chaos fell to the ground, but he had no idea of ​​running away.

The person here is the legendary Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King!

Even the dignified Monkey King Monkey King, who once crouched down in front of him, was called the unparalleled demon king of his brother!

Compared to the Great Sage Monkey King, who was far from reaching his peak at this time, this is the most dangerous person.

"I want to go back!"

The Demon King of Chaos was crawling on the ground, and the feeling in his heart was indescribable.

I just feel that I have never been so unlucky in my life!


The Bull Demon King turned around, with a hint of softness in his eyes, and recognized Li Qingshan.

He is the ancient great demon king, the unparalleled demon king of Da Luo Jinshu. Although his Taoist body is not as good as that of the World Honored Lingshan and Sun Wukong, he is innumerable.

The Niu Ge Li Qingshan said was naturally his Taoist body.

However, since the battle between Wuzu and the Five Great Kings of Ming Dynasty, the world of that side was made into a book by Wuzu and handed over to Li Qingshan, and he took back his Taoist body.

"Brother Niu, it's really you!"

Li Qingshan couldn't help but his eyes were a little wet.

The two have been separated for thousands of years, but he will not forget Brother Niu.

"Dali Bull Demon King?"

Sun Wukong grabbed Li Qingshan with one hand and looked at the Bull Demon King vigilantly:

"You're not in your Jilei Mountain, what are you doing in my grandson's Huaguo Mountain?"

The aura of the Bull Demon King was extremely tyrannical, although Li Qingshan seemed to know the Bull Demon King, he did not let his guard down.

"It's a long story."

The Bull Demon King frowned slightly, knowing that Sun Wukong could not recognize himself at all at this time.

No matter how vigilant he was, as soon as he reached out his hand, he grabbed the neck of the Demon King of Chaos, lifted him up, and said indifferently:

"You seem to know a lot of things, so, do you know who died in the hands of this king?"

The suspicion in his heart was no less than that of Li Qingshan and the two of them.

He doesn't believe in any heavenly book, it is the list of the gods of the Great Heavenly Venerate in that day. As long as he doesn't have the true spirit of his old cow, he doesn't even want to know the slightest information about him.

This so-called celestial book, like his return from rebirth, revealed a strange taste.

"Cow, Grandpa Cow!"

The Demon King of Chaos, like a concubine in mourning, twitched his lips twice, and said, "The little demon says everything, I just ask you to give me a way to live!"

He came from later generations, and he knew very well how ruthless these ancient demons were.


The Bull Demon King looked indifferent, his eyes were cold and silent: "Otherwise, die!"

After returning this time, he felt that something was wrong, and while he was half-believing, he heard the words of this demon king, and suddenly a greater doubt rose in his heart.

"It is the Buddha's mother Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva's five-element divine light, which has wiped out many demon kings."

The Demon King of Chaos looked in pain, and still struggled to speak.

"Peacock Daming King"

The depths of the Bull Demon King's eyes flickered, turning into a figure of peerless elegance.

His cold face became colder.

In the "future" he saw, he was also defeated by the Peacock Daming King.

The invincible giant who has been rampant for many calamities, the invincible giant who dominated the Daluo realm before Lingshan Tathagata, the great monster with infinite beauty in ancient times.

Kong Xuan!

"King Peacock Daming?"

Li Qingshan was also shocked.

He also knew the reputation of the Peacock Daming King.

It is said that in ancient times, when this big demon was not the king of Daming, he used the body of Da Luo to smash the giant of Hunyuan, and was suppressed for countless years.

After that, the rise of the World Honored Spirit Mountain gradually covered his light.

Before the World Honored Spirit Mountain, he was the real invincible hand under the Primordial Primordial, known as the five-color divine light, and nothing could fall.

No matter what you are, Da Luo Shenxian, he can't help but brush lightly.

If it is him, Brother Niu is probably not an opponent.

Li Qingshan thought about it in his heart, and saw that his brother Niu's expression was quite uneasy.


The Bull Demon King shook his hands and threw the Chaos Demon King to the ground.

The Demon King of Chaos didn't dare to breathe, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and he should save his life for the time being.

"What else do you know, so to speak."

The Bull Demon King put his hands on his back and calmed down.

Although Kong Xuan is tyrannical and invincible, he is not unstoppable.

"It is said that there are nine to eighty-one difficulties on the way to Lingshan. You can't see Lingshan without going through hardships."

The Demon King of Chaos has no fluke mentality, except for his own origins, he almost revealed:

"That celestial book records that this road is called the road of Buddhahood, and it took 81 years from the appearance of the 9,981 calamities to disappear."

The Demon King of Chaos lowered his head and told the three of them what he knew.

Eighty thousand years later, the ancient myths may be distorted, and some of the truth may be hidden in the mist.

But he still remembered the place where the big accident happened, and he felt that there was no problem.

After saying this, he talked for several hours before the Demon King of Chaos slowly stopped and said:

"If it's not bad, after a long time, the ghost messenger of the underworld will come up to hook, Grandpa Sun's soul!"

"Soul hook?"

When Sun Wukong heard the words, he couldn't help but snorted:

"My old grandson, under the guidance of the patriarch, survived the three disasters a few years ago, eliminated the doom, and jumped out of the three realms.

It is not difficult to say that immortality is difficult, and it is not easy to say it is easy.

In the Earth Immortal Realm, once you become a Celestial Immortal, you are no longer bound by Shou Yuan.

The so-called three disasters, also known as the three disasters of longevity, are thunder disasters, yin fire, and winds that pass through, and the longevity is equal to the sky.

The Heaven Gang Earth Demon Transformation Technique was by no means a fighting technique at first, but a technique to avoid the three disasters.

He avoided the three disasters and became a heavenly immortal long ago, with the thirty-third level of heavenly beings, the twenty-first level of golden immortals, and the 12th level of Taiyi.

There are still black and white impermanence coming to seduce the soul?

It's really a big joke in the world!

"Go back to grandpa."

The Demon King of Chaos smiled bitterly, never expecting that Sun Wukong would be so ignorant:

"Where in this world can you live forever if you are qualified for longevity? Just like in the mortal world, can those who are qualified to be officials be able to be officials?"

Speaking of which, he cautiously pointed to the sky, but did not dare to mention a word.

"What's not to say?"

The Bull Demon King snorted lightly and looked at Sun Wukong:

"In the Immortal Realm, there are not only immortals, but also gods! If you want to live forever, you still have to admit it from Heaven, otherwise there will be a crusade!"

Speaking of which, the Bull Demon King didn't look very good either.

In the past, he was surrounded and suppressed by the Heavenly Court several times, and other big demons and loose immortals had the same experience, and some of them were suppressed and killed.

This is also called Heavenly Tribulation by many longevity people.

"Then the Great Heavenly Venerate will also deprive me of the body of immortality?"

Sun Wukong suddenly changed color.

Although he is an honest monkey, he can't be abused like this. Will he be deprived of the longevity he has worked so hard for?

"Naturally there will be no catastrophe under the command of the various giants, especially the one on Kunlun Mountain, who is the head of the fairy goddess to protect all the fairy goddesses!

The Bull Demon King jokingly replied:

"Unfortunately, you are not a female monkey, otherwise, it would be much better."

This monkey is really ignorant at this time.

"Mother monkey?"

Li Qingshan couldn't help laughing, and the dignified atmosphere before dissipated a little.

"You old cow is so unreasonable, you are making fun of my grandson!"

Sun Wukong was a little embarrassed:

"Although I'm an honest monkey, I'm not easy to mess with!"

"You monkey."

Seeing that Sun Wukong was a little embarrassed, the Bull Demon King raised his hand and snapped his fingers, shooting out a golden light at the monkey:

"Lao Niu doesn't have the ability to wake up your Dao Fruit, but it can make you remember something"

Sun Wukong cut himself off the Dao Fruit in order to take the qi of the The former dust turned into a Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, and the Bull Demon King thought that it was impossible to awaken this monkey's Dao Fruit.

However, it is also necessary to let him know a little about the cause and effect.

Even if this might have some impact on Daoist Wukong, so be it!

After all, time doesn't wait for me.

"You old cow!"

Sun Wukong subconsciously wanted to dodge, but hesitantly in his heart, he let the golden light cover him.


As the golden light shrouded, the sea of ​​​​knowledge turned upside down, and in the sound of an explosion that seemed to be turned upside down, the boundless picture surged like a tide.

In a trance, he seemed to see another self!

That one self, from birth, to apprenticeship, to leaving the mountain, to calling himself the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, to finally beheading the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, fighting over the Buddha, and becoming a Taoist Wukong.

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