Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1354: Although reincarnation is bitter, it is better than eternal life!

The monkey blinked, and a smile appeared on Mao's face: "This white, thin, black and fat is impermanent!"

His soul and body are united, and his body is sanctified. Even if he doesn't realize it, this black and white impermanence can't draw out his soul, let alone knowing that they will come.

The reason why he was hooked out of his soul was naturally because he wanted to come to the underworld!

With the advice of the Bull Demon King, he didn't even go to the Dragon Palace, so he directly held a banquet, waiting for this black and white impermanence to seduce the soul!

wow la la~

Bai Wuchang shook the chain and said with a smile:

"You're right!"

"This is the underworld!"

Hei Wuchang responded with a fierce and cold expression.

The monkey scratched his head and saw the two red tongues shaking, and the black and white impermanence looked at him with a strange expression:

"You're already dead!"

"My old grandson is beyond the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements, so how could he die?"

The monkey got up calmly and didn't care about the shackles, so he asked.

"Netherworld rules the life and death of all spirits, all spirits have their own lifespans, your yang lifespan is exhausted!"

Black and white impermanence said in unison:

"The King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, who would dare to keep someone at the fifth watch?"

"My old grandson was born free, who is qualified to determine my lifespan?"

The monkey snorted coldly, very dissatisfied:

"It's really domineering!"

"Without further ado!"

"Come in quickly!"

Black and white impermanence no longer said any more, Qi Qi pulled the chain and wanted to pull the monkey into Fengdu City.


The monkey sneered again and again, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the chain.

He was already cultivating extremely fast, especially under the guidance of the Bull Demon King and others, it was even faster.

Under this pull, the black and white impermanence staggered and could not move forward.

"Life and death are decided!"

"You dare to defy the sky?!"

Black and white impermanence was furious, raised the mourning stick and hit the monkey on the head!

The boundless mist rolled in, and countless screams of shrill ghosts cried out in an instant, rolling down towards the monkey.

This black and white impermanence has been a ghost and **** for an unknown number of years, and his cultivation is naturally inferior to that of the great gods, but with one action, the mighty momentum is irresistible!

"How about defying the sky?!"

The monkey roared in anger, flicked the chain on his body, and every step was two punches!


Under the coercion of the mighty fairy light, the extremely violent power immediately greeted the black and white mourning stick.


The black and white impermanence suddenly bulged his eyes, bit his red tongue, and felt an indescribable terrifying force rushing up.


The monkey's body didn't move, and the two arms shook again, shattering the mourning stick.

He even smashed the black and white impermanent head unabated, and blew up the two ghosts and gods on the spot!


The boundless yin qi spread out and turned into a terrifying storm, instantly shaking the sky.

After Sun Wukong punched and killed Black and White Impermanence, he broke the chains on his body with a shake, and hurried towards Fengdu City.


The boundless gust of wind stirred the mist, and the sound of ghost crying became more and more shrill.

On a hilltop very far away from the capital city of Feng, Black and White Impermanence groaned together, and blood flowed from the seven orifices.

"That monkey."

"How fierce!"

Black and white impermanence spurted blood, heartache and unable to breathe.

They knew the amount of calamity long ago, so of course they wouldn't meet the calamity in person.

But how terrifying the calamity is, that is, the nether place is not in the calamity, and now it is the end of the calamity, and a considerable price must be paid.

They were sent up to be killed by the monkey, but they cut the avatar of the priesthood.

Being beaten to death, the loss can not be described as heavy.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "This catastrophe is over."

Xie Bian wiped off the blood stains left in the seven orifices and shook his head.

Ghosts and gods have no entity at all. Where did the blood come from, it was nothing more than an injury to the priesthood.

"It's okay to die once!"

Fan Wujiu wasn't much better, but he was relieved.

They were not ghosts and gods who were good at fighting, and the monkeys were incredibly violent. Even if they were really killed, they couldn't escape being beaten to death.

They won't really go to die.

"Look at that King Yama."

"Don't panic at this time!"

The two looked at each other and looked at Fengdu City in the distance.

It is hard to say that they have no resentment towards King Yama who sent the two of them to deal with the calamity.


In the Wheel Wheel Hall, the Ten Kings of Hell sat opposite each other with a solemn expression on their faces.

"King Yama! The amount of calamity has nothing to do with me. If this monkey wants to come, feel free to come and leave. You first send Black and White Impermanence to seduce the soul, and then call me to wait. What do you want to do?"

The person who spoke, with leopard eyes and lion nose, long beard, and a square crown, was King Guang of Qin.

He glanced at King Yama, and his eyes were puzzled:

"Could it be, you want to commit the robbery yourself?"

"King Qin Guang is joking."

King Yama waved his hand and said, "There is no benefit in waiting for me to enter the calamity. Naturally, I will not enter the calamity."

Once on the Conferred God Ranking, although he can become a Daluo, his cultivation will never increase by half.

Unless you can go a step further on the Heavenly Court system, that is, the Conferred God Ranking, and get a high position, you will have nowhere to go.

The gods of heaven, including many ghosts and gods in the nether and hell, are the most unwilling to enter the robbery.

And because of the presence of the Great Celestial Venerable, it is impossible to involve the senior members on the Conferred God Ranking at all.

Unless, they themselves want to go in.

"Then what do you want to do? If the monkey wants to take the lead, you can follow him, whether you win or lose, you can follow him!"

The Wheel King had a gloomy expression on his face, and his voice was a little gloomy.

"What the Wheel King said is not bad."

The other Hell Kings also nodded, not wanting to go into the muddy waters.

The gods and Buddhas in the sky don't know how many people want to be on the list of gods. One is to become a Daluo, but to escape the number of calamities. They no longer need to enter the calamity, why should they not be happy?

With this time, it is better to work diligently and diligently, hoping to go further and become a heavenly official.

"It's not my intention."

Facing the criticism from his colleagues, King Yama pointed to the sky with a wry smile.

"Great Heavenly Venerate? Or the Great Emperor?"

Many kings of **** changed color at the same time, and a heart skipped a beat.

"Can't say, can't say?"

King Yama waved his hand and did not answer the question, he just said:

"I'll have to wait for that monkey head!"

The other Hades looked ugly, but they could only nod their heads.

Ordinary people say that the first-level official can crush people to death. For them, the first-level official can also crush the **** of death!

"Well, then let's take action and knock this monkey out of the netherworld!"

King Qin Guang shook his head helplessly and made up his mind.

Although Daoist Wukong can't afford to provoke him, he can't afford to provoke Emperor Fengdu even more.

After provoking the monkey, with the backing of the Great Emperor Fengdu and even the Great Heavenly Venerate, it may not be possible.

Offending those two, they will lose the position of Lord Yan in an instant and suffer from reincarnation.

"That's all!"

The other Yan Jun also nodded.

They all know that Daoist Wukong cut off Daoguo, forgot his past, threw away his golden hoop and his golden body.

Although brave, they thought they could easily suppress it.

As for whether he will come to the door in the future......

We can only wait until the time to think of a solution.

"In that case, I'll make the move when I wait..."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} King Yama breathed a sigh of relief, it is better to have the Ten Temples Yama to act together than to take the blame alone.

Although the monkey is domineering, it is not Hunyuan, or in the future, will he dare to kill ten Yan Jun at one go?


At this moment, a ghost called and walked into the hall.

He knelt down on the ground, looked at the boots of all Yan Jun and said loudly: "Niu Tau Ma Mian has returned from Nanzhan and wants to see all Yan Jun, saying that there is an urgent matter to report to Yan Jun!"


You Yan Jun frowned.

"These two idiots fled to Nanzhan to avoid the calamity, why did they come back so quickly?"

Or King Yama said:

"Let them roll in!"


The ghost hurriedly backed away.

After a while, the ox-headed-horse-face walked in with a dignified expression.

"Abang, Rakshasa, I have seen you all Yan Jun! May all Yan Jun ascend to the heavenly throne!"

Niu Tau Ma kneeled on the ground respectfully.

"Abang, why are you begging to see me?"

King Qin Guang glanced at Niutou Abang lightly, and said with accountability:

"Could it be that you hooked the wrong person again?"

"Yan Jun Mingjian."

Ah Pang smiled wryly and shook his head. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said:

"I went to Nanzhan, but I ran into the great master. He asked me to give you a message for Yan Jun, and asked Yan Jun to play the Great Emperor."


"Nan Zhan's mage?"

"Could it be the three burial masters, Chen Xuanshang?"

Including King Yama, all the Kings of Yama changed their expressions.

Before, Gu Xuanshang opened the gate of the underworld in one fell swoop and sent 30 billion undead, causing the world to turn upside down.

At first, they didn't know his identity and wanted to be held accountable, but when they learned the true identity of this mage from Ksitigarbha, they didn't dare to hold him accountable.

At this time, hearing the mage's words, one's mind couldn't help but tense up.

They are not afraid of the three burial masters, but they are very afraid of the Martial Ancestor.

A statue can fight the Buddha's Five Great Kings, Jia Duo Bao Tathagata alone, before he has achieved and fight and win!

That battle back then shocked the entire immortal world!

You must know that any one of the Five Great Kings of Buddhism is enough to suppress their Ten Great Kings of Hell!

What's more, it has already achieved Hunyuan!

Definitely not someone they can provoke!

"That...what did you say?"

King Qin Guang got up unconsciously and asked.

Ah Pang saw that all the ten Yan Jun turned pale, and his heart became even colder. What kind of person was this mage? He actually heard his name, and the top ten Yan Luos all changed in color.

"The mage said..."

Ah Pang swallowed and said:

"He said, he said..."

Ah Pang hesitated several times, even if he repeated those words, he found it difficult to say.


At the moment when Ah Pang hesitated, a ray of white light slowly rippling, turned into a mirror of white light in the hall before you Yan Jun.

After the mirror, the land of the south, Chang'an in the east, and finally a small house appeared.

In the house, the voice of the wooden fish rang out, and the young man in the white monk's robe turned his back to Yan Jun, and said slowly:

"A single thought will have an echo, and a single thought will cost Qingqing's life. Although reincarnation is hard, it is better than never ending!"

As soon as the words fell, the needle could be heard falling in the hall.

Ah Pang, Rakshasa was trembling with fear, and the bull's head and the horse's head were sticking to the icy cold ground.

On the face of the Ten Great Yamas, it was as if a dyeing workshop had opened, and various colors rushed up.

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