Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1358: Martial Ancestor and the Great Heavenly Venerate

However, Gu Shaoshang didn't know what the Great Heavenly Venerate thought.


Above the sky, the sound of the sky hangs upside down.

The Great Heavenly Venerate dropped his finger, and the time and space of the ten thousand realms vibrated and guarded it, blessing it, and spreading it to the heavens.

It is as if he is the master of all Dao, one finger falls, ten thousand Dao guards, bows his head!

That finger is not so huge, but it seems to be even bigger than the universe!

I saw that Ruyu pointed through the time and space of the ages, and came with a bang, and pointed at Gu Shaoshang's fist print like a pillar of the sky!

It implies that if God wants you to die, you have to die indifferently and loftily.

"Is it not, you and I know it."

Under the Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang laughed and did not argue with him.

After the achievement of Hunyuan, he has not yet made a move. At this moment, in this heaven, the incarnation of the Great Heavenly Venerate is about to make a move, and he is not asking for it.

He has always been lawless, without God, Buddha or Tao in his heart.

A war, so what?

Exactly, you can't ask for it!

While the thoughts were turning, Gu Shaoshang's fist mark was raised horizontally, and he turned the divine fist of the beginning again, a bit of Tian Yuan burst out, evolved into the cycle of reincarnation, and the ten directions were destroyed...

Inciting the martial arts of all worlds, he brazenly and decisively confronted the Great Heavenly Venerate with one finger:

"Tianzhu Sacred Mountain, keep going!"


The boundless Dao Yun streamer burst out, rolling and turbulently evolving into thousands of great worlds of light and shadows lingering around the Divine Fist.

Faintly, Gu Shaoshang's fist mark turned into a majestic mountain that surpassed the sky!

That sacred mountain is infinite, boundless and boundless, without beginning and without end.

It is like supporting the backbone of the world and occupying the center of the heavens in the world!

Gu Shao didn't seem to care about this Great Celestial Venerable in his wound, but there was absolutely no carelessness in his heart.

He is constantly interrupting, which means that he can't get it, can't reach it, isn't complete, and isn't perfect.

It means all those who are at the peak. When this punch falls, it will not be at the peak. Everything that is perfect will not be perfect under this punch!

This Great Heavenly Venerate is as straight as the ruler of the heavens, and all the ways must be guarded.

Uninterrupted, just in time for this scene!

As the saying goes, with one punch, Heaven has flaws, and everyone has flaws!

"There is no superiority in the Tao, and there are strengths and weaknesses in people."

In the middle of the sky, the Great Heavenly Venerate sat upright and did not smile.

Allowing Gu Shaoshang to shake Wanjie Martial Dao, run the Absolute Beginning Divine Fist Dao, and evolve Tianzhu Divine Fist incessantly, he just smiled indifferently:

"Those who have no king and no father should be killed!"


The mouth contains Tianxian, and the words follow.

In the rumbling Tianyin vibration, thirty-three days away, a wave surged straight to the unfathomable heights.

Gu Shao's heart moved slightly.

It felt like at this moment, in the ten thousand worlds and the heavens, countless great worlds were all boiling, and many Dao laws vibrated, rubbing and squeezing his Martial Dao.

Vaguely, as if to squeeze his martial arts out of the world!

The Emperor of Heaven is the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Dao, the supreme ruler of the infinite and infinite multiverse, and with a single word, all worlds will not allow him to preach.

I want to cut off Gu Shaoshang's path of Primordial Yuan directly!

"The world of the world is the world of all people, not the world of you alone! You are not the Dao itself, how can you cut off my path to the Primordial Yuan?"

Under the Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang suddenly stood up, the light in his eyes burned like a flame, and the light of martial arts around his body shone on the sky and the earth:

"I exist, I don't need your acknowledgement, and you can't expel me!"

He came out of the vastness, sought the way in all worlds, fought all the way without defeat, and had already cultivated the invincible spirit that will never be worn out.

I think therefore I am, not requiring anyone's acknowledgment.

Even if the Great Celestial Venerable, and even the Dao itself rejected him, he would not think that his Dao was half-false!


Gu Shaoshang's will is boiling, and he communicates to the heavens and the world.

In the world of Emperor Zun, the **** dog raised his eyes and looked....In the Yuanshi Daluotian, Fushang frowned...In the world of Daojun, Dugu Baitian looked cold... ......In the world of Mushenji, Chen Nan shook his head and said nothing......

Everywhere in the big world, in the big universe, Gu Shaoshang's myriad incarnations, the perfect thousand kings and thousand emperors, are all moved by their hearts, blessing the long river of martial arts.

In an instant, the light of the martial arts in the world was scorched, and under the suppression of the laws of the Tao, it burst into a brilliant brilliance.

Although Gu Shaoshang had little time to become a Daoist.

But his original savings are already extremely deep, and he may not have as many clones as the World Honored Lingshan, who wants to directly achieve Hunyuan Wuji, but it is also more than before other Hunyuan breakthroughs!

Therefore, after a breakthrough, his power suddenly increased!

At this moment, even in the midst of ten thousand repulsion, a peerless blow still burst out, hitting the finger that penetrated space and time heavily.


In an instant, the perfect world was turned upside down, the time and space of the ages shattered, and countless stars fell like rain.

Thousands of Heavenly States were almost overturned!

Fortunately, Gu Shaoshang opened the door to all realms. Thousands of kings stepped on all realms, and to some extent, they were already connected to the qi of other great realms.

It was not destroyed in this collision just now.

Even so, as far as the eye can see, every place in the world is full of collapse of the four poles, the eight wastes are broken, and countless creatures are terrified.


And beyond those thirty-three days, the void condensed by Lao Jun could not bear this momentary collision.

They broke apart.

For a time, in the universe of Journey to the West, the universe with the number of Hengsha and countless parallel universes were crumbling, and the stars within them fell, almost like the end of the day!

Even in the immortal world that was blessed by the amount of robbery, the world has been turned upside down. If there are not many big Luos who are stable, they will almost be split!


And in the boundless sound of destruction, all the light disappeared.

Gu Shaoshang's fist mark has disappeared thirty-three days away, leaving only the ruins covering the endless void.

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Great Celestial Venerable did not move, and the Pearl in front of him shook slightly, making a clattering sound.


The Great Heavenly Venerate retracted his finger, and saw a slight concave on the belly of the round and full index finger.

It was a small fist mark.


As the Great Heavenly Venerate retracted his finger, the trace of the fist mark was just rejected.

In the Lingxiao Palace, many great gods have different expressions, and there is a hint of amazement in the depths of their eyes.

What kind of person is Da Tianzun?

The nominal ruler of the endless infinite multiverse, the supreme heavenly emperor of Dao transformation!

Even if it is an avatar, it is definitely a giant in the boundless realm of Primordial Yuan.

That Martial Ancestor only took a few days to become enlightened, not even enough time for them to take a nap, to be able to leave traces on the fingers of the Great Heavenly Venerate?

Couldn't help but shock them.

At least, they think that in the heavenly court, there are many emperors and great powers, and no one can do it with certainty!

Li Changgeng's heart trembled even more when he was beside the Great Heavenly Venerate.

He got closer and saw better.

In the fingerprints, he saw a trace of blood...

This Martial Ancestor actually hurt the Great Heavenly Venerate!

"Martial ancestor, divine fist way in the beginning..."

Under the mian, Da Tianzun's deep eyes lifted slightly, looking at the 33-day supreme Da Chitian:

"Western Queen!"

There, a arrogant female emperor looked down indifferently, her fingertips overflowed with the innate Xihua supreme aura that shook the universe.


Since Emperor Fengdu shot, the three buried masters attacked, Wuzu slammed across the world with one punch, and the Great Heavenly Venerate pointed down...all this happened in an extremely short period of time.

Except for the faintly visible Daluo Jinxian, the vast majority of practitioners don't even know what happened.

All I know is that when the giant palm fell and the three burial mage raised his Zen staff, the stars fell and the mountains and rivers shattered.

For a time, the countless creatures in the Earth Immortal Realm were all stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

Above Chang'an City, Yun Ye looked at Li Shimin, who was almost smashed into flesh, with a bitter expression on his face.

It was the first time that they had encountered such an irresistible stalwart existence after they fought in all realms and forged the Jagged Tang Dynasty.

"This is not a doom."

Gu Xuanshang looked at Li Shimin, who was on the verge of falling, and said:

"Humanity practice is different from others. Its existence is rooted in the humanistic spirit of the Tang Dynasty. If the Tang Dynasty is not destroyed, it will not fall. On the contrary, if the Tang Dynasty is destroyed, it will also die."

Humanistic practice is very large, and it is more similar to Shinto practice.

Li Shimin's cultivation level has risen as the Tang Dynasty radiated all realms, but he was also limited by the Tang Dynasty, and he could not advance an inch after being promoted to Daluo.

But it is precisely because of the Tang Dynasty that even if the fleshly body is broken and the primordial spirit collapses, there is no real fall.

It's hard to say, the real pros and cons.

"Thank you Wuzu for helping."

Yun Ye took a deep breath, picked up Li Shimin, who was like a muddy flesh, and staggered to salute.

"I'm not Martial Ancestor, just three burials."

Gu Xuanshang pressed his palm lightly, and the almost collapsed Chang'an City returned to its original state.

All the soldiers also recovered as before.

Only Li Shimin and other ministers never recovered from their injuries.

It's not that he can't erase their injuries, if it is because, the pain is a kind of practice.

Being able to face the Primordial Primordial and not die is naturally a great practice.

However, on their own, this injury would take hundreds of thousands of years to recover.

"Stay in Chang'an. After this catastrophe is over, the era you are waiting for is just now."

After Gu Xuanshang finished speaking, he went straight into Chang'an City.

"The next calamity..."

Yun Ye and the others all moved in their hearts, and their thoughts flew.

After stopping for a long time, everyone supported each other and returned to Chang'an City.


"Hunyuan Promise..."

Under the Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang's eyes dimmed like a fire.

There is no essential difference between Hunyuan and Hunyuan Wuji. The difference is only the strength of Dao and the amount of Dao.

That Great Celestial Venerable became Dao for an unknown amount of kalpas, and there was more than one way to achieve Primordial Promise.

Even with the perfect thousand kings stepping on the world and his many incarnations preaching the world, he is still far worse.

This is just an If the real body of the Great Heavenly Venerate is the real body, he will probably not be able to take this finger.

"If you want to compete with the Great Heavenly Venerate, martial arts alone are not enough, even if you become Hunyuan Wuji..."

Gu Shao was sitting down, his eyes flickering:

"If you add strength, maybe there will be a difference?"

There is no superiority in Dao, and the Dao of strength will not be higher than the Dao of martial arts, nor will it be stronger than the Dao of Time and Space, the Five Elements, Yin Yang Tai Chi, etc.

However, that was the Dao that best suited him, other than Martial Dao.

If strength and martial arts are combined, he will undergo huge changes.

Unfortunately, the source of strength is the Daoist Hongjun who does not know where he exists.

Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes, his mind was silent:

"Maybe I can..."

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