Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1365: Xing Tianwu is a godsend!


Li Qingshan pointed to himself and was stunned.

In this immortal world where Daluo is walking all over the place, what role can he play if he is not even Daluo?

"Yes, it's you."

Gu Xuanshang nodded.

"Brother Gu..."

Li Qingshan scratched his head: "Although I have never looked down on myself, but I can't resist the aftermath of the battle between the two in the sky, how can I intervene?"

"The monkey and the Tathagata are fighting in the sky. Although they have the upper hand in a short time, they will suffer in the end. However, with the blessing of the long river of martial arts, the monkey can still support him in a short time, and the Tathagata wants to suppress him again. It's not that easy to go down the Liangjie Mountain..."

Gu Xuanshang's expression was calm, and his eyes were bright.

His transformation into freedom is Shi Hao's magical power of enlightenment, and Gu Shaoshang has incorporated the legal principles of the Golden Seal of Absolute Beginning into it.

Even if the monkey has not accommodated the Daoguo and the golden body at this time, it is enough to regain its full strength in a short time.

Of course it is impossible to defeat the Tathagata, but it is not easy for the Tathagata to easily suppress it.

Back then, the battle between Gu Shaoshang and Feng Xiaozhong lasted for an unknown amount of time. The battle between the two, if no external force intervened, could even last until the end of the calamity.

"Then how can I do it?"

Li Qingshan was stunned.

His realm is not enough, although the Buddha's light and the golden light are horizontal and vertical in the sky at this time, he can't see why.

"Lao Jun has transformed the long river of time and space into a road of calamity, and evolved eighty-one calamity levels. At this time, the fight between the two is the monkey's last chance."

Gu Xuanshang looked at Li Qingshan:

"As long as the eighty-one kalpas can be broken before this battle is over, the monkey will be able to turn defeat into victory."

"Step on Xumi, break the spiritual mountain, the qi will be transferred, and the monkey will become enlightened!"

Half of his words were spoken, but the secret inside was not spoken directly.

Before the Lord of Time and Space and the Lord of the System shot to affect the world, the deity naturally shot quietly.

That long river of martial arts is naturally the handwriting of Gu Shaoshang.

It seems that he gifted it to Li Qingshan a long time ago, but in fact, it was Gu Shaoshang who traversed the time and space of the ages and imprinted his supernatural power in the jade pendant.


Li Qingshan suddenly stood up: "I understand!"

Although he didn't know that the situation in front of him was caused by his big brother Gu, he also knew that this was probably the only way to break the situation.

Gu Xuanshang waved his hand and said:

"Understood, let's go."

After all, he didn't say any more.

The old monk's impression of such a seal was really tyrannical, and he couldn't get rid of it easily.

However, to be able to see such a series of powerful shots, for him, it can be regarded as a great practice.

The cultivation base has reached the point of theirs, and every move contains their own way.

In this view, he was able to peep out a strand of the old monk's Dao aggregate.

This strand of Dao Yun is much more attractive to him than competing with those three or two juniors on the road to calamity.

Li Qingshan bowed slightly, saying goodbye to Gu Xuanshang.

After exiting the door, he picked up the somewhat sluggish looking devil king, and hurried out of Chang'an City.

"Damn... I walked in a hurry, but forgot to ask, why the odds are on me... Could it be the summoning system on me?"

Li Qingshan turned his thoughts.

I wanted to go back and ask, but I didn't want to disturb Gu Xuanshang.

"This, this is impossible!"

It was not until he left Chang'an City that the Demon King of Chaos shouted: "In ancient legends, the Buddha suppressed the Monkey King at the foot of Liangjie Mountain, and the Three Burial Masters rescued the Monkey King, and then the great demons were led by the Monkey King. Go to Lingshan to break the calamity, and in the end, all of them will fall..."

"What, how can it change?"

The Demon King of Chaos was shocked. He came from the "future". How could the past he knew be different?

What the **** is going on here?

"What ancient legend?"

Li Qingshan was keenly aware of the loopholes in the words of the Demon King of Chaos, and lifted him up: "Didn't you see the future in some heavenly book?"


The Demon King of Confusion consciously made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly rejected it: "It's Xiao Xiao who said it wrong, Xiao Xiao said it wrong."

"Eighth brother, let me smoke his soul, and everything will be known."

At this time, the lion camel king who was waiting outside Chang'an City stepped forward and sneered.

Peng Demon King and others also jumped from the sky.


Looking at the several big demon kings who were eyeing the tigers, the demon king of the world wanted to cry without tears, so he could only tell his origins.

"You actually come from the afterlife?"

Demon King Peng looked incredible.

For the demon king of the Da Luo series, time and space are of course not secret, but the time and space of this fairyland is under Laojun's Taiji map.

What kind of existence can fish out the people of later generations from the long river of time and space suppressed by Taijitu and send them to this time and space?

What kind of existence is Lao Jun?

Who has such patience?

"No matter where you come from, tell me, who lost and who won this amount of calamity?"

The majestic lion and camel king shouted impatiently and asked a key question.

"Of course it's the Buddha, no, the Tathagata won... all of you are dead..."

The Demon King of Chaos looked extremely ugly, and said slowly:

"In that road of calamity, all the great saints...all died! They were all brushed off by the five-color divine light, and their bodies were hung on the top of the snowy mountain..."

"Five-color divine light!"

The lion camel king's expression instantly became solemn.

Before many calamities, the five-color divine light swept across the world, and it was invincible under the Primordial Primordial. It is said that the peacock used the five-color divine light to brush the Daoist Zhunti, the second Western leader, a somersault!

That was before Sakyamuni, the great Luoxian recognized by all the gods!

"What about Kong Xuan? Is his five-color divine light really so powerful?"

The Demon King snorted coldly, as if he was not convinced.

Although he knew that Kong Xuan was very powerful, he didn't think that they had joined forces to be swept away by him and hanged to death on the snowy mountain.

Demon King Peng narrowed his eyes, but did not speak.

"You said before that there was a change, but what kind of change?"

Only Li Qingshan didn't know the peacock's prestige at all. Although his face was very solemn, he realized that there were a lot of secrets in the previous shock of the Demon King of Confusion.

"In this battle, the Great Sage should not be able to fight the Tathagata for such a long time..."

The Demon King of Chaos looked up at the radiant light that almost covered the eternal stars, and said:

"According to legend, the Buddha suppressed the great sage at the foot of Liangjie Mountain in the palm of his hand..."

It should be Brother Gu's method!

Several other great sages frowned, but Li Qingshan was slightly stunned.

"For Daluo, the past can be changed, the future can be changed, there is no set number."

At this time, the macaque king who had never spoken before slowly opened his mouth and said:

"He may not necessarily come from the later generations, and the ancient times may not be true... I can hear the voices of the ten directions of the universe, and the same is not static."

The macaque king, known as the Great Sage of Ventilation.

He is good at listening and can listen to all the sounds of the past and the future.

The long river of time and space in the Earth Immortal Realm is more detailed than the other demon kings.

The long river of time and space in the Earth Immortal Realm is definitely not something that Da Luo, or even an ordinary Primordial Yuan can set foot in.

Such a small scoundrel also wants to travel through the time and space of the immortal world. He really does not believe it.

Unless, this is what Laojun allows.

That is also near impossible.

"This is not the time to discuss truth and falsehood."

Li Qingshan spoke, his voice slightly hoarse, and conveyed Gu Xuanshang's words exactly.

Before Gu Xuanshang's action shocked the Three Realms, many great powers looked sideways, and of course several demon kings also knew that it was the incarnation of a supreme giant.

Hearing the words, everything is certain.

They are all crawling out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses. They are not afraid of fighting, but they are most afraid of being powerless.

At this time, I knew how to break the game, and I was shocked for a while.

"Big brother is still outside Nantianmen, I will inform him now, and then I will break the calamity!"

The Dapeng climbed to the sky in one step, turned into a golden-winged Dapeng, and spread its wings for nine days:

"The foundation of Buddhism is not shallow, but I am not a vegetarian!"


In the Lingshan Daleiyin Temple surrounded by the sound of Foguang Chan singing.

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas stood on both sides, watching the battle between Sun Wukong and the World Honored Tathagata above the nine heavens.

I saw that the unparalleled air vibration tore through the trillions of voids, and faintly, you could see the phantom of a Taiji map.

The battle between Daluo is enough to destroy many great universes. If Laojun has not condensed the amount of calamity, and there are Taiji diagrams and Taoisms remaining, these two beings that are extremely close to Hunyuan will be turned upside down.

In the Daleiyin Temple, it was silent and silent, and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas had different thoughts.

After an unknown amount of time, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, standing under the golden lotus, moved slightly in his heart and said:

"Bodhisattvas, there are variables in the battle between my Buddha and Sun Wukong. When the Martial Ancestor from the other world tries to block the way, the change will be even bigger! We can't sit firmly on Lingshan, and we must take action..."

This amount of kalpa has been planned by Buddhism for a long time, and it can be said that the time and place are favorable and people are all occupied.

However, the Martial Ancestor of the Otherworld actually made the monkeys able to compete against the World Honored for a short time at this time, and they had to react.

After all, at the end of the calamity, there are only eighty-one years in total.

For the existence of Daluo, this time is just a flick of a finger.

Under the desperate efforts of the monkey, it is impossible to say that it can really survive.


Mahasattva Bodhisattva lightly recited the Buddha's name and said, "What the great sage said is not bad, we have to take action."

The other Bodhisattvas and Arhats also retracted their gazes and nodded in agreement.

"This amount of calamity is the result of Laojun's condensed time and space. Although there are many calamities that immortals and gods make up, there are also great crises in it..."

Guanyin held the clean bottle in one hand and turned a round mirror in the other.


The rays of light burst out, and in the Yuanguang mirror, the other side of the universe was manifested.

In other words, it is another dimension space, historical fragments.

In that side of the universe, there are hundreds of millions of sacred mountains that reach the sky, exuding the unrestrained and unrestrained atmosphere of the ancient desolation.

But among the mountains, the most eye-catching thing is not the beautiful sacred mountain with hundreds of millions of strange peaks.

But a giant!

The giant sat cross-legged among the mountains, with no head on his neck, his **** as his eyes, his navel as his mouth, and his domineering and majestic aura filled the heavens and the earth.

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