Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1375: The 1st way of divine light overwhelms the great sage!


The system trembled slightly and fell into silence.

Li Qingshan ignored it and walked away.


Han Li slowly let out a long breath.

At this time, he realized that Li Qingshan's cultivation base was far inferior to him, why he was favored by Qingniu and recognized by the Seven Great Saints of the Monster Race.

This is a real hero with a demonic energy!

He looked up and saw that the front was extremely terrifying, and the residual power shot in an instant was enough to shatter the terrifying battlefield of the trillions of creatures in the great world.

The big Luos who were breathing because of the appearance of the Bull Demon King and others were retreating frantically to avoid the terrifying battlefield.

But a man screamed away, not advancing but retreating, heading towards the battlefield!

Many strong people were moved by it and marveled at his courage.

The mayfly shakes the tree, although it is not self-important, it is respectable.

The fiery red hair that crossed the waist was flying.

Such as the banner of the brave, the cloak of the strong!




Survival desire?

Li Qingshan has all the emotions that mortals have, and they are even more intense.

But this makes the weak fear and fear, but this time is the best training for him!

He had retreated again and again before, but now he doesn't want to retreat even half a step!






Between thousands of thoughts turning, one after another, or sacred, or leisure, or paranoid, or evil phantoms vacated behind Li Qingshan.

It was a demon cow who was stuck in the mud and struggled unwillingly...

That is the ape demon who longs for freedom, but is fearless. . . .

That is a spirit turtle that knows good and bad but never retreats...

That is a unicorn with boundless good intentions but bursting killing intent...

That is the divine dragon that can be hidden from the sun to the height and can also take off for nine days. . . . .

It was a hot heart that never cooled down under the visions of various demons!


The mighty aura gushed out from Li Qingshan's body.

Tens of thousands of years of hard work and thousands of years of savings seemed to start blowing out the moment he went straight to Kong Xuan.


The long river of time and space shook violently and spread out in two directions, spreading toward the immeasurable universe.

The power of the boundless Dao aggregate suddenly shines.

At this time, Li Qingshan began to achieve great Luo!


Infinite rays of light burst out from Li Qingshan's body.

At this time, he was like a huge luminous body, a collection of tens of billions of suns, spewing out dazzling divine light.

It has shaken this road of calamity, and even the world of immortals, and even farther!

Countless great powers in the Immortal Realm looked sideways.

I saw the boundless chaos of the broken road of calamity.

The calamity is a great catastrophe, and it is also a great good fortune. Among them, the chance of sudden is greater.

However, under normal circumstances, the number of days of Da Luo breaks through the number of Xuan Da Luo, and the number of profound Luo exceeds the number of Da Luo Jin.

The day after tomorrow reverses the innate, and it is rare to achieve Daluo.

After all, not everyone can just follow Han Li like Li Qingshan, avoid danger and avoid the injured legend along the way.

If ordinary acquired spirits enter, most of them will be ashes.

In the battlefield, Kong Xuan raised his hand with a five-color divine light and brushed the sword of Peng Demon King, and his heart moved slightly:

"This kid..."


Kong Xuan was distracted, and the Bull Demon King smashed the mixed iron rod, interrupting his train of thought.

Of course he couldn't let Kong Xuan take action on Li Qingshan.

In the end, he had seen his own death, and of course he came prepared this time.

His mixed iron rod is mixed with innate yin and yang, which is enough to temporarily resist the five colors of divine light and not be swept away by it.


The yin and yang rays of light flickered on the mixed iron rod, and they smashed directly at Kong Xuan behind the five-color divine light!


In Chang'an City, Gu Xuanshang raised the corner of his mouth.

In his eyes, he could see that a man with long hair like fire strode through the chaotic airflow.

Behind him, the bull demon struggles, the ape demon is at ease, the unicorn is sympathetic, the real dragon is sacred, the phoenix is ​​noble, the tortoise is calm...

Like all the divine beasts in the world, the meaning of beasts is all integrated and unified at this moment!

Achievement Daluo!

Moreover, one step has crossed the Daluo Tianshu, and directly achieved the Daluo Xuanshu!

"Brother Niu!"

In the tumult of the rolling divine light, Li Qingshan stepped across the void and stepped into the battlefield in an instant:

"I'm coming!"


The Bull Demon King laughed loudly: "Today, you and my brothers will fight against King Daming together!"

"Haha! Good! Fight the Peacock Daming King together!"

The other monks were bloodied and laughed.

It seems that it is not in a desperate situation, but a gathering of brothers to sing about wine.


Immediately, the seven people shouted in unison, and with boundless supernatural powers, they pressed away towards Kong Xuan.


Kong Xuan, dressed in white, stood in the chaos, his eyes moving slightly.

Although this Li Qingshan is human, he is full of demonic energy. At first glance, he looks more like a demon than any demon.


In the next instant, a terrifying torrent of magical powers rolled from the ten directions.


Kong Xuan still put one hand behind his back, held the five-color divine light in the other, and waved it down gently.

The five-color divine light is like electricity, light, sword and knife, no matter how terrifying magical powers, they can be broken with just a single brush.

Even when seven people joined forces, he was calm and calm.

One-handed defeat, it will break the world law.


Li Qingshan punched out, like a sacred mountain falling down, but like a monkey catching the moon, he crossed the boundless void.

Avoiding the five-color divine light, he slammed heavily towards Kong Xuan.

The Bull Demon King and the others all exerted their strength together, and bombarded the five-colored divine light brazenly.

And even Kong Xuan did not notice the subtle place, a ray of unpredictable white light, with Li Qingshan as the center, running through the darkness.


I don't know how far away in the chaotic sea beyond time and space.

A majestic temple that is blue and black in color, seems to be out of time and space, not in the past or the future, rising and falling in the boundless chaotic undercurrent.

A black-robed figure seemed to feel something, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Um....the guy who doesn't make you worry..."

Daoist Karma touched his chin and sighed:

"...That Kong Xuan is much stronger than Feng Xiaozhong. I want to fool around the same, but it's a little troublesome..."

Although the Journey to the West universe does not exclude people from the main temple like other universes.

But if Hunyuan were to take action in the calamity, it would inevitably lead to the suppression of Taijitu.

Among the big Luo, those who can fight against Kong Xuan are hard to find.

Although he has a wide circle of friends, he can't think of a suitable person for a while.

"Forget it, contact Xiongba..."

Daoist Karma's heart moved, and he communicated with the tyrant who was still in the Xianqin dungeon through the connection of the shuttlers.


The white light flickered slightly, and it showed a tyrannical tyrant whose face was ashen as if he had eaten a dead child.

In the dungeon, Xiongba's face was ashen.

If it wasn't for the chaos that grabbed the pigtail, he would never want to look at him again.

"Fellow Daoist Xiongba, the younger brother encountered a rather difficult opponent, and I want to ask fellow Daoist Xiongba to contact a powerful person to take action..."

Daoist Karma said with a smile.

"Daoist Karma, you still want to trick me!"

Xiongba almost exploded his lungs with anger, so why can't you just replace him with someone else?

I'm so stupid?

"What did fellow Daoist say? How deep is the friendship between you and me? If you help me, you can get out of the water prison without saying a word..."

Daoist Karma scratched his chin and seemed a little embarrassed.


Xiongba categorically refused, and he no longer sold his teammates after killing him.

"As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist......"

Daoist Karma continued to smile and said a few words in a low voice.

Xiongba didn't want to obey, but after hearing Daoist Karma say a few words, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and it all flashed:

"you are vicious!"

Xiongba vomited blood in his heart, wishing to slap himself twice.

How did you get caught by this bastard?

He is also a resolute person. After making up his mind, he pinched his nose and said, "Who is the enemy?"

"Kong Xuan..."

Karma Daoist spreads his hands.


Xiongba almost thought he heard it wrong: "You mean King Peacock Daming, Kong Xuan?"

Daoist Karma nodded.

"How can it be!"

Xiongba almost jumped up: "That Kong Xuan has become famous for many eons, even if the Taoist Feng Xiaozhong is immortal, he may not be able to match him! Except for those ten in the main temple, who is sure to defeat him?"

"The male gang leader has a wide range of contacts, help me think about it..."

Karma Daoist is also helpless, he can't go up on his own, right?

He suppressed himself under Daluo. If he took this step, the main temple would not be able to come back.


Xiongba directly blocked the Taoist Karma.

Although he has a wide range of contacts, he is not the main god, how can he fool other people to die?

Who is Kong Xuan?

Even if it is half-step Hunyuan, there is absolutely no willingness to fight against him.

"Then there's no way......."

Daoist Karma was sighing endlessly, and he still had to figure out a way if he wanted to pit the main temple.

Although Kong Xuan is tyrannical, he is not invincible.




Chaos overturned, and the boundless torrent of divine power was blasted into the void by the five-color divine light.


The five-colored rays of light move in the sky.

After the seven great saints fought for a long time, Kong Xuan finally lost his patience.

In the blink of an eye, the divine light shattered the boundless divine power.

Immediately after pressing down lightly, the Bull Demon King, Peng Demon King, Li Qingshan and other seven people were taken away.

All down!


Chaos shook, time and space overturned.

It seems that millions of universes are pressed together, and the indescribable force of terrifying oppression instantly crushes all seven people to the ground!

The five-color divine light is naturally not just as simple as brushing people, but its weight alone can crush any big Luo!


The Bull Demon King spewed out a mouthful of blood for 100,000 The mixed iron rod re-forged from the yin and yang qi in the palm of his hand snapped.

It seems that everything is as he has seen before, and the next moment he will be swept away by the five-color divine light and hanged on the top of Daxue Mountain!


Li Qingshan's seven orifices were all red. Under the oppression of this terrifyingly huge force, he only felt that he was about to explode in the next instant.

"it's all over......."

Kong Xuan held the five-colored divine light with one hand, but did not look at the seven people who were being suppressed, and sighed softly.

Not just to others, but to yourself.

Immediately, he sighed lightly, and the five-color divine light was about to be suppressed.


Suddenly, Kong Xuan's palm trembled and he looked up.

Seeing the boundless nothingness, a brilliance suddenly appeared.

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