Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1387: Group of saints fight!

"Good one can't do it!"

The majestic and grand voice reverberated again, and it was faintly visible that the endless river of time and space was boiling and bursting:

"How are you going to stop me?"

As soon as he said it, the Hengsha Great Realm, and the trillions of worlds roared.

"Yuanshi Daoist friend is immeasurable, of course, the little monk supports one or two, and it is no big problem if you think about it."

The old monk looked calm, and his eyes were extremely warm, as if he had nothing to contend with.

But in the next moment, the immeasurable Buddha palm has already flowed against the flow of thousands of eons, thousands of trillions of chaotic time and space, under the shocking and inexplicable gaze of countless sentient beings in Hengsha.

Bravely attacked the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi that contained the secret of the origin of the universe.


And at the moment of receiving the shot, a boundless evil and magnificent laughter echoed in the eternal river of time and space at the same time:

"Old Za Mao, I didn't expect that when I would also help you!"

The evil spirits shook the world, and the rumbling of demons shocked the heavens and the world.

The boundless pitch-black demonic energy swept away all the light in the world, just like thousands of black holes absorbing the light of all worlds.

At the end of the endless chaotic sea, tens of billions of blossoming magic mists have evolved into thousands of magic lotuses that cover the sky and cover the sun, filling all the empty places.

And in the middle of the boundless training, a dark figure with a thousand evil spirits appeared.

The figure is not tall or small, but it seems to be the source of all darkness. It clearly gathers the evil of all the worlds and heavens into one body, but it never has the slightest sense of evil.

It's just darkness to the extreme, like the source of darkness that contains everything.

"The Demon Ancestor Rahu!"

"The greatest devil in the heavens!"

"The First Demon King of the Thousand Universe!"

The sound of long laughter echoed in the Hengsha Great Realm, and the expressions of many great men were horrified, only to feel that their hearts were covered with a layer of magic fog that could not be penetrated.

Thousands of desires surfaced in my heart, almost falling into the devil's way.

The first devil in the heavens and the world, the Demon Ancestor Luohu also shot!

Countless great powers turned horrified.

This demon ancestor is the number one demon in the heavens, and countless demon heads are all running dogs under his seat.

Legend has it that at the end of Taiyi, the immeasurable calamity that destroyed the entire flood was initiated by this demon ancestor!

And for that amount of calamity, countless great powers fell for it, and the Great Desolate Continent was completely wiped out in time and space!

"Rahu Demon Ancestor!"

Li Qingshan suddenly felt like he had fallen into a demon realm, and his heart was full of chills.

Isn't it said that this demon ancestor Luohu is the life and death of Daoist Hongjun, how can he help Daoist Hongjun instead?

The expressions of the Primordial Giants in Da Chitian also changed slightly.

The appearance of the Rahu Demon Ancestor greatly surprised everyone.

wow wow wow~~~

Everywhere in the great realm, one side of the heavens, countless sentient beings are screaming in the sky, making a magical sound like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, and the boundless desire is skyrocketing thousands of times.

For a time, father and son cannibalized, brothers fought, husband and wife turned against each other.

Acting out the tragic situation of human relations.

And the millions of great worlds are almost at the end of the calamity, and they are on the verge of collapse.

And at the moment when the sound of the long laughter ended, a long spear that gathered the darkness of the world's slaughter slowly emerged.

It was pitch black as ink, and all kinds of killings gathered in it, interpreting the atmosphere of thousands of destruction, the power of destruction of trillions of killings and annihilation.

At the moment of appearance, the massive creatures in the endless world have a terrifying feeling that the end is coming and the end is coming.


In the next instant, the annihilation returned to the ruins, which performed thousands of destructions, and the pitch-black magic spear shot out from the depths of the boundless chaos.

Wherever he passed, the boundless chaos was shattered, and countless universes that could not be avoided were pierced with a bang!

Vaguely visible, trillions and trillions of immeasurable creatures are dying, and countless stars and celestial bodies are turned into ashes!

"God Killing Gun"

A strange smile appeared on Gu Shaoshang's face.

Luo Hu's shot made him a little shocked, but not too surprised.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend. Although Luo Hu and Daoist Hongjun are enemies, it is not impossible for them to join forces.

This time, it was Sakyamuni's enlightenment on the bright side, and Laojun and Amitabha were playing against each other. In the dark, it was Sanqing's game for Hongjun's return.

However, Daoist Hongjun would not wait to die, and actually united Amitabha Buddha and Rahu Demon Ancestor.

This Buddha, one demon, one demon, should be the enemy of life and death, but at this moment actually join forces to fight against the Three Purity Dao Ancestor?

Even Gu Shaoshang had a strange feeling in his heart.

These old antiques, the calculations are really unfathomable, and what they did is not Sakyamuni's enlightenment, but each other.

"Tongtian! How about my shot!"

The pitch-black magic spear pierced through all realms, and a boundless and terrifying scene appeared in the vast universe. What accompanied it was the demonic voice of the demon ancestor Rahu, which contained boundless malicious and evil thoughts!


The voice of indifference and coldness rang loudly, and the killing was extremely cruel:

"As soon as you come out, let's have a fight!"


The boundless and boundless river of time and space roared, and the four swords in the sky shook the universe and ended. In the rolling turmoil, it suddenly turned into a boundless formation, and met the god-killing magic spear that pierced through all realms!

Amitabha confronts Yuanshi Da Tianzun, and the demon Rahu confronts Tongtian sect master!

The boundless waves that were set off for a while shook all sentient beings in the universe.

Thousands of chaos, millions of calamities, there is no such a big war.

For a time, many primordial giants in Da Chitian descended to the realm one after another, protecting their own dojo and many nearby great realms.

Fortunately, as early as when Gu Shaoshang and Sakyamuni were fighting, many great Luos had already fled with their own universes on their backs.

"Just about to see, your end road!"

In the endless demonic abyss surrounded by the boundless and distant magic lotus, the demon ancestor with an invisible face smiled and said:

"bring it on!"

Boom! ! !

In the next moment, the God-killing spear that pierced through all realms, facilitated the four swords of Zhuxian that came upstream from the end of the Endless Era, crashing into the endless river of time and space.

In an instant, time and space shattered, and the long river of time and space covering the endless infinite multiverse was completely cut off by the two of them!

Countless great worlds were almost destroyed, and even completely stagnated at the moment when the two collided.

At the same time, the Buddha's palm, which covers thousands of trillions of Buddha kingdoms and blocks the long river of time and space, is also enveloped by the boundless Buddha's sound, welcoming the Three Jewels Jade Ruyi!

"In the year of Taiyi, the Taoist friends established the Zixiao Palace, preached to the heavens, determined the path of cultivation in the immortal way, and blessed the heavens of all worlds."

At the same time as the four supreme powers intercepted each other, in the big red sky, the indifferent Taiqing Daozu sighed:

"Of course, the way is different, and there is only one thing to do if you don't work for each other, you'll be offended!"

With a sigh, there was a sudden silence in the boiling and roaring Chaos Sea.

A thirty-three-story exquisite pagoda with a dark yellow color slowly emerged from the nothingness, and suppressed it towards the Hongjun Taoist who was on the verge of being broken.

However, it did not use the Taiji diagram that made him famous and condensed the Taoism.

Because, in the Taiji map, it still protects the sentient beings as many as the sands of the great universe of origin.

"Under the avenue, I am the only one"

Daoist Hongjun lowered his eyebrows, and under the suppression of the thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, he still spoke calmly:

"Although I haven't returned to full prosperity, how can you be a teacher if you can't reach your body?"

As the words drifted, Daoist Hongjun stepped out of Lihentian, and under the support of thousands of auspicious clouds, he slowly raised his bamboo stick and tapped gently towards the 33-story Linglong Pagoda, which was shrouded in black and yellow. go.


Just a little bit, the indescribable stalwart power burst out suddenly!

In an instant, the earth turned upside down, time and space were broken, and the rolling chaos turned into absolute nothingness!


Gu Shaoshang raised his brows.

I only feel that in all the unknowable places, the immeasurable Dao Yun instantly shook all the great worlds from the beginning of Taiyi to the beginning of the vastness!

Indescribable, indescribable force rolling in!

There is no superiority in the way, and the way of strength does not need to be higher.

However, people have superiors and inferiors, and the superiority of Tao is determined by people!

Countless years ago, the two masters of strength had pushed the strength to a point where countless Primordial Primordial Yuan could not be reached.

Strength is not special, what is special is the person who used strength to prove the Dao!

In an instant, yin and yang revolved, the five elements circulated, Tai Chi emerged, fate buzzed, cause and effect swayed in the endless infinite multiverse, but all the boundless Dao Yun under the Dao was completely boiling and bursting!

The power of destiny, the power of the five elements, the power of Tai Chi, the power of destiny

Thousands of avenues, infinite laws, all those who tremble are powerful!

At this moment, Daoist Hongjun clicked on his bamboo stick, which contained the power of the infinite Dao in the infinite infinite multiverse!

It's just Hunyuan Wuji, but it bursts out with a stalwart power that far surpasses any Hunyuan Wuji!


The low and high sound of vibration reverberates throughout the world, and all origins come to an end!

The color was black and yellow, and it was immeasurable. It was like the stalwart Xuanhuang Pagoda that was suppressed by the infinite multiverse, and it collided with the bamboo stick!


Layers of colorless ripples overwhelmed the boundless Chaos Sea at this moment, rollingly spread in the boundless and vast space-time, dissipating in the boundless universe of Hengsha.

Everything was frozen.

Time and space, Wan Dao, law, universe, the moment when the thirty-three Mysterious Yellow Pagoda and the bamboo stick collided, the long river of time and space covering the endless infinite multiverse seemed to be stagnant!

The Law of Ten Thousand Paths does not Time and space seem to have disappeared!

Only that one does not exist in the ten thousand way, the roaring sound that transcends the ten thousand way resounds through the universe!


The bamboo stick that gathered boundless mighty power vibrated and hummed.

Under the suppression of the Thirty-Three Mysterious Yellow Pagoda, which seems to include the movement of the heavens, the evolution of the world, and the power of chaotic transformation, it slowly bends.

Even the power of the heavens and the world can't bear the mysterious yellow pagoda that has condensed from the beginning of the era, the beginning of the universe to the destruction of the universe, and the end of all changes and evolutions!

"Origin, evolution, and end are amazing."

Looking at the bamboo stick that was bent like a bow and faintly groaned intolerably, Taoist Hongjun finally froze.

There is no one who is eternal and invincible.

He stopped before ten thousand calamities, but the three Daoists of Taiqing had a breakthrough beyond imagination.

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