Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1398: unprecedented!

"The Desolate Emperor!"

Chu Feng's heart skipped a beat.

That cold drink seemed to come from outside the boundless time and space, containing the vicissitudes of the ancient times, and at the same time, it also nurtured an invincible atmosphere.

It is the unparalleled majesty cultivated by blood and fire and cultivated by the enemy of all ages.


The moment Chu Feng stepped into it, he saw the unparalleled Qi machine scattered vertically and horizontally, as if the supreme figure could suppress everything:

[The ninety-fifth guardian of the Supreme Tower is randomly transformed into a barren emperor! Detecting that the people who break through the barrier are cultivated as the barren emperor, Dao Yun is the absolute top of the immortal king]

"Sure enough, it is the Emperor of the Wild Heaven!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and suppressed his boiling thoughts.

In that time line that has disappeared, he once saw the traces of this desolate emperor.

This is a truly invincible tyrannical existence.

The supreme evolutionary who has reached the pinnacle of evolution!

Chu Feng raised his eyes and saw that the battlefield here was a boundless starry sky.

And the Desolate Heaven Emperor stood in the starry sky trillions of miles away.

The starry sky is not up and down, left and right, and the starry sky of the universe is defined by the simple stop of the barren emperor.

Where he is is the center of the universe, above him is up, below him is down!

Vaguely, it can be seen that under the dissipation of the peerless qi machine, one white dwarf star after another has been destroyed.

"According to legend, the five heavenly emperors have long since become saints, reaching a mysterious realm that is completely different from many quasi-immortal didu, and no one has been able to break through the ninety-five layers."

Chu Feng stood with his hands down, many thoughts flashed in his heart.

According to legend, this supreme trial tower is the evolution of the legendary invincible Wushang Immortal Emperor with his transformation from the Wild Heaven Emperor.

It covers all the masters of this world through the ages.

Moreover, the incomparably perfect evolution of the combat power of all these masters in every realm is by no means comparable to the phantom evolved by the robbery.

And the five heavenly emperors seem to have reached a mysterious and unfathomable realm, so no one can cross the ninety-fifth level.

"Pick me up in three styles, and I'll pass the test for you!"

As Chu Feng's thoughts turned, he heard the barren emperor speak indifferently.

With a shock in my heart, I saw that in the sea of ​​​​stars thousands of trillions of miles away, the Unparalleled Desolate Heavenly Emperor moved.


The boundless energy swept across the boundless star sea, and with the slight movement of his body, the universe was shaken, and countless stars and celestial bodies fell and shattered.

At the same time, as soon as his palm was lifted and turned, an endless force like the destruction of time and space burst out.

Before the voice rumbled, it seemed to include all the heavens and stars, and the palm of the boundless Xinghai slowly fell!


It's just that the palm of your hand is turned upside down, the world is overturned, and the universe is overturned!

The boundless Xinghai universe seems to be only between this palm!

"Three Types"

Chu Feng's eyes moved, but he did not feel that he was underestimated.

This sentence, everyone in the world said is just madness, but in the mouth of Huangtian Emperor, it seems to be the truth.

For tens of millions of years, someone as strong as the Qing Emperor, fighting against the Holy Emperor, and Dugu Baitian is invincible, and Tianjiao [.] such as Jiang Taixu, Gai Jiuyou, Dongfang Taiyi, etc., cannot compete against each other at the same level. Over the ninety-five layers.

It's already proven!

But he has come all the way, no matter in the time line that has long disappeared, or in this time and space, he is also invincible at the same level, the strongest standing at the same level!


In one ten millionth of an instant, the boundless divine light was pouring out of Chu Feng's body, his body was like jade, and his blood was rolling like a river of evil.

The stalwart is like a fairy king, a **** king.


The moment Yu Huangtian pressed down with his palm, he raised his hand and clenched his fist to meet him.

After millions of years of practice, Chu Feng has long since transformed the evolutionary supernatural powers of the Great Sun Tathagata, gluttonous fist, Vigorous Bull Demon Fist, Chaos Transcending Tribulation Song, Time Technique, and Seven Treasures Magic Technique in this time and space. The nine secrets obtained from the Supreme Trial Tower, the holy fighting method, the six-path reincarnation boxing, and many other supernatural powers are integrated into one furnace.

Turned into his ultimate punch!

This punch came forward, as if there was no subtlety, but it contained all the supernatural powers of Chu Feng, the scripture of the immortal king, the scripture of the great emperor, and even the supernatural powers of the immortal emperor!

"not bad"

The Huangtian Emperor fell back, calm and calm, as straight as a national hand, and the sun and the moon gained and lost, naturally.

But Chu Feng only felt that his heart was numb, and his body was heavy, as if the weight of the entire universe was pouring out with the fall of that palm, it was extremely terrifying!

"Sure enough, it is the Emperor of the Wild Heaven!"

Chu Feng's fighting spirit was burning, the boundless magical light burst out, and the ultimate fist fell as if it could shatter a square world and cut off the long river of time and space.


In the next moment, everything returns to its original point.

This boundless star sea completely collapsed, and the countless stars and celestial bodies shattered into tiny particles that were invisible to the naked eye.

The entire universe collapsed at the moment when the two collided.


Chu Feng staggered back thousands of miles, turning the boiling chaos into a huge gap.

The Huangtian Emperor is invincible at the same level!

Chu Feng's heart was extremely shaken.

He asked himself that he had cultivated the realm under the Immortal King to the peak state, and he was the former ten murderers, who was not as good as him in this realm.

But in a battle of the same rank, he was still repelled by Huang Tiandi!

"Come again!"

Chu Feng opened his mouth to spit out a river of blood, and forcibly stopped the decline.

** also seemed to be burning with blood, and once again hit an ultimate punch!


In the turbulent chaotic airflow, the Emperor Huang Tian kept his words concise.

At the moment when Chu Feng stepped thousands of miles and blasted out his ultimate fist, he raised his palm again.

Push away!


The universe collapsed completely, and even revealed the immeasurable and supreme tower body after the big universe.

And countless interlayers of space-time universe.

The Supreme Trial Tower on this side, under the battle of the tens of millions of warriors and practitioners in Hengsha, has already exerted inconceivable changes.

At this moment, he was still shaken by the battle between the two.

Even the images of the battle between the two were poured out for it, manifesting on the sky outside the Supreme Tower.

"It's Chu Feng! The scene of Chu Feng breaking into the pagoda, the one guarding the 95th layer turned out to be Emperor Huangtian!!"

"The Emperor of the Wild! It's actually the Emperor of the Wild!"

"Can Chu Ultimate be able to compete with the Emperor Huang Tian? Even if he falls behind, it is already unprecedented!"

Outside the Supreme Tower, countless people are all boiling.

Huang Tiandi is famous for thousands of years and has been one of the symbols of invincibility for tens of millions of years.

Can Chu Feng be able to achieve this level?

Even if he coughs up blood, goes backwards, and falls into a disadvantage, it is already unimaginable for countless people to be able to compete with the Emperor Huangtian!


However, how fast the two fought.

Almost at the moment when everyone was boiling, the flash of light and shadow disappeared, and was covered by the Supreme Tower.

In the world of the Supreme Tower, Chu Feng stumbled and coughed up blood, and the Emperor Huangtian fell in three ways.

"If the atmosphere is in the body"

Gu Shaoshang, who was playing with the luck of the world under the Bodhi tree, moved his eyes lightly.

The biggest difference between the 95th floor of the Supreme Pagoda and the lower one is that Shi Hao, Ye Fan, Wu Shi and the others already existed as Daluo.

Even a battle of the same rank cannot be truly fair.

The reason why tyrannical people like Qingdi and others can't break through the 95th level is because even their incarnations have the essence of Da Luo.

Of course, this is what Gu Shaoshang did on purpose.

Because of this, there is almost no one of the same rank that can take Shi Hao's three palms.

The difference between Chu Feng was even the slightest, and he was already the top of the quasi-immortal kings. It could be said that he was infinitely close to the immortal kings.

Opposite Gu Shaoshang, a young man in white sat quietly.

He is Shi Hao's parent and son, the former Little Stone.

The small stone looked down at the realm in the mirror, and the light in his eyes was also slightly condensed:

"Chu Feng"

He and Chu Feng are tied for the first quasi-immortal king, so naturally he does not know Chu Feng.

In fact, the two have fought each other more than once.

"You barely pass the test"

Gu Shaoshang tapped his fingers and shook the Supreme Tower in the dark.

To a certain extent, his appearance has directly changed history, overwriting and rewriting the timeline, and Chu Feng's future is no longer visible.

It is a cause and effect with Chu Feng.

Of course, for his cultivation base, cause and effect is no longer a limitation.

Even if he ignores it, no one can do anything to him.

However, with Gu Shaoshang as a person, it is obvious that he will not ignore it.

Left and right, as far as Chu Feng's cause and effect are concerned, he can understand it with a snap of his fingers.


The mighty divine sound of the realm in the mirror vibrated, and at the same time it sounded above the Three Thousand Dao Provinces, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Zhetian Continent, Xueyue Heavenly State, and Jiuli Heavenly State.

Shocked countless warriors and practitioners:

[Ye Tianzhou (formerly Zhetian Continent), Chu Feng, Xiuwei, quasi-immortal king, passed the 95th floor of the Supreme Tower]

[Temporary list, first in the supreme list]

[Reward, the round of death and death of the gods in the beginning of the gods, the six-path reincarnation boxing]

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the realm in the mirror was very noisy for a while, and the boiling turned into the sky.

"There is no one in the past, he actually passed the 95th floor of the Supreme Tower! He has been recognized by the Emperor of the Wild!"

"Is this the capital of the Immortal Emperor! The first person in tens of millions of years!"

"So terrifying, so terrifying! We have witnessed legends, legends, myths!"

The realm in the mirror is boiling!

Everyone, whether it is the supreme, the true immortal, or even the quasi-immortal king, couldn't help but lose their voices.

For tens of millions of years, among the tens of trillions of cultivators, Chu Feng is number one!

"Chu Ultimate!"

At a certain moment a real immortal in the mirror realm shouted.

In the next moment, the sound of shouting like a mountain and a tsunami shook the nine heavens and ten places, many heavenly states, and the entire mirror realm:

"Chu Ultimate!"

Chu Feng naturally couldn't hear the shouts outside the Supreme Tower.

"It's so strong!"

Shocked countless people, and was regarded by almost countless people as the first arrogant of the thousands of years, Chu Dingjie, coughed up blood and flew thousands of miles.


Chu Feng spurted blood, and he couldn't bear the last palm of Huang Tiandi.

After flying tens of millions of miles upside down, the whole person swelled completely, bursting out trillions of blood essence!

At the last moment, Chu Feng faintly realized:

"No wonder no one can cross the ninety-five levels"

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