Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1400: From the time when Zulong was not enlightened

"Shaoyangyou?! It turned out to be him!"

Ye Fan's black hair rose back, his eyes brightened.

Countless years ago, when Gu Shaoshang was uniting the vast river of time and space, he encountered an Immortal Emperor Daluo from above.

That person called himself Shaoyangyou!

At that time, the body of Shaoyang You was blocked from the way of heaven, and the incarnation crossed the boundary, and was pushed horizontally at the end of time and space of eternity. The words are indifferent and arrogant.

Ye Fan still remembers what he said, "A mere small world, three or five ants."

This side of the sea of ​​blood and scorched earth is more like a Jedi where all the worlds are fighting for the front, connecting the many time and space of the Hunyuan Prehistoric World.

This battle, but I don't know if it happened in the past or in the future.

"It's him, I'm going to see it."

Ye Fan's expression calmed down, he put away the copper coffin with a flick of his sleeve, and stepped into the turbulent flow of time and space.


As soon as he entered it, Ye Fan only felt that the time and space around him were chaotic and reversed.

The fight between Daluo is far from being comparable to the acquired spirit, and the worlds are shattered between the palms, covering the dimension of time.

After Ye Fan was promoted to Daluo, he rarely shot, but he didn't feel uncomfortable.

The mere time and space are disordered, so naturally it cannot affect him.

He raised his eyes and saw that in the chaotic depths of time and space, two stalwarts shrouded in divine light were fighting against each other, fighting against each other from a distance.

One of them, the blue and purple lingering, the Tao Yun is like a fairy, but it is the Shaoyangyou that Ye Fan has seen once.

The other person, shrouded in red light, could not see his face clearly, but his aura was very tyrannical.

"Remains of humanity, kill!"

Shaoyang You opened his voice indifferently, and when the seal was turned, it turned into a chaotic color, with blue and purple inside, not the five elements, nor a big seal of yin and yang.

The big seal was unbearable, it rumbled away, and the sea of ​​​​stars in time and space shattered, setting off an endless wave of time.

"Destroy my great world, cut off the origin of my humanity and kill me!"

In the lingering red light, a cold and cruel voice ripped apart time and space.


As the icy voice echoed, the red light shone like a red sun rising in the east.

Even more faintly, you can see a huge and immeasurable rooster phantom manifesting in the chaotic time and space, causing the neck to growl!

In the vibration of the sound waves, the endless red light suddenly soared, spreading in two directions, dyeing the boundless chaos of time and space into a crimson color.

The red light was like blood and fire, but it was neither blood nor fire, but the most condensed and unfathomable human breath.

Ye Fan could feel the aura of revolutionizing the world, daring to change the sun and the moon into a new sky!


The rooster sings all over the world!

I saw that red brilliance that was like a blazing fire that dyed everything red spread to everything, calmed Yin and Yang, crushed the five elements, and shattered all phenomena in time and space.

And in the next instant, he met the immeasurable seal.


In the next instant, the time and space shattered, and the fairy light and the red light receded together.

Ka Ka Ka ~

The big seal formed by the many immortal arts suddenly shattered, turning into trillions of rays of light and dissipating.

Shaoyangyou's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression moved:

"What kind of humane way are you doing? How can Daluo Xuanshu be able to compete with me?!"

Shaoyang You trembled in his heart.

As the Great Luo Jinshu of the Immortal Dao, he has played against many humanistic masters in time and space, but he has never seen such a strange humanistic master.

Obviously, it is only Da Luo Xuanshu, but he can faintly compete with him.

This is no ordinary humane master.

But the great realm where this person exists has long been annexed by the Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm, and there is only one person, but there is still a humane blessing?


The red light shines on thousands of people, interpreting the humane atmosphere.

"Scarlet is immortal, and humanity is immortal!"

In the vibration of time and space, the stalwart figure as straight as the red sun spoke indifferently:

"The one who killed you, Wang Zhong!"


The red radiance rumbled and vibrated, and the stalwart figure carrying the red sun fell with one palm, like a heavenly knife cutting through the sky.

The immeasurable red light shrouded in again, rolling in, heading towards Shaoyang You's suppression!

"court death!"

Shaoyang You was furious, and his cold face was filled with murderous aura:

"Then kill you!"

Many avenues vibrate, shaking the chaos of time and space.

Shaoyang You stepped on the space and time, performed many supreme supernatural powers, and finally turned into a supreme and magnificent immortal art.


Once the magical power is released, everything disappears.

Eternal Chaos Great Immortal Technique!

Faintly, it seems that there are gods and gods worshipping him.

At this moment, everything is tangible and intangible, time and space are completely reduced to a trivial foil.

As Shaoyangyou stretched out, it was like an immeasurable multiverse stretched and vibrated.

Along this boundless time and space, it is directly pushed horizontally. Wherever it passes, ten thousand Taos become empty, and everything is shattered!

But it was that Shaoyang You who was directly crushed by his essence!

The great thousand universe is rolling, all the vicissitudes of life, the changes of humanity, all will be shattered, shattered!


The red light is surging, and the rooster sings again.

Humanity and immortality collide!


This space-time was completely shattered, revealing the boundless void where the sea of ​​blood and scorched earth was located.

Between the aftermath of the terrifying collision, a terrifying storm that swept across trillions of miles shattered the sea of ​​blood and scorched earth for hundreds of millions of miles.

Ye Fan also withdrew from that space while hunting in white clothes.

Ye Fan didn't make a move.

In other words, there is no point in making a move.

This battle is an image that is imprinted on this space and time, and it does not know what happened in the past and future.

The terrifying ripples that swept through trillions of miles were just a wisp of time and space that the two had fought against each other.

Just like the body of the Great Emperor Dao Yun, who was branded under the imprint of Tianxin in the world that once covered the sky, it was useless to suppress it.

"Wang Zhong Shaoyang's immortal way, humane way"

Ye Fan flicked his sleeves to suppress the waves of blood, thoughtful.

This Primordial Primordial Realm is intricate and complex, and it can be called a place where all worlds meet. I don't know how many big worlds have been swallowed up by it, and countless people are fighting in it.

Immortals, demons, gods and people competed for each other, and there were many battles between them.

And this Shaoyang You seems to be a master of immortality, and has an inexplicable killing intent towards all masters of humanism.

And that Wang Zhong seems to be a big Luo who came to this Primordial Primordial Realm because the great world he was in was destroyed.

Moreover, it is not a Daluo in the ordinary sense.

A world of humanity and luck has been added to him, and he will not be defeated by Da Luo Xuanshu against Da Luo Jinshu.

It can be seen that it is strong.

"Shaoyang You"

Ye Fan called out the copper coffin, crossed his knees on it, and walked towards somewhere on the battlefield of the sea of ​​​​blood.

This **** battlefield is boundless and immeasurable. I don't know the specific route, and walking is naturally slow.

But if you know the method of passage, the void passage, it will be more than ten million times faster.

And in the broken memories of those demons, Ye Fan knew about the passage opened by the great power.


Above the desolate and ruined sea of ​​blood, the wind whistled, and there was a hidden magic sound, which could be described as murderous.

Ye Fan did not know how many demons he killed along the way, and there were even several terrifying beings comparable to the Immortal Emperor.

Fortunately, with the approach of the passage, the evil spirits have become rarer and rarer, and in the past few years, there has been none.

"The Immortal King can't pass through the sea of ​​blood at all"

Ye Fan sat cross-legged on the copper coffin, his expression was as calm as ever, and as his thoughts turned, he communicated for the first time the eternal brilliance in his body.

This "system" that Gu Shaoshang bought at a great price:

"Hunyuan system, has the supernatural powers of Shaoyang You and Wang Zhong been analyzed?"

This "Hunyuan System" has neither the power to kill nor the ability to protect oneself, and is more similar to assistance.

Among them, the simplest ability is to analyze any power that Ye Fan sees.

[Wang Zhong's analysis progress is 89% and it still takes 63 months and 21 days for Shaoyangyou's analysis progress to be 100%, do you want to check]

The emotionless icy synth sound resounded in Ye Fan's heart.


Ye Fan's mind moved, and above the sea of ​​​​heart, the eternal light was shocked, and it turned into a figure that seemed to be illusory.

It is Shaoyang You:

[Shaoyang You: Cultivation is the Great Luojin Number]

[Race: Innate Gods and Demons]

[Magical Powers: The Immortal Immortal Suppression Seal of Death, the Great Immortal Technique of Chaos of Ages, the Taikoo Pan King Opening the Heavens, the Immortal Way Nine Heavens Destroying the World]

[Origin: Hunyuan Honghuang Realm, Hunyuan Realm, Taihuang Immortal God Realm, Immortal Dao Jiutian, Shuoyuetian]

Between the eternal light flickering slightly, countless messages emerged in Ye Fan's heart.

Among the many supernatural powers and secret methods and magic weapon refining methods, it even contains a part of the information of the Primordial Primordial Realm.

The Primordial Realm of Hunyuan is a general term.

It is divided into two boundless continents, the Primordial Realm and the Prehistoric Realm.

The Primordial Realm is immeasurable. It can be said that one sand is one world, one leaf is one day, and every inch of tiny space may contain a large world.

Among them, there are three ancient realms, namely Taihuang Immortal God Realm, Jiuzhong Moyuan, and Xuantian Shangqing Realm, all of which are boundless realms that accommodate all realms. power.

Shaoyangyou is one of the supreme elders of Shuoyuetian, a giant of the immortal realm, who governs the immeasurable practitioners of Hengsha.

"Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao"

Ye Fan slowly opened his eyes, slightly clear.

Many of the great powers of the Immortal Dao in the Hunyuan Realm are all predatory, but the great realms attracted by the Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm have not yet been swallowed by the Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm.

He would often suffer their The great realm where he was sitting was discovered countless years ago.

And that drop of demon blood is said to come from a battle between Jiuzhong Moyuan and Taihuang God Realm, and a certain Moyuan big man dripped down.

"A drop of blood can infect the Immortal Emperor. Even if the Immortal Emperor lacks that big man of Mo Yuan, he must be a giant of Hunyuan."

Ye Fan restrained his thoughts and stepped into the passage in his memory

"Who is spying on me?!"

In the boundless world, the huge immortal mountain hanging high in the sky, Shaoyangyou's heart throbbed, and he woke up from the retreat.

In an instant, a tyrannical will swept across the nine days, shaking the glorious and sacred world.

Shaoyangyou took half a step, but stopped in horror, a dim light appeared on his face:

"It seems to be in the long past, when the Ancestral Dragon had not yet proved the Tao"

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