Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1412: Move forward with your back to the crowd!

Is this going to war?

Duan De's eyelids twitched, so he didn't cry out.

Daoye has just come to this world, it's only half a day since he was reincarnated!

At the same time, he was horrified.

These countless terracotta warriors who are just like him seem to be veterans who just died on the battlefield. This reincarnation will go to the battlefield before and after half a day.

This immortal Qin Bingfeng is too cruel, right?

And the reincarnation of the dead in battle, the reincarnation of the dead, and the cycle, how terrifying will the fighting spirit of these veterans be?

It can be seen from its ability to carry a supreme body.

"Jijiu Lao Qin, go to the national disaster together, the blood will not dry, and the death will not be a truce!"

"Death without a truce!"

"Death without a truce!"

One by one, the steel phalanxes like giant war beasts vibrated uniformly, shaking the world with war intent.


The young general named Zhou Xing didn't say any more, he stepped forward and waved his hand like a sword, just one stroke.

In the sky, a gigantic void ravine that is tens of thousands of miles long and tens of thousands of miles wide is formed!

"Human Tujian..."

Duan De recognized that this general waved his hand like a sword to tear through the void, and used one of the three combat skills he had chosen before, Bai Qi Ren Tu Jian.

"Go to the battlefield!"

Zhou Xing stepped into the void.

"Go to the battlefield!"

The cold wave broke out, and many terracotta warriors phalanxes like steel monsters in the workshop world moved in unison, and walked towards the void gully in an orderly manner.

Tens of thousands of square formations are like one person, making people look cold.

"Want to go to the battlefield? No, Master Dao has to try to retreat..."

Duan De adjusted his movements to keep up with Fang's formation so as not to reveal his faults, but he was thinking secretly in his heart.

His Reincarnation Seal and the old man suffered heavy losses, and the cultivation base of the 99th generation could not be recovered in a short period of time. At this time, he really only had the supreme level of combat power.

A battle can bury so many supreme-level terracotta warriors, and he is afraid that it is extremely dangerous to enter.

Of course, the more important point is.

"This poor son, Xianqin, also wants Daoist to work hard?"

Duan De gritted his teeth secretly, and followed the phalanx into the ravine of time and space.


The breath of time and air was broken apart by thousands of terracotta warriors like flowing water.

Duan De stepped into the void and looked around, looking for an opportunity to escape.

"This is......."

At a glance, Duan De was stunned.

An extremely magnificent, vast and magnificent picture scroll slowly unfolded in front of him.

In the vast and boundless void, among the boundless air currents, there are countless time and space, universes, and great realms.

At first glance, it is almost endless.

The big world of the workshop before that was in it, and it was simply insignificant.

In the endless time and space, in the middle of the Hengsha world, there is a huge city that seems to have no boundaries.

That giant city stands in the middle of the world, where the source and end of endless time and space converge.

The endless human breath turned into trillions of innumerable dragon breaths of various colors circling and circling, faintly, you could see how many great worlds were superimposed in the immeasurable giant city.

It is many times bigger than what the naked eye can see!


Looking at the two fonts on the giant city portal that he never knew, Duan De muttered to himself.

In a trance, he seemed to see the endless human energy surrounding him, and many time and space dimensions were at the heights, with a squinting drooping down.

When he woke up, he seemed to have nothing.




Duan De wanted to see more, but a big wave suddenly appeared in the void, and a pitch-black dragon ship that was thousands of miles long burst out.

It pierced through the void at a speed far exceeding the speed of a group of terracotta warriors, and the square array of terracotta warriors was carried between the electric, light and flint.

Following a strange trajectory, it flew towards the battlefield at the end of the void.

Its speed is so fast that Duan De's heart is full of one.

Because, under the falling of the human breath, this boat burst out faster than it was in its heyday!

It can be compared to the Immortal Emperor!

Duan De was shocked and lost the chance to disembark.

At the speed of this dragon boat, he jumped off at this time, and this immortal gold figure and the body cast by the origin of the world would be broken.


On the deck of the dragon boat, which was like a continent, the sound of armor suddenly sounded.

Several generals came with long marches and tigers.

The leader was the young general named Zhou Xing.

As several people stepped forward, an aura of iron and blood that was as hot as magma came over and filled the deck.

There was silence on the deck, many terracotta warriors with chills on their faces, armored and sharp, standing upright.

"The battle between Xianqin and Shenhan has been fought all the way between the origin of the two countries, and it has spread to the boundless world of Hengsha. I don't know how long it has been..."

Zhou Xing stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes swept across the square formations, the old Qin warriors, before he spoke lightly, doing pre-war mobilization:

"However, His Majesty the First Emperor is the co-lord of the whole world, and he has all kinds of economics and anger, and swallows the whole world! Whether it is a **** or a dragon or a beast in the prehistoric world, they are only temporary enemies!"

"I will win this battle!"

"The first emperor is mighty, Xian Qin will win!"

When a group of old Qin people who were as slaughtered as iron and stone heard the name of the First Emperor, they suddenly let out boundless and fanatical roars.

The mighty sound waves echoed in the boundless void.

"This time, the champion Hou of the Divine Han and General Meng Tian are fighting in the Wild Dragon Realm..."

Jing Jing waited for the roars of the old Qin people to fall, and then Zhou Qing slowly opened his mouth to introduce the progress of the battle to the old Qin people.

Xianqin governs the infinite dimension, the time and space world as many as Hengsha, and the new people born every moment do not know thousands or tens of trillions, but there are very few who can become warriors.

If you want to become a warrior, the worst is the realm of gods and demons, and they all have different meritorious titles.

Not an ordinary soldier.

Before the war, it is necessary to inform the progress of the battle to avoid the casualties of veterans.

After all, the battle spirit of any veteran of a hundred battles can be said to be immortal, and only the precious terracotta warriors that are made of immortal gold and watered by the origin of the world can bear their immortal battle spirit.

The combination of the immortal war spirit and the immortal gold terracotta warriors can burst out the combat power far exceeding that of the practitioners of the same level.

Naturally, the terracotta warriors are also very precious.

The Xianqin Empire fought against countless great worlds, covering a large part of the resources seized by countless time and space dimensions, all of which were consumed in the eight battalions of the God Machine Hundred Refinements in charge of Guiguzi.

Duan De listened carefully, for fear of missing the slightest bit.

Under Zhou Xing's remarks, he became more and more nervous.

Zhou Xing's cultivation base was comparable to the pinnacle of a true immortal, or even a quasi-immortal king, but in this immortal Qin, the vanguard army was just an ordinary general.

This kind of battle is beyond his imagination.

"Dare to ask General Zhou, General Meng Tian is on a crusade against the Han Dynasty, where is Lord Wu'an now? Where is Marquis Wu Cheng?"

An old Qin man who had been silent for a long time asked.

"In the prehistoric realm, there are too many beasts and dragons. Lord Wu'an and Marquis Wucheng are naturally suppressing the prehistoric realm! Not only Lord Wu'an and Marquis Wucheng, Lord Shang, General Chen, King Wu Miao and others are also accompanying them. ."

Zhou Xing's words stagnated for a while, and then he replied casually:

"A mere genius, why do I need the power of my immortal Qin Qingguo?"

The old Qin man stopped talking, and resumed his silence again.

The other old Qin people didn't want to ask any more questions, they just waited quietly for the arrival of the battlefield.

In addition, cognition does not want to waste any energy.

"This kid didn't tell the truth..."

Duan De, who was dormant among the terracotta warriors, frowned.

Intuition told him that Zhou Xing did not tell the truth, or rather, concealed important information.

But he had just arrived, and he didn't know what was hidden in his words.

However, he did not dare to ask...


The dragon boat roared past and cut through the void.

After an unknown period of time, Duan De felt a movement in his heart, and he felt that the endless slaughter and slaughter were rolling in from the incomparably far away.

He looked up, and the first thing that caught his eye was the unparalleled Huanghuang Immortal Qin Heilong Banner.

And with the black dragon flag as the center, endless wars spread out, burning at the same time in the endless time line and countless great universes.

A warship turned into the sky, fighting with a metal fortress.

Incalculable powerhouses compete with each other on that battlefield.

There are also countless old Qin people phalanxes fighting with boundless enemies, which is extremely tragic.

With Duan De's cultivation base, you can even see the shattered wreckage of the universe around the battlefield, the broken dragon boat battleship, the battle armor blade... and the broken limbs and broken arms rolling in the aftermath. Such as seafood blood!

And at the heights of endless time and space, there are several stalwart and tyrannical figures confronting each other.

Those figures are stalwart and immeasurable.

Just the downcast shadow covers a lot of time and space and the universe.

"Immeasurable that Heavenly Venerate.... the battle at the level of the Immortal Emperor..."

Duan De's heart tightened, and suddenly he didn't even have the slightest mood to participate in the war.

"Wind! Gale!"

Tens of thousands of old Qin people on the deck roared in unison, Gao Zhen soldiers galloped and shouted in unison.

"Wind! Gale!"

Zhou Xing shook the battleship under his feet, waved his arms, and stepped into the void battlefield first.

The next moment, the old Qin people, like a torrent, also stepped into the battlefield.

Duan De hesitated for a moment, and then he was dragged into the battlefield.


Many old Qin people made a bold move, and thousands of terrifying torrents of magical powers rushed into the battlefield with the shattered wreckage of the universe.

"Zhou Xing?! I'll send you on the road today!"

A long howl shook the big thousand.

I saw a bright blue light coming from the like a supreme real dragon covering the universe.

"If you want Guan Yun to stay here, I will be no match, but you can't kill me with Guan Tong alone?"

Zhou Xing let out a long howl.


Boundless golden light burst out, intertwined vertically and horizontally into a huge Buddha palm, affecting the light of the sword that swept across like a blue dragon:

"Buddha's light is emerging!"

Boom! !

The two generals took action one after another, and thousands of old Qin Terracotta Warriors also rushed into the battlefield.

"Master Dao will not accompany you..."

In the chaotic battlefield, Duan De's eyes lit up, taking advantage of the chaos in the battle.

Like a fat-headed fish, it squirmed away to the outside of the battlefield.

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