Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1414: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!



In the vast battlefield, countless old Qin people roared in unison.

Any immortal Qin sergeant is undead in a hundred battles, comparable to the powerhouse of gods and demons, and his blood is like a big sun.

All of these erupted together, as if a trillion trillion suns burst out the brilliance of tens of billions of years at the same time!



Boundless blood and energy spread in ten directions, and I don't know how many quantum legions were shattered and destroyed.

For a time, the vast battlefield could not help but be cleared!

Only many generals are still fighting all over the battlefield, the void is high, and the battle that mortals can't look at is still going on.

"It hurts Daoist to death!"

During the battle, Duan De was sweating coldly on his forehead, shivering in pain.

The divine arrow, which was made of some unknown material, tore apart his magical powers and pierced through the body made of immortal gold divine material.

Only the soul between the eyebrows was not pierced because it was protected by him.

Just like this, nine arrows pierced through the body, and he was willing to tremble in pain.

"What kind of arrow is this..."

Duan Deshengsheng pulled out the divine arrow in his body, and his teeth almost shattered.

He is also considered to have experienced thousands of battles, and he was originally a character who was infinitely close to the Immortal Emperor, and he could hardly suppress the pain of the fleshly body implicated in the primordial spirit.

The weirdness of these nine arrows is evident.

In the boiling blood, Zhou Xing, who was burning with golden flames all over his body, shook Guan Tong with a palm, and stepped out with a long howl:



The other generals of the old Qin also let out a long howl, sending their opponents flying.

They all stepped back to their respective battle formations.


The tens of trillions of old Qin people marched in unison, and the blood energy that was surging in ten directions seemed to be on fire at this moment.

Like a trillion rivers, it is pouring into the many generals who govern the phalanx of various ministries!

Boom! !

The vast void collapsed and shattered.

The body of the general who was shrouded in blood and energy vibrated, and after being blessed by the battle formation, his strength increased uncontrollably!

"The method of Xianqin battle formation?"

Duan De was still in cold sweat on his forehead, his fat face was pale, and he looked at Zhou Xing in the center of the square.

At this time, Zhou Xing was like a huge black hole swallowing the blood that was rolling in.

Duan De looked at it, and faintly, he could see that in Zhou Xing's body, 129,000 acupoints were blooming and glowing, running in an unpredictable trajectory.

Swallow everything, control everything!

"I sue...that's okay?!"

Duan De was so shocked that he almost forgot the pain for a moment.

In his opinion, that Zhou Xing was originally only comparable to the quasi-immortal king series, but at this time, the situation has crossed the immortal king, the immortal king giant, the immortal king absolute peak...!


And with an earth-shattering loud noise, a combat power comparable to his heyday erupted!

"This method of battle formation is so defiant?"

Duan De was stunned.

How huge is the gap between the quasi-immortal king and the quasi-immortal emperor?

His ninth reincarnation is almost comparable to the quasi-immortal king, however, he was not promoted to the quasi-immortal emperor until after ninety-nine reincarnations!

The gap between them, how terrifying, is by no means a ten-fold, a hundred-fold gap.

This battle formation method is too scary.

"The method of Xianqin battle formation?"

Outside the distant void, Chen Ping, who presided over this battle, moved slightly.

It is said that the method of Xianqin people's immortal battle formation was founded by Emperor Xianqin and Shi Donghuang, and it was the core method of warfare of Xianqin army.

An ordinary old Qin man is only in the series of gods and demons. If you bless a general with this method of warfare, you can push him infinitely, and push him infinitely close to that threshold.

Shen Han did not know how many times he suffered losses on this battle formation.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to be invincible in the world, and we already have a way to deal with it..."

Chen Ping smiled lightly.

Knowing that the Xianqin battle formation is invincible, Shenhan will naturally not be without a target.

For countless years, many outstanding people have summed up the path left by the most holy master, and finally created a method that is enough to compete with the Xianqin battle formation.

After all, the most holy master had already left a viable path.

As well as Super Thinking Man, Dr. Manhattan, Satan, God... and the extremely precious test objects such as Xiongba, Li Chenzhou, Guan Qi, Liu Rui, etc., who are still suppressed in prison.


Chen Ping's thoughts moved, and the countless quantum army retreated like a tide.

In the vast void, constantly entangled and transformed.

"Xianqin battle formation is by no means invincible!"

Guan Tong and other divine Han generals saw the blood gushing out, Xianqin gathered in the battle formation, and could not help but let out a long howl.

In the next instant, their bodies were easily disintegrated under the gaze of countless old Qin people.

Turned into particles thousands of times smaller than dust!


At the same time, Chen Ping's mind turned, and Hengsha's boundless quantum army mechanical army turned into an inexhaustible quantum torrent and poured into the void.

Dark matter is endless, and quanta can be found in any universe.

After countless years of research, many generals of Shenhan have mastered the method of reorganizing the supreme body with particles!

Moreover, it is not a reorganization in the ordinary sense.

Instead, reorganize towards the most perfect and most powerful state in the minds of many divine generals!


In an instant, the body of that venerable general of the **** Han once again manifested in nothingness.


Zhou Xing's eyes lit up in the blood.

I saw that in the emptiness, where Guan Tong disappeared before, a stalwart figure with a tall figure and holding a Qinglong Yanyue Knife walked out!

Guan Tong seems to have turned into the most perfect and powerful person in his mind at this moment.

His grandfather, Guan Yunchang!


Eight feet of snake spear pierced the sky, a swallow with a tiger beard, a burly man with a leopard head and eyes strode out, and a long howl shook the boundless void:

"Who will fight your grandfather Zhang for 300 rounds!"

"Come to fight!"

"Come to fight!"

"Come to fight!"


In the roar of a long howl, a stalwart figure manifested in the void of quantum entanglement.

The momentum is tyrannical, and the soldiers are domineering and unparalleled!

"Guan Yunchang, Zhang Yide, Ma Mengqi, Champion Hou, Wei Qing, Huo Guang, Li Guang, Ma Fubo..."

In Wang Yang's blood and energy, the expressions of Xianqin and the others all changed when they came.

The figure that manifested was actually many famous generals of the gods!

"No, it only has its shape and no meaning, it's not really Guan Yunchang, Zhang Yide!"

Amidst the gushing blood, Zhou Xing stepped out one step at a time and let out a roaring sound that ripped apart the many generals of the divine Han:

"Guan Tong, let's fight!"

"Wind! Gale!"



In the boiling blood, many other generals also roared and stepped, and shot with a bang.

Compete with the generals who have reorganized their bodies from the void!

"If you can't recover, the Daoist is in danger!"

Duan De wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and silently communicated the reincarnation seal in his heart, in the stinging pain of the primordial spirit of the flesh.

I want to lead the way back from the ninety-ninth generation.

This battle was beyond his imagination.


Nothingness, nothingness, emptiness, in the dark universe of boundless darkness.

Like an endless steel beast lying there, it is the Shenhan, the center of the Shenting Council.

Overseeing time and space in many dimensions, on the silver observatory of the parallel universe, Ma Mengqi in silver armor watched the battle, frowning slightly:

"At this moment in the war, Xianqin just sent two brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi... Are they underestimating me so far, or..."

"Meng Qi, quickly follow me to meet the Speaker."

At this moment, a warm and peaceful voice came.

The handsome Liu Xuande stepped out from somewhere in the universe under the observation tower and grabbed Ma Mengqi's palm.

It seemed urgent to leave.

"Empress Xuande, why are you coming and going in such a hurry?"

Ma Mengqi frowned slightly.

Liu Xuande has always been calm, and rarely has such a gaffe, something big must have happened.

"This is not the place to talk too much, hurry up with me to meet the Speakers!"

Liu Xuande didn't bother to say more, and dragged Ma Mengqi into the Shenting Council Center.

In the vast starry sky of the Divine Court Council Center, countless stars crisscrossed each other, exuding icy rays of light.

Ma Mengqi frowned, letting Liu Xuan pull himself, and walked to the deepest part of the starry sky in a few steps, before the magnificent palace created by the origin of millions of stars.

"Are you speakers here?"

From a distance, Liu Xuande asked the soldiers guarding the palace.

"Report to Duke Xuande, the Speaker of Guangwu Grand, the Speaker of Hanwu is here..."

When the soldier saw Liu Xuande, he did not dare to neglect.

Although Liu Xuande is not the Speaker, he is the highest-ranking member of the House of Representatives.

"Report Liu Xuande waved his hand.

"It's Xuande, Meng Qi, since you're here, come in."

At this moment, a calm voice came from the palace.


Liu Xuande bowed slightly and entered the palace together with Ma Mengqi.

In the spacious palace, Liu Xiu in loose casual clothes leaned against the window, looked at Liu Xuande who was in a hurry, smiled and said:

"Xuande has always been steady, why is it so urgent today?"

Liu Xiu was wearing loose clothes and had a rather lazy expression, without the majesty of the number one divine man, more like an ordinary teenager.

Liu Xuande looked up, and in a trance, he was unconsciously restrained as if he had met a former sage master.

I couldn't help being horrified.

Over the years, the entry of the first speaker in name of this divine man was more terrifying than he imagined.

"Meng Qi has met the Speaker."

Ma Meng got up and bowed.


Liu Xuande bowed slightly.

The person in front of him is now the Great Speaker of the Divine Court, as well as his nominal ancestor, so he is naturally quite respectful.

"Don't be cautious."

Liu Xi waved his hand slightly, signaling the two to sit down.

He said without haste:

"Xuande just said it outright."

"This time, I, Yun Chang, and Yide escaped into the prehistoric realm together, bypassed the interlayers of many great dragon realms, and entered the Xianqin Great Wall..."

Liu Xuande looked solemn:

"Xianqin is almost unified in the prehistoric world, and the once mighty prehistoric dragon clan has been completely interrupted... However, I will wait all the way to get close to Xianyang to inquire about the news...

Emperor Qin and many generals of Xian Qin really disappeared! "

Speaking of this, Liu Xuande was also a little bit unbearable:

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

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