Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1419: Those who stare into the abyss will surely fall into the abyss


In the endless darkness of nothingness, there seem to be water waves, and between the waves, countless broken ancient worlds are drifting with the waves.

It is faintly visible that the complete world of one side and the other side is firmly bound by darkness.

The darkness erodes the world, corrodes the source, extracts the Tao, and supplies the indescribable dark world at the end of the darkness.

It can be seen that the stars in the big world are dim, the celestial body collapses, the spiritual energy falls, and it turns into one after another of the end of the law.

In the battle between the world and the world, there will inevitably be one party completely reduced to the extent that it cannot cultivate, and even living beings cannot exist.

Once darkness comes, this world will be the last era. There will be no future and no hope.

There is no blood, but it is endless cruelty.


The copper coffin drifted by, Ye Fan closed his eyes and sighed in his heart.

All the great worlds in the void passage have become the stepping stones of the endless dark great world, and all the origins will be integrated and irreversible.

Even if he makes a move, he can only shatter this great world, but cannot rescue it.

This is also the reason why Huangtian Emperor chooses to arbitrarily cut off the time and space dimension.

The perfect world was infinitely huge in ancient times, but after the invasion of darkness, it gradually shrank, and countless great realms and eras were invaded and turned into that realm sea.

If there is no Desolate Heavenly Emperor born, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Immortal Territory, will eventually absorb all their origins and be completely buried.

This void passage is endless and long, and the darkness is almost endless.

The copper coffin drifted away, crossing one world after another.

Ye Fan is cross-legged on it, and his mind has evolved endless supernatural powers, such as Meng Tian, ​​Shaoyangyou, Wang Zhong, perfect many heavenly emperors, and even his own old father, fighting in his heart.

The Primordial Realm of Hunyuan is vast and boundless, and the distance between the Xianqin Era and the Demonic Era is also extremely far away.

Even through this void passage, it is impossible to do it overnight, at most, it will save ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times of time.

Years passed by like water.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years...

By the time Ye Fan opened his eyes again, more than 80,000 years had passed!

"The boundless world of Hengsha casts a nine-layered devil's abyss..."

On this day, Ye Fan, who had been sitting on the copper coffin for 80,000 years, slowly opened his eyes with a solemn expression.

This void passage is far more vast than the one ruled by Shaoyang You, and almost every moment, Ye Fan has to cross three or five broken ancient worlds.

For more than 80,000 years, the ruined ancient world he has seen is simply immeasurable!


The light in the eyes is like an electric light that cuts through the ancient time and space, penetrating the boundless darkness, illuminating the vast void, and withdrawing the endless darkness and nothingness.

As far as the eye can see.

It is an indescribable thing!

At the end of the dark void is a deeper dark abyss.

It was a pitch black that was so pure that it was chilling and despairing. At first glance, Ye Fan felt that his mind was overshadowed.

Endless evil thoughts flooded his mind, trying to make him degenerate into a demon.

Ye Fan's expression was indifferent, neither happy nor sad, a sword rose in his heart, smoothing out the endless darkness.

The eyes continued to look at the end of the darkness, Jiuzhong Moyuan.

That abyss is like a huge, endlessly rotating whirlpool black hole.

Another example is a large grinding wheel that turns endlessly and devours all realms.

Outside the vortex of his side, countless broken ancient worlds were swallowed into the endless dark vortex like residue after they had absorbed all their origins.

If we say that the ancient city of Xianyang is like the center of all worlds and the heavens, the convergence of endless dimensions of time and space.

This dark abyss is like an endless era, boundless world, boundless time and space... the place of return to the ruins!

All the truth of original sin will come to an end here!


Under the light of Ye Fan's eyes.

It can be seen that a broken ancient world is instantly broken, and the remaining trillions of stars, broken laws, broken avenues... All visible, invisible, real, and illusory existences are all squeezed and broken like bubbles.

It exudes a strange and icy beauty.


The void trembles, the darkness rises.

Somewhere in the broken world outside the boundless and infinite dark vortex, a stalwart existence dressed in jet-black armor and covering even his face suddenly stood up.

Sen Han's pitch-black eyes ripped apart trillions of miles of void, and looked at the copper coffin drifting outside the endless darkness.

With a cold and indifferent voice:

"In a flash of billions of years, another creature has set foot in the Demon Abyss. I hope it can add some fun to me..."


The dark eyes shook the endless void, and the immeasurable darkness spread to the ten directions.

It was shrouded in the copper coffin floating in the depths of the void.

I want to completely swallow Ye Fan into that dark vortex!

"It's just to absorb the parasites of the world..."

Ye Fan sighed lightly.

As his voice drifted, every word was transformed into an ancient star, and the world that had just opened was as huge as it was, bursting with brilliance.

Between the drifts, the boundless void was swept across, shattering the dark magic light.

"Parasite? Ignorance and hypocrisy..."

The magic sound oscillates with a sneering and contemptuous sound:

"I've been sitting here for trillions of years, watching the ups and downs of all ages, the destruction of all worlds, and countless people like you will eventually be assimilated and become one of us!"

The magic sound vibrated.

A big hand rose up from the darkness, traversing the boundless time and space, pushing the eternity horizontally, swallowing the heavens, and came to suppress Ye Fan.


The palm is covered under the black armor, and the five fingers are covered with deep darkness, as if one side is swallowing the abyss of the ages, and at this time, it suddenly swallows up!

In an instant, endless darkness envelops the ten directions, spreads out in time and space, and wherever it passes, one side of the great world instantly turns into dust.

Everything is being destroyed, and all the remaining avenues of law have been taken away!

Instead, bless on that dark palm!

"Trillion years, even a pig is more than this realm..."

Hearing this, Ye Fan lost much interest:

"Just a piece of trash!"

In terms of years, the mountains and rocks must surpass the gods and gods, and the soil must surpass the gods and demons!


The dazzling divine light burst out from Ye Fan's body, and trillions of runes flowed, swaying endless rays of light, illuminating the nothingness under the endless darkness!

Ye Fan crossed his knees on top of the copper coffin, raised his hands, and flicked his fingers lightly.

With a flick of your finger, you will penetrate the boundless darkness!

This finger seems to be an understatement, but it seems to be invincible and indestructible. It contains Ye Fan's ultimate killing intent!

In this world, no one can be killed!


As soon as it came out, it was unparalleled fast.

Ye Fan shot light between his fingers, just like the first ray of light that pierced the ancient times before the opening of the era, and in an instant, the palm shrouded in darkness was completely shattered!

chi chi chi~~~

The darkness was shattered, and every bit of pitch-black demonic blood flowed down, carrying a desperate and evil black, the ultimate demon.

"This breath..."

The dark existence sitting cross-legged in the wreckage suddenly stood up, and the boundless darkness instantly shattered the wreckage.


He tore through the darkness and stepped out.

Its body is as tall as a mountain, and its aura is as fierce as a sword that splits the sky, but the light in its eyes devours everything like a black hole, with shock, greed and fear:

"Are you a descendant of Huang?!"

"Where is he?"

On the copper coffin, Ye Fan's expression was indifferent, his eyes were like cold electricity.

"The descendant of Huangzhi is of immeasurable value and immeasurable value! If I sacrifice the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, I will become the son of the abyss!"

The existence in black armor let out a long laugh, expressing the meaning of greed and evil:

"Where is Huang, you will know if you are captured!"


The darkness boiled, and in the turbulent void, countless broken ancient worlds were completely shattered.

The man in black armor swooped in between steps, rumbled and vibrated with the rumbling sound of the cold demon:

"Let's take action together, capture this person, sacrifice the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, and count the great demon god!"

The rumbling magic sound radiates in all directions, spreading rapidly in the darkness, boundless and far-reaching.



boom! !

Almost at the moment when the magic sound radiated, in the boundless darkness, a terrifying magic intent suddenly rose up.

In the next instant, a splendid figure with an evil spirit was present in the ruined ancient worlds around the boundless dark abyss.

Step out.

There are seven Immortal Emperor Daluo!

The seven auras are different, some are holding a spear, some are carrying a magic sword, some are riding a chariot, and some are riding a dragon head, but they are all figures with the inner demon of destruction stepping out.

"Before the eternity, was the land of advent?"

"It's not an ordinary Daluo, it's like a wasteland in the past, I have to make a move together!"

"Jiuzhong Moyuan, bless me, destroy everything, and kill everything!"

The seven people shouted in unison.

The existence in black armor stepped together, shot, and bombarded Ye Fan in the depths of the void!


In an instant, UU was reading www. The eight terrifying attacks of spread in ten directions like a rolling river, superimposing and blessing each other.

Bombarded towards Ye Fan on the copper coffin!

"Those who stare at the abyss will eventually fall into the abyss... Although he is an immortal emperor, he is invaded by darkness. It is sad and deplorable."

Above the copper coffin, Ye Fan lowered his gaze and sighed softly.

At this time, he already knew that the existence of the eight Immortal Emperor series was not from the Jiuzhong Moyuan, but as Meng Tian told him when he parted, that Shaoyang You is like a man, a demon or a fairy. God.

But because of communicating with the dark, he finally fell into the dark prisoner of the abyss.

Although a living person, in fact, is no different from death!

Faintly, Ye Fan was reminded of the Immortal Emperor at the end of the world.

Not dead, but not me anymore.


Boundless darkness spreads, and under the blessing of the dark abyss, any of these eight dark immortal emperors are far stronger than the immortal emperor that once existed in the depths of the realm.

It is even more terrifying to shoot together, almost breaking through the category of Daluo Xuanshu.

Comparable to the big Luo Jin count a blow!

However, he was not just promoted to Immortal Emperor.

After Ye Fan sighed lightly, he didn't get up, just put his hand on the copper coffin and came out.


The billowing blood energy is in all directions, and the golden light illuminates all darkness, straight like a dam against the current, pushing the endless dark countercurrent horizontally.

Majestic and mighty, the aura of the supreme power rises up into the sky like a sacred mountain, and the cauldron is endlessly dark and void.

In the next moment, Ye Fan's white palm, which was surrounded by the mother energy of all things, moved slightly.

Calmly and calmly squeezed, punching with ease and freehand brushwork:

"Send you on your way!"

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