Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1432: Domineering, domineering, and domineering...

In the boiling chaos, the person who came was dressed in a blue shirt, with a sword against his shoulders, and his body was stalwart.

Yuan Jue was shocked.

He is a big Luo himself, and he has seen many big Luos become enlightened, but none of them are as fast and relaxed as this man in blue.

Straight like an ordinary escape and break the world, it is very strange.


The man in blue stepped out and let out a long howl that was suppressed for a long time, shaking the river of time and space.


The man in the green shirt breathed a long breath: "I've caught up with Xiao Sang..."

This person is Meng Qi.

After a few kalpas, he finally escaped and broke through Daqian, and the Dao Fruit was completed, and he became a Daluo.

How many hardships, how many difficulties, how many intrigues, and finally succeeded.

Compared with Xiao Sang, who had a smooth journey and became enlightened inexplicably, Meng Qi couldn't help tearing up his heart.

To this day, he still can't figure it out, why did Xiao Sang suddenly make great progress?

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist, for transcending the great thousand. From then on, you will be free and happy, and will never be worn out."

At this time, Yuan Jue spoke up, and bowed his hands in the distance, congratulating Meng Qi.

"Daoist friend is polite."

Meng Qi calmed down and returned a salute.

Daluo's conversation and laughter are all Taoist sounds. Even if the syllables of the ten thousand world characters are different, communication is never a problem.

"It is a great honor to witness the detachment of fellow Daoists today."

Yuan Jue smiled lightly, but did not urge the magic weapon to come forward, so as not to cause this person's misunderstanding.

"Next, Su Meng."

It was also the first time that Meng Qi saw the great power in his world, and he was a little curious, but not afraid.

Because the person in front of him seems to be not as good as him.

According to the experience taught by his old father-in-law to Xiao Sang, that person should be the first time to enter the Daluo Xuanshu, and although he has just been promoted, he is better than him, and he probably has reached the peak of Xuanshu.

Alas, life is lonely as snow.

Naturally, Yuan Jue didn't know what Meng Qi was thinking, why did he suddenly look as lonely as snow.

He was pleasantly surprised.

This Daluo, who was promoted from nowhere in time and space, seemed to be different from himself as soon as he was promoted. He was also a Daluo Xuanshu, and he could be called a peerless genius. As long as the opportunity was enough, the Daluo Jinshu was almost inevitable!

It even has the capital of mixed yuan!

Dao Zun Feng Xiaozhong, the ten shuttlers of the Hunyuan series in the main temple hall, this is the case!

If such a peerless talent can be introduced into the main temple hall, at least, it is also worth a hundred Dao Primordial Violet Qi!

"Fellow Daoist Su is polite."

With thoughts in his heart, Yuan Jue's smile became more gentle:

"One percent is innate, and the world is gone. Fellow Daoist has made a breakthrough, but he doesn't know where to go?"

"This thief Taoist is uneasy and kind."

Meng Qi's thoughts moved in his heart, and he said with a smile on his face:

"I've only made a preliminary breakthrough, and I don't know anything about the outside world. I wonder if Brother Yuan can teach me?"

Although he knew some information from the outside world from the old father-in-law, he didn't even know a little about it.

This time, I want to find Xiao Sang, but I don't know where Xiao Sang is.

This Taoist priest seems to have some purpose for himself, it is better to set some information.

Seeing that Meng Qi lowered his stance and did not have the usual arrogance and domineering of postnatal promotion, Yuan Jue was even more satisfied.

"Fellow Daoist met me this time, and it was also luck! If you met Dao Da Luo, the consequences would be worrying."

Yuan Jue wanted to scare Meng Qi, and said slowly:

"Do you know, fellow Daoist, where did I wait for such an innate number, the honor of Daluo, the greatest doom?"

"The doom..."

Meng Qi pretended not to know, and asked curiously:

"Da Luo is eternal, where does the calamity come from?"

"Da Luo's certificate is forever, all time and space are free and free, no disasters and no disasters, the biggest disaster is each other!"

Yuan Jue smiled lightly and said:

"You have a shield that cannot be broken, and I have a spear that must be broken! If there is only one Daluo in the world, then it is naturally omnipotent. With each other, it is different..."

"I see."

Meng Qi made a sudden realization, and frowned again, "Daluo is almost omnipotent, acquired things can be transformed by thought, without desires or desires, how can there be disputes?"

There is a saying that if people have no desires, they will have high morals.

Daluo was already almost omnipotent, and at this time, Meng Qi could easily transform all the treasures he once possessed.

"Daluo itself is a treasure. Daluo divides the sky, Xuan, Jin, and above the number of gold, there is the Supreme Hunyuan. When the number of Daluo reaches the limit, he will naturally pursue the Supreme Hunyuan. At that time, he will Touching the calamity of enlightenment..."

Yuan Jue told Meng Qi about the difficulty of Daluo's enlightenment, and sighed, saying:

".... The calamity of enlightenment is difficult to overcome, and many great powers have opened up methods to overcome calamity. Among them, the sect of Taoism, beheading three corpses, and the method of robbery, etc., all need a medium..."

"The medium..."

Meng Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, he really didn't know this.

His understanding of Daluo was that when his old father-in-law explained to Xiao Sang, he listened to it, which naturally did not include this enlightenment calamity.

"How vast is the meaning of Daluo, all acquired things cannot be carried, and there are far fewer innate spiritual treasures than Daluo..."

Yuan Jue looked at Meng Qi and smiled lightly:

"The best medium is naturally other big Luo, as his own body!"

"The body of the Tao..."

Meng Qi's heart sank slightly.

I know that as long as there are very few big Luos who are looking for other big Luos for themselves, the relationship between big Luos will never be harmonious.

"Fellow Daoist Su, don't worry."

Yuan Jue looked at Meng Qi's heart and smiled, and said:

"In the vast and endless chaotic sea, there are forces developed by the supreme giants, and they are attached to it, and ordinary Da Luo naturally does not dare to shoot at will."

"This thief Taoist originally wanted to recruit me... However, I can't say that he also wanted to use me as a means of carrying the Tao."

Meng Qi knew it in his heart, but his face was shocked, and he cupped his hands and said:

"Please teach me, brother!"

Fellow Daoist, Daoist Brother Yuan, Daoist brother, Meng Qi changed three names without any trace.

The appearance of a person who has just broken through and is unknown to the outside world, both curious and fearful, is vividly displayed.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. In the vast chaotic sea, the strong are like clouds, and there are not a few big forces in the true sense. Among them, the Taoist Sanqing, the Heavenly Court, the Western Buddhist Lord, the Demon Ancestor, the Lord's Temple, and the Nightmare In space, major forces such as the Golden Mother of West Kunlun are the most powerful."

Yuan Jue stroked his beard and said leisurely:

"To be honest, fellow Daoist, I am the reincarnation of the heavens from the main temple."


Meng Qi's heart skipped a beat, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

Before he made his debut, he was pulled into the six realms of reincarnation, and when he stepped out of this world, he actually encountered a reincarnator again?

Could it be that there really is a main shrine that recruits people from all over the world to fight against the heavens in all realms?

"Do you know about fellow Daoist Su?"

Yuan Jue noticed Meng Qi's surprise, and was a little depressed.

But after a moment's thought, there are countless planes of reincarnation in the hall of the main god, blocking all over the heavens and the world. Although there is the mechanism of the main god, it is not impossible to leak.

Meng Qi is a peerless genius, and it is not unacceptable to say that he has ever been in contact with the main temple.

"Looks like I've heard..."

Meng Qi calmed down and replied.

"It's better to hear about it."

Yuan Jue also didn't care about Meng Qi's thoughts. In his opinion, at most Meng Qi killed a team or a few teams of reincarnators and knew about the existence of the main temple.

However, the trillions of ordinary reincarnators are not as good as Meng Qi, and if they kill him, they will kill him. Not to mention him, even the Lord God will not care.

"There are ten giants of Hunyuan in the main temple, and there are countless Daluo, and the power radiates the heavens and the world. It is a well-deserved power!"

After Yuan Jue said that, he urged the magic weapon to cross the long river of time and space and come towards Meng Qi:

"If fellow Daoist Su is interested, as a brother, he can lead him and join the main temple."

"Join the main temple..."

Meng Qi sneered in his heart.

Such a force as the main temple, once joined, it is difficult to retreat under the entanglement of karma.

He was not far from being controlled by the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation back then, where would he enter the urn by himself.

However, he didn't show it on his face, just with a little hesitation.

"Do you have any doubts, fellow Daoist?"

Yuan Jue asked.

Meng Qi nodded and said, "To be honest, the realm I live in has some inheritance, and I don't dare to join other forces easily."

"Although there are powerful Taoist traditions in the heavens and the world, where is there any inheritance?"

Hearing this, Yuan Jue smiled dumbly:

"In the ordinary world of time and space, I met the Three Purities, the Five Emperors, the Great Heavenly Venerate, and the Golden Mother. Those are just the Taoist bodies of those great men. They have obtained the method of cultivation, but they are far from being inherited!"

The main temple radiates all worlds and heavens. He doesn't know how many great worlds he has leveled, so he naturally knows the secrets.

The body of Dao Yun is just the shadow of those giants radiating Meng Qi did not refute it. After knowing the purpose of Yuan Jue, he had no interest in it.

He smiled casually and said:

"Don't lie to Daoist brother, the first thing I do when I come out this time is to find my Taoist companion who has already become enlightened..."


Yuan Jue was startled.

Among the heavens and the myriad worlds, as long as the multiverses that are not infinite series want to breed a great Luo, I don’t know how long it will take, and how much good fortune it will take.

I don't know how many multiverses, from the beginning to the end, can't give birth to a big Luo.

He was already very shocked that a great realm gave birth to such a peerless Daluo like Meng Qi. Even his Taoist companion was a Daluo?

This is simply a miracle of miracles!


Meng Qi nodded and said, "My Taoist companion's name is Gu Xiaosang."

"Gu Xiaosang?"

Yuan Jue's heart moved, and endless information flowed past, and then he shook his head and said:

"The chaotic sea is endless and endless, Daluo is really not a few, but I have never heard of this Taoist companion."

How big is the Chaos Sea?

Even if there is a big Luo born in the trillions of universes, the number of big Luos in the endless infinite universe sea is beyond anyone's imagination.


Meng Qi let out a long sigh.

Even as expected, Meng Qi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The sea of ​​​​chaos is boundless. Where did he go to find Xiao Sang?

"Inquire about another person from Brother Daoist."

Meng Qi cut off his thoughts and spoke again:

"My daoist's father, named Gu Shaoshang, is domineering, acts domineering, and shoots domineering..."

Yuan Jue was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed suddenly, and he lost his voice:

"Gu Shaoshang?!!!"

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