Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1434: Time and space form a ring, Zulong's heartbeat

Meng Qi said nothing, and the room fell silent.

Yuan Jue has never felt like living like today, but he felt that his mind was suppressed to the limit, and his thoughts could not move.

Every minute and every second is as long as thousands of years.

It was not until a long time later that a series of footsteps sounded, breaking the silence in the room.


Meng Qi's heart moved, and as the series of footsteps sounded, the aura of this world was deflected and gathered.

It seems that the owner of the footsteps is the owner of this world.

"grown ups!"

Outside the private room, there was the sound of kneeling on the ground, and a thick male voice rang out.

"come in."

Gu Shaoshang replied lightly, and someone walked into the room.

The man is more than nine feet tall, wearing a golden armor, with a divine sword slung around his waist, there is a touch of uncontrollable excitement on his resolute and resolute face:

"You are finally back."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and said softly, "Take this person down."

But it was referring to Yuan Jue, and it seemed that he had no intention of killing him.

"Thanks to Wuzu for not killing"

Hearing that, before the general could speak, Yuan Jue was the first to speak, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


The general bowed in response, and then waved his hand, two armored soldiers walked out of the room and took Yuan Jue down.

"I haven't seen you for many years, but you have also experienced it."

Gu Shaoshang let the person sit down with Meng Qi with a hint of sigh.

This general is not someone else, but a young Xianqin general, Wang Tong, who once served Gu Shaoshang.

The former teenager, at this time, is already at the peak of the gods and demons, and he is only one step away from Daluo.

Although it is not comparable to the Ten Great Pillars of Xianqin, it cannot be underestimated.

"Thank you sir."

Wang Tong sat down, his expression unchanged: "Your Majesty has left me here, waiting for your arrival."

"Have a heart."

Gu Shaoshang was not surprised.

When he came to this time and space, Xianqin Era, naturally, he couldn't hide it from the First Emperor, and naturally, he had no idea of ​​hiding it.

"Your Majesty's ancestral dragon is under Xianyang, and the eternal river has been turned into a cage. The prime minister and all the adults are among them."

Wang Tong spoke concisely and concisely, telling Gu Shaoshang the changes of Xianqin over the years.

Since stepping out of the original universe, the whole country has stepped into the prehistoric realm, the original prehistoric dragon ancestor era, to the subsequent battles, countless fights, to the last Zulong shot, the first emperor fought with him in the land of the sea of ​​blood in the sky, to Suppress Zulong under Xianyang.

Gu Shaoshang listened quietly, although, he knew all of this better than Wang Feng knew.

Honghuang Ancestral Dragon is the king of ancient gods and demons born before Taiyi, and the common ancestor of the dragons of all worlds. Before Xianqin stepped into this world, he had already dominated the Hunyuan Honghuang world, and its power was more than that of Jiuzhong Moyuan. The Great Demon God of Jidu, the Great Antarctic Emperor of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao.

"Going to have a look."

After a long time, Gu Shaoshang spoke softly.

Wang Tong was stunned, got up quickly, bowed and said, "If you go, Your Majesty will be very happy."


Gu Shaoshang smiled, noncommittal.

Immediately, he slowly got up, paced out of the room, and got off the inn.

Wang Tong and the **** dog followed suit, Meng Qi hesitated for a moment, and followed.

"Xianqin Era, Your Majesty, is this related to the Qin state I know?"

Following behind Gu Shaoshang, Meng Qi changed his mind.

With his strength, he naturally saw the Black Dragon Hunting Banner that hangs high above the nine heavens and is at the height of time and space.

However, compared to the Qin state he knew, this immortal Qin Qiang was a little unbelievable.

That general does not seem to have a high status, but it is already comparable to the embryonic form of Dao Fruit, and it is infinitely approaching the fruit of Daluo.

On the avenue, Gu Shaoshang was not in a hurry, but walked slowly along the avenue towards the endlessly distant Xianyang City.

Xianqin unified the multiverse, dominated the Xianqin era, and ruled countless large universes.

At this time, every inch of land under his feet, every inch of space, seemed to hide countless dimension spaces.

Beneath the appearance of an ordinary kingdom is an indescribable time and space kingdom.

Xianyang City sits in the center of time and space, the center of the universe, and it radiates more than millions of universes. The hidden soldiers in the endless universe have created the supreme power of Xianqin.

Even Gu Shaoshang, who has been watching the development of Xianqin, is also somewhat impressed.

With Meng Qi and Hei Huang following him, the shock in his heart is naturally indescribable.

In their senses, every step they took, it seemed like a universe soaked in iron and blood was rolling under their feet.

Under every inch of land, there seems to be a hidden universe composed of countless spaces, which is extremely terrifying.

And when they looked up, they could feel the indescribable giant city that stood at the extreme of time and space, the center of all worlds, and splendid.

"Xianyang City"

Meng Qi was amazed.

In his senses, the city was inconceivably large. It was the universe from which he was born. I'm afraid it couldn't compare to the corner of the big city, and its size was too large.

It seems that the bricks and stones that made the city are like countless universes!

There is no need to show any power, just look at its existence, the momentum that swallows the world, looks down at the world, and is the only one will come.

The horror of Xian Qin made his scalp numb.

Are the great forces across all realms so tyrannical?

"Your Majesty recasts the military merits and titles, and each level is transformed by the fate of humanity. Even the mortals who do not practice martial arts gain official positions, and they can become gods and demons, immortal and immortal!"

Wang Tong followed behind Gu Shaoshang, just as before, talking to Gu Shaoshang in a ramble.

"The official position is only an external thing, and using it as the foundation for standing is to give up the basics and chase the bottom."

Gu Shaoshang looked at the ancient city of Xianyang far away, and said lightly.

It was no surprise that Shi Huang won the throne of the three emperors of the human race and forged a new title of military merit.

The reason why Xianqin was able to fight against the dragon clan and succeeded, naturally, also had a reason for the status of the fruit. If not, Meng Tian and others had not yet landed in Daluo, so why did they compete with the dragon clan?

"You said so."

Wang Tong did not dare to refute, in fact, he himself never forced the title.

Cultivation comes from one's own practice step by step.

"Let's go."

Gu Shaoshang didn't say any more. With a flick of his sleeve, he smashed the outside of Xianyang City, spreading endless folds of time and space.


Meng Qi only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and then the scene before him was no longer the same as before.

Instead, it is endless bizarre, infinite time and space storm.

The upper and lower ten directions are all infinite and infinite, and there is no limit!

"The time and space under Xianyang City is that His Majesty has condensed the trillions of billions of great realms to suppress the ancestors. Although this is a scattered strand, it also derives billions of time and space channels that criss-cross, but there is only one correct one. If it is wrong, it will be doomed forever.”

Wang Tong warned Meng Qi carefully.

Although he didn't know what kind of person Meng Qi was, if he could follow Gu Shaoshang's back, it was worth his careful treatment.

What's more, he is still a strong man of Daluo series.

Even in the Xianqin Empire, the powerhouses of the Daluo series are the top giants.

There are only a dozen people in Wen, and only a dozen in Wu.

"It's too dangerous."

Meng Qi's expression became solemn.

There is no limit to the endless spread of time and space, and it is not the time and space storm that is set off that makes him feel very dangerous. Every moment, it seems that there are countless great worlds across his eyes.

The Xianyang City was immeasurable, and he couldn't even see the road leading to the city.

The **** dog is even more hairy, this place is too dangerous.


But at this moment, the endless space-time storm subsided in an instant, and the billions of space-time channels were all stagnant.

The only road leading to Xianyang City was revealed.

Hunyuan is everywhere, and there is no turbulence.

Gu Shaoshang stepped on the passage of time and space, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, the endless dimensional void and parallel universe under Xianyang City were reflected.

The boundless space-time in the eyes of Meng Qi and others gradually revealed its essence the moment Gu Shaoshang looked at it.

"This is"

Meng Qi, Wang Tong, and Hei Huang were all taken aback.

In a trance, what appeared in front of them was no longer the boundless time and space.

It is an immeasurable space-time ring.

"The Daluo is free and easy outside of time and space, and the Hunyuan is invisible, invisible, and omnipresent."

Gu Shaoshang looked down at the Sea of ​​Void, and said lightly:

"Meng Qi, Primordial Priest, how should we suppress it?"

Meng Qi was stunned for a moment, and thousands of thoughts swirled in his mind.

Not long after he was promoted to Daluo, he was not familiar with the realm above it, and he was even more unfamiliar with the fight between Daluo.

Not to mention the chaos.

It wasn't until I saw that space-time ring that my heart lit up, and I burst out: "The space-time ring?"

"Yes, it is time and space forming a loop."

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Meng Qi approvingly, and said:

"Hunyuan is omnipresent, ubiquitous, and can traverse the boundless realm of constant sand between thoughts and movements. If you want to trap him, you must trap his existence, the Tao, and the concept in the heavens of all realms."

Primordial beings are omnipresent, and if you want to suppress them, you must also be omnipresent.

The first emperor turned his timeline into a space-time ring, and slain the ancestral dragon in Xianyang under the city of Xianyang!

If not, no one can stop the existence of a Hunyuan Promise Realm to escape.

"Space-Time Loops"

Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully, feeling vaguely familiar.

Ubiquitous, ubiquitous, it seems to be somewhat similar to the other shore realm that has been magnified countless times.

After ubiquitous, is it not doing subtraction and seeking shortness?

Inadvertently, Meng Qi seemed to understand something, and he seemed to have a clearer view of his own has a good understanding. "

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly.

The road in the world of I was originally the deduction of many great masters of Hunyuan for the realm of "Tai", although the experiment failed in the end.

But cultivating the system derived from the many great powers naturally has great benefits.

Gu Shaoshang had already realized this.


Just when Gu Shaoshang pointed Meng Qi, in the depths of the endless void, there was a loud bang that far surpassed the limit of all epistemological perception, and only a strong person of the Daluo series could hear it.

This loud noise is too terrifying, and with one sound, it shakes the boundless void, the trillions of constant sand world.

"This seems to be the sound of a heartbeat?!"

Meng Qi's eardrums tingled, his heart contracted, and his eyes widened.

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