Projection of the Heavens

: Single chapter, not leave

The first is the update, which is guaranteed twice a day. The few chapters you owe will be made up. Does it seem that you owe three chapters?

The book is not easy to write in the later stage, and the dog is quite bald.

But it will definitely be added, don't worry.

Finally, I pushed a book, written by my sister, who is also an old author and an old friend of Gouzi.

"Baby Super Fierce"

Can you let the sky, earth, forest, river and sea give you monkeys? The pig's feet in this book show that he can, and the kind of thief!

Humorous and funny, Xiuer is only one step away from you.

It is said that Zhang Tui has a link, and the author's words can be collected. I don't know if it is true. Let's help Gouzi.

Finally, go to the coding.

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