Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 6: 1 Jeweled Fat Taoist

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The old monk named Lizongzi bowed, and strands of bright yellow flames slowly ignited on him.

Amidst the raging flames, a Tao-like smile appeared on the old monk's face:

"Please little friend."

"Junior Brother Moth took the lead."

Another ray of fire rose, and the pale old man sighed softly, and the body of an Arhat appeared in the firelight:

"Little friend, as the two of us, I may be able to help you on this pilgrimage road..."

"Master, you!"

Ye Changge was shocked, but did not expect these two old monks who were suspected of being Daluo to be so decisive.

A Daluo, looking at the heavens and the world, is an extremely remarkable existence.

His Nanling Ye family occupies a multi-dimensional world. The number of clans is counted in trillions, and there has been no Daluo for countless years.

In front of him, there are actually two big Luos, just to spread a word, they are willing to burn the body of the big Luo that he has cultivated for countless years!

This shocked him immensely.

"Wu that bald donkey! Dare to set fire in the Taoist shop, is it enough?!"

At this moment, a basin of cold water fell from the sky, dousing the Buddha fire burning on the two old monks.

Ye Changge looked at it, and saw a bloated figure scolding and walking down three floors in half a step that no one could ever go up to.

He looked carefully, it was a fat Taoist priest with a gorgeous dress and a red face.

That fat Taoist priest wore a Lingbao Taiji Taoist robe, with a purple-gold crown, a gilt gold belt, and a real dragon and phoenix on his boots!

The luxury of the decoration is a luxury that Ye Changge has never seen in his life.

As he walked down, this huge half-step and more than two floors was instantly illuminated by a piece of treasure, which was extremely dazzling.


The two old monks, whose clothes were all wet, folded their hands together and recited the Buddha's name in a low voice, with shocked expressions in each other's eyes.

What they used to pass away was the Buddhist fire, which was enough to burn the golden body of Daluo, and once it was burned, it would not burn out and would not be extinguished.

Unexpectedly, it was actually doused by a basin of cold water from the person who came.

At this time, the two of them didn't know that the person in front of them was the legendary master of half a step.

Legend has it that the Banbu Duo Inn exists between non-ideal and non-non-ideal thinking. There are thousands of great worlds. The number is almost endless. forbidden.

Few people have seen this master of more than half a step since the 100,000 chaotic years, and they didn't want to be met by them.

"How dare the two bald donkeys set fire on the Daoist's site? They are not small."

Fat Dao glanced at the two of them in a humiliating manner.

"Little monk borer."

"Little monk Crescent Moon."

The two old monks bowed slightly and said in unison, "I have seen the master of more than half a step."

"Ye Changge has seen the master of more than half a step."

Ye Changge bowed and saluted, he had also heard the legend of the half-step master.

Originally, this inn was not called Half-step Duo, just because the owner of Half-step Duo had never stepped out of the way, and it got such a name over time.

"More than half a step? Daoist is the residence of the Great Emperor of Heaven, what the **** is more than half a step!"

The fat Taoist was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to sense something, and he cursed.

The three of Ye Changge didn't dare to look up, just listening to the master of half a step, he seemed to scold another **** dog, or maybe he was scolding someone as a dog...

The three of them didn't dare to say a word or ask, they could only wait for the half-step master to stop by himself.

This wait is half an hour.

"Damn **** dog."

The fat Taoist stopped cursing and glanced at Ye Changge: "The Desolate Holy Body?"

"Senior has unparalleled eyesight."

Ye Changge bowed slightly, with a respectful attitude.

To make the two big Luos respectful, for him, this is already an unimaginable big man.


Ye Changge's salute made the fat Taoist think of something, his expression softened, and there was a sense of joy: "Junior of the Ye family, are you going to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors?"

"Go back to senior, yes."

Ye Changge was a little flattered, this desolate holy body actually has such a face?

Such great people are all kind to him.

"Shouldn't the first-generation Eucharist automatically recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestry? What does this kid Ye Yishui want to do, let the first-generation Eucharist drift away?"

The fat priest frowned.

Ye... Yi Shui... This kid?

Not only Ye Changge, but even the two old monks were shocked.

Who is Ye Yishui?

When the son of the emperor today, the ancestor of the Ye family in the heavens, has a transcendent cultivation base, and is considered a great man in the world.

This master of half a step is so old?

The fat Taoist frowned, but he didn't care, his eyes fell on the two old monks again:

"You two are very courageous. Not only did you dare to cheat in the ceremony of the Ye family recognizing their ancestors and returning to their ancestors, but you also dared to set fire to the Daoye's Great Emperor's Residence. Do you know what the crime should be?"

The moth cricket bowed and looked more respectful: "I just ask the senior to promise the junior one thing, and the two monks are willing to accept any punishment from the senior."

"You bald donkey amused Daoist."

Fat Dao laughed in morale:

"If Daoist wants to punish you, he still needs to promise you one thing?"

"Little monk dare not."

The face of the borer suddenly became sad, and he waved his hands again and again: "How dare the little monk instruct the seniors, but, it's just that there is no way to go..."

"You have nowhere to go, what does it have to do with Master Dao?"

The fat Taoist was too lazy to say more, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, sealed the cultivation of the two of them:

"The two of you won't die if you sin, so this deity will suppress the cultivation of the two of you. In this half-step, let this deity serve tea and deliver water for eighteen chaotic years!"

"Thank you senior for not killing."

The two of them looked at each other with a wry smile, respectful but firm: "It's just that the two monks still have important things to do. If the seniors want to trap the two of me here, it would be better to kill the two of me together!"


The fat Taoist sneered: "Do you think this deity dare not kill you?"

" The two old monks fell to the ground, folded their hands together and recited the Buddha's name, no more words.

"very good."

The fat Taoist's face sank, and he raised his hand to kill the two old bald donkeys.


Ye Changge sighed in his heart and couldn't help but speak out.

Although he didn't know what the two old monks wanted to do, he admired their spirit of doing it at all costs.

Ye Changge was anxious and didn't think he could stop it, but he didn't think that the fat Taoist stopped his hand as soon as he spoke:

"Do you have something to say too?"

Ye Changge was a little stunned, should the card surface of the ancient sacred body be so big?

I'm just a junior who hasn't grown up yet.

"Predecessor, senior."

Ye Changge gritted his teeth, and he could only bite the bullet and continue: "Senior is very powerful, maybe the request of these two masters is just a little effort from you, why not help them?"

The two old monks who bowed their heads and recited Buddhist scriptures had already given up their minds, so they raised their heads involuntarily.

"This deity once heard that, 100,000 chaotic years ago, there was a Buddhist holy place called the Great Leiyin Temple of the Western Paradise. The Great Leiyin Temple has a great power, and there are Mahayana Buddhist scriptures that can save all beings in the world. Later, a monk got up from the Eastern Land, I want to go to the west to seek the scriptures..."

The fat Taoist turned his back to the three of them, his hands behind his back, and slowly told a story from ancient times:

"The monkey was indignant and asked the old Buddha Shakyamuni, if he asked for the scriptures, did he need personnel? The Shakyamuni smiled and said, the scriptures should not be passed on lightly, nor should they be taken empty-handed..."

"Sakyamuni's scriptures can't be taken empty-handed. If you ask the deity to do things, you can be empty-handed?"

Ye Changge was stunned when he looked at the Master of the Half-step Duo who turned his back to the three of them and kept moving his two fingers.

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