Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 172: Crush!


In the endless whistling of the wind, the ancient three links pushed out a palm far away.

In the not-so-narrow dungeon, it was immediately covered by the strong palm of the ancient three links. Under this palm, the air seemed to be real, and it turned into a long dragon whistling!

"Very good! Let's play with you then!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly. In the past three months, although the process of polishing his qi and blood was not easy, his strength has improved greatly.

When fighting against Zhu Ignore, he still needs to use blood energy, but at this time, facing the superior Gu Santong, he does not need to use blood energy at all!

Gu Shaoshang took a step forward, and in the violent turbulent blast, with black hair fluttering all over his head, his five fingers folded together, and the white fist prints blasted out, as if ordinary, rolling without any turbulent wind. .

In this way, we met the fierce palm force of the ancient three links.

In the face of such a master of the ancient three links, it is not useful to say anything!

"Good punch! Good punch!"

Gu Santong's heart was beating wildly, and under Gu Shaoshang's seemingly weak punch, he actually felt the terrifying oppressive force as if the five mountains fell!

The black-robed youth in front of him was obviously thin, but it gave him the illusion of facing a giant who stood above the ground!


Gu Shaoshang's fist strike just hit the golden palm of the ancient three-way, making a huge sound like the knocking of a copper bell!


The entire dungeon shook suddenly, and the violent sound waves exploded like thunder, and the slate dust under Gu Shaoshang's feet suddenly exploded, whistling and blasting around like waves.

Zhuge Zheng's expression changed slightly, his toes lightened slightly, his body retreated again and again in the strong wind, his sleeve robes fluttered, breaking the flying rubble.


Gu Shaoshang's figure moved slightly, and the fist mark suddenly shook. Gu Santong's face changed wildly, and he was repelled by the fist mark that Gu Shaoshang suddenly pressed back.

Ding Ding Deng!

Gu Santong retreated again and again, and stopped his figure in a sound of gold and iron clashing.

"Now I believe it, you do have the ability to kill the old pig!"

Gu Santong couldn't stop a burst of qi and blood, and said with a slight sigh.

The punching power of the young man in front of him was truly astonishing, and with the physical tyranny of his Vajra Indestructible Technique, he was slightly injured under this punch.

"But I'm not an old pig!"

Gu Santong suddenly had a great fighting spirit, and rumbled straight towards Gu Shaoshang. Between the palms of his hands, there was a whistling of the wind, and he hit his head and his face.

"The King Kong Indestructible Magic is really a bit of a way!"

Gu Shao was sad and delighted. He kept four points of the punch just now, for fear of killing Gu Santong with one palm, but it is estimated that a palm of six points would be enough to kill any top expert.

Even if Zhu ignores his life, he will be seriously injured on the spot.

However, the ancient three links were almost unscathed, and this King Kong Indestructible Magical Magic is indeed a peerless magic that is famous in this world!

"Then beat you up!"

Gu Shaoshang watched the ancient three-link come again, smiled faintly, and his body suddenly took a step forward again, and his body suddenly swelled like a sponge, which was comparable to that after the ancient three-link transformation!

Stab, stab!

In the sound of cracking silk, Gu Shaoshang's black and purple blood vessels were clearly visible.

Gu Santong's face was inconceivable, one hand pressed on the waist, and the other was straight, like a white jade pillar that lifted the sky suddenly protruded, in the tearing sound of ghost crying and wolf howling in the air, the five fingers suddenly closed, and the infinite terrifying force burst out!


The fist imprint is like a divine mountain pressing down, and the Tianhe River is pouring backwards, pressing down on the ancient three-way cover!

It is precisely the "uninterrupted" created by Gu Shaoshang smelting a hundred fists!

"How can it be!"

Facing Gu Shaoshang's "continuous" bombardment, Gu Santong only felt that the surrounding air was suddenly pulled away, making it difficult to breathe!

Under this punch, there is absolutely no possibility of dodging, only hard-attached!

For a time, in the world of the ancient three links, everything seemed to disappear, only this terrifying fist that seemed to overturn the sky!


Gu Santong exhaled, and all the energy in the whole body suddenly burst out, golden light shines, fists and palms are superimposed, like an overlord holding a cauldron, and he is lifted up!

clang clang!

The piercing sound of gold and iron erupted, and the endless power was raised like a hurricane. The countless dust and gravels in the entire dungeon were shaken up by the violent power, and went straight to the top of the dungeon!


The entire dungeon shook violently as if it were about to collapse, and with the sound of overwhelmed everywhere, the rocks on the top of the dungeon fell down.


The dense roar sounded in Gu Santong's ears. He only felt that his whole body was light and weightless. In a trance, it seemed that countless golden stars were lit up in front of him, and he could not hear any other sound.

It was unexpectedly interrupted by Gu Shao's injury, and he was blinded!

"Good punch....good punch!"

After a long time, Gu Santong came back to his senses and saw Gu Shaoshang standing in front of him with his fists closed.

And his body below the neck that was bombarded by this punch was all pressed into the ground, and even the King Kong Indestructible Magic that was transported was scattered, and the whole body was numb.

All resistance has been lost.

Gu Santong exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, this punch was the most powerful punch he had ever seen in his life.

Gu Shaoshang looked at Gu Santong with a half-smile, and felt that the ancient Santong was really a martial arts idiot. At this time, he was not afraid of killing him casually, but he was still thinking about his own boxing skills.


Gu Shao hurt a little under his feet, his strength burst out, and with a rumbling sound, the surrounding ground waved like waves.


Gu Santong screamed in pain, and his body was involuntarily held up by a force and jumped from the ground.

"Gu Shaoxia's boxing skills are truly the best in the world!"

In the distance, Zhuge Zheng came to me and exclaimed.

Although he was blind, his heart was clear and bright. Although Gu Shaoshang's boxing technique had not been seen, the mighty boxing intent that filled the world really made him amazed.

Gu Shaoshang smiled without saying a word. Compared with the great masters who destroyed the world in the memories of the old man, he was nothing.

"Your boxing skills are unparalleled. I think you are here to absorb the power of Dafa and King Kong's indestructible magic!"

Gu Santong staggered a few steps, looked at Gu Shaoshang, and said.

"Yes, I do have some interest in King Kong's Indestructible Magic and Qigong Dafa! I can exchange it for the whereabouts of your wife and children!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded and replied, although Gu Shaoshang is stronger than him, he is not willing to force the secrets of the ancient three links.

"Su Xin...... tell me, where are Su Xin and...... my child? I'll give you these two magical skills!"

Gu Santong's expression was as happy as sad, and his eyes were fixed on Gu Shaoshang.

"In those days, you and Zhu ignored the decisive battle on the Tianshan Mountains, and in the end, Suxin wanted to stop you both. After suffering incurable injuries, after taking a capsule of Tianxiang cardamom, they fell asleep in the Tianshan Ice Cave, and your son's name was Cheng Zhengfei. At this time Right in the lingering in the casino!"

Gu Shaoshang said frankly, not at all afraid that Gu Santong would regret it later.

"Su Xin....Tianxiang Cardamom!"

Gu Santong gritted his teeth, he naturally knew what Tianxiang cardamom was, and he knew that if he wanted to save Su Xin, he needed the other two Tianxiang cardamom.

"I can tell you the whereabouts of the remaining two cardamoms."

Gu Shaoshang leaked an inexplicable smile, looked at the silent Gu Santong, and said, "But you have to promise to help me with one thing!"

"What's the matter? I promise you!"

Gu Santong suddenly raised his head and looked over in surprise.

The difficulty of finding two Tianxiang cardamom all over the world can be imagined, so Gu Shaoshang promised Gu Shaoshang without even thinking about it.

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