Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 177: Son of Destiny!

What can Daming Jianghu World get?

Gu Shaoshang felt that only these Taoist Buddhist scriptures, the essence of these predecessors! If you get it, it is more useful than any magic tricks.

Gu Shaoshang seemed to be leisurely and contentedly on the rocking chair, but in fact, he cultivated his blood energy externally, cultivated pure Yang Zhenqi, and integrated the countless martial arts secrets and Taoist Buddhist scriptures in his mind.

Of course, this is not a simple project. If you are an ordinary person, you will not be able to do it for hundreds of years. Even for him, it will take at least ten or twenty years to achieve initial results.

But he is not in a hurry, the road to longevity is long, neither slow nor in a hurry, just right.

Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes to recuperate and polished his blood, not far in front of him.

Two young girls, one big and one small, moved around in the middle of the yard, practicing their fists and feet.

It was Zhang Yi and the Princess Yunluo!

Since the moment when he witnessed Gu Shaoshang flying to the sky outside the Tibetan Scripture Building that day, the county master, who grew up in the deep palace compound since childhood, was deeply shocked, and wanted to worship Gu Shaoshang as his teacher at all costs.

Even more quietly, he took several peerless divine arts treasured by the royal family as his apprenticeship ceremony.

Anyway, one sheep is also put, and two are the same.

call! and!

The two girls exhaled, and in the sweat like clouds and mist, their feet were like muddy ground, the energy between the palms of their fingers drifted away, and the air that was beating made a crackling sound.

The practice is no longer any internal boxing, but between the moves, the shape and meaning are vaguely visible, Baji, Taiji, Sanhuang Paoquan and other inner boxing, as well as Wang Chao's Heart Sealing Mother Boxing, Tang Zichen's Innate Bagua Palm , Ba Liming's Sun Wheel Fist, and even the God leader's Innate Twelve Twists!

It is indeed Gu Shaoshang who summed up his boxing skills, which is already a masterpiece of dragon and snake boxing!

Practice to the extreme, even holding Dan is not a problem, in addition to seeing that the gods are not bad and difficult to achieve, it is already an extremely tyrannical boxing technique!

When Gu Shaoshang opened and closed his brows and eyes, he could see the fists of the two girls burst out, and faint sweat beads flew out.

The two girls have been promoted to dark strength, especially Zhang Yi, with pure boxing skills, dark strength penetrates the chest and abdomen!

Zhang Yi, a girl with average aptitude, under the shock of Gu Shaoshang's powerful force, she progressed at an astonishing speed.

Even Yunluo, who was talented and intelligent since childhood, couldn't keep up.



The two girls slowly retracted their poses, and the faint white air gathered but did not disperse, like an arrow of air, spit out from their mouths, more than a foot long, and would not disperse for a long time.

"Senior sister! Let's not disturb the master! Go out for a walk!"

Yun Luo shook her robe, rolled her eyes, and said while pulling Zhang Yi's arm.

"No, I still have to stand on the horse stub for two hours, you can go by yourself!"

Zhang Yi shook his head, broke Yunluo's arm, walked to the middle of the courtyard, his legs were different, his hands were straight, and he was silent.

"I go by my own!"

Yunluo gritted her teeth, snorted, and quietly left the door.

It's really hard for her to practice martial arts every day, and Gu Shaoshang is like a pair, the master leads the door, and practice is in a personal attitude.

Over time, she spends most of her day wandering the streets.


Gu Shaoshang naturally knew that Yunluo left, but he just chuckled and ignored her.

Learning martial arts is one's own business. I am afraid that I will not practice martial arts because of the hard work and loneliness. As a master, Gu Shaoshang can't always practice for you, right?


Yun Luo left with a few guards around her excitedly and wandered the streets.

In recent days, many people from all corners of the world have come to Beijing, the crowds are crowded, and the bustling and noisy places are far more than usual.

"Miss! Let's go back! It's not safe!"

The little maid who followed Yunluo sighed and pulled Yunluo's sleeves and said.

The Queen Mother had already told her that the current capital is mixed with fish and dragons, and a little carelessness will cause danger, but she really can't resist the temperament of her own county master.

"Little stool, don't worry! This female hero is a true master of martial arts. Looking at the world, there are few opponents of this female hero!"

Yunluo patted her chest indifferently, as if the world was as big as possible,


The small stool sighed and followed behind.

Several people have been walking through several streets and came to a casino.

"Casino! Go, go in and have a look!"

Yunluo's eyes lit up and she was about to enter in big strides.

"Hey, my lady!"

The little stool's face changed greatly. If the Queen Mother knew that she had brought the young lady into the casino, she would not kill herself!

Keep Yunluo at once, and don't let go.


Several people were making a commotion when suddenly, a few big men lifted a young man and threw it out of the casino!

Seeing that the person who was thrown was about to hit Yunluo, she took a step forward at the same time with the two silent guards behind Yunluo, and shot out the long knife with its sheath.

clap clap! With two beeps, he was swept away by one zhang.


The young man wailed several times, looking so badly injured that it was difficult to get up.

"Oh! Did you hurt someone!"

Yunluo glanced at the guards reproachfully. Although she was a princess, she had no idea of ​​being superior to others. She naturally blamed herself for hurting people by her guards.

"Hey! Are you alright!"

Yunluo walked up to the boy and asked with a frown.

Although she has only been studying art with Gu Shaoshang for half a year, she naturally understands the muscles and bones very well in the practice of Chinese martial arts. At first glance, although the young man screamed again and again, in fact, he was completely unscathed!

"Whoops! My rib is broken! My leg is broken too! It's so miserable! I'm so miserable!"

The young man stole a glance at Yunluo, and seeing that she was dressed in luxury, the screams involuntarily became a little higher!

"Humph! You still want to deceive this heroine with this little trick! Go dream!"

Yunluo saw that although this young man was not young, he was full of arrogance, and he also had superficial martial arts.

He snorted, turned around and left.

"I want to leave after hurting people!"

When the young man saw that Yunluo was about to leave, he cried out in his heart that it was not good, his five fingers suddenly spread out, and a claw slammed out in the whistling, locking Yunluo's shoulders!

"Haha! I want to sneak attack on this heroine! You are still a little tender!"

Instead of being surprised, Yun Luo was overjoyed, she laughed twice, her body suddenly turned around, and her five fingers squeezed out a fist mark and suddenly got out.

There was a crisp sound in the air, and it was bombarding the boy's chest.


The young man let out a pained cry, but instead of retreating, he advanced. With the claws whistling, he slammed down and pressed it on Yunluo's shoulder.

"Haha! Little girl! How powerful is Uncle Cheng's Shaolin grabber!"

The young man laughed loudly. In addition to his self-taught skills, he had no disadvantage in the battle with the rogues of the past. Sure enough, he easily captured this little girl.

"Auntie taught you to be a man!"

Yun Luo scolded, her body trembled, her shoulders burst out with dark energy, shaking the boy's palm away.

The body first stepped back half a step, and then took a half step earlier, involuntarily, exhaled, raised a single fist from the waist, and blasted a "half-step collapse fist"!


The young man was caught off was punched out by Yunluo, unable to lift himself up in one breath, collapsed to the ground, only feeling that his internal organs were numb.

For a while, I couldn't help but scream in my heart: "It's miserable! Uncle Cheng has encountered a stubborn stubble! Dad, come and save me!"

"Stinky boy! Dare to attack this heroine! Look at the trick!"

Yunluo strode over with excitement on her face, and greeted the boy's whole body with fists and feet like rain.


[The Mirror Master's personal disciple Yunluo defeated the Son of Destiny in Daming Jianghu to become right and wrong, and obtained 600 source power (only one-fifth of the Mirror Master's own actions)]


Gu Shaoshang suddenly opened his eyes!

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