Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Jianghu pursuit order!

First, they were undefeated in the decisive battle against the East, and then they killed more than a thousand people. Even with Gu Shaoshang's mental strength, he couldn't help but his physical strength dropped to a freezing point, which was almost the lowest point in history.

And when he walked to the moat, under the shattered ice surface, a cold cyan blade light suddenly appeared!


A faint chirping sound sounded, as if covering the wind whistling in the sky, and the billowing cyan blade light rose, and then it was a faint silvery white, like a faint moonlight flowing!

Violent and fast to the extreme!

In the excited sound of Qingyue, wherever the knife light passed by, the air was cut into waves of ripples, straddling several meters, looking straight at the location of Shaoxing's chest!

There is also a soul-stirring, demonic aura rising from the blade, invisibly attacking Gu Shaoshang!

"God Slash?"

Gu Shao was secretly surprised in his sadness. The earliest date he set for the decisive battle was the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month.

This person must have been waiting here for a long time. With his spiritual sense, he only realized it at the moment when the sword light broke through the ice. Although there is a reason for his state of slipping, this person's ability to hide and hide is indeed extraordinary!

"I've been waiting for you!"

But Gu Shaoshang sneered slightly, exhaled, his feet were like stepping on thunder, and the ground suddenly rolled, but Gu Shaoshang's body did not move at all, and a huge force bounced up from his feet, and the meridians all over his body were gathered between the fists and palms.

Press the waist with one hand, raise the fist with one hand, and squeeze the five fingers together to form a fist mark.


The air was like a real punch, and it was almost exploded!

The gust of wind and the ripping sound of the gust of wind that was set off were like thunder in an instant!

"How can it be!"

Qiu Xiaolou, who was in the silver-white sword light, flashed this thought in his heart. He had been ambushed under the ice surface by the secret method of suspended animation of the Western Demon Sect a few days ago, and his whole body was like a dead man lying in ambush outside the city gate. , is to wait for this opportunity, launch Divine Sword Slash, kill Gu Shaoshang!

But he never expected that even after the undefeated decisive battle with Dongfang, Gu Shaoshang would still have such a powerful punch!

"Could it be that he never fought Dongfang Invincible today?"

Qiu Xiaolou's thoughts turned, based on the analysis of the intelligence information he obtained from the Western Demon Sect, and Gu Shaoshang's way of doing things, he calculated that this person has a great possibility to launch an offensive as soon as Dongfang Invincible arrives in the capital!

After he faked his death, he actually didn't have any spiritual sense. He was actually the same as a dead person. He never saw the undefeated battle between Gu Shaoshang and Dongfang, and he had a great misunderstanding of Gu Shaoshang's martial arts judgment!


No regrets, never die!

Qiu Xiaolou slaughtered all his emotions and launched the Divine Sword Slash with all his strength! No matter how tyrannical Gu Shaoshang's punch is, he just slashed Gu Shaoshang in the chest!


As if countless golden and iron symphonies sounded, Gu Shaoshang felt like a thin layer of light gold was plated on his entire chest at the moment when the sword light reached his body. At the same time, the tiny muscles and membranes around his body moved the air, forcibly receiving a mind from Qiu Xiaolou. Knife cut!


Qiu Xiaolou's pupils shrank, Gu Shaoshang obtained the Indestructible Diamond Art in just one year, how could he learn the Indestructible Vajra Art? What kind of talent was the ancient three links back then, and it took 19 years of practice to cultivate it!

There is no room to dodge, no room to retreat!

Qiu Xiaolou's heart was filled with despair and grievance. In his eyes, everything seemed to disappear, except for this terrifying fist that seemed to overturn the sky!


In a desperate and unwilling roar, the gleaming white light covering Qiu Xiaolou's body suddenly closed in the palms of his arms, revealing a face with blue veins. !

Gu Shaoshang's face suddenly turned pale, the palm on his waist suddenly lifted, and he squeezed the roaring magic sword "Xiaolou listens to the wind and rain all night", and the fist mark slammed down.


The unstoppable punching force broke both of his arms in an instant, and even the stubble of the bones came out.

There was no time to even let out a scream, and the fist mark that was almost unabated suddenly fell on the head of Qiu Xiaolou's despair and unwillingness.


In a dull low sound, Qiu Xiaolou's head suddenly disappeared!

Then, it fell on the ice surface of the moat with a thud, and smashed into pieces of minced meat!

This peerless master of the Western Demon Sect, "Bai Xiaosheng" who has set off countless fights, was beaten to death by Gu Shaoshang because of a single thought!

[The Mirror Master kills Qiu Xiaolou, a peerless master in the world of Daming Jianghu, and obtains 3,600 source power points]

Gu Shaoshang closed his fists and stood upright, his indifferent eyes glanced at the people present and the onlookers, and said indifferently: "From now on, anyone who mentions the head of a Western Demon Sect can exchange for his own martial arts set. Even if it is the great practice of absorbing the power, the King Kong is not bad magic, and even the sunflower collection! All of them can be!"

Gu Shao was really tired of this organization hidden in the dark, but he didn't have the patience to play with them, so he moved in his heart and issued a "kill order"!

The indifferent and mighty voice spread for dozens of miles in an instant.

In the rivers and lakes, the eternal battles are almost all treasures and secrets of magic, and there is no doubt that what Gu Shaoshang said is the peerless magic. People who are idle in the rivers and lakes may not be able to see their true colors for life!

An undercurrent is about to set off. The Western Demon Sect, which has been hidden for hundreds of years, is about to meet it almost immediately, and the masters of the rivers and lakes are pouring in like a tide!

Gu Shaoshang smiled lightly and walked into the city gate with the magic knife "Listen to the spring rain all night in a small building", and he could already feel the countless burning gazes behind him.


In the mountains and forests in the distance, Fang Zheng, who witnessed Gu Shaoshang defeat Dongfang Invincible, slaughtered thousands of people, and killed unknown swordsman masters, remained silent.

It wasn't until he heard what Gu Shaoshang said that his color changed slightly!

Gu Shaoshang's chasing order, it is conceivable that people from all corners of the world will come crazy!

However, once someone gets the magic tricks from Gu Shaoshang's hands! The chaos that followed was unimaginable!

And bear the brunt, UU reading www.uukanshu. A large number of martial arts cheats have been circulated, and the most harmful ones are the major sects in the Jianghu today!

Shaolin and Wudang must be the first to bear the brunt of martial arts!

This is definitely not what Fang Zheng and Chong Xu want!

"Amitabha! It's good! This time back to the mountain, I will ask the Patriarch to subdue the demons, so as to protect my Shaolin foundation for thousands of years!"

After a long time, Fang Zheng, who had a bitter face, sighed. Such a turmoil is unimaginable, and the harm it brings is more serious than the closure of the Shaolin Temple.

Fangzheng, as the abbot of Shaolin, could not see Shaolin's foundation shaken.


Chong Xu looked at Gu Shaoshang's disappearing figure, brushed the dust, and nodded in agreement.

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