Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 203: Projection Sun God!


These three god-level secret manuals are all made of an unknown animal skin, and the tentacles are cold.

With his strength at this time, even a slight tear was enough to tear the armored car in the Dragon Snake World in half. Unexpectedly, this animal skin would not move at all.

Gu Shaoshang watched carefully, but at the time of the tea, he had already memorized these three god-level secrets in his heart, and got up and went down to the second floor.

These three god-level cheats are of the same level as the golden bell hood obtained by Gu Shaoshang’s projection. Among them, “God Emperor’s No Second Sword” records a sword technique, and as the name suggests, it is a trick!

And it is still an advanced **** level, and only specific acupoints can exert all the power.

In addition to that, "Zhigang Pure Yang Qi" can only be practiced after condensing the true qi seeds. Only "Zhutian Longxiang Jue" can be practiced only after Gu Shaoshang stimulates blood energy.


The purple light suddenly shattered!

[Mirror Master challenged the main world projection Zheng Zhongchang, failed! 】

Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, only to find that he had returned to the mirror space. After thinking about it, he realized that if he didn't do it for half an hour, it would automatically determine that the challenge failed and the challenge scene would be broken.

"But it doesn't matter, half an hour a day, and it will take a few days to write down all of them."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and took the All-Heaven Mirror in his hand.

Gu Shaoshang is naturally not in a hurry, he has enough time to take his time, just taking this opportunity to make up for the shortcomings of his main world martial arts.

"Chen Xian, Jiuding!"

After that, with Gu Shaoshang's opening, the source power flowed out again.


The purple light in the mirrors of the heavens suddenly flourished, and then condensed into a small black cauldron the size of a baby's fist.


Gu Shaoshang took it over and checked it.

This Kyushu cauldron is the first rare treasure he has discovered, and it is also a secret treasure that he has been waiting for for a long time.

In the world of nine cauldrons, after Dayu unified the world, he created the magical little cauldron of the nine directions. In the belief of thousands of people in Kyushu for countless years, he finally escaped into the void and disappeared into the long river of time.

Each side of the Kyushu cauldron may be different or different, but in fact there is one feature that they all have, that is, the size of the Kyushu cauldron is as big as it should be, and there is a small space inside!

"Kyushu Ding!"

Gu Shaoshang held the Fang Xiaoding and let out a smile. With this Fang Jiuzhou Ding, his carry-on space can be satisfied. Although the space is very small, only about twenty feet, it is enough for Gu Shaoshang to hurt one. people used it.

As for later, he naturally went back to the world of Jiuding and found other small cauldrons from all directions, but he didn't know if the unity of the cauldrons could become a four-star secret treasure?


Gu Shaoshang put away the Jiuzhou tripod and picked up the mirror of the heavens again.

There is still one place for the projection of the heavens, Gu Shaoshang thought for a long time before, and finally made up his mind.

At this time, the mirrors of the heavens can only project the projections of the powerhouses of the two-star realm. Among the two-stars, except for some tyrannical and perverted terrifying existences, there are not many choices.

After all, Gu Shaoshang at this time does not need other tyrannical physiques, nor any other rare treasures.

"Projection, Yangshen World, Emperor Dagan, Yang Pan, age...40...35?"

Gu Shaoshang spoke abruptly, but in the end he spoke with a little hesitation. He really couldn't remember Yang Pan's specific age, so he could only make a rough estimate.

Anyway, even if you try a few more times, it's just a waste of resources. You must know that Yang Pan's resources under the same strength are far beyond what Hong Yi can match!

As the great emperor of a dynasty, Yang Pan holds the inheritance of the ancient **** of creation and the great wealth left after the slaughter of the Dachan Temple, which can be called a huge treasure house!

Among them, there is also a peerless divine art that Gu Shaoshang pays special attention to, "The Sutra of No Life in the Future"!

[The main active projection of the mirror.... consumes 5000 points of source power.... starts projection]


The mirrors of the heavens tumbled violently, and the infinite purple gas filled the entire space in the mirror, and then suddenly the purple light was released!

In the dense purple air, a big world is looming!


A flash of purple light travels rapidly in an unknown place...

In the endlessly distant world of the Sun God.

The Daqian Dynasty stared at prosperity, with vast land and resources, vast and vast, with a population of tens of millions.

The heavy snow swept across the sky, dyeing the entire Yujing white, like a country of ice and snow. ..

This year is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the country, and the emperor Yang Pan has only been on the throne for a few years.

Ten years later, after Dagan united with the world's number one master of Taishang Dao, Meng Shenji, to wipe out the Dachan Temple in the world's holy land, the prosperity of the Dagan Dynasty reached its peak.

"Know quiescence and then there is tranquility, tranquility and then tranquility, tranquility and then tranquility, tranquility and then mindfulness, mindfulness and then..."

In a small room in the "Wu Wenhou" mansion.

A young boy in a cotton-padded coat was studying poetry and books. He was thin and his cotton-padded clothes were tattered. Behind him, a beautiful woman with a gloomy face was lying on the bed, with a sallow face, suddenly violent. He coughed and spit out red blood!

"Mother! I...I'm going to ask the eldest lady to get you medicine!"

The little boy's reading sound stopped, he glanced at the woman anxiously, ignored the woman's cry, pushed open the door and walked into the snow.


The young man suddenly looked up and looked up at the sky, only to see a touch of the most noble purple energy coming from the sky, and with a grand and mighty momentum, it was laid out in the direction of the palace...

"Purple Qi is coming from the east?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, then reacted and walked to the front hall.


Purple air swept past, passed through the golden roof of the palace, the red gate, the rockery pavilion, and came to an underground bedroom.

A middle-aged man in a plain yellow dragon robe looked at the front with no expression on his face, only to see in front of him, amidst the endless masterpieces, a heavily damaged boat floating and sinking in it.

"Unfortunately, although I got this boat of good fortune, I don't know how many years it will take to restore it!"

The middle-aged man spoke lightly, with divine light in his eyes, staring at the boat of creation, and said coldly: "Dream God Machine, one day..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud noise, frowned slightly, and was about to scold when he was enveloped by a burst of purple light!

With his Martial Saint's cultivation, it is difficult to avoid it!

"Purple Qi is coming from the east, this is God's congratulations for His Majesty..."


In the world in the mirror, Gu Shaoshang suddenly raised his brows and saw the dense purple air dissipate.

[The main mirror projects the world of Yangshen......Yang Pan......has been projected! 】


Gu Shaoshang was slightly overjoyed, took the mirrors of the heavens, and released Yang Pan's projection.


Above the stone platform, a purple light waved like a water surface, and then condensed into a figure.

The figure was about seven feet tall, wearing a flat crown on his head, wearing a plain yellow dragon robe, and wearing a pair of dragon boots. His face was cold and his eyes were indifferent.

"Yang Pan!"

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