Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 205: Activate the Eucharist!

The siblings cleaned up their complicated feelings and walked into the Yanwu Hall.

As long as the assessment is completed, it is not difficult to join the Yanwutang, and Wang Zhenjiu and his brother are actually the last group of people to come back.

After paying homage to the Grand Governor, a group of people walked out of the hall one after another, and it was just past noon.

"The Governor is really, too strong!"

Wang Zhenjiu's face was pale, and his body couldn't stop shaking.


Wang Yanyun did not speak, and had not recovered from the shock.

There was no one laughing around, and everyone who had visited the portrait could understand what kind of horror it was.

"Huh! Red light? This is a fire!"

"No! That's not right! How can the fire burn so big! This is someone who has been promoted and established his life and condensed his blood!"

"How is it possible! Such blood!"

"Oh my God! Hurry up and see, what kind of strongman is he? He broke through as soon as he joined Yanwutang!"

Sister Wang Yanyun had not regained her senses when she heard a burst of clamor, and looked back suddenly, she couldn't help but be stunned.

I saw in the southwest corner of the Yanwu Hall, the red light shot up several dozen meters into the sky, even the brilliance of the sun could not cover it up, dyeing the entire southwest corner of the sky red!

"Sister! Go and see, who is breaking through now."

Wang Zhenjiu was shocked, pulling Wang Yanyun, who was shocked, and went to the southwest corner along with the boiling crowd.


call! call!

The gust of wind that swept across Gu Shaoshang's breath pulled up.

Gu Shaoshang's whole body was red, he sat cross-legged on the ground, and a high-pitched blood flow sounded through his body, and the sound traveled dozens of feet.

His eyes were tightly closed, the power of the sea of ​​consciousness moved with his heart, swimming back and forth around him, and under Gu Shaoshang's induction, a trace of golden blood flowed wildly in his body.

With the flow of blood, Gu Shao's muscles and bones, and even his whole body, were wailing overwhelmed, and then, at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, it slowly became stronger.


The blood flow became stronger and stronger, Gu Shaoshang's body kept buzzing, and a dim but indestructible golden light lit up on the red body surface.

It is astonishing that even the golden bell is running at overspeed.

"not enough!"

Gu Shao shook his head, the power of the sea surged through, and opened the storage bag in front of him. Fruits with an alluring aroma flew up. Amidst the screams of anger and eagerness crouching on the eaves, Gu Shao was swept away. Swallow it!

Immediately, Yuan Mang Devouring Stars all started running!


The violent airflow suddenly erupted on Gu Shaoshang's body. Every pore around his body blew out a huge airflow fiercely, carrying the impurities in Gu Shaoshang's body, whistling and pulling up the winds!


Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but let out a low snort. Although the fruit he swallowed was one-ninth of the fruit of the Nine Wonderful Immortal Medicine, the potency of the medicine was still terrifying, especially when Gu Shaoshang's Yuan Python swallowed it. After all the star records are in operation, it will play a huge role!


Finally, Gu Shaoshang's head roared, and endless blood light radiated from his body, turning into a blood-colored curtain that was several feet wide, rising into the sky, with a height of several dozen feet!


Like the big brass bell of the temple ringing, and like a dull thunder exploding in my mind!

In Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense, it was as if he rose into the sky in an instant, and flew out of the sky with a whistling! In a trance, I communicated with an indescribable great existence!


In the huge flowing sound, Gu Shaoshang only felt a burst of mellow and vast energy pouring down from the sky, but it was gentle, nourishing his body and soul!

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

In Gu Shaoshang's mind, the details of his own body emerged. In the white bones like jade, the bone marrow was working frantically. Finally, a large amount of energy gathered into a drop of golden blood!

That is, the blood of the Eucharist!

Gu Shaoshang suddenly became enlightened in his heart,

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The sound of blood that almost resounded into a line resounded in Gu Shaoshang's mind, and the red light in the sky suddenly rose again!

Under the reflection of the endless blood energy, and under the onlookers of countless people, the blood energy battle flag with a height of dozens of meters suddenly turned into a huge oven emitting billowing heat!

The last blood-colored dragon burst out of the furnace, going up and down in the sky! Tooth and claws!

"Blood Qi Long! Blood Qi Long! Who is this person! As soon as he was promoted, he became a blood Qi Long Long!"

"Impossible! How could it be possible to directly achieve a blood and energy dragon!"

"Who is it here?"

"Ah! I don't believe it! How is it possible!"

The crowd that surrounded Gu Shao's wounded hospital suddenly boiled up, looking up at the huge blood-colored dragon that came and went in the sky, with a dull expression, unbelievable!

"Everyone is not allowed to come forward!"

In the roaring turbulent air, Zheng Zhongchang broke through the air and stood outside the courtyard gate. As his sleeves danced, the violent force immediately pushed the excited crowd backwards.

"Good boy! It's really amazing!"

Zheng Zhongchang couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart. It's not that he hasn't seen a genius martial artist like Gu Shaoshang who has been promoted to the late stage of life in one fell swoop, but it's still unbelievable!

Who are the few warriors who were promoted to a long-blooded dragon before Dayan?

Taibai Sword Sect, Mu Qingliu, known as the exiled immortal! The disciple of the Great Governor of Yanwutang, Gao Jinyang! The contemporary eldest disciple of the Hanging Temple, Kun Xiang! The peerless genius of the Divine Sword Sect, Fu Sandao!

All of them are peerless geniuses who stimulated the divine body at a young age and climbed Qizong before they were weak!

Zheng Zhongchang was stunned. Suddenly, the sky and the earth became dark, as if the night suddenly fell!


Zheng Zhongchang couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, and looking back suddenly, he saw the scarlet long dragon in the sky shot straight into the courtyard, and then, the golden light from the sky shot out, and the huge brilliance covered the bright noon sun in an instant!

Then, as if in an instant, the sun disappeared! Night falls!

"The sea!"

Suddenly, the blue sea appeared, sparkling!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, it seemed that the entire Yanwutang was submerged by the sea!

The waves beat the waves! The tsunami rises, and the roaring sea breeze brings moisture!

It was as if, in an instant, he came to the sea!

Then, a full moon rose from the sea, and a faint silver moonlight lay down! moon rises from the sea!

"Vision! Divine body! It's still an inspired **** body!"

Zheng Zhongchang couldn't help trembling all over, and the ground under his feet suddenly cracked, cracking in all directions!

Although the divine body is rare, activating the divine body requires not only massive resources, but also great luck, God's will!

Dayan, and even the entire vast continent, there are naturally many people with divine bodies, but if they are not discovered at a young age, after they are over ten years old, the difficulty of activating them is beyond imagination!

There was a big power that tried something, and the resources spent almost emptied it out!

And the divine body is only initially activated!

Therefore, Zheng Zhongchang could not have imagined how unlucky this young man was!


In the dazed eyes of everyone, the vision disappeared, and then, a young man in a black robe pushed the door out.

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