Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 209: I am the only one!

Under the jaw-dropping gazes of the onlookers, Gu Shaoshang and Kun Xiang's heads collided amidst the billowing air!

A loud sound like the ringing of a bronze bell echoed in the sky, and even Gu Gu and others, who were several dozen meters away, couldn't help but secretly grieved.


With a loud cry, Kun Xiang suddenly fell to the ground on his back. With a loud bang, in the violent vibration of the ground, Kun Xiang was smashed into the ground and disappeared immediately!

Gu Shaoshang didn't snort, the whole person flew upside down several tens of meters high, and then smashed heavily on the ground.


Gu Shaoshang hummed in his mind, only to feel a splitting headache, fell to the ground, and couldn't stand up for a long time, as if the stars in the sky appeared at the same time!

Directly hit by this fat monk with a headbutt, he almost fainted!

"Don't hurt!"

Taking into account the big change in his face, he shouted and stepped forward to help Gu Shaoshang.

"kill him!"

Li Fengyan gritted his teeth secretly. He didn't expect Gu Gu's nephew to be so powerful. Since he was able to fight against the world-renowned Kun, the only thing he could do was to kill Gu Gu first and hide in the Tiger Roar army camp. If you don't believe that Gu Shaoshang dares to enter the barracks!


Following Li Fengyan's order, the four life-defining warriors scattered around were equally terrified, looking at each other at the same time to stimulate their blood!

The sky and the earth suddenly turned red, and four huge blood energy suddenly rose up, transforming into battle flags, furnaces, and even blood energy dragons, whistling and sweeping the sky with a blast of air, killing Gu Jian!

"Don't hurt!"

Gu Jiang saw Gu Shaoshang lying on the ground from a distance, with a huge bruising bag rising high in the middle of his forehead!

Before I had time to go forward, I heard the four turbulent winds swept in behind me. With a big change in my face, my blood was aroused, and I turned around to protect Gu Shaoshang!


With a cold snort, Kun Xiang, who was wearing a plain white robe, suddenly jumped out of the ground and struck out with a palm!


The terrifying and tyrannical power suddenly erupted, the heaven and the earth seemed to be completely dark, the pale golden palm was shining brightly, and the brilliance of Hao Sun seemed to be covered by it, and the airflow within a radius of twenty or thirty feet suddenly lifted the dust and soil all over the sky!

The tyrannical and unparalleled huge palm force suddenly erupted from the pale golden palm. Compared with the palm that was caught and taken care of before, the power was more than several times greater!

"not good!"

The four middle-aged men who were under consideration for the siege let out an angry roar, completely ignoring why Kun Xiang suddenly shot, but under the power of this palm, there was no time to think about anything. Shang Kunxiang's palm power!


The four middle-aged men didn't even snort, they were swept away by the wind, and they flew out dozens of feet like scarecrows!

Muscles, bones and flesh rot into a ball, and the death is miserable!

"The Buddha said that people want to bring them back to the Hanging Temple, but you still dare to do it!"

The smile on Kun Xiang's face suddenly disappeared, and his indifferent eyes glanced at Li Fengyan, who fell to the ground and kowtowed again and again, and spoke lightly.

"Buddha, spare your life! Buddha, spare your life!"

Li Fengyan knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, and the cold sweat couldn't stop swaying down. Only then did he remember that this Kun Xiang of the Hanging Temple was the most murderous one among the four blazing suns of Dayan!

Nicknamed "Buddha Fire Kun Xiang", Dharma Protector King Kong of Xuankong Temple!


Kun Xiang put a single palm on his chest, and let out a cold snort, the sound waves condensed like an arrow and shot straight at Li Fengyan!


Li Fengyan hugged his head and screamed in agony. Immediately, his seven orifices bleed, and he fell to the ground dead.

"Good monk! Good headbutt!"

Gu Shaoshang only stood up at this time. Although he had already woken up before, he did not feel Kun Xiang's killing intent, and was happy to recover. At this time, seeing that his killing intent was so heavy, he had to stand up and block him. Consider the front.

At this time, Gu Shaoshang, although the swollen lump on his forehead has disappeared, he still has a faint headache. This monk's head is hard beyond imagination!

"Junior Brother is really good at it! Even the headbutt of Senior Brother can't hurt you!"

Seeing Gu Shaoshang getting up, Xiang Kun swept away the killing intent on his face, smiled slightly, and said.

When Kun Xiang saw Gu Shaoshang getting up, it was only a slight redness on his forehead, but the others were unscathed, and he couldn't help but jump in his heart.

Even he, who has been practicing the golden bell hood since childhood, is strong enough to be on par with the gods, but he couldn't help but feel dizzy and dizzy after the collision. Unscathed, even, but a few moments more dazed than himself?

Kun Xiang was shocked in his heart, but he looked at him with a smile on his face. He made up his mind to tie the two uncles and nephews to the Hanging Temple together!


Gu Shaoshang twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at the smiling fat monk in front of him. He knew that he had seen his practice of the golden bell, but his expression suddenly calmed down: "Although you are better than me, monk, you want to pull me to do it. monk!"

Speaking of this, Gu Shaoshang suddenly stepped on his feet!

"You're not enough for class!"

With Gu Shaoshang's indifferent voice, the golden blood on his body rose to the sky, whistling and turned into a long golden blood dragon!

There was an explosion under his feet, and before he had time to speak, he was pushed away by a gust of air, only to see Gu Shaoshang's figure moving, pulling up a violent and incomparably violent turbulent air current. Go away!

The air within Gu Shaoshang's body was suddenly pushed away by his explosive force, and the endless loess gravel raised a huge curtain of ten feet high around him!


In the midst of the overwhelming movement, Gu Shaoshang raised his head, his eyes were golden, like a demon, suddenly crossing a distance of several tens of meters, and reaching a few meters in front of Kun Xiang!

The left hand clenched a fist and pressed against the waist, and the right arm bounced straight through like a sky-piercing jade pillar. In a huge tearing sound like a ghost cry and a wolf howl, the five fingers suddenly closed, squeezed a fist mark, and banged down!

This is the first time that Gu Shaoshang has used all his strength since he activated the Holy Body. The power is so great that even Kun Xiang couldn't help but sigh in admiration.


Under Gu Shaoshang's fist style, Kun Xiang clasped his hands together, and his moon-white monk robe squeaked loudly.

"The Buddha has fire in his heart!"

Xiang Xiang's head suddenly lifted up, and his face under the white light was calm with a trace of crazy killing intent. Following his soft sigh, the palms that were folded in front of his chest suddenly lifted, and one palm went up to meet Young Master Gu. The wounded fist mark, UU reading pressed down with one palm and raised two fingers.

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!

The first of the six god-level secrets of Xuankong Temple "Buddha and I alone"!


With a loud noise like the explosion of ten thousand thunder, the soil within a circle of several tens of feet under Kun Xiang's feet exploded with a bang!

The endless hurricane swept the loess in the sky and suddenly rose from the place where the two fought, turning into a huge mushroom cloud!


A faint golden blood flowed out from the corner of Gu Shaoshang's mouth, and under a burst of force, it flew out like a cannonball!

Amidst the sound of a series of bone explosions all over the body, it roared and bounced dozens of feet, smashing to the ground!


Gu Shaoshang couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of hot golden blood, and then it suddenly vaporized in mid-air.

"Amazing! Awesome!"

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and there was a mess within a radius of several dozen feet. There were huge pits of different depths everywhere, and in a deep pit that was nearly ten feet deep, an indifferent voice sounded.

Kun Xiang sighed, and only his head was left outside.


Kun Xiang suddenly shivered lightly and rose from the deep pit into the sky.

blah blah blah! With a bang, Kun Xiang landed on the ground. At this time, Gu Shaoshang slowly got up with the help of his consideration, and looked at Kun Xiang with a pale face.

"If the monk is in the same realm as you, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death today!"

The gleaming white light on Xiang Xiang's face had already dissipated, his face was extremely sallow, and one arm swayed with the sound of the wind, which was already interrupted by Gu Shaoshang's punch.

"But unfortunately, you are exhausted at this time, but I still have three points to spare."

Kun Xiang smiled slightly, looked at Gu Shaoshang and said lightly: "Then, now, do you want to go with your senior brother, or do you want your senior brother to slap you to death?"

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