Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 213: A few breaths!

The soldier on duty outside Li Gangtian's gate took a few steps forward, pointed his sword diagonally, and glanced at the light of the torch, as if he recognized Gu Shaoshang's disguised person, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"What's the noise?"

The door of the hall suddenly opened, and the gloomy Li Gangtian stepped out and said coldly.

"Master Commander!"

All the soldiers fell to their knees, shivering.

Since Li Fengnian died, Li Gangtian, who lost his two sons, has killed several soldiers because of some trivial matters.

"It's Captain Li Yongfeng! He seems to be drunk."

A young soldier answered bravely.

"Li Yongfeng? Are you tired of living? Drink like this!"

Li Gangtian saw that the figure lying on the ground was indeed Li Yongfeng, and immediately his heart burst into flames and he scolded.

"Li Yongfeng!"

Seeing that there was no reply, Li Gangtian was suddenly furious, and stepped out in one step. When he got to Gu Shao's body, he lifted his leg and kicked it out!


Li Gangtian's footsteps had just lifted, and at this moment, Gu Shaoshang, who fell to the ground, suddenly burst into flames!


Countless waves of cold light surged out, and at the same time as a sound of gold and iron chirping, a light yellow knife light burst out, like a big sun that suddenly lit up!

Within a few dozen feet of the irradiated surroundings, it is bright!

This knife light is unfeeling, endless despair and ruthless, with a coldness that penetrates the heart, a terrifying taste that can kill anything, and kill it with one blow, rising into the sky in an instant!

In the surrounding air, there were countless tearing sounds like ghosts and wolves, and the ground paved with bluestone was suddenly cracked under the knife light, with countless knife marks several feet deep and several feet long!

"Not good! There are assassins!"

The soldiers a few meters away had just turned their heads when they saw a cold and ruthless knife light lit up. They only had time to scream, and under the sudden burst of strong knife light, their eyes were completely white!

"not good!"

Li Gangtian just lifted his footsteps, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart! Before I could even think about it, I saw a tragic and ruthless sword light explode!


The timing of Gu Shaoshang's knife was very good, Li Gangtian's face was beating wildly, and in this ruthless knife light full of slaughter and killing everything, his body, his mind, and his soul flashed at the same time. Such a thought.

"This knife! It can kill me!"


He let out a tragic roar, and the violent infuriating energy all over his body suddenly burst out.


The next moment, behead with a knife! Blood burst!

Amidst Li Gangtian's shrill screams, the blood sprayed all over the sky, and a whole arm with half a shoulder was thrown away several meters away!

"Ah! Whoever you are! I must kill you!"

Li Gangtian, who escaped this desperate slash at the cost of an arm, soared several dozen meters into the air, suspended in the sky, and let out a roar of resentment.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The viscous blood slid to the ground from where his arm was broken, splashing a little dust. Although he lost an arm in this knife, Li Gangtian also realized that the assassin was just a warrior who determined his life. The flying Qi Zong martial artist is invincible by nature!

"you this......"


The corner of Gu Shaoshang's mouth outlined an icy arc, and at the same time as Li Gangtian let out a roar, there was an explosion under his feet.


In the sound of the tumbling wind, the golden blood energy around Gu Shaoshang suddenly erupted like a big sun, and his five fingers suddenly pinched, and he roared into the sky!

It was like a golden lightsaber soaring into the sky!


There was still a touch of shock on Li Gangtian's face, and he was punched by Gu Shaoshang on the chest.


As soon as Gu Shaoshang remembered his hand, he smiled coldly, turned into a golden light and disappeared into the air, disappearing in a few breaths.

"Ah! There are assassins! Lord Commander! There are assassins!"

"Catch assassins!"

"Master Commander!"

Only then did the surrounding soldiers come back to their senses from the dazzling light of Gu Shao's sword, and they watched the blood from the sky with a dull look, and a head with a face of despair and unwillingness fell to the ground!

Gollum slipped at the feet of a soldier!

Just a few breaths! A commander of the Youzhou Tiger Roar Army, a master of Qi Zong level, was beheaded in his own military camp!

Even, apart from a knife light and a touch of golden light, I didn't even see a human figure!

In the next few days, the entire Youzhou was in an uproar. Crazy Tiger Roar Army soldiers flooded the streets and alleys of Jinyan Mansion. No clues were found!

The matter was reduced to a headless koan in the years, if not decades, that followed.


And Gu Shaoshang, who beheaded a Qi Zong powerhouse in a few breaths, is now Shi Shiran riding a flooded horse, all the way west, to Tianjian Mountain.

Although Gu Shaoshang and Kun Xiang have an to meet at Tianjian Mountain, Gu Shaoshang is obviously not in a hurry, walking slowly, every day, brushing projections, or looking for in the projection space That secret secret that I don't know where is hidden.

Along the way, while browsing the scenery of Dayan, I slowly polished my blood.

At this time, his foundation is only one star perfect, and according to Gu Shaoshang's calculations from countless secrets in the martial arts hall, there is a realm above the blood energy like a dragon, that is, the blood energy is as vast as a long river!

Therefore, Gu Shaoshang is not in a hurry at all, silently polishing his blood, while challenging Zheng Zhongchang's projection, as well as the projection of the heavens, Yang Pan!

There is no doubt that Zheng Zhongchang's projection is naturally not the opponent of Gu Shaoshang at this time. Under the full force of Gu Shaoshang, he is often beaten into purple light by Gu Shaoshang in a short time.

However, Yang Pan, with his Martial Saint-level body, is only equivalent to a Martial Artist with blood like a dragon in the later stage of his life, but the magic weapon controlled by his Ghost Immortal cultivation base is really unbelievably powerful, even at this moment Gu Gu Less injury, is not an opponent.

At most, it's just a lose-lose situation.

But Gu Shaoshang did not hold back his anger. Instead, he settled down and slowly polished his body, trying to develop the magic of the Holy Body.


A few months later, at the foot of Tianjian Mountain.

Da da!

Gu Shaoshang, dressed in black robes, rode the Jiaolong horse, and looked around with a slightly larger circle of anger on his shoulders.

"Tianjian Mountain! This name is really simple and rude!"

Gu Shao stopped his horse and looked around.

I saw a dozen or so miles in the distance, there was a huge mountain that was erect like a long sword, and the mountain was ten thousand feet high!

Not only is the peak hidden in the mist, but the bare mountainside is full of white snow!

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