Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 221: God fire on the road!


With the cowhide boots stepping on the bluestone slab, Yang Guang stared at the Chendu Imperial City, which was constantly shouting and killing.

As long as this city is conquered, it will only take a moment for Da Sui to rule the world, and as the commander of this war, he will definitely have the qualifications to compete with his elder brother for the throne!

Massacre the city!

If you want to conquer a city where the people's hearts are not on your side, slaughtering the city is a method that must be experienced. Its feasibility has been verified since ancient times. Yang Guang has led the army for many years and naturally understands the truth.

If you don't want to waste your efforts and completely slaughter the resistance of this city, it is the best choice, the fastest choice.

Yang Guang walked slowly, thinking in his heart.

Beside him are Yu Wentuo, who is silent with Xuanyuan sword in hand, and Yang Su, who is holding Chen Fu in one hand.

"Ah! Ah!"

"Ah! Ah!"

"His Royal Highness King Jin, help!"


Yang Guang's eyes suddenly shot out, and in the countless shouts of killing, he heard someone shouting for help.

"Who? Dare to act wild in front of King Jin?"

Yang Su took a step forward and protected him in front of Yang Guang, his cold eyes swept away.

"Ah! King Jin...His Royal Highness!"

With a cry for help, they fell to the street with a bang. Yang Guang and the others raised their brows, and their eyes were fixed on the very miserable figure on the ground.

"King Jin..."

This figure was dripping with blood, and crawled towards Yang Guang with both hands and feet from a distance, leaving a long blood-colored trace behind him.

"His Royal Highness King Jin...all dead! All dead!"

The figure suddenly raised its head and screamed mournfully.

"It's you!"

Yang Guang frowned suddenly, and his mind was shaken. Long before the war with Chen Guo, he had sneaked a team of masters under his command into the capital of Chen as dark sons. These people were all masters, who could take them all kill?

There are many masters in the world, who would dare to stop the army of the Sui Dynasty?


Rolling thunder sounded violently, and the violent gang wind stirred up the dust in the sky, and a figure wearing a black robe roared.


The foot of the person who came came with a bang, and the head of the person who called for Yang Guang's help was smashed!

The red and white liquid splashed out, but the boot seemed to be covered by an invisible force, and there was no blood.

"How brave!"

The corners of Yang Guang's eyes jumped, and his face couldn't stop twitching. He only felt that he had been slapped **** the face, and it was painful.


Yang Su threw it casually, and threw Chen Fu in his hand to the side.

Looking around, I saw a young figure in a black robe with a chilled face slowly leaking out of the scattered smoke.

"Yang Guang?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows. Could it be Yang Guang, the golden-armored youth known as the King of Jin in front of him?

"If I kill him now! I wonder if the Sui Dynasty will perish in the future?"

Gu Shaoshang's face was indifferent, but this thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Who are you? Why did you kill the Lone King?"

Yang Guang threw down his hands and spoke abruptly, but there was a chill in his heart.

Since this young man appeared, Yang Guang felt a chill in his heart.

"Xuanyuan Sword?"

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Yang Su, Yuwen Tuo, and finally settled on Xuanyuan Sword.

Xuanyuan Sword!

The ancient magic weapon!

This divine sword is simple and restrained. Although it does not have any threatening sword energy, it has a majestic aura of its own. Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but look sideways.

This boy who was only twelve or thirteen years old was able to break the army by himself after he drew out his Xuanyuan sword!

In Gu Shaoshang's view, it is no less than a four-star magic weapon!

In a two-and-a-half-star world, there are magical soldiers above four stars. The meaning of it really makes Gu Shao sad and his thoughts fly.

"Burn and kill the looters, there is more to die for!"

Gu Shaoshang looked at Yang Guang and spoke lightly.

"very good!"

Yang Guang's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Yang Su with a gloomy expression, and with a flick of his cloak, he retreated far away.

"Young man, who is not self-conscious and has some means by himself, to dare to stop me, King Jin of the Great Sui Dynasty, is really the way to die!"

Yang Su's eyes flashed, and she took a step forward, looked at Gu Shaoshang, and said lightly: "The battle of the Great Sui to destroy Chen, the heroes of the world, why don't you dare to intervene?"

The crimson true qi suddenly rose, and Yang Su said indifferently: "Naturally, the general trend of the world is in my Sui Dynasty. Those who dare to stop it will surely die without a corpse!"


The violent infuriating energy suddenly rose into the sky, dyeing the sky a large area of ​​red, the wind whistling swept the smoke and dust in the sky, and the ground suddenly shattered in the violent infuriating surging.

The surrounding air was wrinkled under the scorching infuriating energy.

Within ten feet of Yang Su's body, the air seemed to be squeezed out by the tyrannical True Qi, setting off waves of air waves!

"The godly fire of the righteous father is on the way!"

Yuwen Tuo's expression changed, and he stepped back with his sword.


In the red infuriating qi, Yang Su flipped his palm over and hit Gu Shaoshang with a palm from a distance of more than ten meters!

The violent palm force surged out, and the whole street was in a mess. Amidst the sound of the air, the broken stone floor on the ground suddenly rolled up!

"Shen Huo on the road?"

When Gu Shao was sad, he naturally knew that Yang Su was the top expert in this world, and his strength was unfathomable, but this move was beyond Gu Shaoshang's expectations.

This powerful Although it has not yet crossed the threshold of concentration, it is already close to the limit of Qi Zong, comparable to the monk Kun Xiang in the main world!


Gu Shao's long hair was full of injuries, and the blood in the whole body suddenly burst out. In the golden yellow, facing Yang Su's palm, he stepped forward!

Boom! With a loud explosion, Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up with golden flames. In the violent fluctuation of the air, he stepped forward and swung his fist. In the sudden explosion of the air, his five fingers suddenly closed together, like a dragon-like golden color. The blood swirls over the arm and punches out!

In the vast continent, in the days after Gu Shaoshang finally came to the Hanging Temple, he polished his whole body qi and blood day and night. He had already polished his blood qi to a peak. Just one step away, he could transform the blood qi of a dragon into a long river of qi, even if Yang Su No matter how strong his strength is, Gu Shaoshang will be sure if he doesn't step into concentration!

kill him!

In the eyes of Yang Guang's face that changed greatly, the young man in the black robe actually burst out with a powerful strength comparable to Yang Su!


In the turbulent explosion, the ground on the street suddenly turned up in the sound of the sudden collision of the fists of the two! The surrounding houses collapsed suddenly!

Within the four weeks when the two fought, a violent hurricane lifted countless bricks and stones, whistling like cannonballs flying out in all directions!

Yang Su and Gu Shaoshang threw their fists and palms flying, fighting dozens of moves in a few breaths, and the entire street was destroyed in one go!


With a dull sound, Yang Su took advantage of her strength to fly, staggered back a few steps on the ground, and the ground beneath her feet made a crackling sound under the scorching True Qi.

"The old man underestimates you!"

Yang Su's face was full of surprise, wondering where such a master would appear in the rivers and lakes.

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