Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 228: Punch!

"Your Highness, you!"

Amidst the thunderous sound of horses' hooves, Yang Xuangan looked at Gu Shaoshang and cried out in astonishment, wondering how Gu Shaoshang knew in advance that Song Que was coming.

"Prepare for battle!"

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Yang Xuangan lightly: "If you lead Song Que away, are you sure you will defeat the soldiers under his command in one fell swoop?"

Gu Shaoshang looked at the plain far away, and the cavalry roared like a tide, and he was not surprised.

The Song clan has been operating Lingnan for a long time, and when their own army entered Lingnan, it may have been exposed. Before Gu Shaoshang let the black armored knights rest early, it was naturally a plan to wait for work.

"If Song Que is not here, the subordinates will naturally be sure!"

Saying that, Yang Xuangan suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Gu Shaoshang: "Your Highness, do you have a way to lead Song Que away? Or?"

Yang Xuangan was quite surprised. Although this Highness has been leading the army for many years, he is not known for his strength, and he has never heard of any great masters under his banner!

You have the confidence to lead Song Que away?

Could it be that under this Highness, there are hidden masters?

"Before this battle, the solitary king invited a master to lead Song Que away!"

Gu Shaoshang looked into the distance, like a tide of cavalry in front of the billowing smoke, on top of a war horse, a young man in red armor and a white robe urged the horse to come.

Looking at it from a distance, Gu Shaoshang's eyebrows faintly felt the numbness of a knife's edge!

"Invincible in this battle! Yang Xuangan raised his head to see His Highness!"

Yang Xuangan took a deep breath and issued a military order.

Gu Shaoshang smiled lightly, noncommittal.

Looking directly at the cavalry that rushed in like the tide, the cloak was raised high, the knife was in hand, and he raised his arms and shouted: "Black armored cavalry! Charge!"




In the thunderous howl, three thousand black armored knights came out in response, and in the thunderous sound of horse hooves, smoke and dust rose up in the sky, and a powerful murderous aura erupted, heading straight for the Song family army!

Gu Shaoshang hurried the horse with a whistling sound, followed by Yang Xuangan, and the two raised their long knives, full of fighting spirit!


The Black Armored Army roared away, and at the corner of the forest, there was another Gu Shaoshang in a black robe!

The one who urged the horse to go away and pretended to be Yang Guang was a fake created by "One Person and Three Transformations", which was obtained from the truth!

Su Huanzhen is a person who has three magical skills, can differentiate into two clones, and can also have his own number of strengths.

Although Gu Shaoshang had not practiced for a long time, he could only create a fake body with 10% of his own strength, but it was enough to play Yang Guang and fight on the battlefield!

Under the black robe, Gu Shaoshang raised the corners of his mouth and muttered to himself, "Now, let me see that Song Que, who will be famous in the world in the future, now has a bit of the style of the Heavenly Sword!"


Amidst the billowing smoke, the fist intent on Gu Shaoshang burst out, and it rose into the sky!

The countless Taoist Buddhist scriptures in the world of the Ming Dynasty, and the countless magical secrets of the martial arts branch, have been initially incorporated into his own boxing system through Gu Shaoshang's several years of ascetic cultivation in the mirror world. It was first realized in the world of dragons and snakes, but it is already very different!

More majestic, more powerful!



The billowing smoke and dust splashed everywhere, and Song Que, who was rushing his horse, glanced at the roaring black armored cavalry, and shouted: "Lingnan children, you are not weaker than others, you will win this battle!"




The red armored cavalry behind Song Que shouted in unison, full of fighting spirit, and looked at Song Que with reverence.


Song Que's complexion suddenly changed, and he felt a strong fist that was as thick as the sky, and the powerful fist that dominated the ten directions rose into the sky from a distance. This was inviting him to fight!

"Brother Zhi! This time is up to you, be sure to stabilize the situation, and come here for your brother!"

Song Que suddenly shouted, and his body roared into the sky, striding through the smoke and dust, straight to the place where fists rose.

Under that fist intent, he has a great fighting intent in his heart, and he knows that if he sits idly by and suddenly takes action during the battle, the situation may not be good, but it is better to solve it first!

Song Que's heart moved, and he left.


Song Zhi's expression changed suddenly, and then he also felt the masculine fist, the long sword around his waist suddenly unsheathed, and shouted: "Kill!"


The next moment, the black armored cavalry suddenly collided with the Song family's cavalry!

In the sound of the slaughter, the red and black steel torrents launched a fierce fight on the plain!

Shout out! Bloody smell!

Soar to the sky!



Song Que walked through the air and heard the sound of shouting and killing behind him, and his heart changed slightly. The fighting strength of the Da Sui army was far greater than that of his own children. Although his younger brother Song Zhi was regarded as a master, in such a large-scale battle, he was very weak. It is also difficult to play any role!


Song Que suddenly slapped the long knife around his waist and cut off all his thoughts, calming his heart like a wave of water.


Song Que was at the top of the tree at his feet, and once again took advantage of his strength to move forward.

From a distance, right under the woods, a black-robed hooded, indifferent young man is standing tall, with his arms around his chest, looking at himself lightly.


In the tumultuous turbulent air, Gu Shaoshang's black hair rose up, and the golden light in his eyes lit up. With the one person's three transformation skills that he is currently practicing, the fake body can only last for a few hours, and then it will dissipate!

"So, let's make a quick decision!"

Gu Shaoshang's clothes rattled, and when Song Que came several dozen feet in front of him, he was suddenly shocked!

Step! Bow down!


Gu Shaoshang's feet exploded with a bang, and the ground within a radius of several meters sank to a depth of more than one foot. Then, countless soils rose into the sky, and the surrounding trees collapsed with a rumble!


In the midst of a raging storm, Gu Shaoshang roared away, his tyrannical body unreasonably squeezed the air in front of him, and one step was dozens of feet, raising a billowing dust dragon behind him!

Gu Shaoshang's body swayed. During the high-speed movement, UU Reading suddenly stretched, and his spine was raised like a giant dragon rising to the sky. In the tearing sound of ghost crying and wolf howling in the air, his five fingers suddenly closed and pinched out. The fist mark, bursting with air, went straight to Song Que!

"Where did Yang Guang find such a powerful master! Such a boxing technique!"

Song Que's heart trembled, and the indifferent expression on his face suddenly moved!

Gu Shaoshang's punch was too violent, just as he squeezed the fist mark, Song Que felt a terrifying huge pressure, and it was a mess!


Fist marks come from the sky! The billowing waves of fists blew Song Que's armor and white robes loudly!


Although Song Que's heart was shaking, he was not afraid at all. He twisted in the air and fell to the ground, his palm suddenly pressed down, and he held the hilt of the "narcissus" at his waist!


The faint sound of the long knife being unsheathed sounded, and a hazy light of the knife suddenly shined brightly!

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