Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 234: Kind of magic!


The night wind whistled past, and the night in early spring was still slightly cold.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The sweat kept falling from the top of You Niaoyan's head, and his heart was icy cold.

fear! despair!

You Niaolian watched Gu Shaoshang walk slowly, collapsed to the ground, and lost any thought of resistance.


Gu Shaoshang walked over with an indifferent expression, but suddenly his heart moved and he stopped.


Straws of black energy rose from You Niaolan's body, and his eyes were suddenly pitch black, looking extremely strange.


You Niaoyan couldn't help but let Fa Chuan scream, his face twisted for a moment, and then he fell into peace.

An air of looking down at the world and giving up on me rose from the body of "You Bird Tired".

Even if the face is the same, no one will think that the person standing in front of him will be Yutori!

With this kind of momentum, there is only one person in the world today, the evil emperor who has dominated the Demon Sect for hundreds of years, the evil emperor, Xiang Yutian!

"Evil Emperor, Xiang Yutian!"

Gu Shaoshang's expression was indifferent, Si had expected it, but watched with great interest, using an unknown method to occupy the body of his apprentice Xiang Yutian.

"I can't believe that there is still a young Yingjie like you in the world! When I saw you, I recalled an old friend of mine."

A faint and melancholy voice came from the mouth of "You Bird Tired", and the dark eyes glanced at Gu Shaoshang.

"Unexpectedly, these disciples of yours have actually been trained by you to become the incarnation of the devil!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he saw the clue.

As soon as You Niaolian and Ding Jiuchong appeared, Gu Shaoshang noticed the inconsistency, and there was a dark infuriating qi in their bodies.

Now that I think about it, it is Xiang Yutian who has polluted his essence and blood with his true essence, making him invisibly become his own incarnation. If necessary, he can take his body in a year.

"That's right, this emperor used the unique true essence of the Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa to refine his body, God, and it took more than ten years to get four incarnations!"

The dark eyes swept across, and Xiang Yutian's voice could not hear happiness or anger: "It's a pity that you have destroyed one now, it's a pity!"

"Maybe it's two, I don't know!"

As Gu Shaoshang's eyes opened and closed, golden blood rose from his body.

"If you see this emperor, will the young man still want to do it?"

Xiang Yutian smiled and spoke in admiration.

"I'm about to try the Evil Emperor's fineness!"

Gu Shaoshang spoke lightly, and then slammed on his feet, and the blood all over his body suddenly erupted!


Gu Shaoshang stepped on the ground suddenly, and the ground within a radius of several meters sank, and endless dust and gravel roared and splashed in all directions.

In the turbulent explosion, the arrogant blood roared towards Yutian's avatar!

What the best in the world, Evil Emperor! Call and talk again!

Whoa whoa whoa!

In the tearing sound of the air like ghosts and wolves, Gu Shaoshang arrogantly squeezed the airflow out of his body and stepped in front of Xiang Yutian's incarnation!

A punch was thrown from the waist, flipped, and rumbled into his chest!

The arrogance rises, and it is extremely violent!

"Good boy! Good boxing!"

A voice of slight admiration sounded.

Xiang Yutian did not dodge or evade, clenched his left hand, and suddenly punched out, his fist was hollow, his strength disappeared, no effort was made, and there was no wind whistling. It looked slow, but in fact it was extremely fast.

The unpretentious punch showed the subtle changes in the world. From the moment it was punched, the body of the fist trembled continuously, and the space trembled slightly.

Gu Shaoshang's pupils shrank. In his opinion, the power of this punch is really nothing, even so simple that he has no skills, but it gives Gu Shaoshang a kind of terrifying pressure that is unparalleled and unparalleled in the world!


All of a sudden, a hot air flow spurted out from Gu Shaoshang's nostrils, and the blood energy all over the body suddenly burst out, and it rushed to meet him!


After a huge muffled sound, the huge air wave swept away in all directions with the two fighting people as the center, setting off dust all over the sky.

"The name of the evil emperor is indeed well-deserved."

In the smoke and dust in the sky, the golden light in Gu Shaoshang's eyes flashed, and he spoke lightly.


The night wind blew past, and "You Bird Tired"'s stiff body moved, turning into a faint black air and drifting away.

"Nice punch, I remember you."

The sound echoed in the sky above the camp as the black air drifted.


Gu Shaoshang's body moved, and the muscles and bones all over his body sent out a series of vibrations.


With his hands down, Gu Shaoshang let out a long sigh, blowing smoke and dust all over the sky.

"If he really came this time...!"

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows. Although the two only punched each other, their incarnation was knocked out by Gu Shaoshang.

But Gu Shaoshang can already feel that this old guy who has lived for hundreds of years has really reached the peak of his martial arts, and can even shatter the void at any time!

If it wasn't for his incarnation, the background was too poor, and Gu Shaoshang really wasn't sure to beat him.

"However, that's what makes it interesting!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, turned and walked towards the collapsed tent. UU Reading



Yu Wentuo walked over with a black-clothed man who was paralyzed like mud. When he saw a messy camp, his expression changed.

"Your Highness!"

Yuwen Tuo shouted, pulled up Gangfeng and whistled towards Gu Shaoshang's tent.


Seeing Gu Shaoshang standing side by side with Xiao Meiniang in the middle of the ruins, Yuwen Tuo breathed a sigh of relief.

"His Royal Highness! Incompetent in his duties, His Highness who failed to protect him is comprehensive!"

Yuwen Tuo threw the man in black he was carrying and fell to the ground on one knee.

The previous group of men in black were all masters in the army, although they were not his opponents, but in the case of escaping, he chased and captured all the way, and it was not a short time to solve it.

"Get up! The Lone King ordered you to go and capture it, it has nothing to do with you!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and stepped forward to help Yuwentuo up.

"This person is a master in the army, but he refuses to admit who ordered him to assassinate His Highness!"

Yuwen Tuo stood up with shame on his face, and lifted up the man in black whose whole body was broken by him: "In order to prevent him from committing suicide, I will pull his jaws apart."

"It's okay!"

Gu Shaoshang's face turned cold, and he took it from Yuwen Tuo's hands.


Gu Shaoshang's eyes turned, and the power of the sea of ​​consciousness shot directly into the eyes of the man in black, who had lost his despair.


The man in black groaned and fainted.

The Heaven and Earth Destruction Soul Searcher suddenly activated, and the power of the sea of ​​consciousness rushed into the man in black from the eyebrows.


Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and broke the head of the man in black, already knowing who was behind him.

"Yang Yong!"

With a faint light in his eyes, a fat figure appeared in Gu Shaoshang's mind.

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