Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 253: Airbender!

How solid is Xiang Yutian's foundation, even if he deliberately slowed down his cultivation speed, he practiced Taoism to the level of ghosts and immortals as early as three years ago.

But he did not choose to be reincarnated, but instead found a body that had just died and polished it. In three years, he was polished to the level of a great master.

Coupled with his ghost immortal cultivation base, his strength is only a notch below his heyday.

"No hurry, no hurry, let him jump for two days first."

Gu Shaoshang looked at him for half a minute and said lightly.

It has been seven years since the great defeat of the Turks, and it has been nearly twenty years since the establishment of the Great Sui Dynasty. Under the governance of Yang Jian and the assistance of Gu Shaoshang, the Great Sui Dynasty quickly reached its peak, and the people's strength increased greatly.

And Gu Shaoshang was also able to do some things. Shi Zixuan spent several years exploring the world and counted 90% of the world's aristocratic families who were secretly detaining the population.

With the support of Yang Jian, Gu Shao hurt iron blood, except for a few big nobles, small and medium-sized families were almost swept away, and a million people were searched!

The next step, of course, is Buddhism.

There is nothing wrong with religion, but under the guise of religion to fool the people and accept the support of all the people of Buddhism, Gu Shaoshang has no feelings.

Emperor Wu of Liang, Xiao Yan, believed in Buddhism. The whole of Buddhism was flourishing at that time. He himself even sacrificed himself several times and became a mad believer.

In the end, in the palace of starvation, the 100,000 monks he supported did not even look at him.

"Hmph, anyway, to destroy the feud of my evil extremist sect, the old man will settle with them one by one!"

Xiang Yutian smiled coldly.

"Come on, naturally there is a chance for you to take revenge."

Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes slightly, and a slight airflow swirled around him.

The swaying sunlight shone on his body, but strangely there was no trace of heat. With himself, the light within a dozen meters dimmed, and the temperature was surprisingly low.

A wisp of yang qi poured into his whole body, circulated endlessly in the meridians, and finally turned into a pure yang qi and poured into his dantian.

Gu Shaoshang looked at himself inwardly, and in his dantian qi sea, a pale golden zhenqi seed rose and fell in the endless pure yang zhenqi, slowly growing.

In the past seven years, Gu Shaoshang was naturally not without progress. His blood was as vast as the sea, and he was finally polished into the purest seed of true energy.

Qi Zong, so silently achieved, was promoted.

"This kid, his strength is progressing too fast. When I see him at this time, even I feel a little war in my heart."

Xiang Yutian thought in his heart.

Gu Shaoshang just sat quietly on the rocking chair, and there was only a faint power around him. Even an old devil like Xiang Yutian felt uneasy when he looked closely.

"Have you reached the Qi Zong realm you mentioned now?"

Xiang Yutian couldn't help but said.

He originally thought that Gu Shaoshang spent the whole day hanging out in the courtroom, and even if his martial arts did not decline, he should not have made such a big progress.

"Yes, a few days ago, I have already polished the seeds of true qi and entered the realm of Qi sect."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and talked with Xiang Yutian.

At the same time, his body spontaneously absorbed the pure Yang Qi in the air and gradually grew stronger.

In the seven years he spent with Xiang Yutian, Gu Shaoshang never deliberately concealed it, so he naturally knew that Gu Shaoshang's martial arts were different from his, and even the martial artists in the whole world.


Even though he had expected it, Xiang Yutian couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart: "Then, what is the difference between Qi Zong and your previous life-defining realm?"

Gu Shaoshang was already a mess before, his combat power was comparable to his heyday, and now he has broken through again, how terrible is it?

"Martial arts practice, build foundations to refine the body, establish life to refine blood qi, Qi Zong evolves infuriating seeds, and uses it to open up acupoints, Qi Zong can be regarded as the first step in martial arts practice."

Gu Shaoshang's face was as usual, and he said lightly.

Qi Zong is naturally much stronger than the life-defining realm. After the blood qi evolves into true qi, it nourishes the physical body and opens up acupoints, and the physical body will become stronger.

Naturally, this process was not done overnight, and Gu Shaoshang couldn't open all the acupoints in his body at one stroke.

Although he has broken through the Qi Zong, he can only accumulate the seeds of True Qi step by step and slowly become stronger.

"Unfortunately, if it wasn't for the deep foundation of the old man, I would want to rebuild your martial arts."

Xiang Yutian and others naturally heard the power of this martial arts from Gu Shaoshang's words.

"With your ghost immortal body, it's not impossible to reincarnate and re-cultivate the martial arts."

Gu Shaoshang suddenly moved in his heart and opened his eyes.

"Humph! Let's not talk about it for the time being, when will you give me the cultivation method after Ghost Immortal?"

Xiang Yutian snorted coldly and said, "I became a ghost immortal three years ago, and the savings at this time are deep enough for the next step of cultivation."

"Hehe, after I wait for the War God Temple and get back the War God catalogue, I will hand over the next practice method to you."

Gu Shaoshang slowly got up, turned to look at Xiang Yutian: "At this time, it's naturally not possible."

"In July next year, the Temple of War will open. I hope you will keep your promise."

Xiang Yutian looked at Gu Shaoshang with a faint gaze, and said lightly!


The clear eagle's cry cut through the sky, and a golden light suddenly pulled up a violent airflow, whistling and swooping towards Gu Shaoshang.


The strong wind blew the wind and dust in the sky, and a big bird with four feet spread out its wings and a golden body landed on Gu Shaoshang's raised arm.

"Naturally! I've been looking forward to that magic dragon for a long time!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, and stroked the "angry" golden feather with his palm.

After coming to Datang World for nearly ten years, anger has just broken through the infancy, and this speed really makes Gu Shaoshang speechless.

You know, the dragon tooth rice it eats is much more injured than Gu Shao.

Fortunately, the Temple of War is about to open, and the dragon will not disappoint him.

The final potential of the golden-winged Dapeng bird can reach six stars, and Shao Gu is looking forward to it.

After the War God Temple and his party, even if he gave Xiang Yutian the practice of ghost immortal crossing the tribulation, it would be fine. Anyway, his goal was achieved.

He knew all the light cards and difficulties of Xiang Yutian's practice of Taoism, and then the thunder tribulation part.

If he really has the ability to survive the Thunder Tribulation in the Tang Dynasty, then Gu Shaoshang wouldn't mind letting him go.

Tread! Tread!

At this moment, a series of footsteps came.

"His Royal Highness! There is an emissary in the palace sending an edict. Your Majesty is seriously ill and is at stake!"

Yuwen Tuo walked into the backyard with a solemn face, bowed slightly, and said.

"Severely ill?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly, his arm trembled, and he let out a clear eagle cry in anger, breaking through the air.

The speed is fast, and it is much faster and more sensitive than the power of the sea of ​​​​knowledge of Gu Shao.

"Enter the palace!"

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Xiang Yutian, shook his clothes, and walked on.

For this matter, he had already expected it in his heart, and he was neither surprised nor happy.

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