Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 255: Unpredictable!

Following Gu Shaoshang's words, the entire Meridian Gate inner city suddenly fell silent.

"It seems that Your Highness is suffering from a heartbreak."

Not only was Yuwenshang not angry, but he smiled dumbly and looked at Gu Shaoshang with a little pity in his eyes.

As the head of the Yuwen clan, he followed Yang Jian to establish the Great Sui Dynasty from the Northern Zhou Dynasty. It was naturally clear how much the Crown Prince had.

Compared to ordinary soldiers, he was considered a master, but compared to him, he was nothing more than an ant-like thing that could easily be killed.

"Haha! Your Royal Highness, let Wei Chen take you on your way!"

Yu Wenhua sneered, stepped over Yuwenshang, raised his sword and walked towards Gu Shaoshang.

He is slender and handsome, and his appearance is not under Yang Guang, and he is the only person in the Yuwen clan who has cultivated Bing Xuanjin except Yuwenshang.

At this time, he raised his sword and walked towards Gu Shaoshang, his eyes were full of contempt, ridicule, and pleasure.

Thinking of the next moment, the famous and heroic Prince of the Great Sui will die in his hands, and his heart is full of pleasure.

"So impatient?"

Gu Shaoshang naturally hangs on both sides of his body, his head is slightly lowered, revealing an inexplicable smile.

Up to now, even if his tyrannical martial arts are exposed, it is nothing.

This group of people really treats themselves as Yang Guang, that's really ridiculous!


Yu Wenhua gave Gu Shaoshang a contemptuous look, and his feet suddenly exerted strength, whistling and stabbing Gu Shaoshang.

Even though his eyes were contemptuous, once he made a move, Yu Wenhua still made a full effort, raised his long sword, Bing Xuan Jin suddenly exploded, and the cold wind blew through, and the water vapor in the summer air actually condensed into ice slag.


Gu Shaoshang moved abruptly, standing up straight, his clothes automatically moving without wind, and he looked up at Yu Wenhua and glanced at the grinning Yu Wenhua.


Yu Wenhua and the expression on his face suddenly froze, his heart beat violently uncontrollably, and the hairs all over his body exploded!

The terrifying oppressive force in Gu Shaoshang's eyes was like a divine mountain pressing down, which made him have the illusion that he couldn't resist at all, obediently waiting to die!

"Death to me!"

Yu Wenwenji let out a loud shout, burst out with all his strength, the long sword in his palm stabbed straight, pierced a series of sonic booms in the air, and stabbed Gu Shao directly at the heart of the wound.

He had known Yang Guang since he was a child, and he definitely did not believe that his playmate who grew up with him would suddenly become a top player.


Gangfeng sword energy swept across, making deep scratches on the hard ground.

Gu Shao stood with a long body, looking at Yu Wenhua and the stabbing long sword indifferently, his eyes did not fluctuate.


Yuwen frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Gu Shaoshang's performance was too calm, and for a moment, he couldn't see through.

Facing Yu Wenhuaji's full-strike stab, Gu Shaoshang's expression did not change until Yu Wenwenji's long sword stabbed three inches between his eyebrows, and when he felt a little numbness, he suddenly raised his hands hanging on his waist.


Gu Shaoshang's hands just lifted up with a snort, and the air around him made a violent roar, which was blasted by Gu Shaoshang's huge force!


Gu Shaoshang kept his feet still, his raised palm suddenly opened, he bent his **** and flicked lightly, Yu Wenhua and the long sword in his palm roared out.

The other hand, a lightning-like click, landed on Yu Wenhuaji's head!


The long sword, which was flicked by Gu Shaoshang's fingers, made a violent sonic boom in the air, and flew out dozens of feet in the whistling, penetrating the soldiers around him from start to finish!

Immediately, with no less energy, he stabbed straight into the thick slate and disappeared!

In a burst of screams, everyone who witnessed this scene couldn't help but feel numb in their hearts!

"not good!"

Yuwen burst out of uneasiness in his heartbreak, and his true qi, which was ten times stronger than Yu Wenwen, burst out, pulling up the billowing qi burst and rushing towards Gu Shaoshang.


Yu Wenhuaji only felt a pain in the palm of his hand, and a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was pressed by Gu Shaoshang's palm on the top of his head!

I only felt a horrible and unimaginable force erupting on the head, and the whole spine made a crisp sound, and Gu Shaoshang held down the head and smashed it to the ground!


The high-quality stone slabs that were several feet thick spread across the imperial palace were suddenly under Gu Shaoshang's tremendous force, and they were densely packed like spider webs, spreading out more than ten feet!

As the billowing smoke and dust rose, Yu Wenhua and even the screams didn't have time to let out, and the whole head exploded, blood and brains flowing.


The air blows and blows the dust away.

He saw Gu Shaoshang standing indifferently, and the corpse of Yu Wenhua, whose head was crushed.

"Ah! My son! My son! Yang Guang, kill me!"

Yuwen was mad with grief and grief, and Yang Tian let out a shrill roar.

The thick infuriating energy all over the body suddenly erupted, and within a radius of more than ten meters, it seemed that it had come to the middle of winter in an instant, and it was full of condensation on the ice!


In the violent infuriating evil, the palm of the whole body blue like ice crystals, separated by ten meters, hit Gu Shaoshang.


Immediately afterwards, Lie Kong uttered a Buddha's name in shock, and stepped forward, the infuriating qi flowing across his body, golden light blooming all over his body, and he rushed towards Gu Shaoshang.

When things got to this point, there was no way to retreat, even if I risked my life, I would kill "Yang Guang"!

Otherwise, what awaits Buddhism is the battle-hardened iron-blooded army of the Great Sui Dynasty!


"Kill him or we'll all die!"


Immediately, the shocked soldier roared, raised his sword, and rushed towards Gu Shaoshang with a roar.

Like Kong and others, they have no way out, they can only fight hard!

call! call!

The wind is howling, and the energy is violent.

In the tumbling air, Gu Shao was standing tall, wearing a black royal robe, looking at the crowd with indifference.

After he advanced to Qi Zong, he has not yet made a move, and Gu Shaoshang does not know how powerful he is at this time.

At this time, it is time to let him show his skills!


Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up with two golden light spots that looked like the sun, and the true qi seeds contained in his dantian suddenly shivered.

The infuriating qi of the most radiant and strong gushing out from Gu Shaoshang's body, rushing into the sky in a mighty manner!


The ground within a radius of several dozen feet under his feet suddenly violently tossed and vibrated, and the huge Meridian Gate city wall ten feet away behind him let out an unbearable wailing. Large pieces of masonry shattered and fell to the ground with a bang. sound.

"To die!"

In the face of Yuwenshang and Kukong who were attacking, Gu Shaoshang drew a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said lightly.


Under the shock of his tyrannical body, the space around Gu Shaoshang's body rolled in all directions like the surface of the water.

Yu Wenshang's full-strength palm force was blocked by the rolling air before he even touched his shirt!

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang took a sudden step, and the palm hanging from his waist suddenly lifted to his chest. With the sound of air tearing, his five fingers folded together and a punch was thrown!


The countless flipped slates under Gu Shaoshang's feet suddenly shattered, and the ground within a few dozen feet sank for more than a few Behind him, the ten-foot-high Meridian Gate city wall suddenly cracked a few feet wide. gigantic crack!

In the endless rolling of True Qi, Gu Shaoshang punched out, and time slowed down.

Whether it was the two masters, Yuwenshang and Liekong, who rushed over, or the soldiers who rolled into a ball on the tumbling and sunken ground, they all clearly saw Gu Shaoshang's terrifying punch.

The air seemed to be in essence, and it was pushed and burst by the tyrannical punch. That punch was as terrifying as a meteorite falling from the sky!


Gu Shaoshang leaned forward slightly, and the fist wind and qi squeezed by the huge force on the fist mark rushed straight to dozens of feet than the whistling!

Anyone or anything that blocks the punch before this punch will explode like an ant overwhelmed by Mount Tai!



After a long time, Gu Shaoshang closed his fists and stood up, his hands behind him.

Before him, a terrifying trace that was ten feet wide and inexplicably long spread out.


Countless blood, internal organs, stumps, I don't know if Yuwen was injured or empty, or the soldiers who rebelled, all mixed together.

Like a river, it flows down from the sky, covering a radius of several hundred meters, staining the messy ground into a bright red.

Terrifyingly terrifying.


Dang bang!

The remaining soldiers lost their fighting spirit, dropped their weapons, squatted on the ground, shivering, and what was more, feces and urine were flowing, foaming at the mouth, and they were scared to death.


Gu Shaoshang paid no attention to the remaining soldiers, let alone the idea of ​​going forward to kill them all, and strode towards Yang Jian's bedroom.

Did Yang Jian not know about such a riot in the palace city?

In this case, my things, I will take it myself!

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